**April Bunnies 2015**

Shame greygirl I imagine that must be so hard to deal with! I hope you can find a way to be there for her.

Button good luck for your scan! Looking forward to an update.

I've done a little Christmas shopping. Don't really have many people to buy for... I got dd a beanbag chair. It arrived today and I'm already dying to give it to her!

My friend had her baby last Thursday and my Co teacher went off on maternity leave on Friday. I'm so jealous. I'm trying not to wish time away but it's so hard right now. I want to enjoy my last pregnancy but to be honest I want it to be next year. I'm really heart sore at the moment. I'm stuck between really missing my dh and seriously resenting him. When he left he said it was about working on our issues and finding himself and that he would be focusing on work and didn't want to be going out or anything and he would be here to see dd as much as possible. But in reality he comes once during the week and once on the weekend. And then tells me stories of how he's been going out and the people he's been going with. He complains about how hard it is not seeing dd but I just don't get if he has the time and energy to go it with these other people why can't he come here instead. Being tired and busy is always his excuse. And he hasn't done a single thing towards working on us.
I'm sorry, I said I wasn't going to bring this stuff up again but I just need to get it off my chest. I don't know of why I'm having such a hard time right now.
That must be so hard to deal with Beanonorder. He seems to want to have his cake and eat it. Get sympathy from you an everyone for how hard done by he is by having to work so hard and missing his daughter and at the same time have a fun social life which he can boast to you about. I can't remember if you said in a previous post but will he commit to some sort of counselling to give you a chance to explain how this is making you feel?
He originally agreed to counselling then he said no. And then when we were discussing how this separation would work I said that before any final decision is made about our relationship the least he can do is go for counselling. So he agreed to that and said maybe even in a couple of months. But if/when it'll happen I have no idea.
I hope he goes for it.

AFM add me to the pink bumps! She looked great although in true awkward baby style she was lying face down so he couldn't see the heart. I've got a scan in two weeks to check the heart and then they'll scan me again at 32 weeks because I have a low lying placenta.
Congratulations on the :pink: bump Button! Awkward little girl aready is sounds like.

Bean - I don't honestly know what to say, it makes me feel so sad for your situation. He sounds like he is in a very selfish and self centered place at the moment.

Congrats! Another pink bump!

Beanonorder, talk about it all you want here. That is incredibly rough and you're dealing with it much better than I would be. Hopefully the new year brings fresh beginnings.

I called in late to work this morning. Sleep is impossible due to the pain I'm in at night. DD was up throwing up all night but I think it was because she had eggnog for the first time and it didn't sit well with her. It's also -23 degrees celcius here right now and I'm done with winter already.
Button- Congratulations on your girl :pink:!! How exciting!

Beanonorder- I am sorry to hear about what you are going through with your husband. I do hope he ends up going to counseling with you to work things out. I agree that you shouldn't feel bad about talking about it on here if you need to. Sometimes you just need to get things out. My thoughts are with you and I really hope he comes around.

Northern- I hope your daughter starts to feel better soon! I also hope you can get relief for your pain. It sounds awful.

GreyGirl- Sorry to hear about your friend. I know it must be tough for her, and I hope it doesn't hurt your friendship. I am doing pretty good. I am feeling movement pretty much constantly. She kicked my husband quite a few times last night. I feel her move around the clock. So, I am guessing that she must just be a very active sleeper.

Christina- Happy 20 weeks!

AFM- I am really super tired today. I slept great last night, took a nap yesterday, and slept great the night before that. But it was the night prior to that that I didn't sleep well. I managed 6 rough hours of sleep. I tried to take a nap the next day (Saturday) and I just couldn't fall asleep. That's the night we went out for our anniversary, and we had a fantastic time. But I came home and just crashed. Then after my nap yesterday, I woke up feeling like I'd been drinking all weekend.
Today, I am officially exactly 4 months away from my due date. I have realized that I am just very antsy to make it to 24 weeks. I was feeling like week 22 is going by fast as I'll be 23 weeks in just 2 days. But I keep thinking, "Ugh just let the 23rd week get out of the way!" I want to get to VDay so bad!
I also feel WAY ahead this pregnancy. I'm already struggling with going to the bathroom a lot. Sometimes, I'm back to having to pee every 30 minutes! Plus, intense hunger is striking. I was SO hungry last night. I ate an apple (which usually takes care of any hunger I have) and then I was still very hungry. I ended up having a bite-sized twix bar before bed. And then I was kicking myself wondering why I didn't just snack on some raw baby carrots before bed. I'd have been filled up just the same without the extra sugar. Oh well! I just don't remember feeling like this until the last month of my pregnancy last time. I'm hoping it doesn't intensify from here on out. I don't like feeling ahead of my due date without actually being ahead of my due date. It would be one thing if baby ended up measuring ahead, but she is right at it or behind it every time.
I wrote a response and then it disappeared!! I didn't post but I tabbed into another browser window and then this one disappeared!

Bean: I am so sorry for your struggles with DH. I hope he goes for the counseling and makes effort on working on your relationship.

Button: Congrats on your :pink: bump!

Northern: Can't they sign you off work or something if you're in that much pain?

Rebecca: I know what you mean about feeling ahead this pregnancy. I didn't feel ahead in terms of the baby's movements as I actually felt them later this time. But the bladder pressure and the cramps...some of these things I only felt later on which is so weird!
This morning I attempted to get a little more sleep. But I flipped over and was on my stomach. Every few minutes I get this poking feeling on my right side-- around where I've felt movement before. I'm assuming it's the baby. It actually hurts a little when those feelings come. Must be stronger than what I've been used to in the past weeks.

Beanonorder- I hope your dh comes around and goes to counseling and begins to work on things

Button- congrats on your girl!

I read the other posts and now can't remember what I read. I'll respond to more when I'm back at my computer and not on my phone. =]
Greygirl - I hope it doesn't affect your relationship with your friend, that would suck :( Maybe just give her time while you are pregnant to grieve, it will probably be hard for her to look at you and always compare "If I hadn't lost mine I'd be this big by now..." etc...

Button congrats on your baby girl! :) Haha awkward baby fashion, that's funny. We're going back for a scan as well I guess cause they didn't see something. Can't remember what it was though.

Beanonorder, don't hesitate to post on here when you feel down or talk about your relationship. He really does seem like he's in a selfish place right now. How long since he moved out? Can you try to be more demanding that he take your daughter x days or spend x time with you both? Remind him that the separation was meant for you to be able to work on things?
Either way I hope he comes around and realizes how much he is missing by not being there.

Rebecca sorry you're so uncomfortable already. I don't know what to say to help - but I too feel like time is dragging.

AFM I'm feeling good, nothing major, my back pain comes and goes but mostly goes thankfully :) I've made sure not to do the floors and such at work.
I'm a little stressed for my math final that's next week, I need a C in that class for it to be transferable, and if I don't get it I'm gonna have to sit the class for an entire semester again and screw up my whole plan cause it's a prereq for another math class that I also need. Math is not my thing in case you're wondering :/
DH brought his friend's dog home for us to babysit for a month or so and I'm so looking forward to her being out of here. Makes me realize how awesome our dog is! She's a tiny little thing and pees and shits everywhere, it's driving me mad. Thankfully DH realizes that she is his responsibility since it was his decision to bring her so he mostly takes care of it, but I'm home a lot more than he is so it automatically falls on me a lot of the time.
Not much else going on here except I'm now able to see baby move from the outside, he was having a party in there yesterday it was pretty cool!
Maggz I hate other peoples' dogs :haha: I hope that one settles down for you! How fun to be feeling lots of movement! I love it!

Beanonorder you can always talk to us about what you're going through! I can't imagine how hard it must be and I honestly can't comprehend what's going through your husband's mind taking this time away from you just to pretend he's single and free while you have to deal with everything on your own. I wish I could give you a real hug but in the meantime :hugs: I hope he comes around soon.

Dini, I'm the opposite--I was really excited to do our Christmas shopping, I think because I've been so unsure about baby shopping! Have our Christmas shopping almost completely done already. :p

I just ordered our travel system! Anyone who is interested in the Chicco brand (we used it with DD and loved it and their 30 lb. car seat is rated very highly), their online shop has a 20% off sale today plus free shipping with the code JINGLE--I saved $87 on the set. I got a new teal & grey color which I'm excited about! :) Okay sorry, I'm totally not hocking car seats over here... it's just the first major purchase and I'm getting excited finally! :D We also started a registry to keep track of everything we need. It's a lot of fun picking things out! :thumbup:

Now then, I haven't done a belly pic since 12 weeks!! So here is me at 21 weeks:
photo 2 copy.jpg

OMG Can you believe how far along we all are? I'm kind of freaking out! :haha:
I wrote a response and then it disappeared!! I didn't post but I tabbed into another browser window and then this one disappeared!

Bean: I am so sorry for your struggles with DH. I hope he goes for the counseling and makes effort on working on your relationship.

Button: Congrats on your :pink: bump!

Northern: Can't they sign you off work or something if you're in that much pain?

Rebecca: I know what you mean about feeling ahead this pregnancy. I didn't feel ahead in terms of the baby's movements as I actually felt them later this time. But the bladder pressure and the cramps...some of these things I only felt later on which is so weird!

The OBGYN told me it's normal when I saw her last Wednesday. I'm going to talk to my GP next Monday though about it. He's known me since I was 11 and knows I don't take advantage of being off sick or anything, so I'm hoping he will realize that it must be serious if I'm wondering about coming off work.
Grey I'm sorry about your friend and do hope it doesn't hurt your friendship much. I imagine it's so hard for her right now.

Bean please don't worry about venting here. That's what we are here for. I'm so sorry he's being selfish. Men can be so pig headed!

Button, congrats on your girl! Girls are catching up I think.

Northern, I hope your gp has some insight. I just made my chiropractor appt for almost two months from now. My mw offered physical therapy but I wanted to see the chiropractor first. But I also get woken up it seems every 5 min with shooting pain in one or both legs. Doesn't sound like mine is as bad as yours though.

Tara you look so cute!! We are bump buddies and I am still not showing I just look bloated or fat lol. Thanks for the advice on the travel system. We may start looking this weekend.

Afm, had my anatomy scan, still a boy! A very stubborn one but he measured perfectly and is weighing in at about 15oz and they saw nothing abnormal. It does make me feel better. Here is a pic, we caught him sucking his thumb again.

Wow Tara you look great! Love your bump :) I've been freaking out too and I don't like thinking about the birth... I sat on the floor the other day with my legs spread apart and just started thinking that I will need to push this baby out right there and I started panicking a little :O

Dini glad to hear everything is good! Look at that little guy *aw*

We haven't done any baby shopping but I got the Christmas shopping done for my family while my sisters were here so they could take the gifts back.
I haven't even started looking at travel systems, the whole thing overwhelms me! So many options....
Tara- You look fantastic!

Dini- I am glad everything is great with your boy. That's a very cute profile picture!

Maggz- I just cracked up at your description of imagining birth. With my son, I didn't avoid thinking about birth at all. In fact, I watched a lot of shows about women in labor, etc. However, it wasn't until I was actually about to give birth that it suddenly occured to me, "There is no easy way for this baby to come out." lol But somehow he did and here I am again!

Northern- If your gp has known you long enough to know you wouldn't exaggerate a problem, then I'd think he should be able to help you. But it's frustrating that the first doctor wouldn't take you seriously enough.

Is anyone else not feeling like preparing for the baby yet? I mean, I have bought a few baby things. But I just don't have that itch to get ready for her yet. I am sure it will probably kick in as my due date approaches. It's different from last time because I was always in some mode to get ready for my son. It just got stronger when nesting kicked in. But this time, I'm just not sweating it. I just keep thinking that all she needs is a place to sleep, something to wear, and diapers (of course milk but that's already in my body being made). I also find myself completely forgetting that anybody might be wanting to give me a baby shower and not factoring that into the time between now and when she arrives.
I finally found the April group! Hi all I am Jess, due with baby number 2 April 26th... I am from Ontario,Canada and I FINALLY find out on Wednesday what I am having, I feel like the last person who is having a baby in April to find out lol. I am a high risk pregnancy, just like my last but a little more high risk this time around so sadly as much as I don't want it, this will probably be my last baby.

Hope to be around these forums a little bit more. I found them when I was 4 days late with my period and then pregnancy brain hit and I forgot about them until last night.
Cute pic and glad everything is fine Dini :)

Rebecca I have not bought 1 thing yet lol. I figured I was having a girl and was planning on using dd's clothes blankets etc... But now I have to do it all over again in blue haha. Towards my 30th week, I'll get a move on :)

Hi Jess :) congrats on baby 2 :)
Welcome Jess! :wave: Glad you found us! Can't wait to hear what you're having! We have been quite boy-heavy in this thread so far, although girls seem to be catching up. :)

Rebecca I didn't have the drive to get ready for this baby either. Still don't, really, so the sudden urge to buy the stroller was actually nice! Now if only I had a strong urge to clean my house and set up his room! :p Starting the registry is helping, though. :)
Thanks ladies! I am actually hoping for a boy as I already have a girl! My other April group is boy heavy as well, but the girls are not catching up lol.

Again thank you :hugs:

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