Maggz I thought yesterday was Wednesday!

Good luck today!! I'm so excited for you! I hope they get you in at a good time. I agree, you absolutely made the right choice for your family.
Amelie I'm so happy for you to have made it all the way to your due date with such an incredibly healthy pregnancy. You are awesome. I really hope you get a natural labor this time!
Stripey your pj morning sounds wonderful! I miss those days before DD was in school. We will have some this summer though, I feel so lucky to not be working for now. I hope your pressure is leading to something too!
Lucky I feel your pain. I had no idea being overdue could be so infuriating but it's really difficult!
So much pressure today! Even though it feels hideous I hope it's a good sign. I am worried about back labor, my tailbone is already so sore! But if I have to have an epidural again, that's okay. If I do get induced and I get pitocin, I will likely want one anyway. I had a nap once I got the epi with DD.

Also I heard that having the epi already in place means they can get you into a c-section quicker without resorting to general anesthesia. So that would be good.
I'm glad I don't have to worry about all this stuff for more than a few more days. I'm scared but I'm definitely ready to get to the next phase.