Beanonorder, did you go to the ER or a regular Dr's office? It seems ER docs always say threatened miscarriage because they have no idea what they are looking at. I hope the progesterone works and the rest of course!
Livvy I sure hope it's not chemical, can you go to an ER or urgent care?
Northern, I just realized my due date is not on the list, at this point it is April 13th until I get a scan anyway. My guess is it's more like the 17th but hey..I like the number 13!!
Weight wise, I have continued to lose weight, I've lost like 3-4lbs since my BFP, but like someone else said I'm sure I'll fix that in the 2nd trimester.
Okay seriously, I have to ask this..anyone else have massive dizziness when waking up?? I have had this the last 3 or 4 mornings and it happened a few days before I found out as well. Like, I wake up and feel like I have a horrible hangover without the headache, and every time I move I want to hurl and the room spins so bad. This morning it was worse than usual. I think I need to keep a bucket beside my bed! I get little bouts of it during the day but nothing like that. I am on progesterone twice a day but I take it before bed, and if I wake up in the middle of the night it isn't as bad as the morning, so I don't think it's that and I get a very slight dizziness from it in the morning but it goes away quickly.
My other symptoms are still the slightly sore boobs (nipples) and they are a bit heavier but it doesn't seem to be getting any worse, still with mild cramps on and off and the fatigue that is bad some days and not so bad others.
Got my labs drawn this morning so I should have results by this afternoon, fingers crossed that they are good. I'm so worried this time around and I don't know why, my last ones were good and still randomly take an hpt and the lines are dark. (They expire in January anyway, might as well use em!)