**April Bunnies 2015**

Tara I think I'll feel exactly like that with the "he's mine, give him back!" lol... especially (and I know this sounds bad) with my DH's family.
Sounds like your contractions are a lot stronger than normal BH, I feel like you'll be starting up any minute now. But what do I know :haha:

Perplexed :haha: that made me laugh.
Are you going to see your doctor after the weekend to set an induction date?

Eidson how's everything going?

Today is the day of math homework :( lol I've been putting it off so long I really have to get on it. I can't seem to concentrate on anything that's not baby related for so long though, haha! Wish me luck ;)
Maggz- were all doing well! Jaxson is 10 days old and he's such a good baby. He's breastfeeding well (with a nipple shield because my wife has flat nipples!) but he's doing great. He gained his birth weight plus a few extra ounces at the 5 day appointment. We're all getting used to having a baby in the house. Kayla is recovering well from her c section and she finally got steroids for her PUPPPs so it's just now going away after getting 10x worse after birth lol. And I'm good, just tired lol. I'm on here a lot checking in on your ladies even when I don't post.
Glad Jaxon is settling in well Eidson and it is brilliant that the bf is going so well I can't wait to do it again!

I smell like a hippy shop lol! OH ran a bath and put the Clary sage oil in it bless him even though he said he thinks it all a load of nonsense lol! I have rubbed jasmine oil on my belly as instructed and found the reflexology points in my feet and toes that are meant to induce labour. At least if it doesn't do anything I will smell nice! 😜

Good luck with the Maths Maggz - I hated it in school it was my worst subject bleugh 😳.
Nothing to report here. I've been drinking gallons of slimline tonic water because the weather has warmed up here and the extra hydration seems to have reduced my BHs.

I went for a very long walk around the woods with DH, girls and MIL.

Then I helped out this afternoon with my niece who is 2.5 and my nephew who is 1. That was enough to put me off 4 kids forever!

My pelvis seems magically better. I assume I will be pregnant for at least 9 months longer at this rate of feeling normal :rofl:

I was holding DD1 at this gestation. 39+5 is my milestone for DD2.
4am and my eyes do not want to be open! Logan clamped down on my nipple earlier this evening and it is so sore now!

Eidson so glad things are going well! Are you still planning to relactate?

Perplexed it sounds like no matter what baby is going to be here soon?! All the best!

Maggz sorry about your dh. Men really can be clueless...
My efforts to induce lactation have kind of fizzled :( I got pretty disappointed after a few weeks with no change. Hate to say I've given up, but I feel like I have. And now that he's here I haven't pumped at all. He's doing so well with Kayla, and she pumps so I can give him a bottle and he's doing so well.
Ah I'm sorry it hasn't worked for! But that's good that Kayla is able to pump so you can do some feedings!
Eidson good that everything is going well :flower:

Bean oh gosh 4am I wouldn't be able to either. How is Logan doing now?

stripey hahaha you made me laugh. DH hates the smell of the clary sage I should have gotten some jasmine at least that one smells good, right?

Perplexed how are you feeling?

Amelie sounds like you've been busy! Are you done after this little girl joins? My sister has four kids but she had like 2 older and then 2 younger. Now the older ones can at least babysit ;)

DH and I went to his cousin's new jacuzzi/pool today. It wasn't heated so it was a comfy temperature and we just kinda lounged around for a little bit. I pigged out and got 2 different kinds of cakes at this takeout place we just discovered and I'm literally stuck on the couch right now :rofl:

Oh and I forgot to say... I got stretchmarks :cry: I was pretty sad when I discovered about a week ago, they're right above my belly button and are becoming more visible by the day now. Another reason to add to the #freethebaby campaign I guess. I was so hoping I would get away from this unscathed.
Stripey I hope your tricks work for something! I didn't know jasmine was meant to help, maybe I'll get some tomorrow just for the nice smell!

Amelie your post made me giggle. It is kind of magical that you're feeling so well. Especially to enjoy the last bit of your last pregnancy. :) I know how watching others' kids can out you off! Whenever I see my nephews I still feel like two kids is too many! :haha:

Eidson I'm so glad nursing is going well for your wife. How is your son liking brotherhood? Is he adjusting alright? Doing okay at school etc.? I'm wondering how my dd will take to it.

Bean I don't envy your nipple pain & 4 a.m. feedings. Can you believe what a hurry the rest if us girls are to be there? :P Is his latch improving though?

Maggz I was more jealous with DH's family too. I can't blame you at all. :hugs: I'm sorry about the stretchmarks. I promise you'll get used to them, and hopefully you won't get any more before your LO finally arrives.

I thought I was only getting a few new stretch marks this time because I got them last time around 30 weeks. Well I discovered a couple days ago (actually DD helpfully pointed out since I can't see much of my belly) that I have suddenly developed a whole fresh crop of new purple ones. Worst part is they are perpendicular to the old ones! I am so sad, it's not like my belly wasn't horrifying enough before. :nope: But I will get used to them, too.

A bunch of people texted me today. "It's your due date, any news?" Why yes, I had my baby this morning right on schedule and was just waiting for you to ask! :dohh: Trying not to be too down. Hopefully if I get to Tuesday I'll be able to have the sweep then & it will work this time. Sadly the timing is getting bad because my sister is going out of town on Thursday and leaving her two boys with my mom, the only person we have to watch DD while we're in the hospital. My mom can watch all 3 kids, but not easily as they go to different schools, etc. I wish my sis had scheduled the trip a week or two later, knowing my due date and that she went a week over with her second. Oh well, this baby just wants to make a dramatic entrance, I guess. :dohh:
Looks like these are just getting darker, but not noticing any new ones. I hope they fade when my skin is able to relax. Sorry about your new ones :nope:
Haha yeah weren't you just waiting to inform people until they call or text inquiring about the baby?? I'm like come on people, you will hear when the baby arrives!!! If you're not on the special list that we call or text, you'll see it on facebook :haha:
I hope it all works out with your mom, she will have her work cut out for her! And maybe you'll go past next weekend (not wishing it on you by any means lol) so she can return your sister's kids by then haha
My family are starting to be impatient as they have always had a date they knew I'd be induced. They aren't too irriating though.

I am SO done at 3 kids. I couldn't handle 4 close together but I think it would be mean to wait a few years for a 4th. 3 works with houses, cars etc.

Also I assume we would have another daughter and I can't imagine the hormones living with that many women in a few years :rofl:

We are having a quiet day today - other than doing a huge food shop to stock the house up.
Maggz you made me laugh - soon you'll be joining me for 4am wake ups! Sorry about the stretch marks. I had none the first time and only got these ones late in the pregnancy. I won't lie, they make me unhappy but I'm trying to be hopeful that they will fade.

Tara I hope you manage to organise someone to look after dd.

Sometimes Logans latch is better. Right now I'm mostly sore because he bit me last night. And he bit me on the side that has the better supply so he feeds more and longer there. I bought nipple shields but they're the wrong size. Way too big. Think I may have to try again. Sad to have wasted rest money cos they're pretty expensive for such a small piece of silicon!
I keep typing up a response then getting spaced then my phone deletes it!

Maggz: I'm sorry about your stretch marks. I expected to get them early with dd as i have some on my thighs and calves from puberty so pretty much made peace with them. But none appeared and was about to laugh at the irony of the whole thing till I found some at 40+5/40+6 :haha: some more appeared after delivery when my bump started shrinking. I can honestly say they've faded since though and can hardly notice them. Hopefully yours will fade too.

Stripeycat: I've never tried clary sage oil but I love jasmine scents! So lovely and relaxing, i bet the relaxation alone can induce labor lol!

Tara: I'm sorry about your new stretch marks. And I'm sorry your sister scheduled her trip so close to your due date, but hopefully your mom will be able to manage.
Amelie: I feel like you're doing well with your daughters already but yeah maybe a 4th one in a short time would be exhausting.

Bean: I think we'll need to start our own 4am wakings support group soon :)

Earlier today I found a gigantic cockroach in dd's laundry...I screamed, jumped 2 meters away and lost my keys in the process lol. I wonder if that sudden rush of fear/emotion can make a person go into labor?? Lol.

Edit: ok...my news are I'm going in for my induction tomorrow morning. It's not looking as bad as the other dr made it but it's still a case of risks outweighing the benefits. She did a sweep and says I'm more than 2cm dilated (but not a 3 yet) and baby is properly engaged now :D

Wonder if the sweep can help things get started on their own. My 2nd sweep with dd caused me to have my show. These cervical checks/sweeps are making me sweat a lot!!
Bean ouch! I didn't know they started biting so early. Sucks that you didn't get the right size shield :(

Perplexed wow that's pretty exciting, tomorrow morning! I hope the sweep does something for you along with the mini heart attack caused by the cockroach! Haha. Where do you live? You have a lot of them?
When we lived in Hawaii we could kind of expect them but thankfully here I haven't seen any. Phew!

Just woke up, obviously didn't finish my math yesterday so I'll do some more now and get it out of the way. Other than that I figure it will be a quiet day. Unless I go into labor of course lol fingers crossed!
Good luck for tomorrow perplexed! I went into labour 12 hours after my sweep with DS - that is why I am finding it so frustrating that they won't do one til 41 weeks this time!

Bean - hope Logan's latch improves for you. DS struggled to begin with as he had a tongue tie and they won't snip them in our area. I found nipple sheilds helpful to begin with but you are right they are damn expensive!

Maggz - stretch marks suck but hey your skin is doing a serious amount of stretching so can't really blame it for tearing a bit I spose. I had nothing up until a couple of weeks ago in the same places as last time too! You would though it stretched enough last time but obviously not grrr. They are big and purple and horrible but I am sure they will fade like they did last time.

Amelie - four kids is scary! Like you say new car/house etc and the possibility of another girly. Four teenage girls all at once as well! We have been discussing number three with my family or possibility of. OHs face was a picture - I said I would make my mind up one this one decides to come out!!

I took DS swimming this am as usual cos I had already paid for it!! I took mum with me just in case though. I felt crampy since I got up this morning and on and off during the day too. I feel exhausted and the pressure on my pelvis has increased. I have eaten a huge meal this afternoon so can't tell if I'm still crampy or just full ☺️. I put the hospital bag in the car though just in case! So am chilling on the sofa at Mums at the moment trying to work out if the cramps are getting worse or if it just wishful thinking. OH is off until Wednesday now so would be helpful if baby came now! This overdue business is getting old now 😣 x
I'm going to beg for a sweep on Tuesday - not because I'm desperate - but because I badly don't want to be induced. I've moved area since DD2 but last time they came and did the sweep at my house, so maybe if they won't do it on Tuesday they'll do one in the week, so I could fit in a second if needed before I reach induction stage.

I am very relaxed for the most part but the thought of being induced sends me into a blind panic :nope:

I have no new stretch marks this time but got lots with DD1.

No way would a 4th baby happen. This baby wasn't really planned, we sort of wanted a 3rd but I think we would have been mad to actually TTC!
All the best perplexed! Hope it goes well.

Maggz not all bite! What happened was he fell asleep feeding and started slipping off. When he realised what was happening he clamped down to stop it happening but unfortunately all that was in his mouth was my nipple!

Amelie I hope they agree to give you a sweep.
They will definitely if needed at +7.

I might not be so chirpy and happy at +7.....

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