Stripey I hope your tricks work for something! I didn't know jasmine was meant to help, maybe I'll get some tomorrow just for the nice smell!
Amelie your post made me giggle. It is kind of magical that you're feeling so well. Especially to enjoy the last bit of your last pregnancy.

I know how watching others' kids can out you off! Whenever I see my nephews I still feel like two kids is too many!
Eidson I'm so glad nursing is going well for your wife. How is your son liking brotherhood? Is he adjusting alright? Doing okay at school etc.? I'm wondering how my dd will take to it.
Bean I don't envy your nipple pain & 4 a.m. feedings. Can you believe what a hurry the rest if us girls are to be there?

Is his latch improving though?
Maggz I was more jealous with DH's family too. I can't blame you at all.

I'm sorry about the stretchmarks. I promise you'll get used to them, and hopefully you won't get any more before your LO finally arrives.
I thought I was only getting a few new stretch marks this time because I got them last time around 30 weeks. Well I discovered a couple days ago (actually DD helpfully pointed out since I can't see much of my belly) that I have suddenly developed a whole fresh crop of new purple ones. Worst part is they are perpendicular to the old ones! I am so sad, it's not like my belly wasn't horrifying enough before.

But I will get used to them, too.
A bunch of people texted me today. "It's your due date, any news?" Why yes, I had my baby this morning right on schedule and was just waiting for you to ask!

Trying not to be too down. Hopefully if I get to Tuesday I'll be able to have the sweep then & it will work this time. Sadly the timing is getting bad because my sister is going out of town on Thursday and leaving her two boys with my mom, the only person we have to watch DD while we're in the hospital. My mom can watch all 3 kids, but not easily as they go to different schools, etc. I wish my sis had scheduled the trip a week or two later, knowing my due date and that she went a week over with her second. Oh well, this baby just wants to make a dramatic entrance, I guess.