Hope you recover quickly Kristy! That sounds terrible, but I am sure baby is ok.
Northern, it's been cold here too, and my son doesn't like wearing mittens so we have basically be cooped up in the house 24/7 and both me and him are getting cabin fever. On the warmer days it is just too icy to attempt going out. So I feel your pain.
29 weeks today!77 days left to go. 8 weeks until term, and 9 weeks until the point I gave birth to my (oldest...Will I ever get used to that?!) son. The gravity of this hit me. He is going to be here so, so soon. I will get to snuggle his little newborn body and kiss his little fingers and toes. I have been thinking a lot about what it will look like having a newborn again. My toddler is so big and tough now. What it will be like to nurse a newborn again (toddlers just help themselves, newborns need cradling and learning), sleep with a newborn (Tiny newborn breaths against your chest!, rather than toddler kicks and climbing you like a giant jungle gym), and to wear a newborn(So fragile and they just snuggle into a little warm ball against you. Toddlers climb on themselves, chatting and bouncing.). I am so excited and anxious to experience it all over again.
With everything coming so fast, I feel like I should be doing SOMETHING to prepare!
Heartburn has been a huge PITA. Well heartburn, acid reflux and no appetite. Got a prescription but it doesn't seem to be helping a whole lot. I also have pregnancy insomnia- yay, lol. Baby boy is super active and happy though, which is what matters. My doctor told me to stop freaking out about my blood pressure (I've been worrying it will go up again like last pregnancy, which is scary). Basically he said I can't control it- it depends on the placenta and nothing I do or don't do will change his placenta if it is going to cause issues, they are watching me closely, and stress helps nothing. Trying to actually take that advice!
I am actually legitimately so excited to meet my son. Less excited about the fact that I start back to work on the 2nd. I'm pretty worried about that. My coming back from my leave early displaces the lady who was filling on for me(she may be pissed) and just overall pretty concerned, about getting enough hours in, dealing with my boss(I had to go to the union against her about my breastfeeding rights when I returned from maternity leave with my son so did not part on excellent terms), handling work so pregnant, leaving my toddler, etc. I'm sure it will be fine, but I can not help but worry