**April Bunnies 2015**

I am sooo happy have been to see the midwife and I am clear to have bubba at my local mlw ☺️. This is only 10 miles away from home not 40 like the dgh and is where DH was born so fingers crossed everything stays ok til then! I thought my midwife would have been a bit wary as it was her that mentioned a dgh birth when I first let them know I was pregnant again. But she said that as the consultant said it was ok it is absolutely fine for me to go ahead with what I wanted. DH is also happy with this as he was quite worried about me being so far away from dgh. So plan atm is to try a waterbirth which I am excited about - just to be in control and not be stuck in bed wired up really appeals to me. (Until d-day and I will be screaming that I want an epidural lol 😉).

Off to Center parcs tomorrow for a few days in Sherwood Forest - can't wait for a bit of family time. It will be the last break as a 3 person family eek!!

Hope everyone is ok oh and whoop whoop 32 weeks today!😃 x
Hey ladies! Hope everyone is staying warm if your temperatures are as cold as ours! -15 F here tonight, brrrrr!

I had a growth ultrasound today and everything is looking good with baby girl except for the possibility of having a little too much fluid. OB said I'm still considered to be in the normal range, but it is the high end of normal and so we will need to keep an eye on it. I have another ultrasound in 2 weeks. He said it's nothing for me to worry about right now, but of course that's easier said than done when you're told something could be a little off. Anyone else had this?

She's also measuring pretty big and is growing in the 92nd percentile. They estimated her weight to be between 5.5-6 lbs at this point. OB said that's something to watch too, but DS wasn't exactly a small baby, either (8 lbs 8 oz). I know ultrasounds can be off on weight but they were pretty accurate when estimating DS.
Wanting - have you had a GTT - high fluid levels and big babies are both signs of GD.

I have GD, never had big babies but I do always have top end fluid levels. I am actually starting to think it is just how I carry my babies and not GD related as my sugar is well controlled and my baby is small with a tiny tummy measurement!

With the fluid did they just measure the deepest pool or did they calculate the total amount? If they just measured the deepest pool then the position of the baby can make it way off.

If it becomes excessive there isn't much that can be done, rest is the best thing for it (easier said than done)
Happy 32 weeks stripeycat!

Wanting: I second the gestational diabetes issue. A friend of mine had high amniotic fluid levels later in her pregnancy, despite having her gtt earlier on and passing. I guess she developed it later on.
Amelie and Perplexed, I have been wondering about the GD thing as well. I did have a GTT done around 28 weeks. My number was 3 points above the cut off (I had the exact same number with DS as well) but my OB said they use the lower cut off 130 instead of 140 and so I didn't need to do the longer test. I was wondering if they will have me do the 3 hour GTT if my next scan does show excess fluid.

Amelie, they measured in 4 different areas. Is that the more accurate way to do it?
That is the more accurate way.

I know Northern only failed her GTT failed her GTT by a tiny amount but now definitely has GD.

I didn't develop GD with DD1 until 32+ weeks.

I'd follow that up with your doctor x
Stripeycat- I am so glad that your most recent appointment went well. I hope your water birth works out for you! I will be excited to know how it turns out come April. :)

Wanting- I know ultrasound measurements aren't always exact. It was off with my son at the end of that pregnancy by almost a whole pound. So, it's possible that your little girl really isn't in the 95th percentile. Since you were just above the cutoff, though, I am surprised that they didn't test again to make sure. Hopefully things will go well at your next scan, though, and your fluid levels will not look high.

AFM- I've been doing inversions off of my couch to try to get Holly into the ideal position. I think it's working because I'm pretty sure she is posterior now instead of anterior. I'm going to request that my midwife check for me at my next appointment because I really want to know how she is positioned.
We have also decided on the middle name of Amber for sure. I was pretty sure that was going to be it, but my husband took his time deciding that was the name. Now we are both sure of it. He doesn't want me telling his family, though. I guess he'll tell them when he's ready. So, I won't be announcing anything publicly to my other friends and family until she is born. I texted my mom, sister, and a few other friends to tell them because I know some people have been itching to know her middle name. :)
I'm also getting her hospital bag packed now after a scare yesterday that turned out to be a muscle spasm in my belly. It was really nothing, but it just got me into "get ready" mode. So I've been completely nesting since then and want to be sure both of our hospital bags are packed! I was getting the diapers out and OMG they are so TINY! It's hard to believe how small she will be even as a full-sized newborn.
I don't want to be the person who thinks something is happening at 35 weeks because I'm sure absolutely nothing productive is actually happening, but I am SO crampy. I went to sleep for an hour to see if it would to away and it's still going on. It's like a big band of sickly period cramps going around my belly and back. Blah. I'm so grumpy.
:hugs: I got majorly crampy from 36 weeks with DD2, I think it is a good sign of cervix ripening! Cramps suck though.

I might need to start doing inversions and what not soon. I have a scan next Wednesday and if baby is breech or transverse I want to try and actively encourage her the right way. She is a small baby in a lake of fluid, I think that is the issue...

I do not want to have to have worked so hard at this GD thing and then need a c section due to baby being transverse or a mad type of breech. My hospital would let me try a natural birth with a frank breech baby though.
Thank you all for your thoughts, I will definitely be bringing up these concerns with my OB. In the meantime, I will see if I can get my hands on a glucometer and see what kind of number I get.

Northern when I went into labor with DS it started off as period cramps that went around from my front to back. Could be something! It took all day to progress into regular contractions- I went from waking up at 3am with cramping and finally got to the hospital at 10pm.
Northern- I don't have personal experience to go off of as far as period pains being the beginning of labor since my water breaking essentially started my labor last time. But I would think if they are continuing on, it might warrant a call to just ask them what it could be.
Keep us posted on how you're doing!
Northern I was going to say my labour started with period like cramps. Hopefully its all signs of progression towards your VBAC! Especially as you've dropped so much.

Rebecca how long do you do the inversions for? And how often? I haven't done the off the couch ones. The doctor told me to do one which I start off on my hands and knees and then drop my arms and have my bum in the air (yes I feel ridiculous!). He told me to do it for 15 minutes, three times a day. I've yet to manage it three times a day. A two year old just doesn't understand what I'm doing and need to stay there! Generally she ends up hitting me on the head or trying to climb onto me!!

I'm still struggling with drinking enough water. Its really frustrating me. I have even tried to just focus on drinking enough liquid but even then I hardly ever get enough in. I'm just not thirsty enough to remind myself to go and drink.
Northern how are you doing now? My labour with my daughter (I wasn't induced with her) started with period cramps and as I said to you on fb group when you mentioned you had that groggy periody feeling I also had that after my sweep then when I was induced with my son the next day after sweep I had dilated 1-2 cm so i reckon things are progressing. Good luck!
Thanks ladies. Still having the period feeling on and off. I'm not going to call about it because if I go in labour on my own I just plan to labour at home for as long as I can to avoid them putting me on a timeline for a c-section. The doctor said on Wednesday that they wouldn't stop me if I went in labour now so I'm just going to ride this out, whatever this is. With my luck I'll go in at 38 weeks to be checked and I'll be 0% effaced and not dilated and won't be favourable for the foley induction.
Beanonorder- The spinning babies website said to do the couch inversion for 3 breaths. I try to do it at least 3 times a day. The length of time I do it for depends on how I'm feeling. Sometimes, I'll just do it for 3 breaths and other times, I hold it as long as I can until I'm uncomfortable. Since I'm supporting my weight on my arms, I usually don't hold it for more than a minute at a time.
If my son is awake when I do one, he gets into the downward dog position and says he has to get his baby into position too. :) It's cute! I could imagine a little one would think you are getting down onto the floor to play. What you're describing sounds like downward puppy in yoga. I'll attach a picture to see if that's what your doctor said to do. I could also try that if that's what it is. I've done it a couple of times in yoga as a modification for another pose. I don't know if I'd have the time or the patience to hold it for 15 minutes, though.

Northern- I can understand why you wouldn't want to call. That makes complete sense! Are you doing any better today or just the same?


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So I've literally been on my feet all day. Just decided to have a check and see if I could tell if anything is happening. I'm not a professional but my cervix feels pretty soft to me. It's still super far back though. When I checked there was a slight amount of brownish tinged discharge. Appt with OB again on Tuesday so I hope she checks me to figure this out. I'm okay with not going into labour on my own but I will be super pleased if it all works out that I'm good for my VBAC.
Rebecca is kind of like that except arms crossed and resting on your elbows and fore arms. I'm going to try do the inversions today.

Northern it all sounds very promising for you!
Hi girls! I've been reading but just too tired and still having such a hard time with my hands that typing is pretty difficult some days.

Northern it all sounds promising! I hope you get good news Tuesday if nothing else happens in the mean time.

Counting, what did you use for your cloth wipes? I registered for a bunch of cheap wash cloths and am hoping to make some for at home use.

I wish I had a clue what position baby is in and some days I'm sure it's head down with all the pressure and cervix pain I get but I truly have no clue and there is still too much fat over my bump to feel anything.

I am so tired of whining about this carpal tunnel but it just keeps getting worse. I had a good day earlier in the week but friday was so bad I did nothing and iced my hands all day. Today I'm getting the tailbone and pelvis pain especially when getting up from a sitting position.

On a good note,DH's family bought us the crib and matching changing table as well as the mattress and changing pad! And I bought the travel system with the trade in coupon and turned out there was a price drop so I saved $100 and got it for $229! It's so cute! I love the color. As soon as these ridiculous negative temps and stupid snow storms are done I'll install it I think just to have it there.

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