Rebecca that'll be good for everybody involved! I feel like you mentioned that your in laws kinda look up to your parents so it was probably good to have your mom call her.
I'm thirsty a lot too but I feel like my stomach just fills up now, no matter how much I eat or drink, as soon as I put something in there I'm full up to my throat!
Bean I hope you get to go to Hong Kong together, that would be great to do together! Also, I think you deserve a little break.
And yeah def not getting an IV unless necessary after hearing that lol.
ssjad glad you're back but yeah it gets overwhelming catching up.
counting hahaha good for you using smarties
I'm so tired. It's 8 o'clock

I woke up between 8-9 (snoozed), worked a 5 hour shift, ran some errands, came home, cleaned up a little and made myself dinner (DH is at sea), and I'm just wiped. I'm feeling my bump getting very firm when I've been standing for hours at work. My back is getting worse.
I just can't quit work early, they're finally moving me over to train for server, and I don't wanna show any sign of weakness!
I freaked out a little bit right now, realized I haven't felt little one kicking all day. So I laid on my belly (just ate too, so I almost threw up lol), drank water, put a flashlight on my belly, and used the doppler, and now he's finally moving. Phew. I was already thinking the worst. But now he's just kicking away in there!