**April Bunnies 2015**

Rebecca, I do that too with the weeks! Which is kind of scary since I'm considering myself 35 weeks and I'm having the baby at 38!

That is scary! When I have been counting and planning too, I usually count up to 38 weeks, meaning 6 weeks left as of tomorrow, because my daughter was born at 39, but I started having contractions regularly at 38. Plus, between 38 and 39 is when I'm going to start maternity leave, so it will all become very real then!
Anyone not on the FB group who still wants to be? I find myself posting over there way more often than here.
Baby is doing well! No signs of anemia and he's only measuring one day ahead now. Seems to have very long legs. Probably going to be tall like his dad.
He's still head up so I'll be working on that. Doctor doesn't want me to book the c section until I reach 40 weeks. He says as long as I'm pregnant there is a chance of him turning. He also said I can't go over 41 weeks. Ideally we're aiming for baby to arrive at 40 weeks to 40+6.
Dh actually made it to the appointment. We even hung out a bit afterwards and had a good conversation. He's also coming round for a couple of hours tomorrow to give me a break. Then he coming on Friday and staying over. So I'll only have two full days of dd on my own. That is generally what I have every week so that's good.
Oh, doctor also checked my cervix during the scan because of all the Braxton hicks I was having yesterday. He said it's still nice and long and firmly closed. He's also weighing about 2.1kg.
I'm happy to hear your baby is doing well, bean! :hugs: It's great that you and your dh are having conversations and he's more involved with your dd. I hope you have time to recharge!

I think around here also I am told they don't encourage women to go over 41 weeks, but this is based on ethnic background somehow. The dr said some women go to 42 weeks but most if not all women of some backgrounds just don't do well past 41 weeks...but honestly if I'm at 41 weeks I don't really care if they plan to induce me! I'm pretty sure I'd be doing anything to get the ball rolling lol!

My mom had my sister at...44 weeks. Her dr kept pushing for induction and she kept refusing until she went into labor at 44 weeks. Now she says thinking back to it that my sister had so many issues as an infant that she wishes she agreed to being induced.

I am kinda kicking myself. In December a local baby stuff store had sales and they had the Medala Pump in style at half off. At that point it felt too early for me to even consider buying a breastpump and I was refusing to really buy anything for the baby as I was too overwhelmed and it still felt early. Now I really wish I did buy it as we're pretty much done with everything else that we'll need for the baby for the first few months. I don't know if they still have them at reduced prices, but honestly doubt it and scared to go check!

That reminds me...if I'm planning to pump, does that mean I should get bottles? If so, how many and what type? I have no concrete plans about what I'm going to do in terms of feeding so I just don't know. All I know is that I want to start building a freezer stash early and maybe offer bottles of expressed milk here and there. My dd didn't have any bottles till she was 4 months old.
I'm just going to be building a stash. Not offering bottles unless it's a real emergency. I decided against buying any.
I've bought 2 bottles as they were on offer and I would like baby to take a bottle - my DD1 wouldn't and it caused some stress. The reason she actually wouldn't was because of her TT though. I won't likely offer a bottle until my supply is nicely regulated.

DD2 would and she had EBM a few times - the most useful time was when she had a violent vomitting bug at 4 months old and she was too greedy on the boob and brought it all up. With a bottle I could give her an oz at a time and let it settle.

Bean - would they let you have a natural breech birth given you have had a baby before? In the UK that is considered OK, obviously they want you in hospital and you get the choice of a csec if you want. Baby also has to be bottom first not feet first.

My baby is currently transverse or oblique breech, one of the two. Loooooads of time yet to go on that.
Bean I'm so happy baby is doing well and that your DH made it to the appt and is working on things. That's wonderful news!!

Perplexed I'm going to get some bottles because I go back to work at 10 weeks.

Rebecca hope you get some energy soon!

Had a midwife appt today, she looked at my glucose numbers over the past few weeks and said they were great so I'm in the clear! Also had a chiropractor appt and As you know I'm dealing with really bad carpal tunnel and the last week I've had bad shoulder and neck pain and it's getting worse. She found on the left side my top three ribs were out of place and pushing on one of my cervical vertebrae. Only guess as to why this happened is all the fluid I'm retaining pushing on soft ligaments paired with my job. She put them back and I'm hoping they stay there but it still hurts so bad. I'm trying to use I've as often as I can and she recommended I drink dandelion tea once a day to help get rid of some of the extra fluid and the midwife agreed so I'm praying this helps.
I came on here and typed out a long response and then when I clicked to post it, the thing had logged me out because I shut the top of my computer for a few seconds. Anyway, glad to know I'm not alone in how I count the weeks! :)

Perplexed- I use Dr. Brown's bottles because I just prefer them. But the breast pumps do come with bottles. I don't plan to use bottles until after 6 weeks because it just helps establish a good breastfeeding routine first.
44 weeks is a surprising amount of time to carry a baby. I'm sure she must have been very tired and ready to have the baby by then!

Beanonorder- I am so glad that you are getting good news about your son! Also glad that your husband was able to be there. It's also nice to hear that all of your BH didn't cause any effacement or dilation. I always wonder if they are having an impact.

Dini- :happydance: Awesome that you are in the clear for GD! What a relief. Glad the chiropractor could fix your pains.

I'm not so tired right now. I had a little trouble sleeping early this morning. My back started hurting me. I found that I had to get up and empty my bladder in order for the pain to go away. I'm guessing pressure from my bladder plus the baby was just hurting my back by pressing on a nerve.
Otherwise, I'm feeling really good. I was starting to have a little bit of pain in my right foot after doing my dance class. Even though I've been avoiding jumping, I think even my little hops on my foot were just too much for it to take. So, I took it easy and did the elliptical today. Everything is back to normal again.
The only challenge I'm having is my son. lol He is just being a handful these days. In fact, I'm going to have to go deal with him now as he is just completely ignoring me.
Perplexed I've bought a couple of bottles and am also hoping to build up a stash.

Dini I'm so glad your glucose levels are all good. I hope the dandelion tea helps.

Amelie no unfortunately they won't let me do a natural breech birth here. The high risk consultant I'm seeing is the only person who has any experience with them and he doesn't do deliveries anymore. He said it seems to be becoming a lost skill. I really like the doctor who will be doing the delivery but she did say she won't consider a natural breech birth so I'm OK with that. I also think baby is currently feet first because I can feel the kicks in my lady parts! It's a very weird feeling.

I slept so badly last night! I think I was awake about every hour. I hate it because it makes me so demotivated for the day. And I have a lot to do! I have friends coming to stay on Sunday night and currently ALL the baby clothes are spread out on the sleeper couch.
Dini: Glad your glucose numbers are looking good! I hope putting the vertebrae back keeps you painfree. It's a relief that they could pinpoint what was causing it.

Rebecca: I think it's awesome that you are still able to go to the gym! It must be doing loads for your energy levels! :happydance:

Amelie: Wow I had no idea that it is possible to have a vaginal breech delivery in the UK. I thought they just c section. They don't do vaginal breech deliveries here anymore. I don't know when they stopped doing them, but my mom had 2 breech deliveries. The first was me and the other was my 15 year old brother...so they were still doing them 15 years ago.

Bean: I'm so sorry that you didn't sleep well. I hope you can catch a power nap here or there and recharge!

Officially 32 weeks today. It's weird as I felt like I were 32 weeks already for a while now. At the same time I can't believe I'm already in the 8th month. I feel like it was just August when DD turned 8 months and I just found out we were expecting. DD of course changed a lot in this time period from being mostly immobile (she didn't crawl till after 8 months) to being very active (she started properly walking a few weeks ago).

As for the bottles, I guess I will see what I can find and go from there. I'm scared that if I put it in mind that I want to pump I won't work that hard on the latch and will end up exclusively pumping...then just formula feeding. Especially since I've decided that this time I won't put as much pressure on myself if things don't work out.

But who knows...I may end up with a champion feeder who latches well and has no issues with aesthetics.
I looked at my ticker..49 days to go? Oh geez. That just feels like nothing! And I don't know why but for some reason thinking of it in terms of 7 weeks seems a lot longer even though it's the exact same amount of time!

Also, if I think the baby will come a few days after week 38, that means I've got more like 5 weeks to go and that feels like A LOT less than 7 weeks even though it's only a 2 week difference.

How weird things can feel! :)
6.5 weeks left for me. Somehow that feels years shorter than 7 weeks, haha.
I am having a massive craving for ranch dip and cucumbers. I have both but I am too lazy to actually get up and go cut up the cucumbers. I keep telling myself "put your feet on the floor, stand up and go" ... and nothing happens :haha:

I think we finally found our travel system!


Now we just need to find the crib. We found one that we both really really really really like but it's sold through Ikea. The closest Ikea to us is in Colorado. It's a 6hr drive or a $300 delivery. That's out :haha: Especially since the crib is only $119! :haha:

Thats the system we bought!
MrsA good to see you!!

Rebecca, I absolutely hate when my computer does that! And I also count weeks like that. Gosh less than 50 days already? I just realized we have 59 days and that seems way shorter than just over 8 weeks.

Perplexed, I feel like you do, I don't want to put too much pressure on myself but want to do what's best. I think 4-6 weeks introducing a bottle is not a bad thing at all and we just do what we can.

Bean I hope you get better sleep tonight.

Am, I got slightly better sleep last night. I bought new wrist splints that helped some and after the adjustment of my neck and back it made it easier to sleep and my shoulder felt pretty good till the end of the day now it really hurts but I'm heading to bed so hopefully it feels better tomorrow. It's even hard to carry my purse. May just carry my wallet most of the time now.
Finished packing Reed's hospital bag! I packed:

-12 newborn prefolds
-2 newborn diaper covers
-Cloth wipes
-small wet bag
-Liveclean non petroleum jelly
-Liveclean baby wash
-2 washcloths
-stretchy wrap
-belly band for kangaroo care
-1 receiving blanket
- knit blanket
-3 newborn onesies
-2 newborn sleepers
-1 pair newborn pants
-2 pairs teeny socks

I'll also be including a knit sweater and hat set as his take home outfit, however my mom is still in the process of getting it finished. Anything I've overlooked?
Counting I packed 8 of everything, sleep suits, vests & swaddles. Then I have one more outfit for going home, and 2 little hats. I don't need socks as all clothes I'm bringing has feet. Put in some dummies but I haven't cleaned them yet and I dunno if we'll need them. No toiletries or blanket yet (swaddle blankets are too light).

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