**April Bunnies 2015**

Sarah its nice to hear from you again. Although I have seen you around on the facebook group!!

Ssjad as things stand at the moment I will be working til the end of March. If I go by my due date I will be just short of 39 weeks. If I go by the latest scan date I will be 40 weeks. I'm not sure how I'm going to do it but I need the salary so will have to just suck it up - even if it means me sitting and teaching! And as for how long... well that's up in the air. It could be anything from 1 month to three months. Plus I have summer holidays from 20th June to 12th August.

Thanks for the sympathy about the baby shower. I will say that's of people sent stuff over with my mom when she came last time. So it wasn't like I didn't get anything at all!

Dini sorry you have to work so hard and all while feeling sick!

Last night I got more sleep than I have in ages! I went to sleep at 10pm and only woke up at 2:30am, when dd woke up. Went back to sleep and woke up around 6:30am from another bad dream. I seem to be having a lot of bad dreams lately - last night was about me opening the door and turns out it was someone coming to rob the house. Before that I was stuck in an elevator that suddenly became half the size. And before that it was dh saying he was going to start a new life and would never see us again. So not cool! But yay for the sleep!
sarah: glad to hear from you again! sorry you've been sick :hugs: if it makes you feel any better I pee myself all the time. sometimes a liner is nowhere near enough! happy 27 weeks by the way!

Northern: happy 29 weeks! sorry I just realized!

ssjad: it feels like this pregnancy is passing by fast...but if I look at my ticker twice in the same day it feels slow! I don't want it to be too fast as I'm enjoying it a lot more this time. I'll miss the baby kicks.

Dini: I'm sorry work's been so busy! I had a different kind of job in the past but even prior to pregnancy being understaffed, overworked and sick only made me more sick. hopefully you'll get better days.

I have a question. my sister is on bc and she's got her period last week but she's so worried that she could be pregnant and doesn't want to continue her next round of bc in case it hurts the pregnancy. she keeps taking pregnancy tests. says her gynecologist told her she's most likely not pregnant but she's not convinced. apparently she's heard some women get "periods" while pregnant at the same time. she's asked me if it were possible I said I didn't know and that my bleeds with dd started 2-3 weeks after the missed period and positive pregnancy test, and they didn't happen every month like periods did. then what really pissed me off is that she said she was ready to relax and take her bc again until I mentioned the bleeds. my mom was also around and said the same thing, that she did have a bleed once but it was weeks after missed period and positive pregnancy test.

do women really get periods while pregnant? a full 5 day period? I almost want to really ask in 1st tri but then at the same time I don't want to answer any more questions since she'll stress anyway and somehow make it like I caused the stress!
From what I understand people can. But it'd be pretty amazing, pregnant while on bc AND had a period. It'd be unbelievable odds!
Technically, no, so can't have a period and be pregnant because a period is shedding your uterine lining. It's not possible.

However, when you are on birth control, you don't really have a period anyway. The bleeding is from the removal of the hormones. For me, since I got pregnant on the pill this time, I just didn't bleed at all. I never started my next pill pack. I went to the doctor to say I never had bleeding in my week off the pill. She did a pregnancy test and said my test was negative. I never saw it though. I just didn't feel right about it. I bought a hpt and it was blaringly positive even with diluted urine. And this was 1 week after I should have had a bleed. So I never started the next pack.

If I were her and I really thought I could be pregnant, I would find a way to ensure I wasn't pregnant before starting my next pack. It is possible she could have bled and still be pregnant since bleeding from the pill is not a real period (but 5 days does seem like a stretch).
No she's not getting positive pregnancy tests but I have the feeling she doesn't know how to use them as she keeps saying they don't light up or something.

I almost don't want to bring it up again in case she says I keep stressing her out. Though I know I'd be stressed too if I took bc and werent sure.
I'll add more later when I'm not on my phone. For now.. 25 weeks today! Can't belive how close to 3rd trimester I am! =]
I am seriously nesting hardcore. I just cleaned out DD's wall to wall closet. Her toy box is cleaned, her room is organized. It's done. It took me 2hrs but it's done.

Next: my room. We are doing musical rooms in the next week. One of the bedrooms has been stripped down and has walls again, but they need to be plastered and painted and we need flooring. I'm going to take the small room and give the two girls the master bedroom. I can't wait to get in our own house that we actually own. I'm so frustrated with this between houses thing. We can't set up at the house we are staying at because all their stuff is still there, and we are all crammed in if we set up in my parents house. House sitting a big house for 3 years is a great help but I'm ready for our own space now.
I know some women do get bleeds around when their period was due - I think Kirsty in the group has that happen to her?

My DH's colleague did genuinely have 'periods' when pregnant as she had a severe bicornate uterus so one half of her womb didn't realise she was pregnant and carried on as usual.

In both those cases you would still be getting positive pregnancy test though surely???


I am getting on OK. I had GD clinic on Friday just gone. My fundal height is spot on, BP good and they are really happy with my readings.

I have a consultant appointment and a scan in around 3 weeks time and then not back to GD clinic until 16 February.

25 week bump from last week is below. I feel like I've had a spurt now!

I have only put on 1kg since 16 weeks and in total am up 3kg (I always gain weight in first tri, it is a good job really!) They were more than happy with that weight gain.

I just want a normal, stress-free, no problem week to happen! I'm so tired of worrying now.
I haven't confirmed it yet but it sounds like the hospital I'm planning to deliver at doesn't have a NICU so the baby will have to be transferred to another hospital if he has to go in! I got myself into such a state thinking about it last night. I don't want my baby going somewhere else, especially as the somewhere else is going to be a Chinese hospital. And they have no respect for privacy. So all these people are going to be looking at my baby while I'm stuck elsewhere.
I'm going to try arrange a tour of the hospital this weekend and hopefully find out for sure what they will do etc.
I'm sorry if I've missed something... are you expecting your baby to maybe need nicu, beanonorder?
Ssjad yes I am. He has tested positive for the same thing my daughter was born with. In fact his results came back even higher. And she ended up in the NICU with severe jaundice and was there for three days. So although it's not guaranteed it's highly likely and I'm preparing myself for the worst.
Nice to see you here again sarah!

northern I know how you feel about the house situation. How long do you have left there? Can you make it "yours" at all?

bean that sucks. Let us know what the hospital says.

sorry if I missed someone I'm too lazy to scroll back right now!

So, I have a TMI question that I'm super awkward about (even thought about making up another screen name to ask it on the boards)... but I figured we don't judge, right? Lol... so here goes... have any of you had floating stool? Is that something that can happen during pregnancy? I googled it and it could be a sign of celiac disease or something regarding the pancreas? Also it mentioned malabsorption of nutrients so that makes me scared that baby won't get everything it needs in there... Anyways, it's been like this for about a week now, and I do have slight stomach issues - as in, I feel like my stomach's exploding and I've had a couple of days (not in a row, but more off and on) of really bad stomach aches.
What do you guys think?
Hey! just thought i'd share a few photos from our 4D scan on saturday! Was so amazing to see her so clearly!


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Maggz, a tummy upset could cause that easily also the bvits in a prenatal/folic acid can make the same thing happen.

When we were TTC dd2 I had a tummy upset and was taking vit b6, exactly the same thing hapenned, the stool was also near enough white, urgh.

I was convinced I'd given myself liver failure!

I wouldn't worry unless it carries on for weeks. Maybe eat a plain diet until the stomach bug passes?
Sarah- Good to see you on here! :) I know what you mean about the kick counts! I just told my mom the other day that this baby is so active I don't even need to worry about kick counts. At least that is good and reassuring. If she slows down at any point, I will do it. But, for now, she moves so much and the bigger she gets, the more I feel every little movement. So, I feel her moving pretty much round the clock. My son wasn't this way.

Beanonorder- I'm sorry to hear about the hospital situation! That is very frustrating! I hope, for your sake, that he will not need the NICU somehow.

Amelie- Great bump picture. You look fantastic!

Maggz- There is definitely no judgment for questions. Things happen! But I can't help unfortunately. I haven't had it happen, so I don't know anything about it. I hope you can figure out what's going on with your stomach and that it isn't anything big.

I am going in for my GTT in about 20 minutes. I'm not anxious, but I think I'm just too tired to be anxious. They said not to fast but not to eat anything sugary or with a lot of carbohydrates. So, I had oat bran and coffee without sugar. Then I have my 28 week appointment today immediately following my GTT. I just want to go back to bed. It's early.
That can also happen if you've had higher quantities of fat in your diet than normal. If you're normally a healthy eater and then eat takeout 3 days in a row, etc.

We have over 2 years in that house but she keeps coming back and forth. She will be back from Qatar in June-August, and she was just home for Christmas. It's not a big deal as we will stay with my parents but she won't be very happy if we're set up and changed her things. I'm so pissed off with the situation. She's a strange bird, that woman.
Bean I hope he doesn't end up in the NICU! Thought I do hope you get info from the hospital just incase it does happen so you feel calm.

Maggz- I've had no experience with that so I can't help. But def no judgement.

Vickster- awesome scan pics!

I hate dreams. I barely slept last night but it seems as if this dream just continued when I fell asleep. It's like my fears in one. =[

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