**April Bunnies 2015**

It's weird to think I'll be breastfeeding again. I fed DS until 21 months. I found what helped me in the early days was to keep the booklet they gave me next to me so I could remind myself how to latch him on properly regularly.
Christina don't write off bf completely. I was always adamant that I was going to bf and that formula was not an option and I am so glad it did. It is the most natural thing in the world and so much cheaper than formula too! Your hormones may well take over once your bubba is born you never know ☺️

Counting - I bf until ds was 1 year and 2 months. Ds was still feeding in the morning but managed to wean him off the night feed first and found it a lot easier than a lot of people say it is. However they always recommend leaving the evening feed as the last one to go. There is no reason for you not to carry on though if you still feel able to and your lo enjoys it.

Bean - I am so glad you found a nanny you like it will make life easier for you. I do hope you and Dh sort something out he is being incredibly selfish doing a this while you are pregnant I want to give him a slap and I don't even know him! I am glad everything went ok at the docs x

Northern - happy halfway point!

Rebecca - sod anyone else on name choices. I want to find out the sex but don't want to tell anyone so we don't have these problems - I don't know how easy that is going to be though! My mil will be a nightmare if we tell her and I am sure would start sticking her oar in etc

We have got Waterbabies in the morning which I am looking forward to. Dh's shifts means he can't always come swimming with us but the last few weeks he has been able to so I haven't been in the water with lo for weeks and can't wait! He has just started blowing bubbles in the bath which is something they ask him to do in the lessons so I hope he shows off his new skills 😉 x
No one in my family has bf their babies and with DD1 I wasn't keen on the idea at all. I didn't go to the bfing antenatal classes etc.

When she was born though I felt very differently. I fed her for 15 months in the end.

Counting - when your milk changes to colostrum your DS may go off the taste or not want to 'dry nurse' - I know lots of LOs that have carried on though.
My milk is definitely very reduced now. Not producing a ton, I think probably the only reason I still have so much is that DS nurses like it is his job(I guess it kinda is, lol). I started producing colostrum at 16 weeks with my son, still mature milk here, though it seems to have an orangish tint the past few days. I assume that is it transitioning to colostrum- but my colostrum was clear last time! I guess every pregnancy and baby are different though, and not sure how breastfeeding affects that kind of thing.
My colostrum is always clear. I antenatally express due to my diabetes. So I am very familar with my colostrum now!
We saw baby girl and she is definitely a girl! I was happy with the ultrasound. She definitely did not look alien-like, and looked much more human than my son did.
The girl shot was much clearer to me this time and looked like the girl scans I've seen on here and other places.


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Lovely scan pictures Rebecca!

I won't write it off completely. For now, after doing my thinking, I find the thought way to weird. I know my sister is still bf my nephew. My mom brought it up and I said I didn't think I wanted to. She said she never bf myself or my sister we were formula fed. I was also allergic to all but one special (very expensive) kind of formula. I'll keep my mind open to the possibility later on or after the baby is born.

On another note I am feeling very fat today. When I stand or am laying on my side you can clearly see a bump. When I lay on my back or am sitting it just looks like I am really fat. The sweatpants I'm wearing are also a bit tight and I went through three shirts to find one that wasn't too tight. Oy.
She looks sweet! And no doubting she is a girl! Congrats!
Definite girly there! We didn't buy the extra 4D picture from our scan yesterday - sort of wish we had now.
My wife is completely weirded out by the idea of breastfeeding, but she's going to try. She knows it'll be different when the time comes...but it definitely weirds her out at this point lol. I breastfed my son for 5 months and only stopped because I stopped producing milk for some reason. I had every intention of doing it for a year, but things change! I think that's one thing I'm gonna miss with this baby...the fact that I can't breastfeed will definitely be slightly disappointing.

Beautiful scan Rebecca! She looks amazing :cloud9:
Eidson, we have two moms at my work that are breastfeeding. The one that wasn't pregnant took some kind of medication or herbal thing or something to produce milk and they share the duties. If your wife isn't into it, maybe that could be your job!
Beautiful scan Rebecca :D

I will bf, my ds had severe tongue tie which made bf hell but I managed to do it for 6 months
Beautiful scan Rebecca :D

I will bf, my ds had severe tongue tie which made bf hell but I managed to do it for 6 months

My DS had tongue tie too, but we had it snipped early on. I bf him for 3 months but he had reflux and was lactose intolerant so we moved in to Nutramigen on prescription after that as he screamed all day in pain and hated lying down. I'm hoping for an easier baby this time around...it was tough I don't mind admitting.
I am going to try bfing this one for sure. I'm praying this one takes to it naturally though, because I am not going to have much fight in me for it this time. And my amazing lactation consultant doesn't do one-on-one bfing sessions anymore, she has transitioned to group education and is a doula now. Would LOVE to hire her as a doula but at $1,500 there is no way we could possibly afford it. :(
Northern-I've read about co-breast feeding with lesbians. It mentioned it in a book I read about non-bio moms. It also mentioned a lot of adopted mothers will make their milk come in! It's a cool aspect honestly...just feel like we're going to share the responsibilities with almost everything else, I feel like it'd be almost unfair to share that since she's the one going through pregnancy. I don't want to short her with that experience I guess. It sucks for me but it'll be good. Maybe if bf isn't for her then I'll consider making my milk come in...from what I've read it isn't too hard. Wish I knew that when I was bf myself dry trying to produce milk for my son...
Rebecca she is just beautiful!!

Northern congrats on 20 weeks! Wow!! Half way!

Beanonorder I'm so glad you found someone you liked. I'm sure she will work out wonderfully!

I plan to try breastfeeding. I want to very much and that's our plan but I keep in the back of my mind the possibility it won't work. My mom managed so I certainly hope to. It's free and so good for both mom and baby. I know some people that just never wanted to and their babies are just fine.

My numbness seems to be getting worse and I'm having problems with stairs so if the pain gets to me really and again at work tomorrow I'm going to page the mw on call. I was trying to wait until my appt but it's 10 days away. I'm a bit worried about the numbness and it getting worse and I never really told her about that last time and I downplayed the pain I'm in. Nurses are so bad about that. We make bad patients!
We have finally agreed and are set on a name. We have agreed we aren't changing it again. We have a baby Thea on board. We liked that right off the bat but he was joking around and said it in a thick Newfoundland accent (which would make it would like Tia) and turned me from it. But we have come back to it and are in agreement.
my mom told me she thinks bf will be a lot easier the second and not to worry so much. it's not always true...hopefully it will be. I still haven't decided which dr will deliver my baby. Old hospital is not an option anymore.

Dini I'm so sorry about your numbness. I also downplay pain when I go to a professional that's supposed to help me.
My DS had tongue tie too, but we had it snipped early on. I bf him for 3 months but he had reflux and was lactose intolerant so we moved in to Nutramigen on prescription after that as he screamed all day in pain and hated lying down. I'm hoping for an easier baby this time around...it was tough I don't mind admitting.

Reflux is very stressful. After going through it with my son, I don't think that parents who have never experienced it even realize the extent of it. I wish there was more understanding. And while I did breastfeed my son, I started supplementing with formula at 5 months because the spitting up was just too much. I hope not to have to do it this time, but sometimes I wish more people understood what it's like to have a baby with reflux problems. Too many people just said that it was normal. I knew it wasn't normal. My son wasn't lactose intolerant, but reflux alone was a battle and I knew he shouldn't have been screaming that much. Even tips given to me (like angling the cot mattress) did not work. The only thing that helped was adding on formula to make it thicker and make it stay down.
And when I came across a parent whose child had had reflux, they completely knew exactly what I was going through.

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