Today she hasn't stopped moving and feels like she is going to tear my insides out.
That's a good description. For the past 2 days now, I have felt like she is moving so much, I'm actually starting to tell what is what. I've had some jabs that are either a knee or an elbow. They have to be because they are sharp. I'm thinking elbows because elbows do dig in.
It feels like she has grown again, realized her amount of space is decreasing and is fussing all around trying to get comfortable. She seriously moves pretty much nonstop!
I know when she is "awake" because her movements are so active they actually hurt me and make me jump. When she is asleep, the movements are there but more sporadic and much softer.
I'm wondering if she's going to be one who just doesn't like small spaces or being swaddled. I never did, so she might take after me.
Northern- I'm also sorry to hear about the possibility of a vbac might not look good for you. I hope it does work out, though. Glad you don't have to go on insulin and I also hope that you don't end up needing it.
Dini- I'm glad you are getting a chance to get some extra water and rest today and that you are feeling better. It's hard not to overdo it sometimes!
Sorry to hear about those bad dreams. I had a few, but mine have calmed down thankfully. It can be disturbing!
So far I have heard nothing about my GTT from yesterday, so I'm assuming it was good. I may be tempted to send them a message on Friday just to make sure things are good. They are pretty good about contacting me, so it seems promising.
I feel like the third trimester symptoms are coming on pretty strong, and I wish they'd hold off. I still have another 12 weeks. I'm peeing like all the time. I still have to watch it when I sneeze, cough, or laugh. Yesterday, heartburn started back up again and I just thought "No no no..I don't need you heartburn." Exercise has greatly reduced my heartburn problems, but I was feeling great going about 10 weeks there without it at all. I should be thankful that, otherwise, I'm not having any pain. My back is still doing great and I can still tie my shoes. Both great things!