Maggz- That is definitely braxton hicks. I have hated BH in both of my pregnancies. They hurt for me. But the biggest indication is your belly going hard.
Dini- I am glad that the baby that was born early is doing well. What good news!
Also, thanks for the compliment.

I just really have a ton of body image issues this time around. I don't know why.
I didn't have any last time and I was much larger. I actually have been comparing my pictures of this time to last time whenever I get critical of how I look, and then I think, "Geez, I'm not nearly as big as I was last time!" So that helps me not be so image-conscious and self critical.
GreyGirl- I am the same as you when it comes to using this website with my phone. I just get frustrated with it. I prefer my computer. Glad to see you!
StripeyCat- I am glad that your GTT results were good! Lucky you to be able to sneak a peek!
Beanonorder- I'm sorry you are feeling bummed about the baby shower. Is there a way you could coordinate an online one? I mean to have something? Glad you were able to go swimming! That must have felt nice.
So right now, I keep checking for updates from my cousin (due January 23rd) who, based on her FB pictures, looks like she is about to burst! And my husband's cousin's gf (due sometime at the end of January because she somehow doesn't know her due date) who my MIL has now said is having all kinds of problems.
My cousin had her son at 37 weeks gestation and he was TINY. She had been having contractions, and has been 2 cm dilated since 34 weeks with this one. She had hoped the baby wouldn't come before she made it to full term. I was hoping the baby wouldn't because her son was so small and had almost no fat on him when he was born, I personally felt he needed to bake a little bit longer. Now she is at 38 weeks and she definitely looks a lot bigger than last time. So, that's kind of good. Everyone has been telling her how good it is that she is carrying longer--even her mom felt that her son came too soon even if he was full-term. I know she is ready to have this baby now. And I'm also curious how much more this baby will weigh having stayed in an extra week than last time for her.
Then there's my husband's cousin's gf and I'm really not sure what's going on with her. My MIL told me last night that she is not doing well. She's having contractions still and says she feels a lot of pressure. She said her belly is rock hard. But she had an appointment on Monday, and I assume she is not dilated because they didn't say anything about it. They did move her c-section date up to January 23rd. But my MIL does not believe she will make it that long. She said she thinks the baby will be born this weekend. I don't know because I was sure her baby was coming on January 1st and nothing happened. But if I was in her position with contractions and then now feeling pressure, I'd probably call L&D just to ask.
I hope everyone is having a great day. I'm off to my dance class. I've been told I'm not allowed to do even small jumps in there now as it could start labor. So, I sort of feel like the older ladies who have to watch how much they can do.

But I'm still having fun with it and definitely getting a workout with this big baby belly to tote around!