April Hatchlings <3 twenty12[8 babies!!]

My husband was made redundant a fed weeks back so he's off work at the mo untill a new job comes up its been lovely having him help out. So today is my last day as a preggo mummy I'm off to hosp at 8am tommorro for my induction!!

Good Luck, can't wait to hear your birth story and see pics x
My husband was made redundant a fed weeks back so he's off work at the mo untill a new job comes up its been lovely having him help out. So today is my last day as a preggo mummy I'm off to hosp at 8am tommorro for my induction!!

Oh my goodness, how exciting.....good luck and can't wait to see pics, will be thinking of you and willing you on! Xx
Woohoo, mumtobe!!! Hope it all goes well today.

My dh is sadly not working right now :( It's nice having him home, of course, but I can't wait till logging season starts...it's no fun having no income with a baby coming.
Hey ladies! Hope you all are feeling well -

Couple of things -

#1 - if you're like me and love saving money - there's a great coupon at coupons.com right now for .75 off pampers wipes, we have grocery stores here that will double coupons up to .99 so you can save 1.50! I know You can get a tub for 1.95 or so so that's a great deal! They also have 1.50 off pampers diapers - I'm stocking up on everything already just so our expenses will be a little less when baby comes.

ok...#2 - my husband and I are discussing how much time he should take off of work when the baby comes. Are your OH taking time off and how much? I know he at least needs to take a week off if not 2 just to adjust to having the baby here and a change in schedule!

My hubby will be taking 2 weeks off, maybe a bit more. We will definitely need to time to adjust with 3 kids!
My husband was made redundant a fed weeks back so he's off work at the mo untill a new job comes up its been lovely having him help out. So today is my last day as a preggo mummy I'm off to hosp at 8am tommorro for my induction!!

So excited for you tomorrow!! Good luck and can can hardly wait to hear an update:)
My husband was made redundant a fed weeks back so he's off work at the mo untill a new job comes up its been lovely having him help out. So today is my last day as a preggo mummy I'm off to hosp at 8am tommorro for my induction!!

YAYYY! Are you all packed up and everything? I am SO excited for you! Can't wait to here the birth story and see photos! :)
Thanks everyone yep all Packed up and house is spotless just willing today to go faster we're dropping the kids at sil at 7.30am and then to the hosp for 8am I have to have a pessar firs as when they checked me on thurs I was only a fingertiP dilated but still 3cm long so it could be a lengthy process but I'll have my iPhone so will update along the way lol xx
Thanks everyone yep all Packed up and house is spotless just willing today to go faster we're dropping the kids at sil at 7.30am and then to the hosp for 8am I have to have a pessar firs as when they checked me on thurs I was only a fingertiP dilated but still 3cm long so it could be a lengthy process but I'll have my iPhone so will update along the way lol xx

ahhh so exciting! I will be thinking about you and hoping you have an easy delivery. Cant wait to hear about it and see pictures!!
Good luck with your induction, mum2be!

Drake is 3lbs 2oz now just 2 more to go so he can come home!
woohoo, go baby Drake! Pack on those pounds buddy so you can go home :)
Good luck mumtobeagain for today! Can't wait to hear all about it :)

I'm so happy that Drake is well laura077... bet you can't wait to have him home :)

33 weeks today!
Hey ladies!!

I am 36 + 1 today and so excited baby will be consiered full term on Sunday:) How is everyone feeling? This maybe tmi, but my bowels and stomach have been pretty upset the past week or so. Doesn't matter what I eat, I am always irritated. Does anyone get this?

Brooke - How much EPO are you taking? I bought a bottle and they are 1000mg capsules. I just took one a day so far.
Laura- so glad to hear baby Drake is doing so well!! You will be taking him home before you know it :)

Mari- maybe your LO will be here soon :) its usually a good sign when your bowels are acting up! My EPO are 500mg I believe and I take 2 a day... I will probably start taking an extra one at night this Friday when I turn 36 weeks. I bought some clary sage oil I will start using on Friday as well!
Laura- so glad to hear baby Drake is doing so well!! You will be taking him home before you know it :)

Mari- maybe your LO will be here soon :) its usually a good sign when your bowels are acting up! My EPO are 500mg I believe and I take 2 a day... I will probably start taking an extra one at night this Friday when I turn 36 weeks. I bought some clary sage oil I will start using on Friday as well!

I have heard when your bowels act up it can be a good sign too. I guess we will have to wait and see:) I was thinking 1000mg was good. I would start taking 2 this week, but I am not sure 2000mg is ok. My are gel capsules, so splitting them would not be a good idea! lol I will do some research and see if it is ok to take 2 1000mg caps a day.

Clary sage oil sounds interesting....what does it do? How are you supposed to take it? Sorry for so many questions! lol
You could break the 3rd pill and rub half on your belly? :) just a thought.
Clary sage oil is an essential oil that can't be used alone so you mix it with almond oil and rub it on your belly or mix with milk and put it in your bath... I have heard some women go into labor the same day! Oh and they put it on a piece of material and breathe it in while in labor and I guess it helps with pain... :)
Woohoo to baby Drake! Hope he gains the last little bit soon.

Mari, I'm 35+5 today. My baby has dropped (at least it sure as heck feels like it on my poor bladder! LOL), I've had some sharp pains in my cervix area and my bowels are much more loose than they have been too.

I hope baby waits another week+ though, I don't want another premie. I see my MW on Wed, so am going to ask her what she thinks and see if she'll see if I'm dialating at all.

LOL, my dh has put me on restricted movements :laugh2: cause he doesn't want another premie either.
Most people say not to start until 37 weeks though because of How strong it is but I am being induced most Likely at 36+5 so I am starting at 36 :)

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