**April Bunnies 2015**

Amelie: your girls are gorgeous! So sorry about your gd :hugs:

Northern: we also aren't getting a cot until we need one. I'm planning to put baby in a cosleeper next to our bed. Dd slept in her cot bed from day 1 but we had a moses basket to place on the floor when we weren't in the room. I don't think this time baby can go on the floor lol not with an active older baby on the roam!

Yesterday I had a horrible migraine. Dd took a nap in the late afternoon and thankfully I did too. She woke once during the night but went back to sleep a minute later. Hopefully we are getting past this stage...I just realized that the teeth that were coming are actually all out right now!
Christina- My husband said the same thing with our son. I didn't make an argument out of it because one thing I know about my husband is that he tries to pretend he is all tough but he is extremely loving. And I knew that he would be different when the baby came. Sure enough, I was right. He not only wanted our baby in the room, but he wanted him right up against our bed!
Either way, I feel his mind will change because dads' hearts explode with love too when their child is born.
I love all the names you ladies are coming up with! We haven't discussed names much yet, but once we know the gender hopefully we can come up with something.

We aren't doing a nursery, either. We only have a 2 bedroom house so our second bedroom is already DS's "nursery" and fully furnished- however, DS still sleeps in our room. He has never even slept in his crib. The new baby will have a bassinet next to our bed.

Christina, it's recommended that baby stay in your room for the first 6 months. It's said to reduce the risk of SIDS, plus I found it much more convenient to have baby right next to me during those middle of the night feedings. I agree with Rebecca about your DH maybe changing his mind once the baby arrives. DH & I were adamant that we would "never" have our children sleeping in our bed with us, but lo and behold here we are with our 20 month old sleeping right with us every night- and we really wouldn't have it any other way at this point! (He slept in his bassinet until 7 months, when he decided that he, mommy, nor daddy would get any sleep unless he was sleeping in bed with us.) Your ideas and notions that you had before baby's arrival can change a lot once they are actually here, especially when you go into survival mode.
Welcome steph! If you give your email address one of us can invite you to the Facebook group.

Christina where baby sleeps is a completely personal thing. My reasons for having baby in the room is because SIDS risk is much higher during the first six months and night time waking. I don't relish the idea of having to get out of bed, go to a completely different room and feed and change baby and then go back to bed. I'd be wide awake by then and never get enough sleep. Even once I had to start introducing formula I used to take a flask, bottle and pre measured formula to bed with me so I didn't have to go to the kitchen. And when cluster feeding happens (even if you ff) or a growth spurt/wonder week is taking place you could be up hourly. If you're happy to have baby in another room then that's fine but if not I'd tell my dh that he will be the one getting up, fetching baby and taking him back again. With my first I was paranoid something happening and I needed to be able to open my eyes and see her immediately. Oh and I never thought I'd do any kind of Co sleeping but dd had her nights and days mixed up and didn't settle well in the beginning so she would go to sleep on my chest and I'd fall asleep too and when I woke up I'd transfer her over and go right back to sleep.
Christina I second the girls about the baby being in your room, if for no other reason that making night time feedings easier :) I wouldn't wanna always run into another room to feed in the middle of the night... It's also safer like they mentioned. I'm sure your DH will come around, it does sound weird to have someone else in your private room but I'm sure he won't want your baby out of his sight once it's here :)

I'm not doing a nursery either, we have an extra room that will be baby's room but not yet since I'm planning on breastfeeding and the baby will stay in our room as long as we do night time feedings. I guess it's also cultural, nurseries aren't really a thing back home although some people start decorating baby's room once it's born. I was planning on getting a pack and play for our bedroom but a friend of DH's had an unused crib that he gave to us so we'll put that in our room. I still really like that pack and play, I should get that too, right?? ;)

For names we have discussed a few and we are on the same page with most of them but I guess DH told his mom some of the names we were thinking about and I feel like this is such a personal decision I don't want anyone butting in... and also a cultural thing - no one ever shares names until the baby is born and usually not until the christening (1-3 months after birth usually) so I felt it was kind of horrible of him to share the names! (I realize he wasn't trying to be horrible haha) So he was like okay let's just not decide yet then. And it hasn't come up since. I'm sure we'll discuss it after we find out the gender.
Christina: where I live it's the norm that people have their LOS in the same room. It's a cultural thing. The "nursery" is just the room with the toys and clothes and eventually becomes the child's room when they're older.

Dh wanted to move dd into another room a few weeks ago so we don't wake her but I just wasn't comfortable with it. We will probably have to move her into her own room once we move into our new house (who knows when at this point) and the new baby is here.

We said we'd we would never let her sleep in our bed but during sleep regressions and so on we had no other option. The only way she would sleep was near us but without any other help lol. In our culture though they find this dangerous.
My dd still sleeps in my bed lol. But my OH works away a lot that's why..
Besides that, I wouldn't be able to sleep having my new born in another room x
Both of my girls have slept in with us in our room (bed mainly, hehe) until they were 15 months or so when they naturally weaned from bfing.

This baby will be in with us too, we have a 3 bedroom house and my daughters share already as they are happier that way. The spare room I will decorate and set the cot up in there and move the rocking chair in there as I like feeding it it.

I sort of want a quiet space for the baby to nap more than anything.

My DH does like the name Penelope, I am glad I was overthinking the similarity with Elodie :flower:

DH felt her kicking from the outside yesterday night which was lovely.
Lovely flooring Dini.

I'm not setting up a nursery either. I'm going to buy a new cot as DS still has the converted cotbed but baby will be in the Moses basket I had with DS until they grow out of it. Baby will be in our room for at the very least 6 months, although probably longer as I will put him/her in with DS once they're sleeping through. Same reasons as everyone else, reduces risk of SIDS and easier for BFing.

I also said DS would never end up in our bed but I ended up researching safe co-sleeping anyway and I'm glad I did. He wasn't in there permanently but it helped on bad nights and if he was poorly and just needed mummy cuddles.
We aren't even putting the baby in the crib for a while. He wants to put the baby in the pack n play swaddled. I want him or her to be in the pack and play next to me. It may not even have to be for 6 months but at least for a few weeks. I hope he comes around =[ or I'll bring an air mattress into the nursery and sleep in there! He is making me really anxious.
Christina- I wish I could offer you some kind of comfort that will help you not feel as stressed about the whole thing. My husband was seriously adamant that our son would not be in our room. At the time, he was having to get up at 4:30 every morning, and he did not want to lose any sleep. When his mom came before our son was born, she chewed him our for not having the pack 'n play in our room, but he still insisted that he couldn't handle the baby in his room. And yet that all changed instantly once our son was born

This time around, there's no question to it. The baby will be in our room at the beginning. No going back and forth. He now knows how he will feel about that. The only thing I'm getting slightly frustrated with him about is this name thing. I am SO GLAD we agreed on the name Holly. And now he's being particular about the middle name too because he is worried if she doesn't like the name Holly, she needs a middle name that is just as good so she can use it if she wants to. I'm not at all worried about it, I am convinced she will be fine with her name. But he is very worried about this (didn't think twice about it with our son). And now I'm starting to think it's a Daddy's little girl thing. He wants to pick the best name he can possibly find for his little girl. I have several middle names I would pick (Paige, Grace, Sophia, Olivia). He suggested Elaine, and I loved it and then he started to think that no he didn't like it because she might not want to use it as a first name. I think he's way overthinking it. But I also think that (much like the baby in the room thing) it will all be different once she is here. I just keep myself from getting too worked up by reminding myself that this is just an expression of love for his little girl and it will work itself out (and I sort of understand why he says he gets stressed out about it when nobody else understands).

I have to clean my house today. It looks like a war zone for toys. Well, my son is going to have to clean up, and I am going to have to help him get these toys organized. It's overcast, though, and I just feel like napping all day.
We'll be putting a bassinet in our room for the first 6 months as well, still want to finish the nursery though as I don't feel I'll have time to be at it after baby comes. Also thinking we'll bring him on there and rock him and get him used to the surroundings before we move him in there for sleep. Perhaps that's a silly idea but makes sense to me.
I will wait a bit and bring it up again and see if he changes his mind. If not, I will drop it until the baby is born and go from there.

Overall I am just stressed. He is stressing me out with everything- not even just baby related. I'm probably feeling worse because it was not a good weekend.

Anyway. Back to writing a paper!
I think Holly Paige is pretty(I love the name Paige), and Holly Grace flows nicely.

Makes me kind of glad we have the naming arrangement we do in our family- For our oldest I picked the middle names, DH the first name, for this baby we swapped. So I picked the first and he picked the middle. We do have some say though, if we really hate it. (Though I really, really hated Joseph as a first name, so we compromised on calling him Joey). If we ever have another we would swap back.
It is good for them to see the nursery where they will eventually sleep as a nice happy fun place and not just a sleep place. My DD1 thought her cot was a prison and things really improved when we started spending more time in her room and playing with her whilst she was in the cot.

The main reason I sort of want to decorate a nursery this time is because we only bought our house last year and previously we rented and I didn't get to decorate a nursery. Although lots of DD1 and DD2's toys will be in the room I'd like to have the experience of making a nursery.
Sorry you're so stressed Christina... my DH is stressing me out too - some days a lot. We want to get another car but he won't sell his mustang (that he bought on a whim and doesn't even like) because we would lose some money on it, which I understand, but one day he agreed to it and then the next day he had done a complete 180 and didn't even wanna discuss it. I don't need a 10K car, just something safe and big enough to comfortably fit a car seat, I'd be fine with an older Corolla or something of the sorts. Now he wants me to take out a loan for a car even though we're still paying off the mustang, but always forgets to think about how I'm gonna pay it when I'm not working anymore come April. Cause you know we're having a baby!
We go round and round on this conversation and it usually ends up as "fine we're not getting a new car" and then he starts talking about it again soon after! Ugh men.
This is the crib we fell in love with, and other pieces to match.


It's solid wood and converts to a toddler daybed and then to a double bed. It's the only furniture set we plan to buy him, at least until he moves out one day :p


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Hi ladies just had about 10 mins to catch up with everything! We have had a fab time away in Yorkshire. Ds has been fantastic the entire time he loved every second. I had felt bubba a lot more on friday and saturday but not so much the last couple of days but it is still early enough to feel it so am not too worried. Had a letter from the hospital saying my downs risk is low so am relieved about that.

Rebecca - I love the name Holly it is a lovely name. Holly Paige is adorable ☺️

Amelie - your girls are gorgeous and Penelope is also a lovely name.

We have a crib that is from the 1800's that has been reupholstered and with a new mattress etc. It has been in our family since then and ds was v.comfy in it. It rocks so you could stick your foot out and rock it if he woke up which was handy! The nursery is where ds sleeps atm so will decorate the spare room for him when bubba is a few months old. Ds went in his own room at about 6 months and that was about right as we were disturbing him.

Scan is a week on Thursday can't wait! I am having such strong girl feelings but we shall see!x

Welcome Steph and congratulations on your pink bump!

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