**April Bunnies 2015**

I have mad hungry days but most of the time I'm not fussed by food. It is really bad but I work 1pm-5.30pm every day in the week except Monday. On work days I often don't eat until I get to work. My mornings are manic, 2 days a week DD1 needs to be taken to preschool and the other days we cram a lot in, like yesterday they both had a doctors appt for minor things, we needed to go shopping etc and then I make sure their evening meal is all sorted so DH can give it to them when he brings them home. It means I don't stop all morning.

I have woken up today with a bad UTI. I have been awake since 4am. So I will be off to the doctors this morning.
Ugh that sucks Amelie :(

Bean it totally got past me that you're from South Africa! I thought you were from the States haha! I'm sorry going home isn't really an option.

Christina congrats on the dean's list! :flower: Hope your diabetes test goes well. I just got mine back when I went to the doc the other day she said I passed with flying colors and could therefore eat whatever I want :haha:

I found out today I don't need one of the classes I thought I'd need, you have no idea how happy that made me!!! That means either a lighter class load or the option to take an extra class that will better my chances of getting into the school I really want next fall. Obviously a lighter class load would be nice but if it's an option (with my current schedule) I'll probably take the extra class.

So I left some dishes soaking in the sink when I left for work today. The stuff in the dishwasher was clean. Yes, I did have time to unload it and load it again, but I chose not to, figured I'd do it when I got home, *or maybe DH would be in a good mood and do it for me*. No such luck, so when I got home at almost 10.30, I did the dishes, then cleaned up DH's mess (he had obviously grilled some meat and although his dishes were in the sink, the counters were dirty), then proceeded to scrub down the stove (have to take the gas outlets off and scrub underneath as well) and microwave :haha: I just couldn't leave it like that! It amazes me how DH can leave the counters and stove so dirty. He feels I should NEVER leave dishes in the sink cause I ask that everybody cleans up after themselves (something I had to implement because his brother is messy), so I should lead by example. Which I do most of the time. Ah well. At least everything is clean now. Is it bad that I kinda hope he notices and feels bad? Hahahah...
Maggz - I totally know how you feel re the dishes DH is exactly the same. Quite often the dishwasher will need unloading and re-loading and DH will be on an evening shift - when I come got lunch he will be watching tv and then when I come home normally after picking DS up from nursery it will still all be there for me to do! At this point I go nuts at him and the next few times he will do it lol :haha:

Ameilie- having a uti sucks hope you can get sorted at the docs.

Bean - I didn't know you were from South Africa either - it looks like a fantastic country but I don't think I would want to live there either at the moment.

Northern - I think that the states opinion on c-sections and epidurals is mad. (my only knowledge being one born every minute usa and teen mom lol). In the UK they will do everything they can for you to have a VB because of the fewer complications afterwards. If you want a VBAC she should really keep her beak out of it imo!

I didn't feel very well last night - the kitchen is still in a state of disaray although is slowly coming together. So I think by yesterday I was truly exhausted. We have been going to my Mum's (she is 5 mins down the road thank goodness) for tea and then coming home to sleep. I felt sick and was sick yesterday afternoon at work so told them I was going home. I went to bed at 4.30pm and got up this morning back to normal so far. I just felt so nauseous! the baby was moving fine so I wasn't worried about that it was just pretty unpleasant. Anyway have come into work this am and feeling ok at the moment and then it is the weekend. So fingers crossed when I go home at lunchtime my kitchen will be miraculously finished and we can get back to normal...:wacko:
I have antibiotics now. Fingers crossed I feel better fast, we are going away for the weekend tomorrow.

The doctor was confident I would feel better fast.
Hope u get well soon Amelie and enjoy your weekend away xxx

I could really do with a wee mini holiday before baby comes. I just feel like life is the same every day lol either at work or just at home. Oh has own business so works like 7 days just now.aybe we can squeeze in a wee mini break down to England in half term.
Amelie: I hope you feel better. UTIs are awful. Hopefully by tomorrow you'll be better and will be able to enjoy the weekend. I misread your post about not eating till you get into work...I thought you didn't eat till after work. That reminded me of my high school days, I didn't eat till after school and had "unexplained" headaches all the time lol.

Maggz: I'm sorry you had to clean up after your DH at night!! I'm pretty sure things will be very similar for us once we move and have a proper kitchen.

stripeycat: hope you're feeling better soon and your kitchen situation is fixed :hugs:

Scottish: I know what you mean. I'd love to have a mini getaway before new baby is here but everyone is so not into it. DH isn't the holiday/getaway type and every time we've gone somewhere was completely planned by me. I figured DD and I could go with my mom and aunts as they used to like taking mini getaways from time to time, but all of a sudden no one is interested which is surprising!!

My LO was head down a few weeks ago but I had the suspicion he flipped since I was feeling strong movements kind of low- as strong as his kicks were when he was head down. But nope...still head down! Movements are just getting stronger! He is more to the side though I can definitely feel it that way. I've suddenly become really aware of a living little person inside of me. It was like...I dunno...a strange realization! I'm excited to meet and introduce him to DD.
Hi ladies, sorry I've been absent a few days. Finally off work for a few days!!

ssjad, I am glad the u/s went well, I hope it continues to go that way, try not to worry too much..like that is possible lol!

Rebecca, your bump is gorgeous! You look wonderful!

Northern, I know what you mean about the thighs as well, but mine seems mostly in my butt and belly actually. Didn't think my butt could get much bigger! I also have some swelling in my legs and arms, at least I think thats what it is, I hope it's not fat lol. Oh and also about DH's sister...what is her deal. I work in the American healthcare system, and despite it's faults I feel like people get wonderful care here, at least in Ohio they do, and I'm a nurse and want to smack that woman! We all know the risks of C-sections, it's always better to do vaginal over C-section if you can but babies health comes first. She just doesn't want to deal with labor, and shouldn't push her opinions on you! I have yet to meet a nurse who is pro c-section unless needed. She must not be very bright lol.

Amelie I hope that UTI goes away fast!

Maggz that's great news about your class! Want to come do my dishes? :winkwink:

Christina, glad you are feeling a bit better. The inhaler helped me too and I only had to use it about 3-4 times. I seem to be finally getting over it all but DH now has a sore throat and thinks he caught it from work, so no more kisses until he's better lol.

My 1hr GTT is this morning and I'm so nervous, I just feel like I'm going to fail it! When I'm not pregnant I have insulin resistance that is related to my PCOS, I'm nearly 35 and overweight with a big family history of diabetes so I'm a high risk. No signs of it yet and my blood sugars were perfect last appt when I was monitoring them but that was over 3 weeks ago. I also didn't eat well at all yesterday or the day before...I've been too busy to cook. I am also getting my TDaP shot today. Lots of needles for me!:growlmad: I'm hoping my MW has some advice on my carpal tunnel. I had to get up two nights ago at 2am and walk around the house to ease the pain and numbness and it was all the way up to my shoulder in my left arm, I do see the chiro finally on Monday so maybe she can help.

I am picking MIL up after the appt to do the baby registry at Target. That should be fun, we did Babies R Us last weekend.

Hope you all have a good day, I'll check back later!
Good luck with your GTT Dini!

My Mum has taken my girls for the afternoon and I'm having a lovely rest on the sofa. I'll be OK to go away by tomorrow lunchtime.

We are just going to Stratford me and DH for one night, but staying in a swanky hotel and having a posh dinner and some time to ourselves :flower:
I'm jealous. I've been looking at places to stay for us to have a weekend like that before baby, but everything is so far away. I feel like our entire lives have become about OH snowblowing the driveway and flooding the huge ice rink he made in the back yard. Luckily he is off all next week with me, so we will get some time.

Back to diabetes education this morning to figure out how many units of insulin I need a day.
Maggz- I know how you feel about the dishes! My husband cooks pretty much every dinner (because he likes cooking) and it's "my job" to clean up the kitchen. I don't always get right on it, but sometimes I think he could do a little bit more.
We had some tense moments over this last year when I was working and his sister was living with us. My husband had gone back to finish college for that 1 year. I was teaching. His sister was living with us watching my son. I would come home every day to a sink full of dishes and a dirty kitchen and be expected to clean it! I said that it doesn't work that way. It isn't just my job to do that and quite frankly his sister could do it since she was home all day. Finally, we worked out a system!
Right now, I'm staying at home and he is working and I don't mind cleaning up the kitchen at all. I don't mind doing almost all of the housework since I am home all day. I think it makes sense, but I find I do have to ask him every now and then to help out a little more. Last night he put the dishes away and did a load of laundry; I'll take that. :)

Stripeycat- I hope that you get to feeling better soon!

Amelie- Glad to hear you got antibiotics for your UTI. Hope that clears it up fast!

Dini- Good luck with your GTT today! Positive thoughts your way that it is just fine. :)

I'm waiting to hear back from my doctor right now. They have moved to a new building during this pregnancy and all of the numbers I have are for the old building and don't work. I can't seem to find any new numbers except the appointment scheduler number, so I have asked for updated numbers in my message. For now, I have to go to an online portal and send them messages. But I'm slightly concerned about fluid loss. The other day at the gym, I noticed that my pants were very wet at the end of my workout. Now, with my son, my water broke. And one thing I know about water breaking is that is just continues to leak out. I haven't had any other signs of wetness since then. It could have been sweat, but I would think that if that area of my pants was that sweaty, surely the rest of me would have been just as sweaty as well! But I wasn't all that sweaty. It seems to me that my bump looks smaller since then (but maybe I'm overanalyzing). My weight has gone down slightly in the past few days by about 1-2 lbs. But I still feel Holly moving very strongly. I'm hoping they can help me on this. I wouldn't even mind going in just to have my fluid levels checked. I've been drinking tons of water as well.

My husband's cousin's gf is having her c-section today at 2 pm. So for us, that's 4 hours away. I'm actually pretty anxious about it. Because, as you know, I'm very concerned for the health of her child. I guess we will find out how the baby is doing. They estimated her to be 8 lbs a little over a week ago. I sure hope that somehow she is born healthy.
Dini: Good luck on your GTT :hugs:

Amelie: Hope you have an enjoyable time!

Northern: I do hope you get a little getaway before baby!

Rebecca: Hopefully it is just sweat. When I used to exercise a lot more I certain parts of me were always more sweaty than others if you know what I mean...but it was easy to miss as I sweat a lot anyway. Keeping your husband's cousin's gf's baby in my thoughts. :flower:
Rebecca, maybe too much info but I've been having spurts of increased discharge that I've wondered if it's fluid or not. Last night OH was making fun of me because I literally ran to the washroom to make sure all was ok because it felt like so much. Could that be it?
Northern- I'm not sure. They called me back actually and also gave me the numbers I need. But they want me to go into L&D and just get checked out.
I'm going to get my son down for a nap first and then I will head over there. I remember having this issue at the end of my last pregnancy and being in L&D about 2-3 times before my water really did break and I knew it for sure. But it wasn't until week 36 or so.
She said that sometimes women develop a high leak. I don't know what that means. I'll find out shortly. Personally, I think if I was leaking fluid, it wouldn't only be when I exercise. But I am sure getting checked out will help clear up any confusion. I just feel like my belly does look smaller and I sure hope it's not a fluid leak.
I went in and got checked out. Everything was fine. No dilation or effacement. Fluid levels around the baby look fine. Her growth is on track. They tested for possible water leakage and for some possible infections. Everything was negative.

So, they said it's probably excess discharge along with some urine possibly. So from now on, I'm wearing a liner when working out. You truly do have to let go of your dignity when you're pregnant.

Oh and as an edit..I also want to add that she is head down facing the front now. I thought she had turned head down last night as she was very "busy" and it felt that parts were moving to different places. And now for sure I feel elbows sticking to the front. So, this was all confirmed on my ultrasound today.
I'm in the 'moist' group...I've had a lot of discharge all pregnancy, in varying amounts, and at the moment I'm at the stage of having to go check in the toilet that I've not bled or it's not waters...

Sorry again for not being around much, this is my first time on the computer in a week, we've still not managed to fix our computer so it's hit and miss when it turns on.

I went in for my second episode of reported decreased fetal movements and got a scan the next day. Got to see baby at 28+5, it was lovely and reassuring to see the cord, placenta and waters are fine. They were moving loads, I just couldn't feel most of them.
I've been suffering from really bad anxiety around movements. There's been times that in between kicks I've thought the baby has died, several times this has happened. Some days I'm fine, but increasingly I've found myself really worried and thinking I'm going to lose my baby. I feel mental most days because of it.
Anyone else excessively worried?!
These aren't the best quality since I can't figure out our scanner so I took a picture of the pictures. DH is trying to get the video onto youtube like the last one but since it's 23 min he is having issues. I'll post that in the FB group once it's up. Anyway, here is "Baby F". I laughed during the scan because every time she went down lower to get the legs and feet baby had legs crossed or even once his or her arm in between the legs. I looked at DH and went "see even baby knows you don't want to know the gender" :haha:



These aren't the best quality since I can't figure out our scanner so I took a picture of the pictures. DH is trying to get the video onto youtube like the last one but since it's 23 min he is having issues. I'll post that in the FB group once it's up. Anyway, here is "Baby F". I laughed during the scan because every time she went down lower to get the legs and feet baby had legs crossed or even once his or her arm in between the legs. I looked at DH and went "see even baby knows you don't want to know the gender" :haha:




Wow, such detail! Can't wait to see the video. Laughed about the gender bit, our yellow bump kept their legs closed in the 20 week scan too, thankfully!
Christina- Those are great pictures! Your baby looks adorable! I think it's funny that even the baby stayed covered up. ;) Too cute

GreyGirl- I have worries as well. Mine is the baby getting tangled up in the cord. I like that she is active, but I don't want her to be too active. It's probably an irrational fear, but it's my biggest one.

It seems like everything with D's baby is good. She weighed the exact same amount as my cousin's baby born 2 days ago! 7 lbs 12 oz. She looked purple to me in the pictures, but my MIL said that both mother and baby are doing just fine.
It was awesome to see the baby and not a skinny alien like human lol. Baby flipped a few times. We had to stop because baby I guess had enough and flipped over face down lol.

Everything else went really well. I had the glucose test and I'll get results Monday. I got the Tdap shot today as well. The heartbeat was at 158 which is what it is at consistently! I think the fundal height measurement was off a bit. I Have felt like my stomach isn't growing as much. but who knows. The nurse asked if we were told the position of the baby and I said no but baby was moving a lot into different positions. She left and the doctor didn't say anything so I'm guessing whatever the measurement was it wasn't concerning. Can't worry if the doctor isn't worried =]
Rebecca: glad to hear you were checked out and that it wasn't amniotic fluid. Glad that the baby is doing well too!

Greygirl: I'm sorry you're having that much anxiety. Does your midwife/ob have suggestions for you?

Christina: awww your lo's pics are so adorable! I've heard that fundal height is not an accurate measuresment of growth. Baby's position can alter it I guess. I've never actually been measured. With dd the ob did an ultrasound at every appointment.

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