**April Bunnies 2015**

I think discussing birth plan here is a 28 week+ thing. I'll be having a meeting about mine around then.

Dini - you may be surprised by your DH. My husband doesn't like blood and didn't want to do any classes but he was really good in both my labours.

He was amazing with DD2 and I had quite a big post partum haemmorhage and he coped (he didn't pass out!)
I hope that is the case Amelie but I am not holding my breath. He also has some social anxiety issues and hates hospitals so being around all that will prove stressful for him. I actually want my MIL there, she's really great and if he misbehaves or has issues she can handle him because I know myself, I will worry about him and not focus on me and that will be bad. I do really hope he manages though, I'm hoping the adrenaline and the excitement of it all wins him over!
So I have felt tons and tons of movement and started seeing my belly move to kicks or punches but this is usually when I am sitting or laying down. Today I noticed the movement while standing up... and one kick sent me running to the bathroom! Do you know how hard it is to run through an entire 3rd grade class trying to get their lunches to make it to the bathroom before the entire situation just isn't good! :haha:
I've been getting very strong menstrual cramp type feelings since last night accompanied by big gushes of discharge. Not braxton hicks as my belly isn't going tight. Any thoughts? Should I be concerned?
I've been getting very strong menstrual cramp type feelings since last night accompanied by big gushes of discharge. Not braxton hicks as my belly isn't going tight. Any thoughts? Should I be concerned?

Not really..wish I did. It's probably nothing, but maybe call your doc in the morning, drink lots of water and rest up and see if it stops. I was having frequent mild menstrual type cramping a week or so ago and never did call but it got a bit better with water and rest. Some people told me it was BH but like you my belly never got tight.
Dini could you do birthing classes at your house? Or do the hypnobirthing thing together (with or without an instructor) and that way he won't have to be around other people or go to the hospital for the classes?

I figure I'll get the whooping cough vaccine in third tri but I don't want to get a flu shot. I just don't see a purpose in it, I don't get sick that often.

Had my 1 hour glucose test today, that was absolutely the sweetest drink I've ever tasted! :haha: I felt lightheaded afterwards but thankfully I had some pringles in my car so I didn't have to drive back home on an empty stomach.
I am so pissed off at the medical billing system here... I got a bill for $200 for a prenatal screening program, called my ob they said it was the ultrasound and they probably didn't have the authorization number, so I called them, turns out it wasn't from them but from the genetic blood test screening, so I finally called the right place and all they offer is to leave a message and be called back within 10 business days. Wouldn't it be easier for them to contact my ob's office to see if I actually have insurance instead of wasting paper, and my time and theirs by doing it this way?! Urgh.
/rant over

Other than that nothing new, except I went in to work today only to find out I was scheduled for tomorrow :haha:
I've been getting very strong menstrual cramp type feelings since last night accompanied by big gushes of discharge. Not braxton hicks as my belly isn't going tight. Any thoughts? Should I be concerned?

I don't have menstrual cramps per se but my stomach hurts, the front of it. And tons of discharge all the time. Sometimes I think I'm peeing myself :blush:
Thanks for the link Steph. Will definitely look into it.

Stripey things are amicable between dh and I. To be honest I keep a lot of feelings to myself. I'm very torn about what I want. I don't want my marriage to end but at the same time things have to change.

Captain your appointments are really far apart!

Dini I'm sorry your dh isn't cooperating. If I were in your situation I'd definitely mentally prepare myself to have someone else in with me. From personal experience I know just how much it negatively affects your labour if things happen that you aren't prepared for. Last time I was so focused on having dh with me that it devastated me when I was told he couldn't come in. Even my mom coming in didn't give me enough comfort. This time I really want my mom and I'm considering dh. I would like him to see at least one of his kids born. I also don't have access to any birthing classes but I'm hoping to research hyonobirthing.

Northern I've also had some pains and a small gush. I am not sure what it is either! Last night I had an awful pain at the bottom of my bump on the right. It really made me catch my breath.

Christina your post did make me laugh! I find I have moments where I just suddenly need to pee. And if I wait I get really intense bh.

I'm off to the doctor this afternoon. Will have to have more blood tests but aside from that I hope they don't spring any extra unexpected things that cost a fortune on me!
I looked at that link from steph and even if I don't opt for that exact thing I think something like that will be helpful. Maybe I can just work with him at home and take my girlfriend to the actual class. That way if he is up for the challenge then great but if not she will be there.

Beanonorder I hope your appt goes well.

I'm not looking forward to work tomorrow. It's supposed to be -15 Fahrenheit or less in the morning with the wind chill and -9 without it and I just hate that kind of cold. Also I'm praying the furnace stays on. Last year when we had crqzy lows it froze up due to the intake collecting moisture. It's a long story but basically the intake and exhaust are too close together and my new furnace puts out a lot of moisture. Last year we had to get bundled up and go outside and scrape out the intake or bang on it in the middle of the night. Fingers crossed we don't have that issue tonight or tomorrow night when it's supposed to be even colder. I hate winter!
Bean was your DH not allowed in the room last time?

Dini that is COLD oh my!

At my appt yesterday I let my doctor know I'm doing hypnobirthing classes, and she asked if I was opposed to having an IV inserted throughout labor? Is that necessary?
Northern- I don't know what those cramps could be. I'd probably call L&D or my doctor just to be sure because of the gushes of discharge. They might be able to tell you what is going on.

Dini- I hope you don't run into any issues with the cold weather you are facing! I guess I'm glad it is so warm here even if it never really feels like winter. I am glad you have a friend to attend your classes with you.

Maggz- That's a frustrating bill to get in the mail! I hate having to sort out things that shouldn't be my job to take care of!

Beanonorder- I hope your doctor's appointment goes well.

We went to Sam's Club tonight and I bought myself a giant bag of raw almonds to snack on. They are such a great snack! I make myself half a cup and my hunger is completely satisfied. Now I have a whole stash! :)
Maggz, it isn't necessary unless you get an epidural. Some hospitals routinely put in IV in case you need it later, but it is something you can refuse. I will be refusing if I get in that situation. No IVs or catheters for me this time unless it is absolutely necessary. That was worse than anything else with my c-section.
I'll take a -15 with the windchill! When I have to leave tomorrow it is supposed to feel like -39 with the windchill and an actual of -16 (from what I last saw) I'm hoping I wake up to see the schools have a late start.

I hope your husband comes around but your plan to work with him at home and have your friend go to the classes with you sounds like a good idea.
I just want to say that you girls that are dealing with actual medical bills have all of my sympathy. We have long waits here sometimes to see a doctor or get a referral, but I've had nothing but stellar care and without the worry of being billed for any of it , whether insurance covered or not. I can't imagine that stress.
Thanks northern, it is very stressful. Especially coming from a country where I never paid anything, to here where people die because they can't afford medical care :/ Luckily we have very good insurance through my DH's work, so basically everything is covered and we don't pay any fees when we go see the doctor, and we don't have deductibles (like having to pay 10% or something like that). It's just annoying that they don't communicate with each other before sending me a bill for something. Would be so much easier for everyone and they would get their money sooner!
Bean was your DH not allowed in the room last time?

Dini that is COLD oh my!

At my appt yesterday I let my doctor know I'm doing hypnobirthing classes, and she asked if I was opposed to having an IV inserted throughout labor? Is that necessary?

No he wasn't. I was in a communal delivery room so there were four beds. No men allowed. Technically no one else allowed actually but I was eventually given special permission to have my mom (and a translator for a while). When I arrived there was one woman who had just given birth and was being stitched up! Talk about a bad start. I watched 3 other women give birth while I was labouring, another gave birth right after me and there were another two still labouring while I have birth.
Add in no pain relief AT ALL, episiotomy as standard practice once you hit 10cm, language barrier, feeling raped when being checked for dilation and other things and you get the idea of why my first labour was so traumatic!
Episitiomy a standard practice?! Feeling raped?! :O Oh my god. I'm so happy we chose to do hypnobirthing. Was reading the first few chapters and skimmed through the rest, and it just reassured me in my decision. I will also be denying the IV since it really isn't necessary.
Apparently I'm having an elephant! I should be 26+6 today and baby is now measuring 28+1. That's 9 days ahead. Last month he was 7 days ahead, month before 6 days. His estimated weight is 1.16kg (2.56lb). I'm really starting to stress about him coming before my insurance kicks in!!! He is also currently breech, with his head sitting just under my right ribs. I suspected as much because it goes hard a lot in that area and is sometimes sore. Still time for him to turn and I'm going to spend some time doing research on encouraging him to turn.
I'm quite annoyed - the nurse sent my blood off for the wrong test so I have to go back on Friday and do it all over again!

Do you know before I fell pregnant I did so much research and planning: checking the law that I would receive fully paid maternity leave, taking out insurance, thinking I'll register with a Chinese hospital as a back up in case baby needed the NICU.... And now not a single plan is falling into place. My school is not following the law, there's a chance the baby will come before my waiting period is up and I wasn't able to register with a Chinese hospital as a back up. Plus I'm all alone!
Right, rant over!
Maggz I didn't have to have an IV line in - main reasons are if your water break a while before labour starts and needing antibiotics.

I will consent to having a canula in my hand most likely as with DD2 she went into distress and I had an allergic reaction. I didn't have a canula in as I'd refused and it made it a lot harder for them to give me the drugs I needs to try and get her heartrate up.

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