That's intense Rebecca! Especially since they're spending more than they can afford. I think our in-laws might be the same or related

Obviously I have no idea what they're gonna be like when the baby comes but FIL brings random stuff to our house, like one day I noticed there was a iron stand thing in the flower bad in front of our house and I asked DH where it came from? He just shrugged and said his dad probably brought it. I was like what is it for??? No one has a clue! Hahaha... It won't be funny when he starts bringing furniture or big stuff down here. He was going to bring us a poker table, he thought it'd be great for the front room.... :/

Maybe you can call her (as opposed to texting) so she can hear that you're excited about the stuff and you think it's cool but you really can't accept it simply because you don't wanna waste her money when your son isn't going to be able to play with it that much if it stays at her house, and you don't have room for it at yours?
We went to a hypnobirthing intro-appointment tonight! It was so great, the instructor is really nice, explained everything well, I basically wanted her to tell DH what it was all about cause he was on the fence about paying for classes like that since the military offers some kind of birthing classes. She did that and more so we have decided to take the class and I think we will both be a lot more comfortable and confident about the birth because of it! It's 5 classes, 1 per week.
I'm so excited to start!
Oh and an added bonus was that she said it helps babies calm down too! So you listen to this calming music and condition your body to calm down when you hear it, so when baby is in womb it gets used to it and then you can use it after birth too.
I'm completely beat after today, was at school from 9.30am-5pm, went to the store, then the appointment, and then DH and I went out to eat together. I might literally fall asleep in the next 5 minutes. Plus my back aches real bad from sitting on those dang chairs at school. Good news is I only have 6 days left of the semester!
Lol northern a whole cantaloupe! That's as big as your uterus was a few weeks ago

*random fact from baby app*