I have felt completely worthless today! I am in soo much pain! It's been this way for the past month or so now. I can't roll over in bed, it hurts to stand up after sitting down, I can't sit for a long time, can't bend over.. IT'S AWFUL!

I feel like I'm doing the splits or something!
After work today I took DD to pick out her valentines for her friends at daycare and I was leaning on the cart walking through the store and only got two items when I had so much more on my list!
DH started back on third shift on Sunday so his schedule is completely thrown off and he sleeps from the time he gets home at 5am until I get home from work at 5pm and then eats supper and gets ready for work.. so he's no help right now.
I've been stressing myself out about getting things done and driving myself crazy

I've been slacking on my cleaning.. my school work is slacking.. I feel like a walking zombie at work. I haven't been able to sleep well at all this week. I'm so used to DH being in bed with me and I think I just know that he's not there now and I can't sleep. I wake up more to pee it seems like and then I've been soooo thirsty and have a hard time getting back to sleep.
I think that's the end of my rant! Lol SORRY!
Anyways, in my bag I'll probably just pack some sweatpants, yoga pants, tank, robe, and travel toiletries. I have our outfits that we ordered for newborn pictures at the hospital in the diaper bag, but otherwise everything else for baby is provided at the hospital. Everything for me is provided too. Gotta love those disposable undies
I've been struggling with valentines day ideas.. Probably won't do anything. DH has to work Friday night and will likely sleep most of the day Saturday

I don't think it's even occurred to him that Saturday is Valentines Day, but he may surprise me? Lol. I think he's so messed up with his schedule lately that he doesn't even know what day it is. On third shift they always refer to their days different. Like Friday to him is Thursday, etc.
Those talking about swelling.. I noticed the past few days when I take my socks off, I've got a nice line where my socks were. My socks have NEVER been tight! Even my moccasins were tight today!