**April Bunnies 2015**

Cupcakepie- We have our baby's first name picked out. We are naming her Holly. Unless we come up with something else before she is born, her middle name will most likely be Amber, Beth, or Elaine. But we just don't know yet. Currently, people are getting on my nerves and my husband's nerves. They asked us constantly what we were going to name her. Now that we have our decision for her first name and tell people we're naming her Holly, they constantly ask "Holly what?" And we just say that she doesn't have a middle name yet. This appears to drive people insane because, for some reason, they can't seem to handle knowing a baby's first name without knowing the middle name (I don't get it at all). So, they keep asking worse than before we told the first name. And my MIL has decided to name the baby herself and start calling her "Holly Grace," which is pissing my husband off because that's not her name. We had a first and middle name set for a boy, but we are for sure having a girl. So, it's just taking longer to pick the right name. I had no idea people would find it so hard to not know a middle name. I don't see it as nearly as important as the first name.

Baby Holly is moving and kicking so strong and I can feel more and more. She was very active early this morning (around 5 AM) and I could feel her constantly. I know my husband would want to feel it. But unfortunately, he was passed out and I knew he needed his sleep. So, I just let him sleep. She kicked my son in the butt last night while he was on my lap. He jumped out and said, "I don't want to get kicked in the butt, baby Holly!" I thought it was hilarious!

Dini- Good luck on being charge nurse today! I hope it goes great for you. :) Exciting!
Rebecca that is really funny about your son.

Dini good luck Today

It is cold. Windy. And my house is so warm. I have class in an hour and am struggling to get done lol. I just don't want to. Then I think 2 more days of classes, 4 hours of my internship and then my scan! I can do this.... If I can only get done. lol. I think I felt the baby a few times yesterday but I'm not sure if it was or not. I can't wait to feel things more regularly. It will calm my nerves and maybe I'll finally quit worrying that something is wrong.
Hi Rebecca,

That's so funny about your son!!

We are the opposite to you in that we had a girls name picked out and not a boys! We have a few in mind but nothing is really clicking yet! I totally agree with you about the Middle name, I don't think it's as important as the first name! Me and my OH have decided we are going to keep the baby's name a secret this time until he's born, if we decide on one before he's born lol but hopefully we will and we will both agree on it! People are already asking us if we have a name and giving us there opinions on them!:dohh:

My baby is moving so much and the kicks are deff getting stronger! He is head up at the minute and feet down so lots of kicks near my bladder lol! Last time I had anterior placenta so I've noticed so much more movement in this pregnancy :cloud9:
Congrats on the new gender reveals!
Lovely bumps pics all as well and wow yes Rebecca I see a big difference your bump is definitely a more in and up!

I have my 20 week scan tomorrow! I feel like a kid on Xmas eve as so excited I have waited so long for this and even didn't cave with a private gender scan! Hopefully after all this wait baby will be cooperative with flashing their bits lol

I have attached my 12 week scan as I think there's a nub there? (Someone said but I am unsure lol) any last gender guesses before tomorrow? Scan at 10.40am xx


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Scottish just a guess but I'm saying boy! Can't wait to find out what you're having!
I guess boy too Scottish. Can't see a nub tbh but would guess boy on skull theory.

We are staying team yellow. Added bonus is that nobody (even us!) know what baby will be called. I haven't even told anyone our shortlist. If people ask I just say we haven't decided or I tell them if it is a boy it will be Gordon and a girl Jordan (our surname rhymes with these so they know i'm taking the piss and take the hint that I am not telling!). We have the same girl's name that we had for DS (we were team yellow then too) but can't agree on a boy's name yet. For that reason only, i'm hoping it is a girl!
We don't know yet whether it's a boy or a girl but we've got our names picked either way. Cordelia for a girl and Eric David for a boy. We haven't decided on a middle name for a girl yet but are leaning towards Mary.

Scottish I'm going to guess girl! Good luck for your scan.

My OH felt baby kick for the first time last night, being sick and not eating much has made it easier to feel movement.
Apparently I'm a little slow. I read about people talking about the ultrasounds and nubs and I have absolutely no idea what this means. I guess I got a lot to learn! lol

I'm actually getting excited for my appt. on Wed. usually I am more worried/scared. I am not so much right now. Get to see the baby (and hope that I can tell the sex despite not asking to find out). :baby:
We have a couple of names that we like but we're not telling anyone... Well actually DH told his mom our top name but we're gonna tell her it's off the table cause I don't want her calling the baby that my whole pregnancy and then we name him it. It's like she's winning lol... I've never been fond of the idea of naming a baby before it's out but apparently I hadn't told DH that before he blurted it out to his mom :haha: so that one's kind of on me.
I guess I should do like you captain and say it's Samuel or Samantha, with our last name those won't work so people should get it's a joke!

What gets to me is that people seem to think they have some kind of right to know anything about the baby, pregnancy, gender, or names?? What's that about?? I think those questions are incredibly personal and I wouldn't ask them unless it was a good friend! At least not so bluntly. If it's an acquaintance, I might say "Are you finding out the gender" or "Are you naming the baby yet?" Not "What names do you like/have you decided on???" "You HAVE to tell me if it's a boy or a girl! Just tell me! I won't tell anyone" The girls at work are all pressing me like that. I'm like no you gotta wait... One of them started talking about what to get as a gift for my baby shower - I was like oh I guess you're invited to the baby shower that you don't know that I'm having and I haven't decided when is! EDIT: I don't wanna sound like it's not nice to have people interested, it is :) Some people just go a little over the top, like that particular girl. I don't even know her that well.

Haha Rebecca that's so cute! Holly's already kicking his butt ;) Show him who's boss ;)

AFM, baby's moving a lot, like all the time. I'm curious, how do you guys know which end is where, and whether it's hands or feet that are kicking/punching?? He was pressing either his head or butt up against my stomach just now, I was trying to feel for what it was but I have no clue!
Captain- We have done something similar to some of the people who have continuously pressed us for her middle name (seriously I don't get why it matters). For the people who have asked a lot, we've started saying her name is "Holly Berry" or "Holly Jolly" and it irritates them to no end, but we laugh. They don't know how irritating it is to constantly be pestered about it.

Maggz- I know what you mean. I haven't even asked my own best friends those questions. I think they are personal. Sure, I'd like to know what someone is having or what they are going to name the baby, but I never ask. I feel it is their business to share it if they want to.

To answer your question about knowing what's what. Well, I don't so much. At first I had just assumed was I was feeling were kicks because they were quick and jabbing like a little foot sticking out. But the only reason that I know where my baby's feet are and head is is because the ultrasound tech told me that she was breech and facing toward my belly at my ultrasound last week. I always wondered during my first pregnancy how some people could be so certain they knew what body part was what. I never did.
Hi ladies haven't posted for a while sooo busy.

As far as looking frumpy is concerned I think a baby bump makes a lady look gorgeous no matter what ☺️. I bought myself a large White Stuff jumper on Saturday and thought post preggers I could wear it an oversized one (not that I need any excuse to buy clothes from white stuff lol)

We have started feeling the baby on the outside the last couple of days so oh has felt it. I also seem to be getting jabbed very low down so I wonder if baby is breech atm or not. We have our 20 week scan on Thursday eek so excited and nervous too. I think I may be reverting back to team yellow though! Every time I discuss finding out the sex people say "oh don't ruin the surprise" etc etc. I know I shouldn't care but it is difficult not to be influenced by other peoples ideas on it. I think I will decide on Thursday - OH says it is up to me. It would be a lot easier if he was saying that he desperately wanted to find out! It is hard because we stayed team yellow with DS. Half of me keeps on thinking that it will be a boy because so many people around me have had a boy and then a girl. But then there needs to be more girls on here to even things out! Anyway rant over will see how I feel on Thursday.

Think we have decided on our pram so that is one less decision to make. We are going to get the Icandy pear I think as I went to look at it and it is fab. Will get it second hand though cos I ain't paying £800 for one!! Pretty much else we have still got from DS so there isn't much else to get which is good.

Must go as Dora the bloody explorer is on downstairs and the boy is in bed. Really don't need to spend my evening listening to her prattling on...
People and names are SO annoying! Last time we stayed team yellow and I refused to even discuss our short list of names with anyone. Seeing as we found out unexpectedly this time I have told those who asked it's a boy. But they just don't seem to get it when I say I'm not telling the name. My one friend went on and on, despite me saying that the name is really personal this time and I want my parents to be the first to hear it for that reason and also saying that something has to be a surprise. I eventually just ignored her.

I had such a bad night last night. All I wanted was dd to go to sleep so I could have a cup of tea, watch a show and just wind down after a shocking day at school. I took her to bed at 7:30pm and it didn't matter what I did she would not sleep. I got so angry and frustrated I just ended up sitting on the bed crying. She eventually went to sleep at 9:10pm. So I got my tea but no show. I climbed into bed and read til 10 then I couldn't go to sleep. I woke up a few times and then the bloody cat started meowing at 3:45am. Its now 6:25am and she hasn't stopped at all! I want to cry with frustration all over again. Tuesday is my busy day at school and I feel like I'm about to fall apart.
Aaauurrgghhh, I'm so tired of complaining!
Beanonorder, sorry about your terrible night. I know how hard and frustrating it is when you're on your own, working full time and doing it all yourself. DD was 3 before I met OH and I did it all without a single bit of help. It's a challenge but you're doing great!
=) I have been feeling some random pulses again today. That makes me happy (unless I am loosing my mind which could be possible). But I was sitting in one of my classes and suddenly felt this big pulse, towards the right side by also more to the center. It made me grab the area where I felt it.

I have also noticed that the flutters and pulses that I feel are a lot more after I eat candy. I know I probably shouldn't be eating so much candy ...but I can't stop. It's a craving!
I am exactly 18 weeks and this is my second pregnancy....and I haven't felt anything obvious. I hope I feel something soon....
Rebecca thanks for clearing that up for me, I have no idea and I'm guessing he's doing somersaults in there still so even though I saw he lay one way at the us I'm assuming he might be any which way today :haha: But it was cute to feel him press so firmly against my belly, whether it was head or butt :)
I try to not say every single time he moves cause I feel like DH will get fed up with it after a while haha, cause this child is literally always moving!

Good to know I'm not the only one that would like some privacy in the name/gender situation! I think it's great if you share but if you don't people should respect that without another word.

Wow beanonorder that's an awful night I'm sorry. I would definitely be banging my head against a wall or beheading that cat right about now.

Christina that's cool! It's so lonely to be in class feeling movements and wanna yell it all over but just being there all smirking to yourself haha happens all the time.

paradise I'm sure you'll start feeling something soon enough, you'll be begging baby to relax before you know it ;)
Yeah. I haven't felt much during classes. Usually when I have felt something it has been early morning/ later evening or right before I go to bed. So it was surprising to feel that much in the middle of the day. Kind of nice though =) Despite not knowing 100% what I am feeling. :haha:

:dog:Anyone want a beagle?? She really is the sweetest dog in the world but for some reason today she has consistently barked and howled since I got home and it is driving me up the wall!!! There is only so much one can handle.

It's been a long day... :sleep:
What is it with our animals today?! My dog has been randomly barking too it makes me soooooo mad.
She is usually so calm. I don't know what her deal is. She also is very clingy. This has been since I got pregnant but the last few days she has taken to jumping straight up on me before laying down. She landed right on my stomach before - after dinner- I almost threw up all over the place. She isn't too heavy. 26lbs but when two paws dig into you it freaking hurts!
Bean I'm so sorry for your tough night. I hope you can get a better night tonight.

My anomaly scan is tomorrow. I always thought I wouldn't be 20 weeks for my scan but I'm actually 20 weeks tomorrow. Keeping busy and time is flying so fast... I think dd needs a bit of a hair cut today and I want to get my hair and nails done. My nails look terrible right now! Dd actually has really big hair, I love it, but I think she's too young for the struggle of brushing hair, lol. And it's not like I feel comfortable putting a hair tie on it or something, she's still so small...

I finally saw the baby jogger city select in person yesterday. I really like it! I was worried that with seats behind each other that one seat can't be reclined, and DD would still be young I think and probably still would want to sleep by the time 2nd LO comes. I was also worried that there wouldn't be a lot of space between the seats but it seems just fine to me. Much smaller than the side-by-side ones. I think a side-by-side umbrella might be an option also but it's still early. I don't do any shopping till after 30 weeks...so I have around 10 weeks lol!

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