**April Bunnies 2015**

northern good that you got a chiro appt. I hope it will really help you! That pain sounds just awful.

Bean sorry your bloods didn't come back any better. But at least there's hope that your baby can stay with you now!

perplexed - ouch. Has it passed yet?

Rebecca I hope you like the new instructor. I just found a prenatal class that's once a week so I'm planning on going there now I'm really excited! Just need to make sure I get those days off.

We had our second hypnobirthing class yesterday. It was really nice and I love how into it DH is :D She told us to start thinking about the birth plan and what to ask when we go to the hospital tours and stuff, and it's so much stuff! I'll try and upload pics of the notes they suggest we consider when making a birth plan. Some of it seems like such a no brainer to me but I guess things are different at every hospital.
I'm a little disappointed that neither hospitals that I have a choice of offer birthing pools or tubs. I wonder if I could rent one and bring it into the room? I've always imagined it would be really nice to at least get to labor in a pool. But maybe when the day comes I won't like it, haha!
You aren't going to want to rush to the hospital ASAP once you're in labour. You could labour in the tub at home as long as you can if you want!

Does anyone else feel like their pregnancy is just out of control? I keep having mini panic attacks that we don't have enough things or the right things. It's exactly 2 months from today that I will be 38 weeks which is when we will do the c-section if that happens. Time to start freaking out!!!
I keep thinking of everything I have to get done and then wonder how it's going to get done. Then I wonder what will happen if I don't get it done. Then I freak out.

Oh and I also now have the... I have absolutely no idea what the heck to do with a baby feeling.... which is not helping!:haha::shrug:

I am a few weeks behind you but it seems as if time is just flying by (but also going so slow at the same time-- if that even makes any sense). :wacko:

AHHH and this morning I got this look from someone (I wasn't paying full attention) as I waddled my way to the door (was at the grocery store) as my back was killing me from early on. When I took a closer look... it was my OB!!
Mind if I join you mommas? I'm due April 13 with a little boy this time! 😊
Perplexed unfortunately no I can't because that hospital is just a children's hospital. I will say it does have an excellent reputation and it seems all the expat hospitals use it.

Christina did your OB say anything to you? That is quite funny!

Northern have you been to the chiropractor? I really hope it's given you some relief!

Rebecca how was the new yoga instructor? I still haven't gotten round to doing yoga! I had some nice videos to follow last pregnancy but I just can't find them this time! All I've found so far are these short ten minute ones and I don't think it's going to be much benefit.

Maggz I really need to get researching hypnobirthing. I seriously need something to keep me calm!

What a morning I'm having. I have the first lesson so I need to leave the house as soon as the nanny arrives otherwise I'll be late. But she called to say she is having bike trouble and will be late. I called my deputy HOD only to be told he's off sick! I called the HOD and I'm sure she didn't need another teacher off/late! Getting lesson one covered is always a mission!
The YMCA is having someone come in and do a mindfulness session on Sundays. I think that is so cool and I'm definitely going to go. I could totally deal with some breathing!

I see the chiropractor tomorrow afternoon!
Yeah I def don't plan on going to the hospital until I have to.

welcome abagail! :flower:

Bean yeah it's making me feel very in control and not stressed about it. It's also nice cause she has us conditioning by falling asleep to a relaxation soundtrack every night so it's helping with everyday stress too.
OK, just got caught up again!

Sure Abigail! Welcome!

Northern, how awful...wish you weren't having so many pains! Hope you survive these last few months...it must be so rough taking care of your LO while feeling so bad. :(

Bean, wow sorry you have so many possibilities of complications. FX everything goes better than you're expecting! I think it was you who was talking about crazy dreams...I have been having weird dreams too. It's funny, I had super psycho dreams in the first tri, then they kind of eased up, but they have started back again now that I'm getting into the third tri...wonder if the hormones are ramping up again and that's why.

All you ladies talking about feeling like punching bags...I'm right there with you! Luckily it's not hurting at all at this point, just amusing. And I'm definitely not scared of getting bad news at appointments when they check with the doppler. Actually, had an appointment today and all is well. HB 150 and this month I did well with my weight. Only 4 lbs...better than the 6 lbs last month. Also had my blood drawn to check for gestational diabetes. So hoping that all is well. I haven't had any indicators, but I guess you never know!

Oh, also I realized I never told you guys...I'm super excited because my sister called me on the day before Christmas Eve and she is pregnant!!! She has a 3 1/2 year old little girl and lives a bit under an hour from here, and I am just super psyched that my little Theo will get to grow up with a cousin so close in age and geography to him. Also I'm excited to share the experience of pregnancy with her. The first time around she was not in as stable of a situation, so while of course I was excited, I was also a bit nervous. Not anything bad, she just has a much better job now and she and her boyfriend (father of both) are much more established and comfortable in their relationship.

Sorry I am not responding to every single person...only if I have something to contribute. Just know I read your posts and I care! I just know if I only respond when I have time to scroll back through and say something to everyone, I will just never do it!

Oh, I'm having breakfast with my good friends who are throwing me a baby shower tomorrow...excited about that! We are going to decide on a date! :) I was originally just going to do a "build baby's library" shower and only ask people to bring books rather than gifts, but now that I have decided to use cloth diapers, I may just register for diapers and a few select items. I just don't want people buying me a bunch of stuff...or feeling obligated to purchase big ticket items.
No she didn't say anything. which is fine bc I was in a rush anyway.

I set up an apt for a massage for the end of the month. I'm hoping it helps. Spoke with ob nurse today and it was suggested to try and help my pain!

Welcome Abigail.

Sarah that library idea is awesome!

I read all the other posts but I'm on my phone so I'll respond when I get home.
Massage was recommended to me too Christina but I don't think it's going to solve my problem. I think my SI joint needs to be actually put back into place. When I'm lying in bed and have to turn over, there's times where I'm literally worried that something is going to snap and break because there is definitely something not in the right place.
Hi ladies.

Welcome abagail!

Good to see you Sara, I think the shower sounds fun. I want to do a bring a book instead of a card thing at mine.

Northern I'm so sorry about your pain. I bet the Chiro can help at least a little. I see one in a little over a week and can't wait.

I certainly overdid it today at work. I've got to stop doing that. I helped clean up several patients who were big and fighting us and after that my whole pelvis hurt, felt like it was splitting part! People kept saying I was pale so I wasn't hiding the pain well. Can't believe I have to work for at least another 13 weeks!
Welcome abigail! I missed your post earlier. I asking have a dd and expecting a boy this time.
Welcome Abigail! Anyone is welcome to join. :)

My yoga instructor was so-so. I'd actually had her one time before when she subbed for my last instructor on a day when she was out. I never did get to talk to her because she was kind of late showing up..as in, she showed up 1 minute before the class was supposed to start. But she started fast! She just rolled out her mat and started right away. It was a good workout overall, but I am thinking she is fairly new to teaching yoga as she offered no modifications. I am thinking the other people aren't very fond of her because there weren't that many people in the class. Most classes are jam-packed in January. The last yoga classes I went to were literally filled up. And something I do know about a lot of the people who regularly attend classes is that they do not bother going if they don't like the instructor. I doubt she has ever been pregnant (not that I have asked), but she didn't seem to think twice about telling all of us to lie flat on our stomachs and not offering me an alternative. Thankfully, I can modify for myself. But for someone who might not have been doing yoga as long, that could be frustrating. But really I don't mind so much. Everyone has to start somewhere! If I get a chance to talk to her, I could ask her to offer some modifications.

Sarah- Congratulations on your sister's pregnancy! That's fun and exciting! I can understand not responding to everyone. I try to respond if I have something to say. But if several other people have already responded and said what I would say or if I really just have nothing to say, I just don't respond sometimes.

Maggz- I am glad you enjoyed your hypnobirthing class and that your DH is on board and supportive. That is so great!

Northern- I don't really feel like this pregnancy is out of control, but sometimes I feel myself going back and forth as to whether I have a long way to go or almost no time at all! Some days I'm thinking, "Oh boy, another 2.5-3 months of this left" and other days thinking, "I have so much to do and only 12 weeks!" I was folding clothes yesterday and scanning the room and I was suddenly overwhelmed with all I have to do before this baby arrives as far as cleaning up and organizing goes. But I also know that I basically have a good 2 months to do it, and if I do a little bit every day, it will get done in time.

I hope everyone has a good day!
Went to the chiropractor and I don't know why I didn't do it sooner. My SI joint was dislodged and immobile. He said my hip was like a piece of 2x4 trying to compensate for it. He popped it back in and I feel like someone just gave me a hip replacement for 50 bucks.
Hi ladies hope everyone is ok. Baby has been moving no stop all day it is quite exhausting although awesome at the same time! I weighed myself today and wished I hadnt 😞 I have put on 17lbs already and I only put on a total of 20lbs with DS 😞. I put it down to not exercising as much as I did with DS and eating crap over Christmas. I have just ordered some plain almonds from eBay to carry around with me when I get the munchies. I want to really make an effort to lose weight after this baby - before I got pregnant again I was enjoying getting fitter but as soon as I got pregnant I was just so exhausted it went by the wayside. Anyway there isn't lot I can about it at the moment other than try to eat as healthily as possible and stop using pregnancy as an excuse to eat whatever I feel like! We are having our new kitchen next week so won't be able to get in there to stuff my face anyway lol 😜

Maggz - I also want to try a water birth this time and was so excited to see they have a birthing pool at my mlc and also at the dgh. Fingers crossed no one else is using it when the time comes!

Northern - that is amazing that he clicked your hip back in. We have a friend who broke his back a few years ago and every so often goes to see his chiropractor to get his back clicked back in.

Abigail - welcome to the group!

Dini - try not to overdo it too much, do your colleagues show much consideration for you since you are pregnant? My colleagues won't let me do anything!x

Rebecca - I used to go to aerobics regularly before DS and January would always be absolutely rammed full of people. I also attended yoga a couple of times. I wish I could go and do classes but with the combination of OH doing shifts, my work and the location we live in it just isn't possible at the moment. I will try and do something at home when bubba is born though.

Sarah - congratulations to your sister that must be lovely having someone so close to to you having a baby too ☺️
I'm glad you have got some relief Northern :flower:

It is really hard to keep up and post on my phone - but I am reading honestly.

26 weeks today and I've started watching buggies on eBay, I'm not buying new as we have a double buggy and I mainly want the base to put a car seat on for preschool/school run.

Got car seat in the sale (maxi cosi cabriofix in black) for £80 - think that is good?

New moses basket bedding and matress as we are borrowing the moses basket from my Brother and SIL - they have our moses basket stand!

Oh and I got a new changing mat too.

Looking at buying some nice new muslin squares and reusable wipes soon, stalking ebay at the moment.

Clothes wise baby is sorted with me having all girls :rofl:
Northern- OMG! That sounds awful! I'm so glad the chiropractor put things back into place. I think you said you felt like it was popped out or something like that. That just sounds excruciating.

Stripeycat- I have been snacking on plain almonds and they have been a snack lifesaver. All I need is a small handful to feel like my hunger is satisfied. I truly think it's the perfect snack. Plus, it's super healthy and has good protein.

Amelie- I think that sounds like a great deal for that carseat.
My coworkers are just the best. They took me out to lunch today and gave me this laundry basket filled with crib sheets, receiving blankets, towels, breast pads, stuff for my hospital bag, onesies, a Scentsy bear (if any of you know what they are!), Ivory Snow detergent and a ton of other stuff. They even threw in a $100 mastercard. I was NOT expecting that!! Super excited!


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Northern your colleagues are wonderful! And such good news that the chiropractor could help.

Rebecca sorry the yoga instructor wasn't so great. I would've been screwed in the class cos I know pretty much nothing!

Stripey I know exactly what you mean about the weight gain! I've only put on 4kg so far but because I was 3kg heavier than when I fell pregnant with dd I feel huge! I keep trying to remind myself that this baby is bigger. I have lots of work to do after I give birth!

I finally got a bit of good news! It's very small compared to everything else going on but every bit of good news helps! I have been saving every month since August to cover the excess on my insurance. And yesterday I discovered that the excess is half of what I thought it was! So I already have enough and some extra! Although I still need to save for the potential NICU stay I think I'm going to use a little to buy the remaining baby stuff I need and also a cupboard I've had my eye on for a while. Yay!

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