Eidson I'm so sorry about your wife.

All that late pregnancy suffering plus PUPPPS is just awful. I sincerely hope her labor starts asap!
Bean it must be weird being on the other side. I'm glad you had a good lactation consultant, that makes a huge difference! You will be in the groove nursing Logan before you know it. I am really proud of you & hope you're settling in well.

Oh & congrats on the tub, I'm glad your husband is doing something good for you!
Maggz & Dini I feel your pain with reflux. Mine has been better this pregnancy than with DD but still get stomach acid & bile in my mouth, yum!
Dini don't worry about not wanting to dtd, it was awful for me my last pregnancy; in fact I'm ashamed to admit we didn't for almost a year because it sucked in late pregnancy and I was not in a good place for a good 8 or 9 months after birth. We made it through, this is all temporary.
We made it out for a walk yesterday. Felt really good to be outside but that's about it. DH still refusing to dtd, I don't think he can mentally get past the fact that it might put me into labor and I don't think he's as ready as I am! He's not the one with the bowling ball sitting on his pelvis!

I've had strangers saying "You poor thing" and asking me if it's twins.

Thanks to those who said they heard labor was easier with bigger babies. I just keep telling myself that all the pain in my hips is because my pelvis is so soft and pliable for an easy labor!
It's cool and a bit cloudy out. I think I'll take advantage and have another walk right now...