**April Bunnies 2015**

Dini: I hope you get to go on your walk!

Maggz: it's cute that the pineapple ended up being for you!

I am eating all of DD's "baby rusks". She doesn't care for them too much so I've been munching away...
So I am really exhausted and will have to spend time later responding. But my update right now is that I had strong and intense labor that lasted about 13 hours. It made little change. The doctor called it false labor. But it just wasn't adding up. And from my own skepticism about her determination and looking it up on my own, I found out that real labor can be extremely strong and slow if the baby's head is having a hard time descending into the pelvis. I think that is exact thing going on. I'm pretty sure that her head has descended by now and is fitting for a few reasons. 1.) The labor has now stopped 2.) She feels lower 3.) I am having lots and lots of mucus discharge with bloody show today. So that would indicate that there has been cervical change.
I think my body is just needing to rest now and I am fully welcoming that. I do not want to experience any more labor like what I had to endure yesterday unless it is making change.

But they freaked out when I had 2 high blood pressure readings and now they do not want to let me go to my due date. So if she isn't here by April 6th, I am being induced that morning.
Rebecca that is so frustrating that you endured such powerful labor and aren't done yet. It sounds like it did make good progress for you, at least. Hopefully you can rest now and when it starts again it will be a relatively easy and good experience for you.

Maggz your DH is so cute with the pineapple! :)

Dini I hope you get a walk in today. I may try too. My dog is the same, pulls way too much! Yay, we are 38 weeks tomorrow! (You & me, not me & my dog! :rofl:)

My water broke at 39+2 with DD. I just keep thinking I have maybe a week left if not less. I'm in enough pain now that less is sounding better and better! :P
Perplexed what are baby rusks??

Dini and Tara my dog is like that too... so frustrating. And lately he doesn't even care if I bring treats to try to teach him to let the leash slack, he's too busy checking out everything else!

Tara wow that's crazy. This not knowing part is so difficult!

DH got me the number for his ship so I can call directly to let them know I'm in labor... :O Little stuff like that makes me feel like it's getting close.
I know no one can know for sure, but how long after having period-type cramps that kinda lead into the back, 1cm dilated and 70% effaced should I expect active labor? Gahh I'm going crazy. I said I wouldn't "symptom spot" for labor, but who am I kidding?!
Maggz I'm doing exactly the same. I hate not knowing when & how it's going to happen! Sounds like you're getting close, but then again some women are dilated for weeks before labor and some never dilate at all until true labor starts! :wacko:
Rebecca: I'm sorry you've gone 13 hours without cervical change! The bloody show is a good sign that things are changing though. Hope that you'll have your little one soon!

Tara: Definitely seems like things will start soon for you! Are you having contractions or is it lower back/pelvic pains?

Maggz: they are just baby biscuits. I'm glad your DH was able to get you the number of his ship, it feels like such a relief. Unfortunately no one could really tell when you'll go into labor. I was 1cm dilated for about a week or two maybe with my DD, but I was induced. Period type cramps are also more or less expected. Really hard to say, hope it won't be long for you.

I know I said I wouldn't symptom spot either but it's been hard not to. However, right now, I really don't have any symptoms and would be really shocked if I found myself in labor soon. Just have a bit of back ache / sciatica type aches that were kinda normal for me at times before pregnancy (I have a prolapsed disc).

Been watching one born every minute season 4 now...DH looked into my screen and said, "hey, haven't you seen that episode before?" he remembered one of the couples when I watched this season back when I was still pregnant with DD. I wasn't able to watch one born after having dd as I missed being pregnant too much...the birth gave me such a rush that I felt sad not to be looking forward to that soon, lol!
Perplexed it's both; pelvic & back pain are what is bothering me (that and having no circulation in my right arm so it's pins & needles all the time... and menstrual-type cramps that include my tailbone... and having to pee every hour... :haha:) but I've been having BH contractions constantly, sometimes very regular and sometimes very strong & painful. I'm actually worried I'll ignore real labor thinking it's just stupid BH! :haha:

Gawd I am posting too much, sorry! So antsy this week!
Tara I hope things happen for you soon!

Rebecca sorry things have slowed down but like you said good to have the rest!

Maggz I'm glad you at least have the number for dhs ship.

The jaundice is making Logan so sleeping. I'm really struggling to wake him to feed. Right now it's 2am and I am so tired I can hardly keep my eyes open. Every time I put my head down I fall asleep. But I know he needs to feed so I have to wake myself up and try again.
Rebecca I really hope it isnt long now :hugs: My SIL had a really similar experience with her second child - unfortunately for her she went to hospital and the outer part of her cervix was dilated to 8cm or so. She was there a while and got the urge to push and as it was her second and she had a rapid labour with her eldest they said to go with her feeling - unfortunately her cervix inside was only dilated to 3cm so she caused massive swelling to her cervix and they had to do all sorts to slow her labour to give her body a chance to calm down.

She did deliver him within 24 hours, he was very big (10lb 4oz) so that caused some of the issue, but it was a very straightfoward birth after that.

I am sure your baby is 10lb, please dont be alarmed by that story!


I am starting to feel worried that I feel about 100 x less pregnant than the rest of you :dohh:

I am excited for the baby and am doing stuff in preparation but it feels surreal and I feel so normal that I am find plodding along as I am.

I dont know if this weird attitude will keep the baby inside forever!?!?

Her room is all done now :flower: The cot is next to our bed and I will set that all up next week and the moses basket. Her room is pink, the same as Ivy and Elodie's room is. The theme is birds and there is a wall sticker of a tree with birds and butterflies, there is a yellow mirror that looks like the sun and wall stickers that look like a birdhouse coming down from the shelves.

Obviously a lot of my girls toys are in there and their play rug is down on the floor so they can play with their toy cars in their whilst it is quite empty except for the basic furniture.

Although it is pink the curtains and accessories are all really bright vibrant colours so it isnt too sickly!
Tara you just post away! I missed having my due date buddy around! Your tipped your tailbone and mine is killing me! My hips are sore and my lower back and tailbone are really hurting today. Had a few painless BH but other than that nothing.

Amelie the room sounds adorable!

Maggz, I think it's impossible not to symptom spot at this time really. At least we can do it together.

I really want to go for that walk but I am in so much pain and it's still raining off and on. I'm trying to lay down and maybe take a nap if my reflux lets me and then maybe I'll feel up to it.

No big plans for the weekend. DH is off at least. I have a ton of yard work/clean up I want to do but getting down on the ground is not exactly easy these days. But that's such a stress reliever for me maybe I can do a little.
Still 1 cm dilated and 50% effaced so no progress from last week at all. Plus they couldn't do a sweep. I'm irritated because she's gonna have to work next week because they also refused to put her on bed rest for "no medical reasons" and her supervisor is a raging asshole.
Haha Amelie I felt like that a couple of weeks ago - I was like "psh I don't mind being pregnant for 2 more months" but now I'm just ready for it to be over, although I did panic slightly when I was drifting off to sleep last night... it just popped in my head that we're about to have a baby and nothing will be the same. Like, ever.

Bean hang in there he'll be better before you know it :hugs:

Tara and Dini sorry about your pains... unfortunately I feel the same way...

Took the dog for a short walk this morning and my bump was hurting at the end of it. Been bouncing on the ball and putting laundry away, now I need to vacuum. I really just wanna sit on the couch, eat ice cream and watch Parenthood on Netflix, though!
Hopefully DH and I will manage another walk tonight after he comes home. He's staying so late at work now it really sucks... And then he will have duty on Sunday so we don't even get the whole weekend. I know I'm a crybaby. The days are just so long when I'm just at home and he's not here.
It feels different for me this time - with dd1 I was diagnosed with GD and excess fluid at 36 weeks and was induced at 39. It was all so stressful after a very normal pregnancy til then.

With dd2 I don't think I understood how poorly I was. I kept fainting all the time and was incredibly drained - my GD absolutely wrecked me in that pregnancy.

I also spent a lot of time at appointments with both of them - like 3 x a week. This time I feel so 'normal' and there is minimal intervention. I am not dying of hunger and I feel happy.

Yeah my pelvis isn't brilliant and stuff is awkward but it just feels so refreshingly different to the last two times.
Well I may have figured out why I feel so terrible today. I tried to take a nap, laid there for about 2 hours, may have drifted off here and there but the reflux forced me back up. Anywho, I've done a bunch of nothing today and when I checked my BP its high, 144/90. Haven't checked it since my appt Tuesday but figured I should. I only have a manual cuff so it's hard to do by myself so I'll have DH help me when he gets home for a second check but now I'm a little concerned. If it's still high tomorrow should I page the MW on call?
That's good Amelie! Glad you're doing better this time around. :flower:

dini yup I would call. Just to be on the safe side. Feel better hon :hugs:
Eidson that sucks. I hope she doesn't feel too bad. Only a week left!
Bean my heart is with you, DD wasn't jaundiced but would not stay awake and it was so hard. This really difficult part will pass quickly. :hugs:

Dini, I would call if it's still high. Hopefully it goes down, though!

Amelie I sort of understand how you feel, my preg with DD was so fraught with constant issues, this one has been so nice and easy the whole time. It wasn't until this week that I started to feel anything but generally pleasant! :) How fun doing your nursery too, it sounds wonderful! :)
Hey ladies! My little girl was born at 9:48 pm on April 1 after being induced at 38+5 due to pre-e! Things moved a bit slowly at first but picked up and in the end I only had to push for 20 minutes before my precious 8 lb, 10 oz and 18.5 inches Paisley was welcomed into the world! We came home today.

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