**April Bunnies 2015**

Maggz sorry I can't offer any advice. I have actually never heard of what you're talking about! But I hope it clears up soon and that there are no serious issues.

Vickster those pictures are awesome!

Rebecca how did your test go?

Northern I can imagine your living situation is very frustrating.

I'm tired. And I'm so over all these dreams I've been having. My mind is seriously in overdrive. Its like I get no rest even when I am asleep. Speaking of... I'm off to sleep! Night!
Vickster- I forgot to mention the first time around that I think those pictures are great! :) They are so clear. Baby looks adorable!

Beanonorder- I haven't found out the results of my test yet, but it all went very well. Instead of having to wait until after my blood was drawn, they just went ahead and squeezed my appointment in while I was waiting it out. That saved me a lot of time. The nurse said that if I failed the test, they will call me. If my results were fine, I won't hear anything. So far, I haven't heard anything and I'm hoping it stays that way.

My next appointment is scheduled for 32 weeks in February.

One funny thing about today's appointment--I got a letter to tell airlines I am cleared to fly and my due date written on there was March 30th. That was my original due date before I had an early ultrasound. But nobody has said anything to me about my due date being changed.
Aw Vickster those are precious. Crazy how clear they are!

Thanks guys, I might mention it to my doc next appt if it hasn't changed. But I've been eating very healthy, but the fats I've been eating are different from what I usually eat... almonds, coconut milk, avocados. Maybe it's just the change that's bothering my stomach. I really hope my stomach stops hurting though I'm trying to eat better but it doesn't seem to matter.

northern that's kind of unreasonable of her to expect you to change nothing in the house while she's gone. But I guess maybe she looks at it like she's doing you a favor and doesn't see your side - the actually having to live there side.

I'm having those dreams too, they're exhausting. I think it's because we sleep lighter than normal cause we're already uncomfortable so we are more aware of the dreams. I dreamt my DH was choking me out! And I woke up saying "WHY???" So creepy and obviously nothing he's ever done or would do.
I am so nervous for my doctors appointment tomorrow. I'm scared they're going to tell me my numbers are too high and that I need insulin. I've been monitoring and portion controlling every bite of food. Foods I think are going to make them skyrocket are perfectly fine, yet even if I only eat 20 carbs for a whole meal and ANY of them are made up of bread, they shoot up. I'm not happy and incredibly frustrated.

I'm expecting her to book a c-section date after tomorrow's appointment.
Gosh, I'm sorry Bean... I hope he's fine, and that everything is sorted before he comes.

Maggz, on top of what everyone else has said it can also happen with lack of fibre, although it sounds like you're eating well. I had it happen last pregnancy when my thyroid was out of whack, too.

Vickster, amazing photos!!!

Rebecca, good luck with your results!

Northern, diabetes can be really frustrating! I agree, sometimes your sugars after certain meals are really surprising. I've been on insulin for the last three pregnancies now and for me it actually makes life a LOT easier. .. I wouldn't stress about it too much.

I'm just about to go to my hospital appointments - obstetrician and diabetes clinic. I'll have to wake my baby AND it's pouring with rain. Sigh.
Hey ladies!

Maggz I wouldn't worry about it at all, sounds like you are eating a little different and maybe your body is just processing it differently. I do hope you stomach stops hurting soon though.

Northern, she does sound like an "odd bird". I'm sure you will be so glad to move. Good luck at your appt. For some people bread is a big issue and others its fruit or dairy, I hope they let you keep working on your diet.

Beanonorder, so sorry about the NICU..I hope he doesn't need it though. Also I have the dreams also, and it's really annoying because I feel like I didn't get a good rest even if I'm "asleep" for 7 hours.

Vickster, those pics are amazing!! How cool!

Afm, I got through my weekend, yesterday was a pretty heavy day as well and I think I may have over done it. I helped transfer several patients to other floors and one of them was a really big guy and I think all the pulling I did may have tweaked a muscle or something. Although that may not be what's causing my pain. The other day I said baby was quiet, and he has continued that pattern. I feel him still at times, but not as strong as I'm used to or as often. I thought maybe because I was working and busy I just didn't notice but today I've been taking it easy and still haven't felt him like I used to. I am kinda wondering if he has changed position and maybe is facing my back and laying more on my left because my lower back hurts on the left and I've had pain in and around where my ovary is that's like a constant ache or cramp and I can't tell if it's my ovary or what it is. I was going to call the OB today but decided to take a nap to see if it helped and it really didn't make a difference. Does seem to be less noticeable to lay on my right. I've checked his HB with the doppler several times and it's always good so my gut says he's okay and it's just me being in pain and his lack of movement is just positional. What do you all think??
I think it may be positional. I've been able to feel the baby a lot but at the end of last week baby got very quiet. Where I felt random movements but not really strong like usual. I thought I felt some weird feeling in my back. Like a light kick to the front but I'd feel it in my lower back. I tried to pay closer attention. Then all of a sudden I started getting a big ball on my left side. Yesterday the movements got stronger again and today the child is like a gymnast, soccer player and a football player. Maybe a boxer too all rolled into one! I'd say all is good since you said hb is good!
I think it could be positional too. They're all in better defined sleep schedules now too. I didn't feel her at all yesterday until late at night. Today she hasn't stopped moving and feels like she is going to tear my insides out. Maybe another growth spurt and baby is just sleepy?
Thanks ladies. I am thinking that's probably all it is. I took a nap and was hoping to feel him when I laid down but I only felt a twinge now and then and the pain seems better if I lay on my right. And I did hear this is the time babies tend to have a growth spurt so maybe he's also worn out like I am. We will see what tomorrow brings. I'm just trying to rest and drink lots of water today.
My baby is definitelty quieter when growing.

I hope your appointment goes OK Northern. I never carb counted until this pregnancy, diabetes is very hard to understand. A lot of the time it is the foods you are eating in combination that can help - so lots and lots of protein with carbs.

I am only keen to avoid insulin if my GD as it is managed at present isn't affecting baby - as I have had 2 vaginal births I do hope I can do that again and I would love to avoid induction if possible. The hospital will let me go to 40 weeks on diet control.
I think baby is in a more normal sleep/ wake and kick-punch me routine right now and I'm not sure I like it! I don't mind the mornings as I have to be up anyway. I feel tons of movement between 6-8am. Then it gets quiet. More again between 12pm-2pm. Then at night around 6-9pm. Then from 11pm-3am!!! Ack. I was so tired last night I passed out but my goodness I went to sleep to a boxing match going on and my insides were loosing.
Let us know how the appt goes Northern!

Baby is a bit more active today, and last night around 11 while I was watching the National Championship College football game (well DH was watching, I was reading Divergent lol) he was all over the place, but he feels "distant" like I can tell he is kicking hard but it just feels far away, so I really think he's going through a growth spurt and he has shifted more towards my back. The back pain is better today as well and no more cramping. I think I must've overdone it, I need to be more careful at work.

Got a newborn outfit and bibs in the mail from my Aunt today, I never expected that. It was sweet. I have a feeling they may have been something her grandkids didn't use because there are no tags but still smell like the store. Either way they are adorable and it was very thoughtful!

I was going to go to the store today but I really just want to hang at home and work on a little organization and cleaning. I'm washing blankets and going to vacuum the furniture and may wash curtains. I just don't feel like getting dressed today lol. I have such a busy two weeks ahead of me I don't want to go anywhere!
My appointment was ok. She said my numbers are elevated but "ok", although she wants to see me again after another week of tracking to decide if I need insulin. It didn't help that I ate 3/4 a cup of cereal this morning in an attempt to be really good (I don't even like cereal) and my 1hr number was 10.2

She said my needing a c-section is a "fluid situation" but then said "we may get to the very last appointment and say that because of the diabetes, the size of the baby, the fact you had a previous c-section and the fact you had a previous big baby that the c-section is the best choice". If she knows that already, why doesn't she just say it? Blah. I'll talk to her again on Tuesday. I think she is trying to keep me going on the VBAC because she doesn't want to flat out say it isn't going to happen, but I am not getting any positive VBAC vibes from either of my doctors.
Northern that's a bummer that they don't seem supportive about a vbac. Is yournfluid low? I mean you still have 10 weeks left it seems like a jump to say what she has already.
It is really tough trying to sort out GD when you are first tackling it Northern :hugs:

I remember with DD1 having a type of cereal and getting an 11 and I actually burst into tears.

With DD2 I literally lived on hummus, cheese, omlettes and a few other things alongside veg and 'safe' fruit, I am sure it wasn't ideal but it was the choice I made to get to the end. But even then I had to be induced at 40 weeks because of the GD risks.

I really don't know how I would feel if it looked probable I'd be having a c section. I'd probably have less motivation for the hardcore diet route quite likely.
Today she hasn't stopped moving and feels like she is going to tear my insides out.

That's a good description. For the past 2 days now, I have felt like she is moving so much, I'm actually starting to tell what is what. I've had some jabs that are either a knee or an elbow. They have to be because they are sharp. I'm thinking elbows because elbows do dig in.
It feels like she has grown again, realized her amount of space is decreasing and is fussing all around trying to get comfortable. She seriously moves pretty much nonstop!

I know when she is "awake" because her movements are so active they actually hurt me and make me jump. When she is asleep, the movements are there but more sporadic and much softer.

I'm wondering if she's going to be one who just doesn't like small spaces or being swaddled. I never did, so she might take after me.

Northern- I'm also sorry to hear about the possibility of a vbac might not look good for you. I hope it does work out, though. Glad you don't have to go on insulin and I also hope that you don't end up needing it.

Dini- I'm glad you are getting a chance to get some extra water and rest today and that you are feeling better. It's hard not to overdo it sometimes!

Sorry to hear about those bad dreams. I had a few, but mine have calmed down thankfully. It can be disturbing!

So far I have heard nothing about my GTT from yesterday, so I'm assuming it was good. I may be tempted to send them a message on Friday just to make sure things are good. They are pretty good about contacting me, so it seems promising.
I feel like the third trimester symptoms are coming on pretty strong, and I wish they'd hold off. I still have another 12 weeks. I'm peeing like all the time. I still have to watch it when I sneeze, cough, or laugh. Yesterday, heartburn started back up again and I just thought "No no no..I don't need you heartburn." Exercise has greatly reduced my heartburn problems, but I was feeling great going about 10 weeks there without it at all. I should be thankful that, otherwise, I'm not having any pain. My back is still doing great and I can still tie my shoes. Both great things!
northern can you get a second opinion and try to really push for a vbac? Given, of course, that it won't affect yours or your baby's safety. Sounds like the doc is not even considering it.

Rebecca, this one is moving almost non stop too. It's quite entertaining, actually! Definitely doesn't hurt (yet) but sometimes an odd feeling when he's very clearly turning around or flipping over and nothing is gonna stop him :haha:

DH came home last night, very happy about that :dance: Our second hypnobirthing class is today.
Did you guys ever go to a breastfeeding class? I'm wondering if we should go, it's $40 at a hospital near here.
I never did a bfing class before DD1, it may have helped though - in the UK you only get the opportunity to do things like that before your first baby (via the NHS)

Northern - something someone said to me once about insulin which I found comforting and still do - is that it isn't a 'fake' medication, it is putting right back in what your body isn't making as it should right now. It is in a way 'natural'.

I guess your doctor might not want to build you up too much until your medication needs become clear? There are good strong reasons for baby needing to come early with medication controlled GD between 38-40 weeks.

Would they consider any intervention like breaking your waters if you were favourable - opposed to a full on induction?

I only ask as your previous section was some time ago so less risk of rupture and I know here sometimes they will try non drug based interventions in previous section ladies.
She mentioned a balloon method of induction which I'm assuming after googling it is a foley catheter. I'm not sure how I feel about that. Upon googling, it seems like a torture device and you end up needing pitocin anyway.

Maggz, I would take the breastfeeding class, only because I teach them and I know how beneficial they are.

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