Rebecca I really hope it isnt long now

My SIL had a really similar experience with her second child - unfortunately for her she went to hospital and the outer part of her cervix was dilated to 8cm or so. She was there a while and got the urge to push and as it was her second and she had a rapid labour with her eldest they said to go with her feeling - unfortunately her cervix inside was only dilated to 3cm so she caused massive swelling to her cervix and they had to do all sorts to slow her labour to give her body a chance to calm down.
She did deliver him within 24 hours, he was very big (10lb 4oz) so that caused some of the issue, but it was a very straightfoward birth after that.
I am sure your baby is 10lb, please dont be alarmed by that story!
I am starting to feel worried that I feel about 100 x less pregnant than the rest of you
I am excited for the baby and am doing stuff in preparation but it feels surreal and I feel so normal that I am find plodding along as I am.
I dont know if this weird attitude will keep the baby inside forever!?!?
Her room is all done now

The cot is next to our bed and I will set that all up next week and the moses basket. Her room is pink, the same as Ivy and Elodie's room is. The theme is birds and there is a wall sticker of a tree with birds and butterflies, there is a yellow mirror that looks like the sun and wall stickers that look like a birdhouse coming down from the shelves.
Obviously a lot of my girls toys are in there and their play rug is down on the floor so they can play with their toy cars in their whilst it is quite empty except for the basic furniture.
Although it is pink the curtains and accessories are all really bright vibrant colours so it isnt too sickly!