April Hatchlings <3 twenty12[8 babies!!]

Mari- today is my 36 week exam as well :) to them I am 35+6 today anyways my appt is at 10am its 6:40 here so Time is going by so slow! I have already showered and sat on baby and bump forever to try and speed up time! I know for sure I will be checked today because this should be my last regular appt and I am going to be getting my group b step test. Can't believe I will be setting a for sure date and time to head to the hospital!
I sleep terrible as well! I am so uncomfortable! I feel like this baby tries to suffocate me at night and the peeing every 5 seconds is ridiculous! My LO can come anytime as well!
Mari- today is my 36 week exam as well :) to them I am 35+6 today anyways my appt is at 10am its 6:40 here so Time is going by so slow! I have already showered and sat on baby and bump forever to try and speed up time! I know for sure I will be checked today because this should be my last regular appt and I am going to be getting my group b step test. Can't believe I will be setting a for sure date and time to head to the hospital!
I sleep terrible as well! I am so uncomfortable! I feel like this baby tries to suffocate me at night and the peeing every 5 seconds is ridiculous! My LO can come anytime as well!

Good luck at you apt today! Mine is at 130 and it is 945 here right now. But my kids are driving me crazy this morning! lol They both woke up so cranky today:( It is going to be a long day.....lol

That is great your induction date will be set:) That will be so exciting!!! You are so close now. Sorry you cannot sleep as well. But not too much longer now!

I will update you when I get back from my appt. I had a dream last night that my baby had turned breech! I so hope that does not come true. lol
Yay I hope you get some good news as well!!!
Yep seriously I can't believe no matter what I will be holding my son next week!
Sorry to hear your kids are acting up :/ , I am really not looking forward to my kids waking up... We had a rough night with my son last night so I am enjoying my alone time with the news :)
I have been so beyond worried my LO turns breech as well!!!
Yay I hope you get some good news as well!!!
Yep seriously I can't believe no matter what I will be holding my son next week!
Sorry to hear your kids are acting up :/ , I am really not looking forward to my kids waking up... We had a rough night with my son last night so I am enjoying my alone time with the news :)
I have been so beyond worried my LO turns breech as well!!!

Thanx:) That is so amazing you will be holding him next week:) So excited for you!!

It is just on of those days with the kids. lol My hubby is sick witha cold, so I hope the kids are not getting sick. Crankiness is usually a sign my kids will get sick. But fx`d they will not get my Dh`s cold.
Sorry you had a rough night with your son. I would be enjoying my alone time too! Peace and quiet is rare to come by with kids.

I am so worried about him being breech too. I know he was head down lat week, so I am pretty sure he still is. But last night's dream totally freaked me out! lol
Pretty upset right now... The hospital Isnt liking the idea of me being induced before 38 weeks without an amniocentesis done (which I can't have) so my doctor schedule my induction for March 21st I will be 37+6 according to their charts which happens to be the same weeks and days I was when I went into labor with my son so I think I will just let this little guy choose his own day and not book an induction... :/ I am 2cm 80% effaced and my cervix is in the right place for delivery. I am going to be DTD like crazy until
I'm sorry your induction has been put to later/removed Brooke. Hope baby comes soon for you!

I, too, had my 36wk checkup today! Baby is looking great, head down, good hb, and had dropped low (Baby, not the hb. lol). We did a U/S, my placenta looks great, but I have a lot of fluid. Not so much that MW is worried though. I am also measuring at 37 cm, and 2 wks ago, I was measuring at 34cm! My BP is slightly high, but I think it's due to allergies. I also have lost 2lbs in the past 2 wks and MW wants me to gain a few lbs, as I've only gained 13 altogether.

All in all, it was a good checkup and MW is very happy with things. She wont do an internal though, till wk 38...darn, I was wanting to see if the pains I was having was my cervix dialating.

And my crib came today too!! :happydance:
Brooke - So sorry to hear you induction got pushed back. Fx'd the baby will come earlier than the 21st.

Dorian - I am glad you appt went well. So exciting you crib came!
AFM, I had my 36 week appt today and it went well.My Group Strep B swab came back negative, yay!! My BP was 140/70. My OB said it is just fine. I have gained 1lb since my last visit, so not too much. My fundal height is measuring 37cm and I am 36+3, so right on target. I am getting an ultrasound next Thurs to check how big the baby is and also to see if I have any gall stones. My next OB appt is Thurs March 15th. My induction is still set for March 22nd, but she will have me come for one last appt on March21st. I will get my cervix checked to see if I am dilated, if not, she will send me to the hospital that night to get cervidal. I so hope these last 2 weeks fly by!! :)
Okay so I just had to call my OB just because of how strange my appt was... He asked me about how my back pain was (I have never ever complained about back pain to him only front rib pain) also he asked me my bday and other weird questions that made no sense... he always asks me about my presciption for my kidney and this time he didnt say a thing and I had forgot to call him back last week after my appt to give him my pharmacy info... he always asks me about my pain meds and talks about my kidneys and said nothing... I feel like he didnt even remember me... last week when we talked he did an ultrasound and said I cant do an amnio on you because of your placenta so we have to be reasonable and take this baby when it is safe I was thinking the whole time he was gonna say 38 weeks and he says I know I have the 16th written down but I am thinking the 14th instead so HE brought it up.... then today that was all out the window and it was like we never had that convo... anyways... he wasnt there when I called so i spoke to the nurse who rescheduled my next appt from tuesday to monday so i can talk to him... praying he gives me some good news.... my kidney cant handle anymore and neither can I!

Glad to hear that your appts went so well dorian and mari :) You guys will be holding your babies soon!!

Sorry for the rant I am just so confused and upset...
So sorry they moved the goal post Brooke, how frustrating, and confusing...why do they have to mess you about, do these people not know it's not good to mess with a pregnant ladies emotions!?

I'm so bit concerned as I've had a lil bit of lower back ache, like I had in early labour with my first...then (sorry tmi coming up) when I went to pee last night the tissue was a bit pink so I wiped again and it was a bit mucousy with a a little bright red bloody clot....do you ladies think it's anything to worry about our us that normal at this stage? Strange, this iud my fourth but I just can't remember if I had these things with my others. I'm sure I'm just being a worry wort, but I've always had a feeling this one would bee even earlier than others and they came at 37 and 38 weeks.
So sorry they moved the goal post Brooke, how frustrating, and confusing...why do they have to mess you about, do these people not know it's not good to mess with a pregnant ladies emotions!?

I'm so bit concerned as I've had a lil bit of lower back ache, like I had in early labour with my first...then (sorry tmi coming up) when I went to pee last night the tissue was a bit pink so I wiped again and it was a bit mucousy with a a little bright red bloody clot....do you ladies think it's anything to worry about our us that normal at this stage? Strange, this iud my fourth but I just can't remember if I had these things with my others. I'm sure I'm just being a worry wort, but I've always had a feeling this one would bee even earlier than others and they came at 37 and 38 weeks.

I would probably call your doctor or labor unit at the hospital. If you are seeing blood I would get it checked out asap just to be on the safe side. My OB asks me every visit if I have been bleeding, cramping, and had any loss of fluids. Those are concerns to them. It could be you are just loosing your plug, but definitely get it checked out. GL
Pinkmummy- Definately ring your midwife or hospital, my midwife always ask about bleeding, cramping etc to x
hi ladies ive still not done a birth story as we only got home late last night but here is my little vinnie jack michael

:hugs: Brooke, I'm sorry your Dr is being so confusing and stressful to you. I hope you get it worked out.

Pinkmummy, my MW told me yesterday that she isn't concerned if I wipe and see a bit of pink or some mucus. But definately come in if I am bleeding/cramping. I'm at wk 36 though, not sure where you are. Call if it worries you though.
Brooke~ I am so sorry that they pushed your date back!! I would be very upset about that too. I am really wondering why the hospital would really get a say in things because they really don't know what your going through. You'd think that your OB would have the say and not them.

I am happy that the other gals that had their 36 week apts went well.

mum2beagain~ Your little man is so dang cute!! I am happy that you are both home and doing well!!

AFM~ I am now 36 weeks, I know that they tried to push my dd back but I have been told that the growth scans at this stage aren't accurate and shouldn't be used to get a edd. To me I am going to stick with April 4th and that's the very first date I got from a u/s. :shrug: So I am now TERM according to my OB!! I have my apt tomorrow and I can't wait to see what's going on in there because I just want her OUT NOW!! I can't really walk because of the pain in my pelvic bone and I can't sleep. It really seems like now that she can come out she has changed her mind or my body won't let her. Last night was horrible!! She was putting her feet on my ribs and pushing down and it felt like she was going to rip through my vag. My mom was looking at me like I was crazy when I told her what she was doing until she put her hand on the top of my bump and Airyonna put her feet on her hand and shoved herself down. I was having a really hard time not screaming out because of the pain it was causing me. I will be asking my OB about that tomorrow because my other kids never did that to me. Sense the 6th I have been trying to get my labor to start with NO luck!! I can get contractions going but they will ease up after a few hours. I think I have tried all that I am willing to try. I am so worried about her being born on the 20th and I really would lie about the day she was born if that happens. It's a very bad day for me. It's my other grandmas birthday and let me tell you she hated me because I was a girl and tried to get my mom to abort me. I DON'T want my daughter to be born on that bitches birthday. She was soo mean to me and would spank me with a belt for no good reason. It was really bad!!! It's also this girls twins birthday and I want my daughters birthday to be all about her not other babies!! Anyways I will let you all know how my apt goes tomorrow!
hey ladies have just finished my very long birth story heres the link for anyone who fancies a read :)
Pink- I would call your doctor just to be on the safe side
Wanting- sorry you are in pain as well! I have been trying everything to get this little guy out as well DTD, walking, clary sage oil, nipple stim EVERYHING I have a feeling you will have her before the 20th but if it so happens that you have her that day just know you Made a day that might have been rough but is now a magical day you will treasure forever!
Mum2beagain- I am going to read your birth story as soon as I get home :)

My husband has a week or two off unpaid from work (of course when they change my induction date) so we took my kids to a pizza and game place (chuck e cheese) hopefully all the stress of this place will kick start something! While my kids were at school I went for a walk at the park then went home and DTD praying!!!!
Brooke~ I haven't dtd yet because I haven't done it sense I was 3 months pregnant and I am scared of the pain of just doing it, not the pain of contractions :haha: I have tried having lot's of "O's" but all that's done is make my bump get rock hard. :blush: I have also tried bouncing on my birthing ball for a few hrs and nothing from that, playing with my nipples did start up contractions and made me leak but the contractions stopped after a bit. I refuse to try anything that is going to make me sit in the bathroom with loose bm. I tried castrol oil with my first and it was a big fail so I won't be going there again. I have even been up and cleaning/cooking and asking my kids to be very loud because before stress would start me going but now that she can come it seems like my body is hanging on tight to her. I am so worried about her getting too big because my son was only 7'3 and my pelvic bone almost broke. I was 8'3 at birth and her daddy was 7'14 so that really has me fearing that she will get too big. How is Dylan behaving? Is he doing a lot of pushing down in your lady bits? I am really hoping that when I get checked tomorrow that I will have made a change. I think Dylan will be here before the 21st with you being 2cm's and 80% effaced also your cervix moving forward is a very good thing. Here's hoping that we both get these babies out a bit early :drunk:

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