I came on here and typed out a long response and then when I clicked to post it, the thing had logged me out because I shut the top of my computer for a few seconds. Anyway, glad to know I'm not alone in how I count the weeks!
Perplexed- I use Dr. Brown's bottles because I just prefer them. But the breast pumps do come with bottles. I don't plan to use bottles until after 6 weeks because it just helps establish a good breastfeeding routine first.
44 weeks is a surprising amount of time to carry a baby. I'm sure she must have been very tired and ready to have the baby by then!
Beanonorder- I am so glad that you are getting good news about your son! Also glad that your husband was able to be there. It's also nice to hear that all of your BH didn't cause any effacement or dilation. I always wonder if they are having an impact.

Awesome that you are in the clear for GD! What a relief. Glad the chiropractor could fix your pains.
I'm not so tired right now. I had a little trouble sleeping early this morning. My back started hurting me. I found that I had to get up and empty my bladder in order for the pain to go away. I'm guessing pressure from my bladder plus the baby was just hurting my back by pressing on a nerve.
Otherwise, I'm feeling really good. I was starting to have a little bit of pain in my right foot after doing my dance class. Even though I've been avoiding jumping, I think even my little hops on my foot were just too much for it to take. So, I took it easy and did the elliptical today. Everything is back to normal again.
The only challenge I'm having is my son. lol He is just being a handful these days. In fact, I'm going to have to go deal with him now as he is just completely ignoring me.