Before I came back on here, I'd also looked up reasons a newborn won't feed. I knew about tongue and lip ties...but mostly with breastfeeding. I was pretty surprised that they said she is not eating from the bottle either. When I looked it up, I did see that some babies with a severe tie can have trouble with the bottle, but most have more problems with breastfeeding.
But also that hypoglycemia from a big drop in blood sugar can make the baby lethargic and not want to eat.
She was born by c-section. Hope she does start eating for them soon. I also hope there is support for her trying to breastfeed. I agree that there just isn't enough support.
I had almost none. My doctor and my mom were the main encouragers I had. My doctor told me "Just don't give up. Keep seeking out help. Keep trying." My mom said it takes time. So, it was a huge encouragement. But the first 5 days were very hard. There was nobody to help me in the hospital when I asked. When my son was jaundiced and we had to go back for that to be treated, I came across 2 nurses who taught me many tricks. And it was mostly smooth sailing from there (besides the reflux developing later).
I'm hoping this baby doesn't develop reflux. I also want to make sure they just go ahead and check her for a tongue or lip tie before I leave to rule it out in case there are any issues. Since I breastfed last time, my flow is thankfully a lot better. It was very hard to get the milk out for my son, which left him frustrated in the early days. This time, I'm already leaking! lol
Perplexed- I agree 100% with counting. 4 months is still good! I know it's hard not to get frustrated with yourself. I made it 6 months with my son, and I often wish I'd made it a year.
I am wanting to make it a year with this one. All we can do is just keep learning and also offering support to any other mother navigating her way through breastfeeding. I find I want to support anyone and everyone because I think that half the battle is lack of support and help.
Northern- Awesome milestone! It's hard to believe how much of the pregnancy has already passed.
Christina- Happy 3rd trimester!