I'm slightly upset this morning. My in-laws and I have a strained relationship to put it lightly. I get along FABULOUSLY with his grandmother, but with everyone else its difficult (His father wasn't pleased that she treats me like a daughter, not an in-law or a granddaughter) We have broken the pregnancy news to parents and grandparents (we did that weeks ago) and everyone is cautiously optimistic. This morning I was chatting with them and keeping everyone up to date on everything and I off handedly said, "I sorta hope its twins, I've always wanted twins." and immediately the air just sort of turned frigid. His father responded by saying that I shouldn't be greedy and his wife (Who is my husbands step-mother) said that a twin wouldn't replace the baby I'd lost, one was all I needed. I was very upset, though to my credit I kept it together. I told them I knew it wouldn't (and it was never intended) to replace my lost child(ren) and that I wasn't greedy for having dreams of twins. I told them that unless they wanted to be in my Mother In Laws place to not suggest such things when my husband came home because in his eyes they were already on thin ice for various reasons.
(Just to sorta put the last part in context, my husband nor I have seen his mother in over 5 years and she has never seen, spoken to nor will she ever have contact with our children. She's legitimately crazy and quite frankly a danger. I've watched her do cocaine in front of her (then) 4 year old son and she even offered me a hit when I was 14 years old. Yes, DH and I have been together a good while haha)