**April Bunnies 2015**

Also, I moved into the second last box on my ticker today!!!! Milestone, haha!
Yeah me too counting. When there's poor weight gain they tell mom she's not making enough milk. Thanks, I hope this time is better too.

Northern: that's great! I hope to do that too this time. Congrats on your new box milestone :)
Before I came back on here, I'd also looked up reasons a newborn won't feed. I knew about tongue and lip ties...but mostly with breastfeeding. I was pretty surprised that they said she is not eating from the bottle either. When I looked it up, I did see that some babies with a severe tie can have trouble with the bottle, but most have more problems with breastfeeding.
But also that hypoglycemia from a big drop in blood sugar can make the baby lethargic and not want to eat.
She was born by c-section. Hope she does start eating for them soon. I also hope there is support for her trying to breastfeed. I agree that there just isn't enough support.

I had almost none. My doctor and my mom were the main encouragers I had. My doctor told me "Just don't give up. Keep seeking out help. Keep trying." My mom said it takes time. So, it was a huge encouragement. But the first 5 days were very hard. There was nobody to help me in the hospital when I asked. When my son was jaundiced and we had to go back for that to be treated, I came across 2 nurses who taught me many tricks. And it was mostly smooth sailing from there (besides the reflux developing later).
I'm hoping this baby doesn't develop reflux. I also want to make sure they just go ahead and check her for a tongue or lip tie before I leave to rule it out in case there are any issues. Since I breastfed last time, my flow is thankfully a lot better. It was very hard to get the milk out for my son, which left him frustrated in the early days. This time, I'm already leaking! lol

Perplexed- I agree 100% with counting. 4 months is still good! I know it's hard not to get frustrated with yourself. I made it 6 months with my son, and I often wish I'd made it a year.
I am wanting to make it a year with this one. All we can do is just keep learning and also offering support to any other mother navigating her way through breastfeeding. I find I want to support anyone and everyone because I think that half the battle is lack of support and help.

Northern- Awesome milestone! It's hard to believe how much of the pregnancy has already passed.

Christina- Happy 3rd trimester!
My DD1 has a TT, it was diagnosed but it was deemed she could latch OK and she never hurt me.

Her efficiency was awful though and gained the bare minimum until 6 months but she did hold a centile (2nd centile)

Interestingly she could latch but couldn't latch on a bottle at all, even from birth.

Here in the UK it can be hard to get TTs snipped straight away, some hospitals/areas better than others.

I actually have a tongue tie myself! DD2 has none though x
I have a lip tie. Most likely this baby will be tied too. My son has a lip tie, and he had a small tongue tie as well which never interfered and he broke it himself (which was super painful for him). I think the biggest factors in my success were looking up information, like I research everything to death, and I watched about a million videos of how to latch a newborn and how to tell a baby is getting milk at the breast. It was really reassuring. I trouble shot my own breastfeeding issues- in the beginning the hospital said latch was good, but my nipple was coming out looking like a tube of lipstick- slanted. I was able to watch some videos and see how to fix it well. I also called a health nurse who helped me figure out what that meant. I also never let baby nurse with a bad latch because even a good latch is going to feel like crap on blistered and bruised nipples. Breastfeeding can be challenging, and I was very lucky I had no major problems until I returned to work at 6m pp. (At which point I kept developing mastitis, but was thankfully able to nurse through it.) I hope all you ladies are able to reach your feeding goals :)
The itching is escalating again :( seems to be worse at night I feel like I'll lose my mind if I stay up scratching again.
It did come up in my google searches but I don't actually have a rash...some parts of my skin are broken and red as a result of the itching. It isn't constant but seems to take so much of my time lately : S
Hi Ladies - regarding the tongue tie thing DS had/has one and I was told by one midwife that I would never be able to bf which broke my heart. He bf until he was 15 months old 😉. I agree with the lack of support thing for a lot of people and also what family have gone. I find that if a new mums family have not bf they will encourage ff because that is what they did. (Mil tried this with me and got a short shrift ☺️). All of my Auntys and my mum and grandmother bf so I did got a lot of help. Also in the uk they kick you out of hospital v.quickly after birth. Whereas I was in for 5 days so learnt a lot from the midwives luckily.

Northern - that is exciting about being so far along it has gone so quick!

Perplexed - I agree with Ameilie some liver disorders can make you itch.

Rebecca - I hope they a manage to get the baby eating that must be so distressing for everyone. DS had a mix of my colostrum (expressed) and a glucose solution as he was taken to special care after birth and was in oxygen for a little bit. This was through a tube and then he graduated to a cup and then me when my milk came in properly.

My day started out terribe - ds decided to throw a huge temper tantrum when I changed his nappy to the point of me having to put him in his bed as he was making me really angry. Then oh got a call saying that he was meant to be in work and he didn't realise it so we had planned a family day together 😞. Kitchen still isn't done and our builder friend has effed up the worktop so is trying to rectify that making the job longer grrr. So I went to Waterbabies as usual this morning and then went to my mums for a coffee which turned into lunch which turned into my stepdad putting a film on. So my mum, stepdad and ds all chilled on the sofa all afternoon which was lovely.

Got my 28 week check on Tuesday for bloods, anti D injection etc so will see how bubba is growing and get to listen to the hb again - can't wait ☺️ x
I did wonder if it's possible this is obstetric cholestasis...but I don't know if I have the symptoms. All I know is that I'm itchy. I'll see dr on tuesday. Hope she won't tell me to go see a dermatologist.
The 2 people I know of who had OC just had severe itching but no rash, so best mention it. I think a blood test can check your liver function x
Perplexed- My cousin (the one who had her baby on Wednesday) had a problem call prurigo of pregnancy. It isn't the same as PUPPP, but it is often confused with it. I just figured I'd tell you about it because I hadn't heard of it until she had it.

There's some information here
She did not develop a rash, though. She just had itching.
My belly button feels like it's going to tear. It doesn't seem like it's going to pop, just the outer edge feels like it's drawn so tight it could tear.
Thanks ladies. I'll talk to my dr about it tomorrow. Didn't itch too badly last night. It did wake me up a few times but nothing like the night before.
D's baby has started eating. I don't know any of the details about why she wasn't. I asked if she had a tongue tie, and they said they didn't know. They don't seem to know anything honestly. But at least she is eating! She is drinking formula right now. D said she had to wait for her milk to come in, and I told her more frequent nursing will encourage her milk to come in. Plus, the baby really benefits from colostrum. But she didn't care for what I had to say. She seemed to really want to breastfeed, so I do hope that it works out for her somehow. My MIL breastfed both of her children so at least she is around to help.
We skype with my MIL every night so my son can talk to her. They are staying at her house with the baby right now. I do hope they aren't smoking with the newborn in the house. One thing that I thought was sweet was when they took the phone to the baby so my son could see her and she was just screaming and screaming. He didn't seem at all rattled by it and asked them why she was crying. They said she was upset because her daddy was holding her and had cold hands. So my son just said very plainly, "Maybe you should wrap her up in a blanket." It sort of melted my heart, and made me feel he might do a good job handling having a newborn in our house in a few months. :)

Northern- I'm sorry to hear about your belly button. That sounds painful!

Perplexed- Glad the itching got better! Hope they can figure out what is causing it.

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