**April Bunnies 2015**

Looking lovely ladies! Gorgeous bump pictures all of you :)

Congrats to everyone who found out gender, very exciting!

I can't remember how many newborn size clothes I had for DD...and when I started putting her in 0-3. I must not have had a lot of NB as I remember her 0-3 overalls were huge and she wore them till she was 4-5 months. I was constantly running out of onesies though lol.

Northern I'm also going to have my LOs share a room for as long as I can.
Congrats to the ladies who are finding out.

Lovely bump pictures, I think mine looks quite small still.

I'm also planning to have mine share until they need their own space, I think it'll be nicer.

I'm planning to start a bit of baby shopping this weekend to get me in the mood. I'm going to go to ikea after Christmas to choose a cot.
My girls share as of about 3 months ago. DD2 shared with us until she was 10months, then had her own room and now they share.

It has made stuff like transition from cot to bed SO much easier than with DD1. DD2 pretty much shoos us out the room and just wants to be left with her sister, she falls asleep fine and doesn't get out of bed because she has learnt from watching DD1.

The bond between my girls is beautiful now, they really need each other. I can't wait for there to be another little girl in the mix :flower:
Imaginary- Congratulations on your boy! :blue:

Beautymyth- Congratulation your girl! :pink: I am glad that the gender disappointment didn't last long.

Northern- That theme looks beautiful! Great for your two girls to share.

Amelie- That's good to hear about how sharing a room can really be beneficial for the younger one. I was thinking about having them share a room even if I am having a girl. I thought they could until my son is old enough to want his own room. Right now, I'm having him share his room with her clothes and other stuff.

Tara- I think I agree that what you need for your baby depends a lot on the baby's preferences and your parenting style. All babies are different for sure! Plus, some people just like to do things a certain way that others don't. I can't really bring myself to tell anyone what they will use or not use. I can say what I loved, but other people I know say it's a waste. For example, I was hooked on our wipe warmer and some people say it's a waste. I loved it! Especially since something as simple as a warm wipe over a cold wipe kept my newborn from screaming through diaper changes.

All of the bump pictures are looking great!
I just read this blog post linked from another board. Made me full-on cry. I keep considering not even trying breastfeeding this time because I'm afraid. But when I read things like this I remember why I'm going to try. :) It's a bit long!

Congratulations on finding out the sex girlies! I keep on changing my mind whether I should have found out of not though deep down I think I would have always stayed team yellow although it would be damn useful right now to find out what we at having!

Northern - your bump is awesome as is yours Christina ☺️

OH went to go and get the Icandy travel system today and I am so pleased with it. It comes with a grape pack to accessorise one seat though which is really purple so you can guarantee bubba will be another boy! I just need a carrycot and a car seat now.

Ladies with these lists of must haves I would say half of the list you don't need. Plenty of muslins, nappies, wet wipes a plenty and onsies to begin with. We had a bouncy vibrating seat to begin with, a Moses basket downstairs and the crib upstairs. That was pretty much it to begin with. But like Rebecca says it all is personal preference and a lot of stuff you won't know you need until the baby arrives.

I have got a stinking cold, DS has had it and is much better now so is pinging everywhere and causing havoc. Meanwhile OH and I are sneezing and feeling sorry for ourselves lol. We are taking DS to meet Santa on the local steam train over the weekend which I am really looking forward to ☺️
So problems between my husband and my in-laws keep adding up. He's already aggravated that they are inviting so many people over to their house for Christmas. One reason is because his aunt can't seem to behave herself and they are inviting some bad combinations of people, so they are almost guaranteed to have drama with that.
But now, something I posted on Facebook last night apparently sent his mom into a shopping frenzy and he's really upset about it. I had shared something my son said that I thought was funny. And the sole purpose of sharing it was because I thought it was funny. I was NOT asking for stuff. What happened was that my son and I were making Christmas cookies and I said that I need to get him a little apron to keep flour off of him and then he asked me if he could have a little chef's hat too. I thought it was too funny.
Well after reading it last night, my husband said, "Now my mom is going to buy him a chef's hat." And I said, "No, for all she knows, I'm getting him one." She didn't say a thing to me about it. But she uses my husband's amazon prime account to order things so she can get free 2-day shipping. She has now ordered over $200 worth of stuff! She got him an entire kitchen dress-up set, a cookbook, pots and pans, a play can opener with cans, play groceries cans, play food, and a junior baking set with a rolling pin, cookie cutters, a chopping board, etc. It's too much stuff! He doesn't know what to do or say. I feel bad because I didn't intend to cause this. I didn't know she was going to do all of that and even he thought she would only buy him an apron and a chef's hat. I have straight up told my parents not to get my son more than about 4-6 things because we have to factor in bringing it back home. For some reason, my husband can't tell his parents this same thing. I'm not sure if it's because it is touchy with them or not. But I'm starting to think he's going to need to just tell them some stuff. We can't carry all of that crap back with us. And even if we could, we have nowhere to put it!
He said she'll justify it because apparently she bought him a play kitchen to keep at her house. So that she'll say it can stay at her house. But we both know he's going to be really upset to open presents to be told he has to leave them there. And he will never play with them because we are so far away and we can't hardly make trips up there...except like Christmas. Ugh! So annoying. I have to get this out somewhere. I know my husband is really annoyed and just feels stuck and like there is no way he can help his mom understand that she's going overboard. Last year's Christmas at their house crazy with what they bought our son They don't know this but we actually got rid of half of the stuff because there was nowhere to put it. And recently they had been in debt because they are just buying and buying stuff. I think that also bothers him. I don't know what they are going to do when Holly gets here. We hope they don't bankrupt themselves.
Rebecca that is really tough. I'm assuming you don't have the type of relationship with her that you could approach the subject yourself?
Yeah, not really. I mean, about two weeks ago, she texted my husband a picture of a motorized F150 type truck to get our son for Christmas. My husband looked at me and just rolled his eyes because we obviously have nowhere to put something like that let alone anywhere my son could ride it. Plus, we'd have to carry it up and down stairs every time even if we did! So, I was just about to text her back and say, "It's cool, but we just don't have the room for that." And he told me not to say that because she would think it's rude and get offended. I didn't think it was rude, but she does talk to him about stuff that she won't tell me. Otherwise, I'd completely tell her the stuff is great but we just don't have the room for it.
Hopefully she changes her mind and curbs her spending!

I just had my first real pregnancy craving. I may or may not have just demolished an entire cantaloupe in under 10 minutes. I could totally go for another one, too. I'm only up between 1-3lbs depending on the day, but I'm hitting the very hungry stage. I'm STARVING. I think the weight I haven't gained so far may show up more quickly than I'd like.
Hopefully someone can talk to her soon about her spending and buying things that you just don't have room for.
That's intense Rebecca! Especially since they're spending more than they can afford. I think our in-laws might be the same or related :haha: Obviously I have no idea what they're gonna be like when the baby comes but FIL brings random stuff to our house, like one day I noticed there was a iron stand thing in the flower bad in front of our house and I asked DH where it came from? He just shrugged and said his dad probably brought it. I was like what is it for??? No one has a clue! Hahaha... It won't be funny when he starts bringing furniture or big stuff down here. He was going to bring us a poker table, he thought it'd be great for the front room.... :/ :haha:
Maybe you can call her (as opposed to texting) so she can hear that you're excited about the stuff and you think it's cool but you really can't accept it simply because you don't wanna waste her money when your son isn't going to be able to play with it that much if it stays at her house, and you don't have room for it at yours?

We went to a hypnobirthing intro-appointment tonight! It was so great, the instructor is really nice, explained everything well, I basically wanted her to tell DH what it was all about cause he was on the fence about paying for classes like that since the military offers some kind of birthing classes. She did that and more so we have decided to take the class and I think we will both be a lot more comfortable and confident about the birth because of it! It's 5 classes, 1 per week.
I'm so excited to start!
Oh and an added bonus was that she said it helps babies calm down too! So you listen to this calming music and condition your body to calm down when you hear it, so when baby is in womb it gets used to it and then you can use it after birth too. :thumbup:

I'm completely beat after today, was at school from 9.30am-5pm, went to the store, then the appointment, and then DH and I went out to eat together. I might literally fall asleep in the next 5 minutes. Plus my back aches real bad from sitting on those dang chairs at school. Good news is I only have 6 days left of the semester!

Lol northern a whole cantaloupe! That's as big as your uterus was a few weeks ago :haha: *random fact from baby app*
Rebecca that is really annoying what you have to deal with. I'm lucky that I have a good enough relationship that I would be able to say something to her. But thankfully she would never go and buy big things without checking with me first.

My boxes from South Africa have finally arrived today! I'm so excited to get them home! Dh is taking dd for the day tomorrow so I will have time to sort them out and tidy things up.
Rebecca I totally know where you are coming from as my MIL is exactly the same. She seems to have some sort of compulsion to buy stuff ALL the time. I asked her to get DS some pjamas for Christmas thinking a couple of pairs would be fine as she would want to get some other stuff. My Mum also wanted to get some as she had seen some she though were cute. Anyway turns out MIL has bought 7 pairs????I have tried for years to get it through to her that we don't need all this stuff all the time but she will stop buying for example coats (had three in one week once) and just move onto something else. The only way we get round it now it to accept the stuff and then immediately give it away/ sell it or every so often DH will fly into a rage with her and then she will get upset start saying he is never nice to her etc. It is so hard as you don't want to seem ungrateful all the time but it is just too much! So many sympathies with you my dear!:hugs:
Thanks everyone!
Maggz- They probably are cut from the same cloth somehow! They all seem very similar. :)
The hypnobirthing sounds cool! I'm glad you were able to bring your husband along for it. I didn't know all of that about it like how it helps the baby to calm down. Very neat!

Northern- Now, I'm craving cantaloupe! That sounds delicious!

Stripeycat- It sounds like you go through the exact same thing! It is a frustration, and my MIL is also very emotional and cries easily. So, I'm pretty sure she'd do the same to my husband. He doesn't snap on her, but she tends to get emotional at even the smallest thing.

I talked to my husband after I had posted that last night. I told him that I have to really watch what I post on Facebook now because it seems like anything could be taken by her as a need to buy something. He said she had called him that afternoon and asked him what he wanted for Christmas because she could get him anything he wanted. They just got some settlement money and they are going crazy with it. They need to save it. My SIL is in college and her parents are paying for it. So, really, regardless of how much money they got from this settlement, they need to save it for bigger necessary purchases. He told her that he does not need anything and to not feel a need to spend so much of the money just because it's Christmas. But she basically told him don't worry about it. I don't know. I think it's the fact that they never had money until recently, so they don't know how to manage it. They also feel inferior to my family (my husband has told me) because my parents have money and always have. So there is kind of a competition there. But one reason why my parents have money is because they don't spend it lavishly! Anyway, we are just hoping that they will slow down and we are watching every last thing we say.

I have a cookie exchange to go to this Saturday. Those were the Christmas cookies I was making the other night. I made dark chocolate peppermint cookies. I hid them to keep my husband and son out of them. I had to make 5 dozen. And I ended up with 65 cookies. So I put 60 in a rubbermaid container and left 5 out for us. Last night, my husband found my stash and ate 3 of my hidden cookies. He said, "She'll never notice if there aren't 60 there." LOL I am not too upset about it really, but I can't believe he found them. He has one more day to use restraint. I actually told him that I didn't get the point of 5 dozen because I don't want to be bringing home hundreds of cookies anyway. I wasn't going to make 5 dozen, but it turned out that I made my cookies small enough that I ended up with plenty. At least I know they are for sure delicious since my husband hunted them down to eat more!

I have decided that Holly is like a deer in headlights. She will be making my belly dance. Then, I turn on my camera to record it and she stops! It's like she knows the camera is on her and she just freezes. Then almost right after I turn it off, she starts up again. I use the light on my cameraphone to record because otherwise my belly wouldn't show up enough for anyone to see the movements. I guess I'll have to wait to see people in person for them to experience it!
My mil .. Well we don't talk to my in-laws anymore. But my grandparents are the spendy ones! It drives me absolutely crazy. They are living off their retirement and to be honest don't have a lot. My parents have told them and I have told them to quit buying my sister and I so much. For years!! I said this when I was 20 and left for college... I'm now 28 almost 29. We aren't little anymore and I said I don't need all these gifts for birthdays and holidays. Just yesterday a knock on the door and a large box came. Yep. From my grandparents. It filled under the tree. A few things for me and husband separately and a then a few things together. Then stuff for the dog! She does the same for my sister and brother in law... She buys for their son. I'm afraid when our baby comes. They are going to run out of money! But they won't listen. =[
That is awesome Maggz my husband and I are also doing Hypnobirthing. We have decided not to do the class and just read the book and do the daily / weekly practice. Loving the CD at the moment. I wasn't a huge fan of the Mongan CD but found a great one "Hypnobirthing Australia Surges of the Sea" to be much, much more relaxing and easy to listen to.
My friend has offered to lend me her hypnobirthing book so that'll be handy.

Rebecca sounds like she's going way OTT. My MIL wanted to buy my son some clothes before I gave birth and she asked what I needed, I told her short sleeve newborn vests. She then spent ages dithering about them and kept phoning to ask if I wanted long sleeve or short sleeve and by the time she finally got around to buying and giving them to me he'd grown out of them. He was in newborn size for quite a while as well.
Rebecca I don't even know what to say...that is just absurd of your MIL! Some people are just not right ya know? The cookie exchange sounds fun, I've always wanted to do that.

Northern, at least your craving was for something healthy! Mine tend to be unhealthy like deep fried pickles lol. And I'm up 10lbs already ;(

I'm off for a few days, and wanted to go baby shopping, just to get ideas, not to buy but DH doesn't want to because it's Christmas time and it will be busy. He's so backwards, I really hope I can keep our son from that because it is very very frustrating to live with. A friend from work is having a little Christmas get together tonight and my good friend who is also pregnant is going and taking her husband and she wants us to come because they've never met my husband and she lives over an hour away and her husband travels so getting together with all of us is hard. This is perfect, the party is just 25 min from us and they'll both be there but he doesn't want to, he's shy and doesn't know anyone. Ugh...

I really need to get some maternity jeans that fit, the only pair I have doesn't, they fall down constantly, got them from Old Navy. I think I need to go to Motherhood Maternity because they have plus sized ones that are cute, but I don't want to go to the mall by myself, it's 45 min away, more in this holiday traffic, but if I go tomorrow it'll be even worse. Sigh...I hate doing things alone when DH is just sitting at home but he refuses to go to the mall. He used to do those things with me but as he gets older he gets worse about crowds...

Sorry for the rant...guess I should shower and get moving.

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