**April Bunnies 2015**

Is anyone else's baby so active that it makes you feel sick? I love that she is moving and know she is healthy. But lately, I have to lie down when she is awake because it's kind of like sea sickness.
Is anyone else's baby so active that it makes you feel sick? I love that she is moving and know she is healthy. But lately, I have to lie down when she is awake because it's kind of like sea sickness.

Sea sickness is a good way of putting it. I get that way if baby is extremely active and the movement is really low. I find myself grabbing my stomach and laying down or switching positions. Movements up high even if they are really strong don't give me that feeling.

Though lately the baby has been all over. Kicks low down. Then high up. To the middle. Back high. Low down. I caught some on a short video today and my stomach looked like a mini roller coaster. =|
This baby makes my tummy feel like a washing machine, it feels like my insides are being reorganised!

My BHs this time stop me from walking and feel like I'm being crushed. I'm really scared of irritable uterus again...

Snowing a little here today, hopefully it stops.
I'm really pleased there's sip many active babies. I've had a couple of times I've felt a bit queasy from movements low, but not often.
If anything, I'm constantly worried about lack of movements. I try every trick I can think of to get them moving and nothing works...then just when I fear the worst, they kick. My kicks aren't often strong and I spend most days worrying.
Any sure fire tricks for guaranteed movement please?
Have I ever mentioned how much I hate being woken up at 4:15am to a swift kick (or punch) to the bladder? I don't mind getting woken up... But I almost didn't make it to the bathroom!!
30 weeks today and I am FREAKING! I feel so unprepared and I have no idea how I'm going to manage two kids. It's been just two(and three) of us for the past 6 years. This is like being a mom again for the first time.
My baby's movements haven't made me sick but I'm feeling them a lot more now. I think movements started later than they did with dd but feeling them more.

Northern: happy 30 weeks. I am kinda anxious too but for slightly different reasons.
One day I freaked cause I hadn't felt him move, he started right up when I used the doppler. Other than that on instance, he just moves all.the.time! It's pretty awesome cause DH is able to feel it so much and it really makes him bond with the baby more.
Pretty sure he's getting the hiccups now occasionally :)
GreyGirl- I don't really have any tricks that get the baby moving. I did notice that sometimes if I am very busy and active and then I just lie down, she starts moving a lot like she is telling me thank you for resting. I think I feel this baby so much because she is facing the front. My son faced my back and I didn't feel him that much. I had to do kick counts with him a lot.

Sarah- I think feeling that way is very normal because of all these hormones. I get like that from time to time. I sort of go in and out of it. Last weekend, I felt like that all weekend. This weekend, I have been in a fantastic mood. I also think the weather has something to do with it.

Northern- Congrats on 30 weeks!

Amelie- What exactly is irritable uterus? It was mentioned when my cousin felt like she was about to go into labor early, but I didn't understand what that meant.

Thankfully, she is still pregnant. She reached 39 weeks today. I know she is definitely ready for the baby, but this is so great for the baby and for her! She looks like she has run out of room though, so I don't think the baby will stay in much longer. :)

My husband's cousin's gf is scheduled for a c-section on January 23rd. I think that the contractions she seemed to be having were just BH causing her pain. As of Thursday, she still wasn't dilated or anything. I am pretty sure the baby will be here on her scheduled c-section.

We're back to talking about middle names again and still haven't found on where we can say "that's it!" But I told my husband I need a name that means strong because she kicked so hard she shook the whole couch.
Sarah, sorry I completely forgot to reply to you... But yeah I can see how his mood would affect you a lot. So many things can play into how my mood changes. It's hard not to bring work home with you, especially when you work in a high stress environment like he does. So, what I'm trying to say is I understand and I would probably react similarly if I were you. Can you try to cheer him up at all, offer him to rub his shoulders while you unwind over some TV shows or do something sweet so his mood lightens? That's what I try to do and it seems to help (sometimes) when work is stressful for my DH. Also, and I know this is cheesy and totally fifties (and I'm not sure if you work?) but it's SO nice to come home to a meal and/or a freshly cleaned house. Somehow it lightens my mood to have stuff done, and DH becomes happy too.
I have got to stop going to hockey games. I figured it was a good option to get out of the house because you just sit down the whole time. I forgot how torturous the very short walk to the car is in this bitter freaking cold! I haven't fallen into the Canada Goose jacket thing yet (they wear them in the arctic and much Northern part of the provinces mostly but it's becoming quite the trend), but I am seriously regretting not buying one with the cold we are having.

Brrrrrrr!!! It's *only* -26C right now (I can't believe I just said that) but it feels soooo much colder than that. I am so glad we have a fireplace!!
Seriously though... -26C? Fuuuuuuck that's cold.
I'm not used to seeing things in c. I shivered seeing -26c then converted it. It came up -14f. I suddenly went I could handle that, we've had worse this winter. But seriously as my husband says... Anything where we owe degrees is just too cold!!
Hey everyone. Sorry I never get on here much. Just wanted to update you all on me. Iv had a really bad week and long story sort I was admitted to hospital due to really bad pains in shoulder, chest and back and they were worried I had a blood clot but I don't. My lung in deflated and had fluid round it and has a infection. This is the worst pain I have ever been in :-( I'm home now with a bag full of meds and should hopefully be better in a week! Baby is doing great so hopefully all the scans/x rays and meds haven't effected him too much xxx
Aww kristy I'm so glad to hear from you. I'm sorry you've had a bad week and hope you feel better soon. :hugs:

My dd is sick and I'm apparently catching a variation of whatever she has. She's had such a bad fever last night and I've been so worried having nightmares whenever I fall asleep out of worry.

A few months ago her pediatrician tried to convince me that the influenza vaccination is very important. I refused as I don't see the point. Everyone I know that takes the flu vaccine has the flu the same amount of times as everyone I know that doesn't. So in my mind I don't see a need to have it as the results are the same. If she ends up catching the flu frequently in the future I would revisit the decision, but as of that time I saw no point. I wasn't convinced with the arguments he was making "all other countries do it so we should too!" I feel that kind of argument belittles my brain honestly. He didn't want to say anything else and just said we can talk about it again next September and penciled it in for September. He had ample opportunity to discuss the pros/cons but he just didn't want to do that.

Last week dd was scheduled for her hepatitis a and mcv4 vaccinations. I had an appointment on the same day at the clinic next door. We arrived a bit late but my mom was with me so she took dd while I went to my appointment. But I should have just gone in with her. My mom didn't know of my decision regarding the influenza vaccine. He took the chance that I wasn't there with my mom and brought up the issue again. He brought it up like there was an outbreak going on and that she could get seriously ill. My mom just thought it was part of dd's regular vaccinations and wssny sure why he was bringing it up like that and said ok.

I don't know if he was really trying to be sneaky or what, but either way...it's starting to feel to me that he just has to sell this many flu vaccines/period of time. I should have told my mom but I didn't expect he'd do this. Whether I'm right or wrong to decline the vaccine no one else has the right to overstep their boundaries on what gets given to my child. I guess we have to find a new pediatrician now :/

Edit: it's not that I think my dd is sick bc of the vaccine. The two things are unrelated.
-26? And here I was whinging today that it's 24ºC! I had the heater on, it was so cold. But then it's summer here so I have higher expectations. But I could NOT live in a place that got so cold!! How do you breastfeed without getting frostbite on your nipples??:O

Kirsty, I'm sorry you've been so sick... hope you're feeling better very fast!!

Perplexed, what an awful thing for your dr to do! I can't believe it!! I'd be talking to him about that...
Hope you recover quickly Kristy! That sounds terrible, but I am sure baby is ok.

Northern, it's been cold here too, and my son doesn't like wearing mittens so we have basically be cooped up in the house 24/7 and both me and him are getting cabin fever. On the warmer days it is just too icy to attempt going out. So I feel your pain.

29 weeks today!77 days left to go. 8 weeks until term, and 9 weeks until the point I gave birth to my (oldest...Will I ever get used to that?!) son. The gravity of this hit me. He is going to be here so, so soon. I will get to snuggle his little newborn body and kiss his little fingers and toes. I have been thinking a lot about what it will look like having a newborn again. My toddler is so big and tough now. What it will be like to nurse a newborn again (toddlers just help themselves, newborns need cradling and learning), sleep with a newborn (Tiny newborn breaths against your chest!, rather than toddler kicks and climbing you like a giant jungle gym), and to wear a newborn(So fragile and they just snuggle into a little warm ball against you. Toddlers climb on themselves, chatting and bouncing.). I am so excited and anxious to experience it all over again.

With everything coming so fast, I feel like I should be doing SOMETHING to prepare!

Heartburn has been a huge PITA. Well heartburn, acid reflux and no appetite. Got a prescription but it doesn't seem to be helping a whole lot. I also have pregnancy insomnia- yay, lol. Baby boy is super active and happy though, which is what matters. My doctor told me to stop freaking out about my blood pressure (I've been worrying it will go up again like last pregnancy, which is scary). Basically he said I can't control it- it depends on the placenta and nothing I do or don't do will change his placenta if it is going to cause issues, they are watching me closely, and stress helps nothing. Trying to actually take that advice!

I am actually legitimately so excited to meet my son. Less excited about the fact that I start back to work on the 2nd. I'm pretty worried about that. My coming back from my leave early displaces the lady who was filling on for me(she may be pissed) and just overall pretty concerned, about getting enough hours in, dealing with my boss(I had to go to the union against her about my breastfeeding rights when I returned from maternity leave with my son so did not part on excellent terms), handling work so pregnant, leaving my toddler, etc. I'm sure it will be fine, but I can not help but worry :dohh:

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