Oh my gosh! It went great! While he was in the shower, it set up the camera. He took FOREVER(he swears he didn't) and then started getting ready for bed and started taking out his contacts, brushing his teeth, etc.
I needed to get him downstairs. I knew he'd let the dog out but I told him we didn't have dessert and had to finish the ripe watermelon we have. He told the dog we were going to let him out so the dog ran, flying down the stairs. The first part of the video is me letting the dog out and all these bugs flying in cause I had every light on. I did get it all on tape!
I got him to sit at the table, where his gift was waiting. On my 30th, he gave me my gift(beautiful diamond infinity necklace) 30 minutes before my birthday was over. I babbled on how I wasn't going to do that to him and he was getting a gift tonight, Saturday and Tueaday(actual birthday). I rambled on a lot because I was so nervous.
He opened the onesie first and was like "okay?" And was looking very confused and just stared at me(Later he said he was trying to see what my face would give away). I was like "come on.." Then had him open th next present, the tests. Once he did, he just sat there stunned. I asked him what he thought about the onesie and he was like "I thought maybe it was for the future." He was STUNNED. I can never surprise him! I loved his reaction the best with the card. It said "yah! Way to go! Wahoo!" And the inside said "You did it!" It is funny.
He told me there were things in the last week that made him think I could be(said he didn't see extra trash from the period I claimed to be having) and just other stuff I had said but didn't give it a second thought. In the end he had no idea!