**April Bunnies 2015**

Christina my stronger ctx always make me feel like I have to pee. I think they just irritate your bladder from the pressure? I've been wearing a mini pad for all the special things going on down there. If you don't wait too long in between there shouldn't be much to accidentally come out at least. :P

Amelie I really think you will go on your own this time! And if not I don't think it will be anything like your last 2. :flower:

Maggz I imagine induction when overdue is nothing as rough as early induction before your baby and your body are ready. I think even if you have to be induced it will go well for you. Just keep an open mind and take things as they come. Still hoping you go naturally before Wednesday though! :flower:

If the sweep can't be done or doesn't work on Tuesday and he measures very large again, I think I'm going to ask to be induced next weekend. I know I could wait until 42 weeks, but emotionally I don't think I can handle it. :shrug:

In the meantime, still nothing new to report here... :coffee:
Ugh lol. I don't mind it so much during the day bc I can waddle myself to the bathroom but the stronger ones that make me feel like that are almost always when I'm in bed! I can't roll over or get out of bed quick enough. So I'm usually trying to breathe through and tell myself not to pee at the same time. Oh all as my husband and dog both snore away next to me. lol
Maggz - I am glad that you have to come a decision with the induction. I think it makes sense for you and DH to know what is going on so you plan at least a little bit!

Perplexed - hope everything is going ok for you.

Scottish - that is awesome sleeping from your little boy! DS was always good like that I keep on thinking this one is going to be a demon child lol! Especially as it already seems so stubborn and doesn't want to come out!!

Tara - hope you are feeling ok - totally with you on the txts etc and when people see me driving around you can see them craning their necks to see if there is still a bump there! Think I need to write on my forehead "yes I am still pregnant so stop effing staring!!". I would also post this to Facebook lol 😜

Christina - I really hope something happens for you soon you seem to be getting loads of practice contractions and I didn't feel anything contraction like really until last night. I woke at 2am thinking this is it - pains starting in my back and moving around to the front. They got stronger and then after 2 and half hours I must have fallen to sleep and when I woke up this morning nothing! Soooo frustrating I was convinced I would have had my baby today 😡. Just a few twinges all day but nothing really apart from an increase in cm but nothing with blood in it or anything. So will see what happens tonight. Feeling nauseous tonight but think that is because I need to eat something but tea is still cooking - think I may need a tactical bag of crisps lol.

Amelie - I hope you don't have to get induced. I really don't want that either as had to have pitocin last time with DS as they were worried he was in distress and it was bloody horrible. I'm sure it will be a different experience this time but I just don't want to go down that route unless it is really nessecary. Come on baby it is time to come out now!!!!x
It's frustrating when you think something is going to happen and it doesn't! It's also frustrating that my body is kicking my butt with all of this and in the end its doing nothing to actually move things along (well as of last appt. anyway). :growlmad:

I figured out that the odd feeling is due to a heck of a lot of pressure and pain from the bottom of my bump downward. I went to drop something off earlier and could barely walk. I am at the point where almost every time I go from a sitting position to standing I feel like I have to pee- but it goes away once I start moving. I just wish I knew what was going on. My last appt. was Friday and from then until now I feel different. My next appt. isn't until Friday morning.

I actually just programed my OB's office phone and the after hour number into my phone. I realized I never did and figured I should probably have it handy just in case so I wouldn't have to hunt down the papers. lol :haha:
I keep reminding myself that when it is actually all kicking off you really don't care and just deal with whatever. I wasn't unhappy with my previous births until some time afterwards.

Today we just had a day at home in the morning and then this afternoon we met a friend at her house for lunch, my girls played with her son and then we walked up to the school to fetch her daughter.

My DD1 was so naughty, she was really pushing boundaries :nope:

Then my friend's son managed (in a big crowd) to get lost and he went on his scooter to the park down the road. My friend was terrified and I was left with her 6year old and then my kids. Thank god she found him and he was fine - but it scared me.

The kids all then spent a while at the park where my DD2 was very full on and was climbing up a huge slide (she is only just 2 and is very small) thankfully my friend helped.

We've come home and 1 child wouldn't eat dinner, they have both been screaming and I am contracting like mad likely due to being dehydrated and stressed!

My husband is putting them to bed now!
Well...I gave birth. Baby R was born maybe 2 hrs ago weighing 8 pounds almost 4 ounces! Everything went really well but I was refusing to push again as usual at the end. He seemed to take forever to cry when he first came out...I think I asked twice why he's so quiet!! But he was fine :)

I'll write a full birth story later and catch up with you ladies <3 I'm so worn out!
Yay perplexed I'm so happy for you! Thank you for posting and we will be looking forward to your birth story when you've had time to recover and get to know your new LO. :flower:
So as I'm on FB randomly looking at the swap/sell sites I'm on for my area I come across a lady selling sports items. A glove, some pants, cleats, ... and her son's used cup! I don't know what is worse.... that... or the lady who was selling her used re-usable breast pads (where you could see the staining right in the middle of them). Seriously? Sorry. This was totally random but I just don't get some of the items that pop up on there.

On another note... my mom called me and asked if I was sure I was going to have the baby tonight/ tomorrow morning. When I asked why she said she is only doing grocery shopping a day or two at a time and she doesn't want to go to the store but will if she has to :dohh: I sense this was not the first time I'm going to hear that question from her this week. :haha:
Congrats Perplexed! X

Christina haha that made me laugh about the swap sell breast pad lol :rofl:

Sooo at my appoint yesterday, my mw didn't sweep me because she had another girl in early labour and her due date isn't until the 1st of May :brat: way to go to make me annoyed mw! She was worried that she'll have to girls in labour at the same time.. Ffs :( so my sweep is on Thursday if I haven't had bub before then :brat:

Hope everyone is well <3
Congratulations perplexed! So glad he is here!

Christina that is quite funny. Amazing what people are willing to sell!

Stripey I was also worried I was going to end up with a demon child this time because dd was such an easy baby. But I will tentatively (and quietly) say so far so good!

Sharn sorry your sweep was postponed. Let's hope things start happening soon!

Maggz I hope the induction goes well if that's what you end up with! I think it's a good decision for you guys.

I have a pukey baby this time.... I'm constantly covered in baby sick. He's not bringing up a lot, just enough to be annoying. I had hoped I'd never be 'that mom'.
Congratulations perplexed! Glad he has arrived safely! Look forward to your birth story once you are settled. Enjoy newborn bliss xxxx
Congratulations perplexed I am so happy for you :happydance: Looking forward to that birth story :thumbup:

sharnw sorry your mw wouldn't do the sweep, that really sucks!

Amelie sounds like you had your hands full! Maybe they're acting out cause they can feel things are changing? At least you have your husband to help out lol phew ;)

bean uh oh that's no fun about the throw up. Hopefully it's just a phase?
In case anyone is interested this is a link to my birth story... It's readily long so be warned if you do decide to read it! https://babyandbump.momtastic.com/b...drug-free-pph-picture-added.html#post35331087
Bean, that brings back memories :flower: my dd used to power spew on me and my new couch lol

Counting I am going to read your birth story later on, on my iPad while I have a cup of tea ;)

How's everything for you maggz?
lol aw your poor couch :haha:

I guess I can't complain haha but my back just hurts per usual and I'm waddling. Just repacked the hospital bag ( :haha: ) and got some homework done that's due next week, I'm totally on top of things :blush: says the procrastinator. Not looking forward to my evening class, it's pretty difficult to get comfy in those chairs!
Other than that DH and I are just trying to knock out last minute stuff and I'm hoping there will be room for me at the hospital for the induction on Wednesday..!

So you'll be 41w when she's gonna try the sweep again?

counting this is the one you posted in the fb group, right?
Wednesday is not long :dance: hope your class doesn't get too uncomfortable :flower:

Yes 41 weeks, hope I go in before then lol x
Sharn I would have been furious! How frustrating! I guess that's the benefit of my big health insurance company, my regular provider won't deliver me so she's happy to do whatever she can to help me go into labor! :P

Amelie it sounds like you had an exhausting day! I hope you get a good night's sleep to recover. Or got, it's tomorrow for you now! :P

I had more replies but I'm so sleepy I can't remember what I meant to say... Sorry...

My appointment is in about 13 hours. Really hoping she can do the sweep even though the timing is so rotten by now. I will dream of ripe cervixes for everyone! :haha:

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