**April Bunnies 2015**

It's horrible. I have the urge to clean (and we really have to anyway) but I can barely move without some kind of pain. I may actually take one of those tylenols. They make me a bit tired but my husband is home today for Easter Monday (the University he works at/ I go to is catholic) so at least he can drive when we go to the store (no choice there either because we have no food left:haha:)
Perplexed I hope all is well!

Amelie, I bet your body is finally figuring it out!

Christina, I hope you feel better. Try to rest and maybe you can clean later today.

Maggz, yes it is the furniture I had in layaway earlier this year and I know, can you believe we are that far into the year!? Geesh! I'm really upset about it and really hate to get rid of her if we can't stop her, but I can't deal with a new baby and a cat peeing on the furniture too.

I got some sleep last night at least, a good 5.5 hours straight and then later I slept for another hour which is better than the last few days. Got a bit of housework done this morning but now I'm spent.

I feel like this baby is never coming out lol. I know I still have a bit of time left but I just feel like he has decided he's comfy and wants to stay.
Thank you ladies...things went really well. Baby started doing a lot of movements as we were at the hospital. I feel so relieved.
That's good perplexed! I had a little freakout moment yesterday as well, but I sat down and started rubbing the bump and talking to him and conveniently enough, he started rolling around and being his usual, pushy self! :thumbup:

Dini good to hear you got some sleep. And I'm with you. I feel like each day is an eternity.

Scottish happy 39 weeks! That is scary!!
I'm actually getting some pressure too. Like baby pushing down.

Neither of the girls engaged, so I've never felt the sensation before. I'm not convinced this baby is either but maybe she is thinking about it?

Glad baby got moving for you Perplexed!

Dini - we have 2 cats. We have had them since before the children. One of them has always pee'd on or vommed on things before the arrival of a baby. She also wants to sleep on all the baby stuff. It drives me mad but she has always calmed down after the birth.

Both cats are good with the kids x
Amelie that makes me feel so much better! Se also had to sleep in all of his stuff that she can get to. Hopefully she will also calm down when he's born.

Perplexed, so glad all is good! These babies sure can be funny sometimes.
I sort of hate my cats before the babies arrive :blush:

I was really mean to them after DD1 was born and they were just really scared of going near her. But they got better and I relaxed.
Hi girls

Been keeping up with the thread but didn't have much to say so been keeping quiet! I have 2 weeks left in work, baby is head down and engaged so sweep scheduled for 21st with the aim of vbac.

Congratulations to those that have had their babies already! Fab news.

Glad to hear everyone is doing well. I can empathise with the bank and pelvic pain. I am having a maternity photoshoot with DS and dh on Thursday so once that's over, baby can come any time it wants!

Not sure how my bump is gonna look in the pictures though...I have such a defined uterus this time around - I've always had good abs but haven't really exercised since having DS. Does anyone else look like this?! This was today so basically full term 37 week bump...


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Captain your bump is beautiful! I'm sure it will look amazing in the photos. I hope all goes wonderfully for your vbac!

Amelie I feel the same way about my body--maybe it's got some clue how things are supposed to work this time! :haha: And thanks, it's good to know I'm probably right about the sugar. Of course now I feel extra guilty for how I've been eating! That's probably why he's so big, too! :( I will try to be better, and hopefully he won't wait too much longer to arrive.

No ultrasound at my appt today, I'm mad because they said I would have one. I'm just concerned how big he might be. She did say my belly measured big and asked if I was sure about my dates. :? I'm really nervous about his size because from 28 weeks to 35 their estimate for his weight jumped from the 65th to the 80something percentile. I am more and more ready for him to be born. Hoping to go for a walk once it cools down this evening and also hoping to have the energy to enlist DH's help later, iykwim. :blush:
Lol Tara you crack me up, I'm hoping to enlist DH's help later as well :thumbup: Happy humping :sex: :rofl:
But I'm sure your baby is perfect size in there. Sorry you didn't get the ultrasound though, I'd be frustrated too! I really wanna ask my doc to check his size but I guess since I'm measuring on target they won't do it.

Captain I think your pictures will look great! When we did ours he was being pushy in there and in one of them you can see it's lopsided :haha: But a defined bump is beautiful, don't worry :hugs:

Okay off for a walk since the sun is setting and I won't get scorched out there right now! I have class tonight and hopefully DH is coming home which means... well... ya know ;) ;) :haha:

Oh I posted this in the fb group but I'm gonna put it here too - I'm kinda concerned now!
So, I was reading about EPO cause I've been kinda gassy (sorry TMI) since I started taking it... and I'm wondering if I should not take it anymore?
Like here, it says "What they did find though was that oral EPO may increase in the incidence of the waters breaking early and labour not starting, requiring an oxytocin drip to induce or augment the labour. This makes sense as EPO can soften or weaken the sac containing the water the baby floats in." https://www.birth.com.au/…/herbs-homoeopathy-nipple-stimulat…
And then WebMD doesn't recommend using it at all during pregnancy. https://www.webmd.com/…/ingredientmono-1006-evening primro…
I'm so confused...
Amelie, I've been mean to my dogs the last few months and I'm sure I'll be even worse when he comes because I have a very jealous dog that acts out when you pay attention to another animal so I'm guessing she will do the same thing when he's here.

Tara, you're too funny! I'm jealous of all of you getting to walk, it's raining here and supposed to for the next few days. I did use my ball for a bit but not as long as j should have. As far as having DH help, I'm scared to because last time it burned so bad it hurt to pee for two days and believe me we used lots of lube, I'm just so swollen down there (tmi sorry). He's been so good about me not wanting to do it anymore. I mean I want to but the pain is quite the deterrent.

Maggz, I can see that about the EPO, but a lot of midwives highly recommend it so I don't know?

Put the swing together finally today. We really have no room for it, it takes up a lot of room we will have to rearrange things to use it. It's currently in the nursery since we have room for it in there. Guess we will worry about it when he gets here.

My BP was okay this morning but my reading this afternoon was a bit high at 146/92. Had some nausea and a mild headache with it but it went away. I have an appt in the morning so we will see what they say. I really have the feeling they are going to blow it off.
Haha don't you love baby stuff taking over AND STILL NO BABIES :rofl:
Are you gonna check with L&D for your bp Dini??

Took a looooong walk, walked super fast, and even ran up a hill :thumbup: Have eaten half a pineapple in the form of a smoothie and am bouncing on my ball. I just want something to happen you guys....!!! I'm used to getting my way! *brat alert*
As for the EPO I guess I'll just take 1-2 capsules instead of 3 from now on. Hopefully it will at least ripen my cervix.
Maggz, totally jealous of that walk! And I have a MW appt in the morning so I'm going to talk to them and see what they say. I don't show any signs of pre-e yet but I know it can come on suddenly. I don't want to be induced but I also don't want to put either of us in any danger.
With you on not wanting to be induced but in the end we will do whatever for these little nuggets ;) keep us updated on your appointment!

Reflux is really bad tonight, just ate a tums and I'm still almost vomiting in my mouth and getting that acid taste. Ew.
It feels so weird to have Logan lying here on my chest while you guys still talk about your pregnancies! Last time I was the second to last in the group to give birth so it's quite strange now.

Tara I wouldn't worry about baby's size. From all the reading I've done everyone seems to say they had a much easier birth with their bigger baby!

I hope all of you have some luck with your eviction plans!

I saw the lactation consultant today and it's already helped! Unfortunately I have a low supply so it's something I'm going to have to work constantly. But she was very positive and helpful.

Seeing as I always complain about my dh on here I thought I'd share something good for a change. I've been wanting a bath tub installed since I moved into this apartment and I finally got the landlord to give me permission to get it done. But it was proving a bit of a mission to arrange anything, especially with everything else going on. I figured maybe we could make a plan over the summer. But dh went and sounded me out on what I was looking for and then he went and ordered and paid for it to be delivered! It arrived today and him and my dad will put it in tomorrow! I'm so excited to have a bath-and so is dd.
Due date is tomorrow. Unless she goes into labor today we're going over. My son was 2 weeks early so this is unbearable. My wife is still working and she can barely walk. Never mind working, but wearing a full military uniform. Oh, and she's the lucky 1% that has PUPPPs. Induction will be scheduled on Friday this week. I'm sure it won't be for until next week. For the record, we've tried EPO for three weeks, raspberry leaf tea, baths almost every night, daily walks, sex, and nipple stimulation. I'm now convinced you can't naturally induce labor. Feeling discouraged and hate watching my wife feel so awful and having to go into work. She's the epitome of miserable right now, from carpel tunnel to PUPPPs :( my pregnancy wasn't anywhere near as awful so I feel helpless because I can't help her.
Scottish: happy 39 weeks!

Tara: I agree with Bean, I also heard people saying they've had an easier time with their bigger babies than smaller ones. My baby is measuring bigger than his sister also and it is reassuring to hear that.

Dini: I felt like dd's things were really filling up the house when she was a newborn and there really wasn't any space. but I'm sure you'll manage!

Maggz: I have no idea about epo unfortunately as I hate using suppositories lol. So I never bothered learning about them.

Bean: dd was a November sparkler turned December snowflake, so I know exactly what you're talking about! It's a bit comforting to know that I probably won't stay pregnant till May lol.

My dr did a cervical check last night at L&D and said baby's head was low but that I'm not in labor. I could feel that baby was low again because my pelvis hurt again lol but who knows? He might climb back up again. I dunno why more than one person told me that I'm not in labor...I already knew I wasn't and the reason I came in was to check on baby.

It occurred to me though that with dd the sweep I had in the morning was probably successful which is why the induction went so smoothly. Would have probably started dilating myself if they haven't broken my waters.
Maggz, sorry about the reflux, I know how awful that is! I've been sleeping in the recliner for weeks now because I got tired of vomiting in my mouth! I have to take Zantac or I couldn't even drink water. My heart goes out to you!

Bean that's wonderful news about the lactation consultant visit! Oh and the bathtub, good for your DH!!

Eidson, your poor wife!! The carpal tunnel is enough let alone the rest and having to keep working. I hope if she doesn't go into labor that the induction gets scheduled sooner than next Friday!

Perplexed, you made me laugh bevauae while reading your post I thought, but she didn't think she was In labor why did he tell her that?

Well I woke up early as usual so I'm going to get ready for my appt and maybe grab breakfast before I go. It's pouring down rain here! But at least it's not snow!
I found it funny too Dini, how people kept telling me I'm not in labor. When I was pregnant with dd at around 26 weeks I had this severe consistent abdominal pain that I ended up going to the er. I knew it wasn't contractions because it was always there and not coming and going. Anyway at the er they kept telling me that I'm not in labor as if that would make the pain stop and I'd start rejoicing. They could never determine the cause and just assumed they were "trapped wind pains".

I hope you have a good appointment:hugs:
Eidson I'm so sorry about your wife. :hugs: All that late pregnancy suffering plus PUPPPS is just awful. I sincerely hope her labor starts asap!

Bean it must be weird being on the other side. I'm glad you had a good lactation consultant, that makes a huge difference! You will be in the groove nursing Logan before you know it. I am really proud of you & hope you're settling in well. :) Oh & congrats on the tub, I'm glad your husband is doing something good for you!

Maggz & Dini I feel your pain with reflux. Mine has been better this pregnancy than with DD but still get stomach acid & bile in my mouth, yum! :sick:

Dini don't worry about not wanting to dtd, it was awful for me my last pregnancy; in fact I'm ashamed to admit we didn't for almost a year because it sucked in late pregnancy and I was not in a good place for a good 8 or 9 months after birth. We made it through, this is all temporary.

We made it out for a walk yesterday. Felt really good to be outside but that's about it. DH still refusing to dtd, I don't think he can mentally get past the fact that it might put me into labor and I don't think he's as ready as I am! He's not the one with the bowling ball sitting on his pelvis! :haha: I've had strangers saying "You poor thing" and asking me if it's twins. :rofl: Thanks to those who said they heard labor was easier with bigger babies. I just keep telling myself that all the pain in my hips is because my pelvis is so soft and pliable for an easy labor! :)

It's cool and a bit cloudy out. I think I'll take advantage and have another walk right now... :thumbup:

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