Northern- I'm sorry to hear about all of your pain. It just sounds awful! Glad your dad could take your daughter to school for you. Maybe a chiropractor would help. I hope you can find some answers and relief.
That was such a great moment for your daughter!

She can see that the baby must know her voice now. My son has been singing to his baby sister in the mornings to see if he can get her to move. Sometimes, she does get going. She's the only one who likes his crazy made-up songs he does.
Beanonorder- Still hoping your son ends up staying at your hospital! At least your husband can go if he needs to be transferred. I had a scare like that after my son was born being told he might need to be transferred, but with phototherapy and an IV, he bounced back quickly and could stay with me. So, I really do hope the same for you!
Not much is new here other than being 28 weeks today! I'm currently counting down to 30 weeks. I just feel like 30 weeks is another milestone. I think from there, it seems like the baby gains roughly a 1/2 pound a week until birth.
Both my cousin and my husband's cousin's gf are still pregnant. My cousin has come down with some sickness, so she is now very glad her baby hasn't arrived yet. My husband's cousin's gf is still behaving as though she is in labor, but she was at the doctor on Monday and is not dilated. She goes back Thursday. And, as long as her baby stays put, she'll just end up having a c-section on Jan 23rd. I am starting to think that's how it will go for her.
I'm going to my one yoga class for the week today! This is with a new instructor, so I hope it goes well. My favorite one is no longer teaching at the YMCA. I have another one I like who has never been pregnant, but she is still good at offering me modifications. Then there is another one who I won't go to anymore because she's just not a very good instructor. Plus, she hasn't been pregnant and is also really clueless about anything pregnancy related. So, I get nothing from her class. I hope I like the one today and I'm also kind of hoping it's an instructor who has been pregnant before. I will talk to her before the class starts anyway (even though I'm obviously pregnant) to let her know how far along I am and everything.