**April Bunnies 2015**

Isabelle Rosa was born at 17:59 today. She was 9lbs 1oz a whole pound and a bit bigger than her brother! I was induced but managed to give birth using gas and air so no water but got the natural birth I wanted. We are over the moon so happy my bump turned pink! 😊
Our yellow bump turned pink today. Louise Marie was born 4/27/15 at 2:05pm. She weighed in at 7lbs 9.8oz (they rounded to 7-10 apparently) and was 20inches long. She has taken to bf like a champ.

It was not an easy labor or delivery but we are doing just fine! =] I'll post more when I can. Including a picture. I'm on my phone right now.
And me! Congrats Christina and Stripey! You've made me even more excited to know what colour my yellow bump will be!

Nothing doing here...
Thanks hon - any signs for you? Absolutely diddly squat here. No loss of plug, no leaky boobies, no urgent need to pee, zip. I almost wish I could fast forward to Thursday, go through another inevitable failed sweep and get my section booked in for the weekend. Was never desperate for a vbac anyway so que sera sera...!
I've been losing plug since the weekend, had a bout of contractions the night before last and intense backache at points.

Nothing very sure fire though!
Aww good luck you two !! I am waiting for news from yous xxxx hope it all goes well
Baby was engaged today so she attempted a sweep - amazingly - my cervix that has let 2 babies out previously is completely closed on the inside and only 1cm on the outside :rofl:

It is mid positioned though and very very soft.

Off to the hospital tomorrow for a plan to be drawn up on how long we proceed for and how (if needs be) they will induce me, as I'm allergic to gel/propess.
Amelie fingers crossed the sweep has irritated the cervix enough for it to start getting ready. When I had my 2nd son I got a sweep the day before induction and I was like you closed up like fort knock lol but by next day my cervix had come forward and I was 1-2cm dilated so hopefully it works for you xxx
I hope the rummage/sweep attempt has some effect Amelie!

Afm, I had a message from the midwife, which was actually left yesterday, asking me to see the consultant for an urgent appointment this morning (I only got the message this afternoon) because they have found a bug in my urine sample from last week. And that I shouldn't be 'alarmed' but they do want me to go in urgently to see the consultant. So I called the midwife hotline back and explained I had only just got the message and hence missed the appointment, and they said they would find out what was going on and call me back...and they haven't. So now I'm panicking that I have a kidney infection and that is why I've been measuring behind for the last few weeks. I am at the point where I just want to go for a section RIGHT NOW. I've been through so much for this pregnancy and if anything goes wrong know I would never forgive myself 😢😢😢
That is awful they havent tried to get hold of you by other means.

I am sure all is fine though, you maybe just need some antibiotics. How do you feel in yourself? I've had a kidney infection and lots of UTIs in pregnancy and normally I have been hot, very fatigued, nauseous, incredible pain when passing urine etc

Captain I hope everything is okay! It's surprising they didn't try harder to contact you. Let us know what they say!

Amelie do you think they'll let you go into May before she's born? I find it pretty awesome that you expected to have to be induced early and instead you may be the very last one of us to go! I hope you're still relatively comfortable and feeling good!

Congrats Stripey & Christina congrats on your little girls! Hope you are taking good care of yourselves!

In spite of how exhausted I am, having stitches to take care of, sore nipples, my DD acting up a bit, all the various pains and discomforts... I love having my baby here. The second time is a million times better than the first. :flower:
My GP called me half an hour ago (my surgery is great and they had also had the urine results) - he said it was streptococcus that they had found in the sample and it can cause issues at delivery if untreated; the options were to retest (could be contamination in the first sample) or to prescribe penicillin and hope that it kicks in before I give birth.
We've gone for the latter based on time being short; he wrote and dispensed a prescription for me which I've just picked up and started on.

I've not had any symptoms of infection but he said pregnancy can mask them. Anyway I'm not sure what the complications could be and whether a vaginal v section delivery would make any difference? Might ask Dr Google...😉
I'm sorry captain! That must be so stressful. I hope that they get back to you asap and that it really is nothing to be a alarmed about.
Bean Logan is almost a month old already! Wow the time flies! How are you doing?
We all posted at the same time!
Captain I'm glad they got back to you. I hope the antibiotics kick in soon and clear everything up.

Tara I'm do glad to hear you're in a good place! What do you think about having a boy this time round? I must admit that Logan is so similar to dd in both looks and demeanor that I only really notice a difference is when I'm changing his nappy and I have to remember to move bits to clean him up properly! Thankfully he doesn't have the tendency to pee everywhere when his nappy comes off!

Overall I'm doing well but the fact are not great with dh. I'm not sure what's going to happen but for now I'm focusing on my kids and enjoying my last week with my parents.
I am going into hospital tomorrow to see what they suggest, if they sign it off I am happy to wait - I just want some monitoring and another few attempts at a sweep if possible.

I don't think the sweep did much except make me crampy - no blood or plug. How can my cervix be THAT shut - it rejected my IUD, yet remains welded shut for baby!?
Good luck Captain and Amelie not long for you both now either way ☺️

Bean - I can't believe Logan is a month old already! I'm sorry that DH is being so crap I hope he steps up soon.

Tara - I hear you on the sore nipples and it's only been 24 hours!! I will persevere though. Stitches aren't too bad thank goodness but she cut me at my previous episiotomy site and not as bad as last time. My uterus contractions are very noticeable this time though. Might need some ibuprofen to take the edge off a bit.

DS met Izzy today and he was pretty chilled out about it. Sort of looked at her said baby and then toddled off lol! He has acted up a little bit since we came home but nothing desperate. Fingers crossed we get some sleep tonight - hospital was good as I felt comfortable there (I could have come home pretty much straight away) - but as soon as you and your baby go to sleep someone else's starts up lol!! It's lovely being home and I still can't believe I got a little pink bundle so in love 😍
HAD LITTLE ADAM! Adam came into the world April 25th at 3:40 AM weighing 8lbs 2oz. I was having irregular contractions which quickly turned into every 2 minutes. Arrived at the hospital and was in the labor room by 11 pm. The monitor wasn't picking up my contractions and she wanted to send me home. I told her fix your damn monitor because you won't be sending me anywhere! She rebooted it and sure enough, massive contractions every 2 minutes and then my water suddenly broke. Within 10 minutes I had an epidural and after TWO PUSHES, Adam was born. He is beautiful, mild tempered baby. My older kids are ecstatic and love him to pieces. Good luck to you other ladies!!! Finging a routine is hard with my older two but we are making it work!

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