**April Bunnies 2015**

amelie: I'm sorry your bh are bad today. Could they be real contractions?

Stripeycat: aww I actually miss the lopsided bump feeling! My babies have never done this too much and I was excited about it for some reason. They do seem to prefer the left side of my bump for some reason. I did wonder yesterday when the new prince or princess will be born or if they were maybe in the process of being born lol!!

Christina: sorry about your bp being high :hugs:

I wish I had symptoms so that I could symptom spot and pass time while labor creeps up, but nothing! Baby seems high today too. I almost don't want to get a cervical check on Sunday so I don't feel disheartened. They don't tell us if we're close anyway.
Thanks. They want me to keep an eye on it esp. since I had issues a while back. Got a headache now for a few hrs and it hasn't gone away yet. Ugh.

I just spoke with my parents. I told them I have a feeling I could have an early May baby. My dad is still convinced it will be late next week... for some reason he thinks the 16th (which is my moms birthday actually and 10 days before my EDD). He also said that I have to have a talk with the baby and explain that arriving late on a Friday would be best. His explanation is that then they won't have to leave work and can leave early on Saturday and they can get the maximum travel time with driving during the weekend. Oy. :haha:
Dh was sure I'd have our baby a few days ago due to the amount of pain I was in. it was probably wishful thinking on his part so I'd stop wincing with every movement lol.
Maybe they were real for a short while??? Calmed overnight though.

We did DTD and sorry, this really is tmi, but most of the available "positions", lol, were uncomfortable for both of us as DH can feel my cervix. Urgh.

That has put me off DTD again I think :rofl:
Ugh I haven't wanted to dtd for a few weeks now. He can bloody wait lol

Well my mw appointment was a big waste of time. I arrived before 9am to be told my appointment has been cancelled. I had to go there on Tuesday to give an emergency blood transfusion sample since I have this antibody they need to make me special blood In case I need it and while there the mw checked me over. However she didn't inform me not to come today or that it's cancellled. So I got no check up and no sweep :( I asked for a sweep but all I got told is none get done before 40 weeks and I will get one when I get induction on sun night. This is despite me getting one no problem last time. Hey ho I have been busy cleaning the house. Nesting has kicked in for sure!! Never got this nesting last time. roll on Sunday night!
That's sucks Scottish - I would have thought if they are going to induce you anyway a sweep would be worth it? They won't give me a sweep at all until I am 41 weeks this time as apparently they don't do it until you are overdue re 2nd time round.

I do quite fancy dtd however my stomach hasn't been v.good the last couple of days and that kinda puts me off lol! We dtd over the weekend and it was fine but just running out of options with positions lol!

Christina - I hope your BP doesn't stay up however if it does you will be def getting an April baby lol!

I went to see the midwife this morning as my BP was up a little bit last week. It was fine today though which was a relief. Still getting diarrhoea which is horrible but now have started with a period style cramp that won't go away. The midwife said she doesn't think I am quite ready yet as the head is still 4/5 engaged so on the brim but I just feel that my body is gearing up to something. We shall see! x
Stripeycat I do not listen to midwifes opinions on labour any more as they were all wrong last time lol!!

Hope your body is gearing up for something xx
Stripey- That is true lol. I hope it doesn't stay up though.

I got woken up at about 3:15am to an intense BH. I thought it may have been bc I had to use the bathroom so I went. It stopped when I got up. Though they continued until about 4:45 and then stopped. I finally ended up falling back to sleep but I don't know what time. I woke up a few min ago to the alarm but feeling crampy. Oh and more BH! I have a presentation in 2hrs ... It needs to calm down so I can stand for 20 min! Lol

Scottish- that stinks about the cancelled appt! A call would have been nice so you wouldn't have wasted time going.
Went to my appointment yesterday. I am 100% effaced and the baby's head is engaged but I hadn't dilated anymore. She told me that it didn't matter because the hardest part was already done with the baby getting engaged and the effacement. She kind of warned me that it could all happen super fast especially since it's my 3rd. Oh, and she will be out of town this weekend, so another DR is on call.

I hope everyone is feeling as well as can be today!
Congrats Counting! Beautiful baby and beautiful story. :)

Scottish that happened to me for one of my appointments, I'd been seen by the specialist a day or two before so my regular doc just refused to see me! I was livid! Also they didn't do a scan at 36 or 38 weeks even though I was told they would, because I had one with perinatology at 35 weeks. Argh!

Lucky those sound like great signs! From what I understand the pressure of baby's head on the cervix is what causes dilation once contractions start, so I would think being effaced & engaged is even better than being dilated!

Perplexed if you don't feel like getting your cervix checked, no reason to do it. It's super unpleasant and doesn't really tell you anything! I'm glad to know mine is in fact capable of dilating without medical intervention (at least a bit!) but other than that it doesn't tell you anything, really.

I never thought about dtd hitting the cervix when it's low (never wanted to last time). Mine is usually so high, now I kind of want to experiment to see if it has come down at all! :blush: Plus I just want to do whatever it takes to move this guy along. We have found ONE position that works. Sure it's getting a little old, but it's better than nothing! :P

Please tell me excessive weepiness is a sign of impending labor? Anyone? Because I am ridiculous this week and I can't take much more! :dohh:
Scottish: I can't believe they wouldn't give you a sweep before your induction day! And it sucks they never told you the appointment was cancelled! I'd be so frustrated!

stripeycat: I agree with Scottish, I wouldn't listen to the midwives/drs opinions anymore! It seems like your body is doing something!

Christina: Early labor contractions maybe ;) I hope you manage to do your presentation, good luck!

Luckymama: Definitely the engagement is the hard part :) dilation will soon follow. Good luck! Seems like things will happen soon for you :flower:

Tara: BTW now on my laptop when I go to your profile I can see your pregnant pic! And you're right...I could reject having my cervix checked, but I also want to find out if I'm capable of dilating without being induced too LOL! Have you been checked lately?

Baby must have changed sides. My rib pains morphed from the left side at the back to the front and right. It burns a lot! Seems to start at around the same time every day so I dunno if I'm just not resting enough or what. I can have my back massaged...but I dunno how to have my ribs massaged at the front :haha: it'll be ticklish!
Perplexed I was checked Monday, was at "maybe almost 2 cm" haha. Even though it's painful & meaningless I stil like knowing what's up in there! :P I guess some women check themselves but there's no way I could reach! :haha:
Yea I am angry about it. Why when they cancel can't they phone me and tell me. When I went the receptionist was so rude and the midwifed all complaining their clinics full. I was standing like heloooooooo!!!

I understand here In in uk Nhs staff are extremely understaffed as I am a nurse myself but at least just phone me and tell me not to come lol I think them being busy was the reason for not giving me a sweep tbh.

Tara trust me I felt like excessively weeping at the mw today lol
Yep! Managed to get the presentation done. I had BH during, pressure, and after standing up for nearly 30 minutes straight (which I haven't done in quite a while) I was getting really dizzy. I was happy to sit my gigantic self down at the desk and not move until class ended 2 hours later:haha:

You know what is driving me crazy?? I usually call my parents every day to say hi or at least every other day...... now every time they pick up the phone they go "are you in labor?" NO! I told my mom that she needs to stop or I won't call again until I am in labor. lol :growlmad:
Tara: definitely don't think I can check myself either...I wouldn't know what to check for :haha:

Scottish: I'm so sorry, it's so disappointing! Did they tell you when you'd see your midwife again? Or will it just be the blood appointment before the induction day?

Christina: great job finishing your presentation! Lol your parents are funny. The other night my mom received a call from someone at midnight...she didn't answer, but when she heard the phone she expected it would be me calling to say I'm in labor and was already planning to tell me that she'll be on her way to pick up dd :haha:
Eidson- Congratulations! What a beautiful baby boy! I hope your wife is recovering well.

Those on the Facebook group know because it's much easier for me to get on there and post from my phone. But I had my baby.
Holly Amber was born on April 9th at 3:11 AM
I started having contractions again on April 8th at about 12 PM. I waited a few hours to see what they would do and they weren't going away. They were coming consistently 3 minutes apart. Went into triage at about 3:00 a midwife checked me and said I was between 3 and 4 cm. Without telling me what she was doing, she did a sweep. But I was okay with that because I was really getting tired of long early labor. She sent me out to walk around for about 2 hours and come back. By the time I returned I was slightly more effaced and at 4 cm but she said it was a solid 4 which showed small change. And since my contractions were continuing, they kept me. But they let me go have dinner first. I labored for a very long time at 4 cm. When I finally crossed the 4 to 5 threshold, labor was fast and furious. I dilated from 5-10 in 3 hours. I didn't know it would go that fast, and by the time I asked for an epidural, I was already at 9.5 cm. I pushed her out in 4 minutes. She is doing great. She weighed 7 lbs 12 oz and was 20 inches long. She took to breastfeeding like a duck to water.

I can't upload pictures here from my phone but I will share whenever I get home. She looks exactly like I did as a newborn. I feel like I cloned myself.
Perplexed I am being induced on Sunday night so not due to see anyone until then unless blood transfusion service want me to pop in for another sample before my induction. So it's 8pm Sunday night to be induced! :D
I got sent to L&D after two high BP readings, the massive headache and dizziness to be monitored. My BP is all over. It was really high, dropped to "almost normal" then went back up. I seriously was in the same position doing the same thing the entire time. They have no idea why it is like that. but my last reading was normal so that's a plus. All my labwork came back normal also which is good. I just have to keep on resting and keep my next appt. which isn't until the 17th so hopefully things stay okay. I felt kinda stupid for calling my OB but apparently between the high readings at my appt yesterday and the ones today it was best that I got checked.

Now... I did tell the nurse the next time I want to see that part of the hospital is when I'm actually having the baby. Lol =]

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