**April Bunnies 2015**

Congrats peachypoo! I hope everything is OK with both of you!

Maggz I hope things pick up soon!

I had a rough night! I was already pretty tired because I haven't been able to have a nap during the day recently. I tried to go to bed at around 9 and then Logan started suffering with winds and was just inconsolable. Eventually just after 11 he went to sleep. I went to sleep with him on my chest and he started waking at 2:30. He was lying across my chest with his head down one side and feet down the other! I fed him and at 3:30 I put him down next to me to sleep and just got comfortable and dd woke up. I got up and settled her and got back into bed. Just got comfortable again and she woke up again. It was just after 4 and I was worried about Logan alone in my bed so I just let her come back with me. Logan woke at 5:30 to eat, sleep at 6. Woke at 7, sleep at 7:30. I'm finished!
Sooooo unbelievably crampy =[. Each time I have a contraction I seem to spot a little more. Well it's almost if I'm leaking brownish stuff. I don't know if that's normal or not though. If I still am tomorrow I'll call and ask. Contractions are now spaced even further 20-30 min apart. But still strong when they hit. Baby is having a field day in there and is sticking his or her butt up as far as possible lol.
Peachypoo: congrats! Hope you and your baby are doing better soon :flower:

Bean: Thats so exhausting :hugs: I hope you manage to get some rest soon.

Christina: did your dr give you a sweep? Sometimes you can spot after a cervical check or due to a sweep, but it could also be dilation. Hopefully you're going into labor and don't have to worry about being induced.
Tara my sweep is at 11ish UK time so in about 4 hours.

Peachypoo - congratulations on your little boy! DS and I both had a temp when I had him and they kept us in for extra tests etc hope everything goes ok for you.

Christina - that sounds like something is happening. Hope the contractions get closer together for you.

Maggz - hopefully by the time you read this you will have had your little man oooo exciting!

Bean - that sucks about not getting enough sleep hopefully things will settle down for you soon and he will start going for longer in between feeds. How is OH helping?

I'm feeling like today is going to be a good day. It's the first time the midwife has looked to see if I am dilated at all fingers crossed I am at least a little bit and she can get things started I am ready for this baby to come out now!x
Good luck stripey with the sweep!

I hope things pick up soon Maggz, it isn't always a quick process being induced. I remember being sure I'd have my daughter the next day when I was induced the first time - I was actually induced on 30th November and she was born midday on 2nd December :flower:

Christina, I hope your blood results have come back by now :hugs:

I am supposed to be having a sweep tomorrow. Not sure it will be possible. I can't get this baby to get her head down near where it needs to be at all. It really isn't something I can affect by the way I sleep or sitting - she has plenty of space from what I can feel, why would she want to lock her head in my pelvis!?!
Stripeycat: I hope the sweep helps things along for you!

Amelie: ds was popping in and out of my pelvis until a few days before delivery honestly...it was a surprise because dd was somewhat engaged for weeks. I hope that it's possible for you to have a sweep!

I've decided to take things one day and one night at a time. I'm not breastfeeding but my mom got me a breastpump and I'll use it when I can. I tried a bit last night but it kept waking ds up :( he isn't drinking much formula anyway seems to be a snacker just like dd. but at least she had wet diapers...his seem dry most of the time. We have to go back in to the hospital today anyway as he didn't pee the first 24 hrs and was too sleepy to breastfeed despite being offered a lot.
Perplexed- if he did he said nothing about it. I just assumed he was checking for dilation but he was kind of digging afterwards. Mentioned baby being head down.

Sadly the contractions stopped pretty soon after I went to bed. =[ I woke up about 45 minutes ago with a headache. I drank some water, used the bathroom and now I'm just laying here. It's only 3am. I hope I can fall back to sleep. I also kind of do hope contractions start back up again.
Congrats peachypoo!

Maggz I hope baby has made an appearance by now xxxx hope it gone well

Good luck stripey at sweep xxx

Bean hope you get a nap in

We are doing good here. Tricky bf a newborn while handling a toddler but we seem to be managing somehow! To scared to venture out alone with them still !!! Have to get ready to go to registration office and register Ali just now but luckily I am picking up oh to help. Tomorrow have to take Ali for hearing test at hospital. I still just wanna coup up at home though lol no confidence yet which is strange.
Sweep done am 2-3cm and she said it looks all very favourable so we shall see! Am booked in for an induction at 09.30am on Sunday if not but she said it won't take much to get me going which is good. Come on baby!x

Scottish - I must admit bf and having a toddler is worrying me a little bit! I think I am going to have to rely on my phone to keep DS amused whilst I am feeding the bubba!

Christina you must be so frustrated! I have only had one episode of contractions that stopped so having it multiple times must be so annoying. Big hugs. Xxx
I really am. Now with all the added stuff from yesterday it makes it worse. I've had a few contractions this morning already that woke me up but nothing substantial. Here's to continued hope that something picks up.

I am going to wait about an hour or so after my obs office opens to call because I still haven't heard about lab work.
At least my next appt is tomorrow at 8:30 so not far away.
Here I am...still pregnant. Will it ever end? LOL. I have the most stubborn children! They want to be forcibly evicted each time. I have a doctor's appointment in a few hours...
Still here. Still pregnant!

Going to have a long walk tomorrow before this potential sweep appointment. I think it'll be luck more than anything if it can be performed.
Back from my appointment. I am 100% effaced, head is engaged, and 2 cm dilated. She did a stretch and sweep which was a bit uncomfortable. I have an induction set for Saturday if things do not progress on their own. Since arriving home I have irregular contractions, some loss of the mucus plug, and suuuuuuuuper uncomfortable. Hoping I can go into labor naturally before any induction!
Grrr. I'm sick of these irregular contractions. Every time I get one I hope that they just continue back to back lol. Appt. tomorrow at 8:30am. I'm going to try and see if the OB will induce tomorrow. I really don't see the point of waiting anymore. I'm due Sunday. My BP is still giving me issues (despite lab work coming back completely normal). I am miserable. He said he would set one up for Monday but that just involves me sitting around tomorrow and the weekend since I am on bed rest. :shrug:
Christina I understand your frustration 100%. I continuously think maybe this is labor starting, it's so exhausting. Let us know what your doctor says.

Amelie I'm curious to hear about your appointment and what your body is doing. I think it's very normal for subsequent babies to not engage until active labor, but she may still be able to do the sweep. :shrug:

Maggz I know I'm super late on this but I hope everything is going / went very well for you and I can't wait to hear from you! :flower:

Lucky your induction is scheduled for the same day as mine. I really hope we both go naturally before then!

Stripey I hope the sweep does it for you! It's a great sign that you're favorable, no matter what that should make things easier!

I woke up this morning (at 4 a.m. no less) super depressed at the thought of not going into labor on my own and never getting to experience that. But when I thought about canceling my induction my heart started pounding and I started crying. :haha: Stupid hormones! :haha: Anyway, today I had acupuncture done and another induction massage, just hoping something will give him the little push he apparently needs. :P If nothing else, at least I feel a lot more relaxed! :thumbup:

It's pretty scary. Tomorrow will definitely be our last day as a family of three. I'm ready, but... You're never really ready, are you?
The mw will do the sweep if the head is at the 'brim' - last time it was totally free and against my hip bone!

I had about an hour of strong contractions 10mins apart last night as drifting asleep but I don't appear to have popped out a baby in the night :rofl:
Agggggggh back labor sucks! Despite the colder weather, I was walking laps around the house last night lol. The neighbors probably think I am a fruitcake with my bright pink robe over my PJ's but I wasn't about to change!

Christina- I feel your pain! It is exhausting when you have the contractions and then poof- gone! I was having them strong last night every 3 minutes and the length was also increasing. Then about 2 hours later- they slowed down. Frustrating!!!

TaraCathryn- I know exactly how you feel. I really wanted to avoid an induction at all costs...I was so sure that with it being my 3rd, he would want to pop right out into this world. Doesn't seem to be the case unfortunately! Praying that we can both go into spontaneous labor today and avoid the inductions tomorrow!

Stripey- Good luck with the sweep! It was very uncomfortable for me!

Amelie- Good luck with the upcoming sweep! Is it scheduled for today?
Let's see what happens today. I have an appt in 2hrs. I slept horribly last night. At this point my night and days are mixed up. Haha
Well not much has come of my sweep so far ladies. Dtd last night as per midwifes instructions and felt a little uncomfortable afterward but nothing much. The midwife did say from her experience ladies tend to go into labour 36-48 hours after the sweep if it does happen. I have started to lose some plug I think it is thick yellowy cm with globs in (sorry tmi!!). I have also been having some cramping and heaviness but nothing really more than what I have already had. I have done a big shop this morning, dropped DS off at nursery, mopped all the floors and got down on my hands and knees to scrub the tricky bits! I really don't want to get induced but think I am resigned to it now.

Tara - I know how you feel about the induction - because I went into labour 12 hours after my sweep at 40+1 it already feels like I have failed somehow this time.

Christina - I really hope something happens for you soon it has gone on sooo long for you x

Amelie - good luck with your sweep and hope her head is a bit more engaged so they can do it for you x
Appt is in an hour and a half - I think it is 50/50 if it'll be possible. When I walk her head drops but I have to drive there and the car does no favours.

May do some squats in the bathroom before going into the actual appointment!

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