**April Bunnies 2015**

I keep wanting to comment but not sure what to say! I feel so bad for those of you hoping to avoid induction and also getting contractions and having them slow down! Very frustrating! Good luck to you all. Your babies will be here before you know it!

I'm having a down day today. Dd has a stuffy nose so sleeping badly plus waking to feed Logan between that has left me with very little sleep. Dh has let me down so much and I'm really stressed about what it's going to be like when my parents leave. I feel so guilty about constantly putting Logan ahead of dd. And I've also hit the 'my body sucks' phase. :(
Bean I'm so sorry you're feeling down. Do you have any other support once your parents leave? I am so disappointed that your DH has let you down so badly. :hugs: It will be hard, but you will make it through day by day. We have all seen how strong and capable you are. Also, your body is awesome. I know how hard that is to remember right now, but you will. :hugs:

Good luck today, everyone! I have kept DD home from school to spend the day with her, so we're having breakfast before heading to the botanic gardens. Making the most of out last day before baby comes and turns our lives upside down! <3
No sweep for me - baby still free (when I lay down anyway)

So back to see the mw and then a hospital appt on Wednesday.

Tara - I hope you have a lovely last day or so as 3 :flower:
After just under 3hrs in the hospital I did get sent home. My BP was "normal" (my normal anyway). I am on bed rest w/ bathroom privileges only.... though I will shower at some point even though the paper doesn't say that LOL:haha:

I go back in Sunday at 10pm. I'll be admitted and they will start the drip by midnight.
Glad you have a plan Christina.

My MW has just called. They have pencilled me in a slot on delivery suite next Wednesday (41 weeks) for an induction - but it is more a review with a consultant of how long it is OK for me to continue for.

With my GD I am in a bit of an odd grey area and I was only signed off to go to 41 weeks.

The mw thinks they may perform a sweep on delivery and send me away if all is well, they may also do a quick scan to check placenta and fluid etc.

So if I get that far it'll be a 'maybe I'm being induced, maybe I'm not' sort of situation. I'm fine with that - if I am going into weeks 41-42 though I need to be reassured baby is safe.

We have a 3 day weekend here at the start of May so if I am induced the week after it may be delayed due to staffing levels at the hospital etc so I need to be confident the consultant understands my situation.
I'm excited and nervous. I've been sitting here all afternoon telling myself it'll be ok and I got this. Lol.

I kind of can't believe its actually happening.

My parents are leaving tomorrow and will be here by Sunday. Which is awesome bc they will be around for the dog and my husband can stay with me and not worry about running home to let her out. It makes me a bit calmer.
Are there only like 4 of us left? Wow, April is almost over already.

Christina I'm glad your parents are coming to help. I hope you're able to keep your nerves together until then! Good luck!

Amelie that is an odd situation! I hope the consultants are pleased & comfortable with how healthy you and your baby are and you get the chance to go naturally! I can't imagine that they won't be happy with you both, but either way I love your positive attitude and how you have handled everything all this time. :flower:

I'm freaking terrified about being induced in the morning. I know I don't have to go through with it but I still can't imagine waiting even longer, I'm so stressed and frazzled and overdone. Ahhh! I'm glad I had the day with my daughter today. I might end up posting like seven more times tonight, it helps me a bit just to talk about how nervous I am. I should be getting a good night's sleep but it seems unlikely... :shrug:
And suddenly I find myself wondering whether my water has broken. Have had several little gushes. Have emptied my bladder and still, a couple of small gushes. Pink fluid, just like when my water broke with DD. Would actually be very pleased, but that's part of why I'm hesitant to jump to conclusions. Could be wishful thinking. Just waiting around to see what else happens... And here we were just going to bed... :wacko:

EDIT: Yep, 99% sure it's my water. Waiting for my mom to come watch DD so we can head down to L&D. :rofl:
Good luck Tara! I'm still here too, went for a sweep this week but they couldn't do it as cervix closed and baby still free and very active. They will try again on Thursday but if it's still closed it will be a csection for me next weekend, rather than vbac as they don't recommend going more than a week over or inducing with the gel from scratch. I'm relaxed either way, just want what is safest for us both.

Good luck to those waiting and congrats to those who have their babes in arms! X
Captain - I feel a bit less weird now as I'm not the only woman in the world unable to have a sweep :rofl:

I had them with my 2nd baby but I suspect this one is smaller (and naughtier)
Captain - I feel a bit less weird now as I'm not the only woman in the world unable to have a sweep :rofl:

I had them with my 2nd baby but I suspect this one is smaller (and naughtier)

Haha yes I know what you mean, my consultant wrote 'unfavourable' on my notes and I felt like a failure!!!

I have been measuring behind for the last 6 weeks or so and am smaller/have put on less weight than I did with DS and he was only 6lb 13oz so I suspect this baby is smaller too. Docs don't seem too concerned though.
Have been admitted and am now attempting to take a nap. Once they get some good monitoring on LO's heart rate (he hides from the monitor, little troublemaker) I will get off the monitors and walk around. I am so so happy this happened even though we are so tired. :) :dance: Have a very positive feeling. :)
Captain your post made me lol by the way. "Unfavourable." :haha: I would take that personally! :haha: Sorry neither of you got a sweep. Honestly I'm now convinced nothing actually helps! :P
My eldest was 6lb 7oz (but really bloated on IV fluids) so more like 6lb. My second was 7lb 7oz.

I am soooooo short, how they can't be forced into my pelvis is a miricle.

I'm trying to stay away from the failure feelings right now. And also trying to summon up the mental strength that me and dh may be offered an induction on Wednesday and to be abe to walk away from that if baby is safe and well.

Personally I think when they check me I'll be barely dilated and with a baby that is really high up! With DD2 they were all "you've had a baby before, of course you'll be dilated' - and I really wasn't :rofl:
Ooo yay Tara! How exciting! I'm still holding out hope that I will start before tomorrow morning fingers crossed!

Amelie - if your baby is happy there is no harm in letting them cook for a bit longer if that's what you want - it's lovely that you have been able to go this far without loads of intervention &#128522;

Captain - I was "favourable" for a sweep and still nothing has happened so don't be too disheartened - like Tara says I'm not convinced anything actually works unless you are already good to go.

I did the spinning babies inversion yesterday (basically kneeling on the couch and then resting my lower arms and elbows on the floor letting gravity move the baby as far forward onto my cervix as possible). Felt a bit achy afterwards but nothing really. I feel a bit wierd today think it because this time tomorrow I should be started off which is frightening! Have still had a lot of yellowy cm but no blood or anything. Will try and get on the ball as much as possible today and rope DH in for some bedroom action tonight and see what happens. I think I have resigned myself to having he induction now - as long as I can have a reasonably active labour and not be strapped to the bed I don't mind too much and at least I can sort out childcare in advance for DS. Let's see what today brings!
Good luck Tara hope it goes well!

Also sending all you ladies still waiting good labour vibes and I wish you all a speedy trouble free labour xxxx
Hey guys!
Haven't been able to catch up at all but I see Tara went into labor! Good luck!!!

I was induced Wednesday morning and had a baby boy via c section on Friday morning, so he is officially 1 day old right now! He's perfect and I am recovering. The birthing process was long and hard, I am completely drained still and running on naps in between breastfeeding :haha: Anyways, just wanted to give you a heads up and show you a picture :)

Hope everyone is doing well girls :hugs:


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Oh maggz he is so beautiful!!! Congrats!! He has AMAZING complexion! Such a gorgeous guy :hugs:
Congratulations Maggz, I hope you are doing ok after the section :hugs:

Not a huge amount to report here, I have bad lower backache and have lost a massive glob of plug, a first for me ever really, only hapenned after a sweep before with DD2. No regular contractions or anything and baby still feels high.

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