Thanks ladies for all you encouragement and commiseration regarding hormones and just being grouchy with no real reason...or with a small reason but being cranky out of proportion...haha! I have been feeling much better the last week or so, but it really does help to know that some of you are experiencing the same challenges. I think it's harder because I'm normally a very low key, logical person...not many mood swings or emotional roller coasters in my world. So when I start feeling like that out of the blue and can't shake it, it's hard to deal with.
Rebecca, you look gorgeous! Love that bump pic!

We have highly variable weather here too...there's an old saying "If you don't like the weather in Oklahoma, just wait 5 minutes!" It's been so pretty the last week or so, I've been able to go for my 3 mile walks almost every day. I feel so much better when I can get a bit of sunshine and fresh air. So sorry you ladies who are dealing with arctic temps! It's a bit depressing, huh!
Bean, glad things are somewhat improved with DH. I know what you mean about the's the worst! My DH put on about 15 lbs in my second trimester from a combination of quitting using chewing tobacco (gross I know! I'm so proud of him though...he has used since his teens and decided to quit before baby came because he doesn't want to set that example), and I think he had some cravings also due to my hormones. Anyway, before gaining the weight he would not snore unless he was on his back. But when he started making noise on his side too, he got sent off to the guest bedroom! Haha! Luckily he's lost a bit so has been back sleeping with me for the last week or so...hoping he can stay. But my sleep's just the most important thing right now!
Oh, Bean, also was wondering if there is the possibility of going home or if you are set on staying in China? I don't know your full just sounds like they are not making it very easy for you to be there. Was wondering if you might move closer to family if you ended up having to search for a new job. Sorry they are being such jerks!
Hope everyone going through illnesses feels better very soon! How awful...I was sick for a week a while back and it definitely does not mix well with pregnancy!
So I had my last scheduled U/S yesterday. It was so fun to see my little guy! It's funny because whenever I saw 4d u/s pics, I always felt like they just looked weird and lumpy. I never even thought I wanted them myself! But at the perinatal clinic where I go for checkups, they do them with the normal medical u/s so I wasn't going to tell them not to. And I'm so glad they did...he is just adorable. I don't feel like they look nearly as weird as some do...must be my "mommy goggles" (you know, that special vision that makes your newborn look gorgeous to you even though everyone else might see him as blue and wrinkled and looking a bit like an old man lol). He was positioned breech facing outward, and his hands and feet were up by his head. DH thinks he looks quite a bit like him, and I tend to agree, although I haven't seen any baby pics of him. He's quite handsome, so I'm fine with that! I did share my pics in the FB group, but I will put them here as well as I know not everyone is there. She captured a yawn, face rub and his sweet little face. Also thought she spied a bit of hair in one!