**April Bunnies 2015**

It's supposed to be nice this weekend so Dh and I are going to take the dog to the dog park. I'm sure walking up two gigantic hills that span about a mile (in one direction) will maybe help move things along!! I hope anyway. The massive pressure I had yesterday I don't feel much today. There is some. Not a lot. Though I did wake up with a slight headache again. I'm wondering if I can get my dr to agree to get this baby out soon bc of my randomly spiking BP and horrible headaches!! At least my sugars seemed to normalize!!
Nothing to report here for me.

In the UK they will do sweeps - I had them with DD2 early due to definite induction - but mw last time I saw her said they won't do them until +7 with subsequent babies. But I know people that have persueded them otherwise.

I don't even know if my baby is low or thinking about engaging. I sort of want the EDD to turn up just so I can go past it and settle into being overdue, lol.

No plug or anything for a few days. In fact I'm not really getting much increase in cm or anything.

I've been out this morning to toddler group with my kids. I'm going to look at a new preschool of my DD2 this afternoon as my DD1 got her schoolplace through yesterday and I want to have a look at the closest preschool.

It is weird to think this weekend is either the last one as us as a family of 4 or if it isn't the last is the second to last for sure. It is a bit scary.
Stripey and Tara I'm sorry all our babies are such divas! Haha... I was soooo hopeful something would start during the night but nope, nothing. Now I'm just anxious about hearing from the doctor.

Amelie that must be such a weird feeling! You'll have a third little gal soon.

Christina have fun this weekend on your walks! And yes the "oh you're still pregnant??" Comments get to me too. Well, obviously. Duhh.

It would make my life so much easier if this child wanted out today!!!
Today's appointment went well. Though I am not dilated at all. She never says anything about being effaced but I assume I'm not either. Next appointment is the 24th. I now hope that I do not have the baby this week because my doctor is on vacation and comes back on my due date (26th). I see the on call doctor next week and then have an appointment for the 27th as well. She says it is possible that baby could come this week but you never know. Lol. We will make a plan on the 27th as far as what we will do. It will be a non stress test, ultra sound, she will check out my bp, and how big baby is estimated to be. At 36w4d ultrasound baby was measuring in at 6lb15oz so it kind of makes me wonder how big baby would be at over 40 weeks. I guess now it's just a waiting game. Well and walking. Going to walk... And walk... And walk some more. lol
I'm kind of glad we're all in the same boat right now! We may be getting antsy but at least we have each other. :flower:

Perplexed I hope you're right about the domino effect! Quick, somebody have their baby!! :P Let us know if you decide to go for the sweep. I decided not to try today because I don't feel like he is any lower than he has been, so she probably wouldn't have been able to do it again, and the failed attempt was sooo painful. If you go I hope it works!!

Maggz I'm sorry nothing has gotten started for you yet either. It's so frustrating to have someone tell you they think it will happen and then it doesn't. Luckily it sounds like you should be favorable for induction so if you end up going that route it should go well.

Christina I think if you're not dilated they can't check for effacement because they have to insert their finger through the opening in your cervix in order to check how thick it is. I wasn't told effacement until 39 weeks.

Amelie, you're making me cry. :P I keep thinking how my dd won't be an only child any more after all these years, and everything is going to be different. Every time I snuggle with her at bedtime and sing to her I think how it might be the last time that she is the only child I have to sing to and put to bed. It's weird and hard after all this time.

I cannot stop crying at everything, it's so annoying. I wake up in the night to pee and then cry for a while because I'm in pain and I'm worried about labor and recovery and taking care of an infant. Mostly I cry because I'm so dang tired! :sleep:

Tried to convince DH I need another induction massage today, but sadly I couldn't convince him we magically had the money for it. :haha:
Also, I have been trying so hard to walk and use my ball and dtd. But walking makes my pelvis hurt like crazy, bouncing or even just sitting on the ball puts so much pressure on my sensitive girl parts, and how much :sex: can you really have when just rolling over requires a crane???
Maggz, being 2cm already is good - I was only ever 1cm before both my inductions.
Well that makes sense. Lol. I just have the option of walking or using the ball. My husband is creeped out at the thought of dtd so that's out. But he had been telling me he wouldn't since the first trimester. Haha!

I have to go back out soon. Pregnancy brain at it's finest-- I forgot to pay the water bill! Oops. To get it there before the new date I have to pay in person.
I have no idea about my own dilation or whatnot, but if I have a poke myself I can feel my cervix and it is soft.

Goodness knows!

Here is bump at 39+2.

Amelie, I can't believe you're on your third child. Your bump is so beautiful! :flower:
You look really good Amelie :flower:

Perplexed any news?

Tara sorry you're so emotional, crying is draining! But I def feel you on the natural induction methods. Bouncing and walking is tiring and at this point the skin on my bump almost feels raw so when we have sex it has to be in very particular positions so it's not awkward... And then of course changing positions is always fun :/ agh.

This morning has been very emotional and weird. For some reason, my ob practice only schedules an induction with the doctor that asked for it/filed the paperwork, even though she's not "my doctor" and this was the second time I've ever even seen her! Which means they got me an induction date for next Wednesday, her next availability. Well that's not helpful at all seeing as DH would have to leave on Monday. After a lot of calls, tears, and frustration, we have decided to go into the hospital at the first sign of any contractions that are not occasional and hope the on call doctor will admit me. If that doesn't happen at all, we will just have to wait and see what the navy decides basically. DH doesn't even know now what they want him to do on Monday so it's all very confusing. The not knowing is just the worst. At any rate, the likelihood of using the induction date they got me is highly unlikely.
We just felt like we've done everything we can at this point and can't push it any more.
Maggz- that sounds so frustrating. I hope baby comes before he has to leave again!

I have been quite crampy and having a lot of strong BH since my appt this morning. also ones that give me a lot of pressure in the front low down and around my back. Hopefully today's check and the walking will get things moving.
I'm so sorry maggz:( the military really sucks sometimes, but I find it hard to believe they'd send him off this close to your due date. Unless it's a deployment, stuff can be rescheduled.

Do you have a breast pump? We tried everything under the sun to help induce my wife and that was the only thing that caused any contractions at all. Maybe try pumping regularly?
Thanks guys.
Eidson I guess the thing is they are getting certified for some stuff and haven't decided if they absolutely need him there, but then they have testing in the beginning of May so they might want him to come if the baby isn't here yet. I think they'll let him stay if the baby comes.
I do have a breast pump but the couple of times I used it it did nothing and my nipples got so sore I kinda gave up. Will doing it regularly help?
Nipple stimulation is supposedly the best thing to bring on labor. I can't say for sure that's what caused my wife to go into labor but it gave her some intense BH contractions that turned into real ones the last time she did it. I'd say even if you did it 2-3 times per day it can't hurt. You need to get some Lansinoh cream for your nipples too...makes it feel better.
I think I read somewhere that it's especially helpful though if you have contractions to make them stronger, right? Cause I'm just not having much of them. But yeah, I'll try it for sure!
Maggz have you heard of acupressure points? Apparently there are some points that induce labor or help induce labor. It hasn't worked for me but maybe worth looking into? I really hope baby arrives before your dh has to leave.

Dd wakes up between 2.30 and 4.30 every day, and normally I'm already up due to having a hot flash. My fingers are huge today too that it hurts to bend them it looks really weird.
Yeah I've heard of them they don't seem to do anything, even when I was having the regular contractions Monday night.... Thanks though!

My fingers get like that too for the past week or so, I wake up and their stiff and swollen. Does your DD always wake up like this or is it new?

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