**April Bunnies 2015**

Northern- glad you are getting some relief!! And your co workers sound awesome

Bean- good news is always good =] even if it's small!

I forgot who posted it. But about weight gain. At my last ob appt I was 197. Today when I went to my reg doctor I was 206. 8 pounds is good but idk if it is that good in that short of time. Dec 23rd to now? I'm still down though. I started at 215.

I am now on some antibiotics. I feel like crap. I kept telling Myself that the runny nose was normal for pregnancy bc that's what I had been told. But recently it has been bad. Turns out I have sinusitis. I also have bronchitis. I can't wait to sleep tomorrow. I'm doing a home health visit now and I just want to sleep
Hope you feel better soon. There is nothing worse than being sick when you are so limited on what you can take for it.
My pains from the other day kept going on. They weren't severe but definitely took my breath away. It scared me because they would come and go, mostly on my lower pelvis and lower back. All day long yesterday. I tried drinking more water and laying down...no change. So i called l&d and they told me to come in. Had the monitors on for an hour or so and they determined that I'm not in labor and I came home. I'm glad no one made me feel stupid for coming in. But I do wish I knew what the pains are! They woke me up several times in the night both nights.

My mom, grandmother and aunts are scared and decided that I'm going on bed rest for a few weeks. I think in the end I'll discover it's all due to baby's position. I'm exhausted but I don't think I can lay in bed for that long. I wish I hadnt told anyone now they're too worried!
Northern that is wonderful news about the chiropractor visit! So glad you went! Also that was so very sweet of your coworkers. And I love Scentsy!

Perplexed I'm happy you weren't in labor, but I do hope your pain eases soon.

Amelie it sounds like you are getting it all squared away!

Christina I hope you feel better soon. I know how awful that is to be sick. I'm going on three weeks and I still have the sinus issue and a cough but it does get better!

Good to see you stripey! And yes my coworkers are great most of the time but I push myself too hard. The job is so demanding and for some reason we are getting A LOT of very obese patients. Like an 300-450lbs and that doesn't make life easy on us! I work tomorrow and I'm going to try to go easy.

I don't feel very good tonight, my stomach is upset, I had a greasy meal for lunch because I gave in to a craving and it's still bothering me. I ate crackers and some baked apples for dinner but now I feel worse. I hope I can sleep tonight. I also know what you mean about the weight gain. I've gained 18lbs so far and I know it's okay but I'm a big girl anyway and I just don't want to gain a ton that it makes it harder to lose.

I also want a water birth or to at least labor in the tub and we have them at the hospital I'm using but I have to make sure they don't have a stupid weight limit because some do :(
Northern, awesome about your back!
Perplexed, I've had babies close together too (as I'm doing this time too) and the pains and BH are definitely worse when pregnant so soon after another baby. I like to be positive about it... my body is ready well practised and surely it makes labour easier!!

Well, despite thinking this is going to be my last baby, I have to admit to being clucky for another one after this... is anyone else? I've said no more babies after I'm 40 and that's next year, so I'd have to pop it out fast.
Perplexed - my BHs with DD2 and this time really hurt!

Best to get checked though x
Northern glad you got some relief! That's a lovely gift my work got me something similar when I left for maternity last pregnancy. Not expecting anything this time as I work all over now so not been in my old work since September lol they do t know I pregnant again yet.

Amelie I really want the oyster max tandem but it's £530 brand new and I was gonna buy but having second thoughts and stalkin. eBay for 2nd hand now as Gonna try baby wearing as well (maybe lol) bet I end up buying it new though haha. Apart from double pram I don't need anything else which is a big buy as have all I need from my ds :D

Hi everyone else :wave: I have read through all comments and glad you doing well x
Northern- glad you are getting some relief!! And your co workers sound awesome

Bean- good news is always good =] even if it's small!

I forgot who posted it. But about weight gain. At my last ob appt I was 197. Today when I went to my reg doctor I was 206. 8 pounds is good but idk if it is that good in that short of time. Dec 23rd to now? I'm still down though. I started at 215.

I am now on some antibiotics. I feel like crap. I kept telling Myself that the runny nose was normal for pregnancy bc that's what I had been told. But recently it has been bad. Turns out I have sinusitis. I also have bronchitis. I can't wait to sleep tomorrow. I'm doing a home health visit now and I just want to sleep

Hope it clears up soon.
I have the rhinitis.
Itchy nose, sneezing, blocked nose, runny nose, watery eyes since 8 weeks. Aghh annoying lol.
Ugh I feel terrible for you ladies that are sick!!

Scottish, yikes that is pricey for a travel system! Mine isn't a double stroller but I got the Britax B Agile system for a freaking steal from Babies R Us. It was on sale and I had a 15% off code because they screwed up DD's Easy Bake Oven, haha! Got it for 269 plus tax. Just checked and its currently $459.99 CAD plus tax. I feel like I've done exceptionally well with getting deals on great baby gear.
I have done well with the bargain hunting too. Got the Icandy Apple to Pear second hand for £166 and the car seat and isofix base brand new for £70. I do have a lot of newborn stuff left over from ds so can use a lot of that as it isn't gender specific.

My Aunty came in to my work today and gave me an awesome t-shirt I will try and upload the photo ☺️

Great pic stripeycat and I love the top :D that's a fab price for an icandy! I was looking at the tandem ones and they £800 to £1000 brand new

Northern I know that it's a lot. I am so fussy and this is the only double I like lol hopefully I can picked one up second hand !
northern what amazing coworkers you have, that was so sweet of them! And wow that chiro visit sounds wonderful and scary hahaha. Are you gonna see him more often?

scottish that is a lot! I hope you can find it second hand.

Christina and sharnw and Dini get better soon :hugs:

re: weight I'm fluctuating a bit, I was up 8lbs but then dropped 3 again so I don't know what's going on there haha. I'm not too worried I would just like to keep it under 20lbs which, if I say 1lb each week from here on out should be able to stick to.

Do you guys think they would let me rent a pool and bring it into the hospital room?

Amelie you are on fire girl! Good for you :thumbup:

Rebecca maybe like you said, the new instructor is just inexperienced and hasn't gotten a lot of feedback yet? I'm sure she's like pointers like you asking for modifications. I'm starting prenatal yoga next week, I'm so excited! That along with me getting Dr Scholls inserts for my work shoes I hope will help my back.

This week marks 3rd trimester for me! The baby seems to like it although he also likes poking his foot (or what we think is his foot) at my bellybutton. It's quite precious.
Oh and here's my 26 week bump from last week. :)


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I start my pregnancy yoga tomorrow, I did it with DD1 and DD2 and loved it.

I got weighed at the hospital and am 8lb up but only 2.5lb of that between 16-25 weeks. I always gain weight - despite sickness in 1st tri - it is like my body knows the GD diet is coming!
I really need to start eating healthier. I keep giving into my cravings of chips, chocolate and other candy and at the moment I feel like that's all I eat. I mean I have fruit and veggies but it's become rare. But the junk food just sounds so good!!
ssjad- I'm pretty sure I'm done after this one. ;) At first, I was hoping my husband would be open to one more baby after this (because he said he didn't want more than 2). But lately I've been feeling like 2 is enough.

Stripeycat- That is a cute top! Looking great!

Perplexed- I am glad that you weren't in labor. I'm sure it is very frustrating to not know what those pains were. My BH have hurt like no other this time. Also maybe the baby has been lying on a nerve causing some pain? Either way, good to know it isn't labor.

Maggz- Congratulations on starting 3rd trimester! Also, great bump picture. You look fantastic!

I woke up today having difficulty walking on my left leg. But I spent the majority of the night sleeping on my left side because I couldn't get comfortable on my right side. And I think I may have laid on a nerve or something for too long. I was worried about it at first, but it has since gone away as I've been moving around today.
We took our son to see Paddington Bear as his first ever movie in the theaters. He was so excited and loved it! Holly was going bananas during the previews because they were kind of loud. My son was actually sitting with his hood up and his hands over his ears asking us if we could turn the volume down during the previews. lol But thankfully the actual movie wasn't as loud.
Aww...love the pictures! Stripeycat...you made me smile with your great smile, and that shirt is hilarious! Maggz, you are looking fabulous! Love that bump! I think it's about the same size as mine! :)

Sorry to you ladies who are sick! I had the nasties 2 weeks ago, and it was just awful. I definitely feel for you!

So my husband came home in an awful mood from work yesterday. I had been in a fine mood, and he didn't necessarily take it out on me. Like he wasn't argumentative or rude to me, just gripey about work and cranky, especially after watching our hometown NBA team lose. He is pretty self aware and said a few times that he knew he needed to adjust his attitude and try not to bring work home with him. Then he kept asking me if something was wrong, so I listed off all the various pregnancy discomforts I was dealing with at the moment, and he stopped bitching. Anyway I'm mentioning it because I feel like it really affected me more than usual. I have been in a negative mood all day today, and am wondering if you guys have dealt with your hormones affecting you like this. Like it just is easy to go into a funk and hard to get out of it. I totally understand rationally that he has a very high stress job. As a cardiologist, it should frustrate him when he deals with incompetence...that means people's lives are at risk! And even though I told him (and in my logical mind totally feel) that everyone has bad days and don't worry about it...I'm here to support you, it's like there's this darkness in my mood that's hard to shake where I would normally just brush it off. Okay, I'm sorry to sound gripey...I really have nothing to complain about, and I'm not trying to complain. Just trying to understand if this is normal hormonal fluctuations that you guys are dealing with as well...
Ssjad I'm done after this. I always wanted two kids and I ended up having to convince dh to have a second. Even if I could convince him to have a third I don't think I could go through the stress of the ABO incompatibility again. There is a tiny part of me that wants another girl but I think that's mostly cos I'm not sure what a boy will be like!

Perplexed I'm so glad you weren't in labour. My bh have also been painful at times but not as bad as what you've been experiencing.

Maggz you look great!

Stripey that shirt is awesome!

Sarah I find it so easy to get down and not so easy to get out of it. I do think the hormones are to blame. Sorry you feel that way! Big hugs.

One of the best things about living in China is that I am able to get some fantastic deals on things. Obviously I have to be careful about fakes. But for example I found Carters long sleeve onsies for a dollar each. They're adorable. I didn't get them because I know both grannies are going overboard with clothes. My changing table is costing around $25 brand new. Bath and stand $7. Pretty good I think.

Today I have to take dd for shots and then go for the first aid course this afternoon. Busy day...
Aww...love the pictures! Stripeycat...you made me smile with your great smile, and that shirt is hilarious! Maggz, you are looking fabulous! Love that bump! I think it's about the same size as mine! :)

Sorry to you ladies who are sick! I had the nasties 2 weeks ago, and it was just awful. I definitely feel for you!

So my husband came home in an awful mood from work yesterday. I had been in a fine mood, and he didn't necessarily take it out on me. Like he wasn't argumentative or rude to me, just gripey about work and cranky, especially after watching our hometown NBA team lose. He is pretty self aware and said a few times that he knew he needed to adjust his attitude and try not to bring work home with him. Then he kept asking me if something was wrong, so I listed off all the various pregnancy discomforts I was dealing with at the moment, and he stopped bitching. Anyway I'm mentioning it because I feel like it really affected me more than usual. I have been in a negative mood all day today, and am wondering if you guys have dealt with your hormones affecting you like this. Like it just is easy to go into a funk and hard to get out of it. I totally understand rationally that he has a very high stress job. As a cardiologist, it should frustrate him when he deals with incompetence...that means people's lives are at risk! And even though I told him (and in my logical mind totally feel) that everyone has bad days and don't worry about it...I'm here to support you, it's like there's this darkness in my mood that's hard to shake where I would normally just brush it off. Okay, I'm sorry to sound gripey...I really have nothing to complain about, and I'm not trying to complain. Just trying to understand if this is normal hormonal fluctuations that you guys are dealing with as well...

I get it. I keep slipping in and out of this. I'm currently in it! It's not so much griping, it's just that other people bother you more. I'm having a hard time detaching from my job mentally and it makes me really contrary. One second I'm happy that I don't have to deal with a job I wasn't happy at for various reasons, to feeling guilty for not working right now, even though I was put off. I am so contrary towards everyone and everything bothers me. I went into our room earlier and OH had all his dirty clothes put on TOP of the hamper and I just about lost my mind, haha.
Thanks ladies :hugs: I'm glad I'm not in labor either! It probably was bh on the next level or baby's position. I've had bh quite early both pregnancies and it didn't feel the same...but his position probably had something to do with it.

Stripeycat: your pic is so cute! That shirt is adorable and your smile is awesome!

Maggz: your pump is so cute!

Northern: I'm glad your trip to the chiropractor helped! That's such great news!

Sara: I understand what you mean. I also feel it affects me if dh is in a bad mood and I don't know why. It doesn't affect me more than normal but it's always affected me.

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