**April Bunnies 2015**

I think we are going to go with a Graco travel system. We want to get a jogger stroller- not because we actually jog but because the wheels are not the plastic kinds and my husband thinks it will be easier. Its a one click, so we can pull out the car seat and snap it onto the stroller. After baby outgrows the car seat we will upgrade that.

No swelling... yet.

I'm in Iowa too!:) Des Moines is definitely worth the drive though to go to Buy Buy Baby! Holy stroller selection! :p It was a little overwhelming being in that store :p

I agree though, joggers are the way to go! I went through two strollers with DD before getting a jogger and I wish I would have gotten one earlier.. SO much easier and can go over any type of terrain.
Perplexed- Yeah, my next appointment will be my 36 week one. After that, they see me every 2 weeks until delivery.
I think we are going to go with a Graco travel system. We want to get a jogger stroller- not because we actually jog but because the wheels are not the plastic kinds and my husband thinks it will be easier. Its a one click, so we can pull out the car seat and snap it onto the stroller. After baby outgrows the car seat we will upgrade that.

No swelling... yet.

I'm in Iowa too!:) Des Moines is definitely worth the drive though to go to Buy Buy Baby! Holy stroller selection! :p It was a little overwhelming being in that store :p

I agree though, joggers are the way to go! I went through two strollers with DD before getting a jogger and I wish I would have gotten one earlier.. SO much easier and can go over any type of terrain.

Sioux City needs good baby stores. I'm too lazy to drive and I highly doubt I can talk someone into driving 3 hrs. I'm glad we are on the right track with a jogger. Some areas by us can be rough!
I think we are going to go with a Graco travel system. We want to get a jogger stroller- not because we actually jog but because the wheels are not the plastic kinds and my husband thinks it will be easier. Its a one click, so we can pull out the car seat and snap it onto the stroller. After baby outgrows the car seat we will upgrade that.

No swelling... yet.

Thats the stroller we went with. My sister has the non jogger version and we liked it. My husband wanted the jogger.
Especially since starting back to work, I get swelling in my lower legs, so far my feet and ankles have been spared though. The swelling I do have is pitting which sucks, but no where near as severe at this point with my oldest.
At least it's not as bad. I find mine comes and goes.

I need to get my hospital bag packed. I have everything there but I don't have the motivation to put everything in one place. I keep waking up with very strong braxton hicks and/or round ligament pain during the night if I move too fast or the wrong way. Not contractions but I'm close enough now that I should get on the ball.
Holy backache batman! It's making me cranky. And there are conferences so I'm at the school till 6 tonight. 10hr day and I still have homework when I get home. Lol.
What a day! I was rushing out the house and was carrying my 2 year old down the stairs. I was barefoot - well wearing tights - but I started toppling forward. I was so worried about hurting Elodie that I twisted/fell sideways and she landed fine and bump was totally fine.

My foot sort of hurt but I drove to work and elevated and iced it all afternoon. Couldn't walk by 4pm so got DH to fetch me. Have been to a&e now and it is fractured but not badly, I'm all bandaged but back to hospital to see bone specialist tomorrow.

All absolutely ideal at 30 weeks pregnant! With a 4 y/o to get to preschool and a lively nearly 2 y/o.

In good news I am on annual leave from work for 5 weeks from 6 March. Mat leave starts 14 April. Not long to go.
Amelie: I'm so sorry about your foot :hugs: it's so awful

Christina: I'm sorry about your backache :hugs: I'm sure long days aren't helping at all. Hope you can get some rest soon.

Northern: I think it's a good idea to pack now. What have you prepared to pack?

Counting: glad the swelling isn't as bad. Is it more noticeable on longer days?

Getting quite a bit of cramps and tightening these days: whenever I cramp my back hurts as well. It's to be expected at this point. I'm pretty sure this pregnancy is still easier than last time based on aches and pains. I can't believe my ticker says 31 weeks today. By 32 weeks I want to be done with washing baby's clothes and putting together his hospital bag. Not sure how many pieces of clothing are needed for baby's hospital stay. Never packed a hospital bag for dd bc the hospital was supposed to provide everything...which they didn't.
Wow amelie that is quite scary! I hope your foot heals quickly.

I haven't had any swelling. Didn't get any last time either so hopefully I'll avoid it again.

I'm still trying to organise a visit to see the hospital and one of the things on my list to ask is what I need to pack in my bag. The Chinese hospital don't provide a single thing (even meals!) so I had a massive bag for dd and I. As far as I know this hospital does at least provide the basics initially. Plus I'm hoping to be in hospital for less than 5 days this time!
I'm definitely not taking everything that I took last time, although I was in there almost a week when it was all said and done.

I have:

3 pairs of black yoga pants
3 camis
3 black tank tops
A black robe
2 nursing bras

Nursing Pads
Cosmetic bag with makeup I don't use every day
Body wash, loofah, face wash, shampoo, conditioner, moisturizer
Tooth brush & tooth paste for both OH & I
Lip balm
Nipple cream
Breastfeeding Pillow
My own pillow

For baby:
3 newborn sleepers
Nail clippers
Disposable diapers
Cloth diaper to come home in
Fleecy suit for coming home in

I'm also intending on putting in snacks and bottles of water.

Not sure what else. That is just off the top of my head.
Thanks. I think it's a combination of being on my feet a lot today and baby position/ movements. Baby has had a quiet day where I haven't felt a ton of hard kicks and punches but I am feeling some really strong rolls!

I have had days where I've wanted to fast forward to April but today was the first day where I was like... I want the baby out!
I think I definitely want to pack electrolyte water/ sports water with me. Maybe I'll have whoever comes with me just put the bottles in the fridge as soon as we get there. I was so hot last time and just wanted a cold drink. The cafeteria lady kept trying to get me to order food while in labor, but when I actually asked for some cold juice it just never came. Or maybe it came and I'd fallen asleep. But yeah, having my own drinks on hand would make things easier.

I can't believe we're at the point where we can think of hospital bags and what to pack. I still won't pack for myself for a few weeks but I'd love it if I were done with all the baby's things by the time I'm between 32-33 weeks.

I'm both excited and scared. Excited to see how my labor will go and to meet my little man, but worried about dd and how she'll adjust, and how to divide attention between two little ones. A sling is a must I think. Hope he accepts being in one.
I have recently started to think about a hospital bag as well.. I know that I will be packing a LOT less than last time as the hospital here provides literally everything for baby and you.

When do you ladies plan on having your bags packed??

When do you ladies plan on having things set up by?

I've been wanting to set up the baby's closet (bookshelf/closet from pintrest) so that I can get things out of DDs room, but DH just got switched back to 3rd shift for now and so he's been sleeping allll day since his schedule is thrown off.. I bet he won't want to do it this weekend either :( I just want to get things done and have everything done before DDs birthday (march14) so that I can focus on that and spending time with her before baby!
Amelie - so sorry about your foot hope it heals nice and quickly for you

Northern and perplexed I agree on having drinks in the maternity bag. I didn't even think about things like that last time round and I was ridiculously under packed as did not expect to be in hospital for 5 days afterwards! This time am def packing a bigger bag lol 😉

Mcwhmm - I am trying to get my bag sorted over next couple of weeks just in case. Ordered a bag on eBay and it has come and is tiny! Grrr it said it was a hand luggage sized one but is the same size as a normal handbag!

Today I have had my hair done which took nearly three hours - it was bliss!😉. Then I came back and finally sorted through DSs newborn stuff and separated out all of the neutral stuff to wash. There is absolutely loads so bubba is not going to need anything else for the newborn stage. I have told DH that his Mum is banned from buying anything newborn from now on! (Although she has a serious problem with shopping so she probably won't be able to help herself!).

So all in all feel like I had a productive day and have had so much more energy today than I have done in weeks 😊
I'm pretty sure I'm getting BH. It is only when I REALLY have to go to the bathroom and can't get there right away. I'm not talking about like a min or two after the initial "oh I got to go" but 5-10 minutes pass and I still am holding it. My entire bump gets really tight feeling. I think I had one this morning during class as I really had to go but we were in the middle of something and I didn't want to miss it.... so I waited.... and then my bump felt hard and tight and I actually couldn't move very well. I noticed 2 yesterday (both as I was walking to the bathroom). It's not painful when it happens but it does get pretty uncomfortable. Now I am only assuming this is what it is. I googled (probably not the smartest idea....lol)

I asked my friend after class today and she said it sounds like that is what it is. I trust her as she is a nurse (who is changing careers to be a social worker)
Our bags will probably be set up 100% by 36 weeks, just in case. We're starting now to talk about stuff we want in the bag, we're not bringing too much though because she's delivering at a military facility and they have basically everything we need. Just general clothes and hygiene stuff along with a few onsies for little man. Definitely not going to over pack.

My wife surprised me and booked a 3D/4D ultrasound for Valentine's Day! She had to tell me because I get the confirmation emails from that place lol. but I'm so happy! I can't wait to see our little guy with high tech imagery! I had a quick 3D ultrasound with my son but that was like 9 years ago and technology has advanced since then!

Anyone have any ideas on breast pumps? We need TWO since I'll be breastfeeding also, but they're so damn expensive! Tricare doesn't cover it (stupid) and renting is more expensive then buying so we're not going there. Anyone know any tricks to getting a decent pump (or two) really cheap? We don't qualify for any kind of financial help because we make way too much together (even though we never see it lol)
I will probably start working on my bag in the next few weeks.. Coming up with a good list. We are going to be doing a tour of the hospital next weekend, so I will have an idea of what they will provide for me there. One of DH's friends is a NICU nurse.. so hopefully she can hook me up with any extra things I need too if she is working while I am there :)

I haven't set up a nursery yet, because we are going to be moving next month. We close on our new house on March 19, so we will be setting it up after that point. I am not overly concerned though, since she will be sleeping in our room for a while after, so we have time to figure it all out if we need to. I imagine I will be spending some of my Mat leave while she is sleeping, and I am not sleeping setting up her room and what not.

Northern - Thanks for posting your list... it is nice to see what other people are doing to have an idea. Especially for a FTM!
I have my case in the bedroom and I've popped a few things in there as I've found them when I've been sorting out - just a thin dressing gown and some toiletries at the moment, oh and a nightie and the reusable wipes for baby.

I know I'm going to do a seperate bag for baby and a little suitcase for me - so DH doesn't have to rummage through all my stuff to find baby items. My previous births I was in for 4 days in total (2 days of induction, 1 of labour and 1 after) and then second time I went in on Friday, induced Saturday AM, had her Saturday night and discharged late on Monday - so the best part of 4 days again.

I also do a bag for DH with money for the car park, emergency phone numbers in case his mobile wasn't with him, loads of snacks and drinks etc. With DD1 my DH really didn't look after himself sleep or food wise and he was a wreck once I got home.
My foot is OK by the way, non displaced fracture and not much to be done but rest it as much as I can x

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