**April Bunnies 2015**

Yes, 85% of foley catheter inductions require drug augmentation.

With DD2 I did go into labour just via my waters being broken when I was only 1cm dilated.
Yeah I don't really see the point of having that done and then not being able to continue on with pitocin to finish it out.
Northern sorry it seems like the doctors aren't being as supportive as you'd like. That is really frustrating.

Rebecca I'm with you in the heartburn. I had it so bad yesterday! I've had it on and off all pregnancy though and have to be careful about what I eat and how much.

Maggz I would take any breastfeeding help I could get! I really question whether it would have gone better for me if I had either had more knowledge or more help in the beginning. Even though I've done it before and have more knowledge I'm still researching and reading up on things. I definitely don't think it would be a waste.

So I called the hospital yesterday. They do indeed transfer NICU cases to another hospital. But I got a tiny ray of hope - she told me they do offer phototherapy in the room for a few hours a day. So provided he's not too severe and anemia isn't a major problem then I may just be able to keep my baby! Please pray/keep fingers crossed or whatever it is you do for me!
Maggz, I think I asked that same question in another thread, about the bfing class. I think I'm going to take one. I really need to get signed up for these classes. The only birthing class the hospital offers I can take is in March, but I want to look around. The bfing class meets monthly I think and I may be able to take one in February, but I can always do March as well. I think ours is a similar price. I figure it wouldn't hurt to get the extra info!

I am a little jealous of you girls who are getting tons of movement. He is moving more today but still not like he was last week. I'm sure he will get moving again as it has certainly picked up and I definitely felt him flip today.

Beanonorder, I'm so glad they offer the phototherapy, that really may be all he needs. That's usually the only therapy we use in the states unless they are severely anemic or jaundice.

Well I got a bit more cleaning done today than I set out to do, and washed all the dogs blankets and several of ours and put all the laundry baskets full of my clothes away (there were more than I'd like to admit lol) Put some curtains up, swept and made another trash bag of donate clothes and half a bag of donate handbags. DH is working till 1am tonight so I think I'm going to go to bed early and read the second book in the Divergent series, well get it started anyway. I have a problem with books at night though because I won't put them down!
I had cervadil induction, which needed waters broken and oxytocin to progress to active labour. It was fricking brutal. I won't lie. I was given my first dose of cervadil on June 30th, my son was born July 5th, just after suppertime. Cervadil got me to 3cm, but involved contractions 2 mins or less apart from the 30th until they started my drip and broke my waters the morning of the 5th. Be wary if they recommend cervadil. I'm not familiar with the foley method. I really hope to avoid induction this time, but I know now how I can advocate for the induction conditions, when I had no idea the first time. I'd be willing to chat about the experience if any ladies know they are likely to be induced and haven't been through it before.
We had the sweetest bonding moment this evening with DD and baby! She was kneeling on the floor talking to my belly telling her all about her day, when the baby started flipping out! She started squirming everywhere and my belly was going crazy! DD hadn't seen my belly move so she was SO excited. I got her to stop talking for a few mins and the baby stopped. She started again and baby started again. So cute!
I find it hilarious how the baby responds to certain songs but not others. And each song is different. Lots of movement to twist and shout lol. I then put on Disney songs and I got nothing to a whole new world but I got movement high up and low down to Hawaiian roller coaster ride.

The hospital I'm giving birth at has free classes. We are signed up for March. I think they will do bf as a part of it. Though I still don't think I will bf. I like the idea of formila feeding more still.
Northern- that is so cute!

I guess I'll have to get on my laptop more often. I keep missing posts when I use my phone. Then I feel bad.
Dini: it's so sweet that you received a baby outfit from your aunt! good luck with organization...I've got to do some organizing myself and I just don't know where to start.

northern: I'm sorry they aren't being supportive of a vbac. I hope you can get more info over the next few weeks. it's so adorable that your LO is reacting to her big sister :)

Rebecca: hopefully no news is good news when it comes to gtt. I'm sorry your third tri symptoms are coming a bit strong. I'm also peeing all the time and baby is so low that it feels he's going to wiggle his way out. dd wasn't this low this early although she was consistently head down on all my third tri appointments.

maggz: I wish I had the option of going to a bf'ing class before having dd. I think it would have been useful.

bean: I really hope your baby can stay with you and not need to be transferred to another hospital!

Christina: I also miss a lot of posts on my phone! it's so weird. when I get on my laptop I finally notice the posts I missed...
Good for those of you who are getting organised and cleaning! I have stuff to do but no motivation!!

Northern that is really cute!
Dd loves lifting my shirt and kissing and 'feeding' the baby. The other day she lifted my shirt and then looked at me and said 'baby gone'. Lol, if only she realises what she's in for when the baby gets out!!

So I'm sorry if this is tmi but I swear baby is in my vajayjay today! Every time I get up to walk I have such intense pressure in my lady parts! It's not quite painful but definitely uncomfortable. Either he is dangling his feet down there or maybe it's a sign that he's actually turned. I'll definitely take that! One less stress for me.
Doctor just texted me with my latest blood test results. They haven't changed at all, still very high. So I guess all I can do is pray that the jaundice is manageable...
Bean my lo is deep in my pelvis as well it hurts my hip bones. It feels like he's digging his way out lol! But according to my u/s he's head down. But it feels like he's more to one side as that side feels more pressured. It's weird!
Bean, I'm so sorry :-( that is a nerve wracking situation. Could you not have OH leave that hospital immediately if baby gets transferred and go with him?

Well my dad decided to help out and take DD to school this morning . What a help! I'm in so much pain now that I have to drag myself along furniture and door frames in order to walk after staying in one position for too long. Getting up to pee in the middle of the night and mornings is torture. I'm pretty sure my ability to walk is on the way out. My SI joint keeps popping in and out and I'm pretty sure my whole pelvis is misaligned. I walk and all I can hear is bones and joints popping and snapping in and out of place. I should see a chiro but I'm terrified, especially during pregnancy.
Northern- that sounds rough! I hope you do get relief soon. Though I do that sometimes... Holding onto furniture or walls to walk. If I sit to long, stand to long or do something to long my hips and lower back feel like they are on fire and I can't get relief. I have tried. Heating pad, warm shower or bath, and now Tylenol doesn't help!! I guess I'll ask my dr what she thinks next week at my appointment.

Bean- I'm sorry.

Off to get ready. I am at the high school and middle school today. Wooo... I love my internship but it is exhausting. I just need a few days where I don't do anything except sleep and that's not going to happen as classes start next week!
I just made an appt with a chiropractor so hopefully he can do something to snap all this back into place.
Northern yes I have already told dh that he has to go with the baby and is not allowed to leave there until I can get there!
Sorry about the pain you are having! I hope the chiropractor can help. Makes me feel bad for complaining about the pressure/pain I'm feeling in my lady bits!

Christina I know what you mean about wanting some time just to rest and not run around! This weekend I have to take dd for shots in the morning and then the nanny and I are doing a first aid course in the afternoon. Hopefully Sunday I can get some down time.
Northern- I'm sorry to hear about all of your pain. It just sounds awful! Glad your dad could take your daughter to school for you. Maybe a chiropractor would help. I hope you can find some answers and relief.
That was such a great moment for your daughter! :) She can see that the baby must know her voice now. My son has been singing to his baby sister in the mornings to see if he can get her to move. Sometimes, she does get going. She's the only one who likes his crazy made-up songs he does.

Beanonorder- Still hoping your son ends up staying at your hospital! At least your husband can go if he needs to be transferred. I had a scare like that after my son was born being told he might need to be transferred, but with phototherapy and an IV, he bounced back quickly and could stay with me. So, I really do hope the same for you!

Not much is new here other than being 28 weeks today! I'm currently counting down to 30 weeks. I just feel like 30 weeks is another milestone. I think from there, it seems like the baby gains roughly a 1/2 pound a week until birth.

Both my cousin and my husband's cousin's gf are still pregnant. My cousin has come down with some sickness, so she is now very glad her baby hasn't arrived yet. My husband's cousin's gf is still behaving as though she is in labor, but she was at the doctor on Monday and is not dilated. She goes back Thursday. And, as long as her baby stays put, she'll just end up having a c-section on Jan 23rd. I am starting to think that's how it will go for her.

I'm going to my one yoga class for the week today! This is with a new instructor, so I hope it goes well. My favorite one is no longer teaching at the YMCA. I have another one I like who has never been pregnant, but she is still good at offering me modifications. Then there is another one who I won't go to anymore because she's just not a very good instructor. Plus, she hasn't been pregnant and is also really clueless about anything pregnancy related. So, I get nothing from her class. I hope I like the one today and I'm also kind of hoping it's an instructor who has been pregnant before. I will talk to her before the class starts anyway (even though I'm obviously pregnant) to let her know how far along I am and everything.
Northern: I'm sorry about how much pain you're in. I hope the chiropractor helps.

Christina: hopefully you'll get some time to rest. I know how you feel!

Bean: glad to hear that you guys have a plan for if baby needs to be transferred to the other hospital. Can you not give birth there?

Rebecca: Happy 28 weeks :)

I'm in a lot of pain at the side of my pelvis, more like stabbing pains. It feels like it's coming in waves and very painful! I dunno what to make of it.
Aww northern that's sounds awful what you are going through! Ouch :( maybe you need an aid to help you walk about house? Like a stick of something. Physio should be able to help with that?

Glad to hear everyone is doing ok :)

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