I'm kind of glad we're all in the same boat right now! We may be getting antsy but at least we have each other.
Perplexed I hope you're right about the domino effect! Quick, somebody have their baby!!

Let us know if you decide to go for the sweep. I decided not to try today because I don't feel like he is any lower than he has been, so she probably wouldn't have been able to do it again, and the failed attempt was sooo painful. If you go I hope it works!!
Maggz I'm sorry nothing has gotten started for you yet either. It's so frustrating to have someone tell you they think it will happen and then it doesn't. Luckily it sounds like you should be favorable for induction so if you end up going that route it should go well.
Christina I think if you're not dilated they can't check for effacement because they have to insert their finger through the opening in your cervix in order to check how thick it is. I wasn't told effacement until 39 weeks.
Amelie, you're making me cry.

I keep thinking how my dd won't be an only child any more after all these years, and everything is going to be different. Every time I snuggle with her at bedtime and sing to her I think how it might be the last time that she is the only child I have to sing to and put to bed. It's weird and hard after all this time.
I cannot stop crying at everything, it's so annoying. I wake up in the night to pee and then cry for a while because I'm in pain and I'm worried about labor and recovery and taking care of an infant. Mostly I cry because I'm so dang
Tried to convince DH I need another induction massage today, but sadly I couldn't convince him we magically had the money for it.