Perplexed- That sounds very frustrating, but I kind of know how you feel. I feel exactly the same way you do about the flu vaccine. I have watched so many people get it and they always end up very sick during flu season. Meanwhile, I've never gotten the flu. My son has gotten it once, and he recovered quickly. I have not seen his pediatrician since his check-up this summer, so I don't know what she would say. But it's my midwives who keep trying to push me to get the vaccine. My first one just kept talking about it every time. And I tried to dodge it because I didn't feel like explaining to her that I did not intend to get it. But up until my last visit, I've been told how important it is to get the vaccine and I was given a referral to go get it. I'm still not going to do it. Everyone has a right to accept or reject these things, and I feel it should just be left that way. I know plenty of people who get the shot and swear by it. But I don't want to be judged or critiqued for not getting it--it's my choice and my right.
Counting- Good luck on going back to work! I hope it ends up going smoothly for you.
Kirsty- Wow! That sounds awful. I am so glad that your baby is doing great! What wonderful news.

I wish you a speedy recovery!
Sorry to those of you dealing with extreme cold temperatures. The temperature just fluctuates here all of the time. When we were up visiting my family, it was pretty cold there. I found myself not wanting to leave the house very often. I told my neighbor about it down here and she (only being in the south) said that it's been cold here too. And I tried to explain to her that it is not cold here like it is up north and she said, "It's been 32 here." And I said, "Yeah, it's in the teens and below there!" I'll take 32. It's actually tolerable. But the problem with the weather down here is that it is not consistent. One day it is 60 degrees and the next it is 30 all day. We just always have all of our clothes out and ready. haha One day bundled up and the next in just long husband has even worn shorts on some of the warmer days!
I can't exactly tell how Holly is positioned based on her movements. I am trying to feel for certain things, but I'm thinking she is getting so tucked up in there that it is hard to distinguish. But I am constantly feeling side to side movements from the left to the right when she moves. Occasionally I feel a tiny poke up top and one down low. So, I'm thinking maybe she is transverse now? I can't imagine her still being breech and being able to move my belly side to side. My belly has also flattened out some and looks wider.
She seems to be very aware of the outside world as well! When I sing to her, she starts moving. When she hears my husband's voice she shifts in his direction. My son also gets close to my belly and sings to her and she will shift her position. The sweetest thing has happened lately where I put my hand on my belly and I feel her sort of "snuggling" into it. It's almost as if I'm holding her from the outside! I'd love it if it stayed like this for awhile.