**April Bunnies 2015**

I'm on modified bed rest. Whatever that means! At least I'm off work for the remainder of pregnancy!
I am wondering if baby turned a little. I am still feeling really big movements low down but when I feel them in the front strong it also feels as if I can feel it in my back but not as strong. =\
I've gained 8lbs so far, hoping to keep it under 20 like you mentioned Rebecca. But I'm pretty sure it should go off fairly easily with breastfeeding, only thing I'm worried about is my stomach area and that I won't get it back to being nice and firm... lol I know shallow but still.

northern so you're off work but can do minimal stuff around the house?

This child was going absolutely crazy when I went to sleep last night, it was so much fun to feel! He must have turned around like 3 times, haha :)
I'm off today so I'm about to commence some deep cleaning of the bathrooms! :thumbup: Fun times but I also got some stuff on sale at Michael's yesterday so I'll be doing some decorating/organizing of the house as well. Wish my back good luck ;)
Sorry, I rarely get on the computer these days as it's on the blink, and it's not easy to access this website on the phone...so I don't often get to catch up and manly see updates on facebook.
How are you all? I've missed the news, how come you're having to be on bed rest northern? Hope you're ok!
Hi girls, sorry I've been away a few days, working 12 hours shifts on my feet just wipes me out now and today is my only day off before back for two more days. I think part of it is because of my bronchitis though, and now a bad head cold. I can barely hear now! I want this winter over with! It was -28 yesterday when I left for work with the windchill and was colder today but I didn't have to leave the house thank goodness!

Rebecca, I am so glad your mom and MIL are working together! I'm also registered at Amazon, and next Saturday my MIL and maybe her sister and mother are coming with me to register at Target and Babies R Us. I figure I cover all bases that way and then what we don't get we can choose where to buy it since most offer a discount on what you didn't receive. Oh and your butt does not look huge! You look beautiful in ever pic I see of you!

ssjad, glad to see you again!!

Welcome back Tove! Just stop in when you can.

Also welcome back Greygirl!

Counting, so happy to hear he's so healthy!! I bet you feel a thousand times better.

Perplexed I know I had something to say but I already forget lol.

Maggz, good luck with the cleaning and decorating. I have not had the energy and I know it's going to get worse but with being sick and now only having one day off in between days is kicking my butt but I need to get on it!

Northern, I'm glad you got taken off work, but why did they put you on modified bedrest??

AFM, I'm doing okay if I could just get rid of this cough and head cold. My biggest complaints right now are the hip pain and the carpel tunnel has set it big time and I simply can't sleep at night and I have to stop while typing or doing anything very frequently to get feeling back in my hands. But I suppose that's not so bad. I have a chiropractors appt finally in a few weeks and I am hoping that will help.

I'm starting to see a bit of a belly/bump but really not much, I have widened quite a bit though so my scrubs are hard to pull up but once they are over my hips they are fine, I really hope he pops out soon. He seems a little less active the last two days but I still feel him quite a bit, I figure he's going through a growth spurt and is conserving his energy lol. Well tomorrow I'm 26 weeks and only have 1 more week left till third trimester! And today I am down to double digits, 99 days left! I do hope this time flies by.
I don't think he meant like bed rest in the traditional sense, although those are the words he used. I think the weight of the baby and where she's so low will make the spd worse. He told me running quick errands was ok but no walks or shopping for an afternoon, walking flights of stairs, etc.
Well that makes more sense, more like just stay off your feet for long periods of time and rest as much as you can.

So...I just finished catching up with all the threads I'm active in and in one of them a girl who we hadn't heard from since before new years just popped in to tell us she delivered her baby boy...at 23 weeks and a few days. And he's doing wonderful! She had an amniotic infection that put her into labor early and the doctor had never delivered a baby that early that survived but he's doing so well, growing and already taking breastmilk through his NG tube and he really just looks so good. I just had to share because it really is such a miracle and I hope he continues to grow and be healthy!!
Scottish: I'm happy to see you back! 2nd tri has been good to me too. I'm worried 3rd tri will be difficult and I'll wish the time away rather than enjoy the pregnancy.
Hi ladies sorry I haven't been on the last few days. I worked an extra half day this week and it really took it out of me! I have no idea how I managed full time last time I was pregnant - mind you I could stay in bed all day if I wanted to at the weekends. Not so qany more! It is nearly 8am and I have been watching Peppa Pig with DS for 20 mins yawn 😴.

Northern I hope not having to work will help with pain.

Maggz - good luck with the cleaning and decorating. We are going to be having a new kitchen in a couple of weeks so am psching myself up for that! Daft doing it now I know but better now than when thr baby comes!

Dini - gosh having a baby at 23 weeks is scary but I am glad he is doing well. It's frightening to think bubba could come at any point but at least they have been cooking for a quite a while now! I am sure your belly will pop soon. Uniform hides it a bit I think as when I am in my uniform people just think I am a bit fat lol!

Grey girl - nice to see you hope everything is ok with you x

Perplexed - I have loved pregnancy so far and I think the third tri is the most exciting. I remember last time I didn't want it to end! Hopefully will feel the same this time round - although being massive and knackered may not be as nice with a toddler to chase at the same time 😜

I had my GTT on Thursday and I sneaked a peek at my results yesterday (I can access the results at work - good ol NHS) and my first result was 4.3 and the second was 4.2 so am pleased with that. Now for the 28 week bloods and Anti D injection I a couple of weeks. I hope I will get an appointment through from the consultant soon as well to discuss the birth. I would love to have a normal
delivery at the mlc which is a lot closer than the dgh but we shall see. Hope everyone is ok x
Well I managed to go swimming three times this week! I didn't manage any other exercise but considering that last week I did zero exercise I think its a great improvement!

Northern that's great that you got booked off work. Hopefully now your pain will ease up a bit now that you get the chance to rest more.

I'm feeling kind of sad today that once again I won't get the chance to have a baby shower. I would have loved to at least one enjoyed having friends and family around and spending time together and opening presents for the baby. I guess I always imagined I've have my chance and this is the last one so now I'll never get it.
Hey quick question before I go to bed... so I've been up and about all day and occasionally my belly will tighten up real hard. It doesn't hurt at all, but are those contractions? Is it okay for me to keep going when they are going on?
Thanks will catch up tomorrow morning, good night ladies :sleep:
Maggz: that sounds like braxton hicks contractions. For some women they don't hurt. Personally I find them ranging between somewhat painful and very uncomfortable. I don't know if they mean anything but I notice them more in days where I'm on my feet and on the move a lot. Not sure if it's my body saying to relax but it could be.
I'm the same perplexed. I didn't feel them at all in my first pregnancy but this they are making themselves known! I also get them when I need to pee and don't go immediately.
Maggz- That is definitely braxton hicks. I have hated BH in both of my pregnancies. They hurt for me. But the biggest indication is your belly going hard.

Dini- I am glad that the baby that was born early is doing well. What good news!
Also, thanks for the compliment. :) I just really have a ton of body image issues this time around. I don't know why.

I didn't have any last time and I was much larger. I actually have been comparing my pictures of this time to last time whenever I get critical of how I look, and then I think, "Geez, I'm not nearly as big as I was last time!" So that helps me not be so image-conscious and self critical.

GreyGirl- I am the same as you when it comes to using this website with my phone. I just get frustrated with it. I prefer my computer. Glad to see you!

StripeyCat- I am glad that your GTT results were good! Lucky you to be able to sneak a peek!

Beanonorder- I'm sorry you are feeling bummed about the baby shower. Is there a way you could coordinate an online one? I mean to have something? Glad you were able to go swimming! That must have felt nice.

So right now, I keep checking for updates from my cousin (due January 23rd) who, based on her FB pictures, looks like she is about to burst! And my husband's cousin's gf (due sometime at the end of January because she somehow doesn't know her due date) who my MIL has now said is having all kinds of problems.

My cousin had her son at 37 weeks gestation and he was TINY. She had been having contractions, and has been 2 cm dilated since 34 weeks with this one. She had hoped the baby wouldn't come before she made it to full term. I was hoping the baby wouldn't because her son was so small and had almost no fat on him when he was born, I personally felt he needed to bake a little bit longer. Now she is at 38 weeks and she definitely looks a lot bigger than last time. So, that's kind of good. Everyone has been telling her how good it is that she is carrying longer--even her mom felt that her son came too soon even if he was full-term. I know she is ready to have this baby now. And I'm also curious how much more this baby will weigh having stayed in an extra week than last time for her.

Then there's my husband's cousin's gf and I'm really not sure what's going on with her. My MIL told me last night that she is not doing well. She's having contractions still and says she feels a lot of pressure. She said her belly is rock hard. But she had an appointment on Monday, and I assume she is not dilated because they didn't say anything about it. They did move her c-section date up to January 23rd. But my MIL does not believe she will make it that long. She said she thinks the baby will be born this weekend. I don't know because I was sure her baby was coming on January 1st and nothing happened. But if I was in her position with contractions and then now feeling pressure, I'd probably call L&D just to ask.

I hope everyone is having a great day. I'm off to my dance class. I've been told I'm not allowed to do even small jumps in there now as it could start labor. So, I sort of feel like the older ladies who have to watch how much they can do. ;) But I'm still having fun with it and definitely getting a workout with this big baby belly to tote around!
I'm so jealous of you girls being able to continue with exercise. I was doing aquazumba and wanted to continue my regular activities but this baby had other plans.

29 weeks today!
Rebecca: It's great that your cousin carried longer than last time! Hopefully staying in will help the baby put on more weight! I was born at 35 weeks or so and apparently weighed 5.2 lbs. Hope things go well with your husband's cousin's gf... enjoy your dance class! I'm sure it's a lot of fun!

Northern: I was supposed to go back to the gym after the holidays for training sessions but I won't anymore. I just don't feel up for it! When I have someone to babysit I'd reaaaally rather go get a back massage than get a work out lol!
Dini carpal tunnel sounds painful :/ I hope you get a lot out of your chiropractor visit, you've been waiting so long for it!

stripey I WISH we were getting a new kitchen. And yeah better now than in a couple of months with a newborn.

Bean great work on going swimming three times. Seriously, I salute you. I second whoever asked if you can arrange a virtual shower? Have everyone meet up somewhere, then you'll be on skype opening presents and chatting? It won't be the same but you deserve to celebrate your little one :flower:

Rebecca, I agree with Dini. I think you look great in every picture! Good for you for exercising so much, it's probably gonna make the delivery much easier.

I never would have thought I'd get Braxton Hicks! My only knowledge of them comes from Friends anyways so I thought they were really painful. Had no idea they could be pain free. And yeah, I do get them when I've been up and about a lot, and also like you said Bean, when I have to pee! I'm actually having them right now and I only just got up and made breakfast and am now sitting down again. My belly's gotten rock hard a couple of times since I sat down. I'm not worried, but should I be? Haha I feel so clueless.

I'm so happy with how much I got done yesterday. Did everything I put on my planner except hanging picture frames and baskets. But I did get everything organized and pics in the frames so they're all ready to go up. I even cleaned out the "whatever" closet downstairs, which DH has literally been throwing stuff into and we couldn't even see the floor anymore. Oh, and I love my steam cleaner :haha: it's so much fun using it :D Wow, I'm a dork!
Hi ladies! So I haven't been on here since like October....the last couple of days I've been catching up on the posts since at least Christmas. This holiday season was just super busy, and I was feeling like I couldn't keep up with everyone properly. So I just took a break! But now things have slowed down and we are all entering or soon to enter the 3rd trimester!! How exciting! Glad to see everyone is doing fairly well...with minor complications to be expected with making a human lol!

I'm doing well...just getting over a sickness cold/flulike symptoms. It was the first time I've been sick in over a year, so I am thankful for that! But boy was it miserable. I just had to laugh because everything seemed to be conspiring against me maintaining my dignity. For some reason I would not sneeze much while laying down, but the minute I got up to walk around (usually to go to the bathroom) I would be accosted with a sneezing fit...and despite stopping very quickly and squeezing my legs together I would pee my pants...every.single.time. Not to mention snot shooting all over whatever shirt I was wearing. So needless to say I was going through many changes of clothes each day. LOL. Maybe just getting me ready for infant laundry! Feeling better now though...just thought you ladies would get a chuckle!

Baby boy is moving so much...I laugh when I read anything about kick counting. When they say see how long it takes to feel 10 moments...I'm like seriously? Less than 1 minute...2 tops. He's like a little raver in there. Although I have noticed lately he must be establishing sleep/waking patterns because he will go several minutes in a row still and quiet these days.

Thanks ladies who are talking about work outs. You are inspiring me to get back to the YMCA. I have been just doing 3 mile walks which have been wonderful, but the last several weeks it's been way too cold (plus being sick)-nothing like you ladies with super negative temps, but below freezing! I did go to a prenatal yoga class before Christmas, but it meets at 8:30 am. I know I sound lazy, but I've been having some insomnia where I'm up for a few hours in the wee hours of the morning, so it's hard to want to set the alarm when I can get back to sleep and catch up a little by sleeping til 9 or so. But I know my YMCA has group classes later in the morning and in the evening, and I really need to get on it so I have an easier delivery.

Anyway, missed you ladies! Hugs to all!! Look forward to gabbing through the rest of the pregnancy!
Hey all!
Counting, so happy to hear all came back clear with the kidneys!
And Dini, how scary! Thank goodness bubby is doing well.

Best case scenario here is ten more weeks of being pregnant... funny how time both flies AND goes sooo slowly when pregnant!
We're slowly getting the house in order for a new baby, but currently my 10mo sleeps in my room during the day and her sister's room at night as their day sleeps sometimes coincide and sometimes don't. I know when I move her permanently I'm going to miss out on some quiet time during the day... it's like giving up gold!

For those of you still working, at what stage are you going on maternity leave, and how much time will you take off. I'm just in the process of requesting a year, but I can take up to two years if I want.
Sara it's so nice to hear from you! So glad you are doing well except the cold of course and I know how you feel! I totally laughed when I read about peeing your pants, and DH was like..what's so funny hehe!!

ssjad, I am planning to work until the very end if I can, although some days I wonder if I'll be able to but most of the girls I work with do so I will sure try! I only get up to 12 weeks and can only afford to take 9-10 it looks like, so that makes me really sad...but it's better than back years ago when all it was was 6 weeks I suppose.

Beanonorder, I feel sad for you and not getting a shower...I wish we could throw you one!! I know I would feel the same way you did if I were in your shoes.

AFM, really worn out from work today, I sat down to eat lunch and chart a few times and that was it and I had to help transfer several patients to other floors and the last one did me in, she was nearly 400lbs and of course the motor on her bed died about 1/4 of the way so we had to do it manually...I was beat! When I came back from that our unit secretary looked at me funny and when I asked why she said "I just don't know how you do this, 12 hours on your feet and you're so busy, pregnant and still sick." I laughed and said I don't know either but it's my job. If I weren't sick it would still make me tired but being sick really takes it's toll. One more day and I get two off but tomorrow promises to be horrible as we are badly short staffed.

Baby boy has been a bit quiet today but I've been moving around so much. My belly is starting to itch where my old stretch marks are coming back, so I guess it's growing. I slathered it in coconut oil. Oh...and 26 weeks today! Yay! 1 more week till I can join some of you in the third trimester!!

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