Dini, I totally know what you mean. I didn't struggle to conceive but with the high number of miscarriages in my family I am cautious. When I woke up this a.m. my boobs weren't really sore, so I immediately had to take another pregnancy test.

It sucks that you have things making you nervous! The wondfo may have been lighter bc you're well hydrated? Plus those tests aren't known for their consistency (I had a frer be lighter after I'd had a darker one; freaked me out but the internet says it's super common and nothing to worry about). When is your scan again? You probably said but I'm having a hard time keeping track of everyone!

At least we have each other to pass the time with while we wait!
My Dr.'s appt is the 26th, but I don't know if they will scan me or not to tell you the truth. I'm going to beg them too though if they don't plan to. I know I'm just making myself crazy and it's silly but after all we've been through I just can't stop worrying! I have good days and bad.
Yes you are right, we have each other at least! I need a hobby lol!
Oh and guess what? So we decided to tell his grandparents today because we told his mom and she was dying to have someone to talk to and she wanted to talk to her mom about it. They are an amazing support so I would want them to know if something bad happened anyway. Well anyway his grandma burst into tears instantly and ran to her room after saying "I have to give you something". She came back with this hand crocheted light purple and white baby blanket, matching booties and a hat that her mom made! I wanted to cry myself. She said she'd had it for years and was supposed to give it to me when we got married but she just couldn't do it to me because we were so heartbroken over failing for years. Purple is my favorite color and her mom knows that (she lives in Florida) so that's why she made it that color. I can't believe it, it's so beautiful and sweet. My DH actually still has his great grandma, she's 89 now, so if she sticks around for a while our baby will have a great great grandma, and now it has something she made it. How adorable is that??