**April Bunnies 2015**

The other reason I may need an IV during labour is if I need tablets or insulin for my GD.

With being diet controlled I am really restricted as to what I can eat once labour kicks off as my sugars need to be under 6 else it can cause the baby's blood sugar to crash at birth.

If you are on meds they set of a sliding scale of insulin to keep it under control.
Well school is closed today. It says ECS staff attend but I don't know what that means. Waiting to hear from my supervisor to find out if we are meeting or not. Probably won't hear for another hour or so as I only know because baby kicked/punched me awake to go to the bathroom and I saw it on the news. I hope I get to stay home. It's awfully cold out there feeling like -28 right now with the wind chill, actual is -4 and it is supposed to keep dropping!!

Oh and one of the oddest feelings is feeling movement high up and low down at the same time. Strong movement too! I haven't felt that before. I am starting to wonder If baby is shifting or has shifted a bit. I also wonder where my placenta is because I am feeling an awful lot (strong) for an anterior placenta. I just assumed I would feel a lot less.
I have a head cold! My incredible pregnancy immune system has failed me! Of all the sicknesses people have had around me the past 6+ months, I've only been sick once up until now.

Our ultrasound is in 4 hours and I'm so excited to see how big she is! I hope they can tell me if she has hair. One of the third tri girls posted a pic of her ultrasound and you can clearly see hair! I never got an ultrasound this late in pregnancy with DD so this is a treat.
The hospital closest to me gives an IV during the labor...and they wouldn't negotiate a canula or anything else. Which is why I switched back to the hospital I gave birth to DD in. I personally did end up with an IV but only once I asked for an epidural. I don't know if I'll get an epidural again this time or not. Active labor for me was 6 hrs last time and I only asked for epidural 5 hrs in. So I think if everything is well and baby is head down it's quite possible for it to be shorter than 6 hrs...perhaps there won't be time. I'm only basing this on women saying their 2nd labors were shorter than their 1st by a bit.

Edit: Yay! 26 weeks today! I can't believe it'll be 1 week till 3rd tri!
Beanonorder- Wow! Your baby is growing great!

I am starting to think that lot of babies hit a growth spurt around 26 weeks. I've noticed bump pictures in 2nd trimester where many women seem to grow drastically. And I feel my bump has grown a ton from week 25. I've also noticed that the size and weight range on my bump app is very big.

Northern- Sorry to hear you have gotten sick! I hope you can get some rest and start to feeling better.

My throat has been slightly sore and I'm trying to take precautions to keep anything away right now. I'm hoping it works.

Perplexed- Happy 26 weeks!

Week 26 just flew by for me. Maybe it was because I wasn't feeling ready to actually get to the third trimester. ;)

My mom called my MIL today and now they are doing the baby shower together. I am so happy about that. It saves a lot of trouble and other issues. I went to Target today and scanned a bunch of items because my mom said she needs a registry to put on the invitations.
I have one on amazon, but I found last time that a lot of people like to use a tangible registry. And even when I registered through Target online, I didn't get a lot of the stuff because much of it ended up being online only.

So, I am very thirsty lately, but getting very annoyed with my incompetent bladder. I want to be drinking plenty of water, but if my bladder isn't completely empty, I pee on myself a little every time I sneeze or cough. It's frustrating and third tri has only just started. I keep doing kegels to try to help it, but I feel like the baby is just right on it. I also think that Holly might be transverse now as every time she moves, my belly moves from left to right back and forth.
I thought I still had another ultrasound left, but I checked when it would be and I didn't see one in my pregnancy booklet. I'm sort of tempted to go get a private one if I'm not going to have another one. I'd like to know how big she is and how she is positioned (it would also be nice to know what she looks like of course). I wouldn't be surprised if she has gained a whole pound in the last 2 weeks.
I was also given an IV during labour. And once they gave it they tried to make me stay in bed, on my back. I refused to pee in a bed pan so I got to the toilet!
I meant to share one of the other crazy things that happened during my labour. I'd been in labour for so long that I was absolutely exhausted when it came time to push and eventually they were feeding me Red Bull and Hershey Kisses to give me energy!

Rebecca I'm so glad I'm not the only one having the sneeze/pee issue! I'm at the stage where I have to rock back and forth on the toilet to make sure my bladder is empty.

We'll I'm officially 27 weeks today (even if baby thinks otherwise!)
Did I already complain that I have to work on Saturday? I'm so unimpressed! Oh well... Four more weeks after this til holidays. Dh has to go to Hong Kong for his visa and he is contemplating going during my holiday so we can go with. That will be nice.
Hey all! Sorry I haven't been here for ages... combination no phone/internet for 2.5 weeks, plus Christmas, plus heaps of medical appts for myself and kids AND my OH is on holidays and he can't stand me being on the internet when he's around. Combine that with getting up every morning (I'm in Australia) to heaps of pages to catch up on, and it's been easier to catch up on other forums that require very little attention span. I've only read the last ten pages - I hope I haven't missed anything.

Is anyone else trying to toilet train their toddler before bubby comes along? I've been trying and it's failing big time. She just likes weeing and pooing in her knickers! I sure don't want to do it after baby arrives!! Ugh!!

I'm having hospital appts every week now, and ultrasounds every two. My last two babies were iugr, probably due to poorly controlled gd (my body's fault, not mine!) And since my 21 week scan bubby has dropped from about 30th percentile to last week being 12-15th percentile. I'm hoping this baby stays inside at least till March (although they won't let me go beyond March 21st) as doing the special care nursery with a 2 year old and 10 month old will be hellish to organise!!!

Oh... and this is another reason I haven't been here much... every time I come I just feel like whinging about pregnancy! Sorry ladies :-/ I won't tell you how I've reached the completely uncomfortable (happens earlier each pregnancy), absolutely exhausted stage.

Thank you to all who responded to my post about Christmas and my partner's ex-wife. She ended up not coming so the issue has been put off for another year (although I'd have preferred to have had it all sorted by now).

Not much longer now, ladies!!!
Nice to hear from you ssjad. I hear you on being uncomfortable already. I'm just done! I'm ready to go to bed and stay there till they either book me for a section or I go in labour!
I had an IV during labour because I was GBS+ and I was induced. I didn't have a huge issue walking around with it in or anything, but I hope to avoid it this time. I found it hard after I had baby boy, as I found it difficult to move around the room and carry him around. I plan on hopefully getting a heplock, so they can hook up a bag as needed.

Basically ready to puke right now. I have an ultrasound in less than 12 hours to check on Reed's kidneys, to see if they have gotten worse and to check for any other markers. I am really worried. I hope everything is ok. He feels strong and healthy, always kicking and wiggling and I can even rub his little feet when he pushes them out. It's so hard to stay calm when it comes to the health of my kids.
I forgot to add that they also damaged some nerves with the IV I was given and for months afterwards I had to deal with a pins and needles/numb feeling in my fingers of that hand. It was awful.

Ssjad it's nice to hear from you. I am sort of trying to potty train dd. She's only just starting to show signs of being ready and most of the time I can't even convince her to even sit on the potty! I had hoped to have to day time trained before baby arrives but once I realised she wasn't ready I decided it's just going to cause more stress for both of us if I try to force it. I understand for you though it means three in nappies!
On potty training- DS is day trained and stays dry about 50% of nights. He still has an accident here and there, but he doesn't wear diapers except in the car (In case he has an accident in his car seat), and even then he keeps them dry and goes in a potty I bring with us. To be fair though, he had been about 90% potty trained by 12-13 months, regressed when I went on bed rest back to diapers and accidents almost full time, but once I was able to pick things up again the framework was already there and it went much easier. My son had freakishly early body awareness though, and started asking for the potty to poop from 8 months and spending a few hours every day in underwear. Every kid develops at their own pace, and following your LO's cues is probably going to be much easier than trying to train a child who is just not at that point physically. As a side note though, I am a bad mother:haha::blush: but offering a smartie/m&m worked amazingly well here. It was how we got potty things back on track after I got off bed rest.
Rebecca: I'm glad your mom and Mil are doing your baby shower together. Saves a lot of stress! I am also excessively thirsty these days and wear liners in case of peeing. Lol sometimes it happens while just lifting dd off the floor...

Bean: hershy kisses during labor! That sounds awesome! I hope you have fun in Hong Kong if you end up going.

Ssjad: I'm glad to hear from you. It's great you're getting monitored more! My mom wants me to start potty training DD but I think it's too early. She said it won't be serious potty training just taking her to the toilet a few times a day. But still...I doubt I'd do it yet.

Counting: your ds has done great in terms of potty training!!

Feeling strong kicks these days! It's so exciting!
Rebecca that'll be good for everybody involved! I feel like you mentioned that your in laws kinda look up to your parents so it was probably good to have your mom call her.
I'm thirsty a lot too but I feel like my stomach just fills up now, no matter how much I eat or drink, as soon as I put something in there I'm full up to my throat!

Bean I hope you get to go to Hong Kong together, that would be great to do together! Also, I think you deserve a little break.
And yeah def not getting an IV unless necessary after hearing that lol.

ssjad glad you're back but yeah it gets overwhelming catching up.

counting hahaha good for you using smarties ;)

I'm so tired. It's 8 o'clock :haha: I woke up between 8-9 (snoozed), worked a 5 hour shift, ran some errands, came home, cleaned up a little and made myself dinner (DH is at sea), and I'm just wiped. I'm feeling my bump getting very firm when I've been standing for hours at work. My back is getting worse.
I just can't quit work early, they're finally moving me over to train for server, and I don't wanna show any sign of weakness!
I freaked out a little bit right now, realized I haven't felt little one kicking all day. So I laid on my belly (just ate too, so I almost threw up lol), drank water, put a flashlight on my belly, and used the doppler, and now he's finally moving. Phew. I was already thinking the worst. But now he's just kicking away in there! :D
Haha... I've had five kids. .. I was a 'great mother' for my first. I'm all up for bribery! Actually I was thinking about buying some stamps for her hand. Chocolate is also a brilliant idea for a very food-motivated child such as mine! ;-)
To be honest, it's not having three babies in nappies that bothers me... at least everything is contained then. It's toilet training a toddler while I have two babies that freaks me out! Dropping everything while breastfeeding, screaming babies, the older baby getting into everything, cleaning up poo and wee from the floor or having to wash her down when there are accidents... ugh, hellish!!
I won't push dd2 too much as she's stubborn as everything, but will try some gentle bribery, sorry motivation, at least.
Sounds like everyone is in good spirits here... it's lovely to be welcomed back :-)
Maggz: I also freak out if I've had busy days and can't feel baby moving! A few nights ago I had a terrible case of trapped wind (ironically I had a similar but worst one with my DD also at around 26 weeks) and was moaning and groaning. DH was worried as to him it seemed like I was in labor but I knew it was either muscle spasms or trapped wind. But I was freaking out because I haven't felt movements! When the pain subsided I started noticing the movements again, lol. Glad your little one is kicking away.

SSjad: I understand worrying about potty training while you have a baby and another little one. It must be very overwhelming but I'm sure you'll manage just fine!
Hi ladies! :) Just checking in. I havent had time to go online in what feels like forever with christmas and too much to do at work. I think I will have more time in the coming weeks so I will try to keep up :)

I have almost lost count on what week I am ;) but I at least know Im in the third trimester, yay!

Hope you all will have a nice day!
Yay Tove! Welcome back. It's so nice to lose track of the weeks, so relaxing.

Ladies who are on low gi diets do you have any guidelines for me? I keep looking things up and getting so confused. I'm not doing my gtt till 30 weeks which is late imo so i want to go on a low gi diet as a precaution.

Someone told me that I have to exclude all carbs but that's making me lethargic and sluggish. My mom told me that she ate carbs when she had gd but was only told to limit them and have complex ones rather than simple.
The main principles of low GI is make carbs maximum 1/4 of any meal - so lots of protein and veg.

Change to wholewheat bread, pasta and brown rice.

Most fruit is very sugary - there are list online of low GI fruit, probably limit yourself to 2 portions a day.

Most veg is fine except pumpkin, squash, potato etc x
Thanks Amelie.

My problem is that I dunno what a portion means. I used to be one of those people who counted portions with my hand so i dunno what it means the "real" way.
Just think of a normal sized dinner plate and 1/4 of that :flower:

Breakfasts can be hard - toast and eggs, cheese on toast, some fruit and full fat yoghurt, high fibre cereals (I eat bran flakes)

Lunch and dinners easier.

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