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April Hatchlings <3 twenty12[8 babies!!]

Good luck brookettec!! I will check in later:)
Hey ladies I am in the car right now on my way to my blood work an then doctors still cramping worried cause it's in my back
Too and that's how I felt last time. Praying for those high numbers she Said she will get the results my noon

Hope everything is ok for you x
Thank you all they did an ultrasound and saw nothing but I am still very early on... Waiting for the blood...
Thank you all they did an ultrasound and saw nothing but I am still very early on... Waiting for the blood...

Said a prayer for you last night and will continue to keep praying for you to get good news!!!:hugs:
HCG went from 387- 951 :) yay!! I have to get weekly exams and blood work for a couple months. Thank god they are going up though!
HCG went from 387- 951 :) yay!! I have to get weekly exams and blood work for a couple months. Thank god they are going up though!

I am so happy that everything is good!!! That is a great beta!!!
Hey girls first I hope we all have a H & H 9 months! I don't want to jinx it but my EDD is April 12! So hopeful and praying that this little bean sticks!
wantingbbbump- Thank you i thought so too now for these cramps to stop... They hurt worse than AF cramps...

Karla1 & Tiffani86 Congrats ladies Glad you found this thread hope you guys enjoy and feel free to add the april hatchlings Pic :)
YAY Brooke, great news!!!!

I feel like a cow. We are having some people over for dinner and I was getting ready and have put on at LEAST 5 different outfits, I am SO bloated. MOOOOO!

Also, one of the ladies is 14 weeks prego and the other has a 3 month old. Im sure there will be lots of baby talk and they both know we have been trying for awhile. Im not sure if I will be able to keep this a secret!
I feel you I am beyond chunky right now lol I weigh the same but I feel like 12x bigger!

Ha right I swear I want to scream it from the rooftops when I start talking about babies....
Good luck trying to not let it slip... are they close friends that could keep it a secret?
Im glad you got good news at the Doctors office today Brookett :) I feel a little bloated but not horribly bad.. But I am getting heartburn pretty bad and if it were left up to me I wouldnt eat at all!! Cause I dont even feel hungry.. Even if I drink water I still get heartburn... UGH :(
This thread is so hard for me to keep up with as I only get a chance to actually sit down and seriously read/comment when my DD is napping or in bed for the night. I feel really bad that I don't get to comment as much as I would like - so apologises!!

I had my 1st appointment today (at 5w6d going by when I ovulated) and although I couldn't see the baby yet I had a nice big gestation sac and everything seems to be where it should be. I am so relieved!! My next appointment is in 2 weeks and by that stage we should be able to see the heartbeat. I can't wait!!

I have been having morning sickness on and off every day for the last 3 or 4 days. I don't remember it being this bad with DD. It's really my only pregnancy symptom though so I don't mind if it stays around for a bit longer, lol!

How is everyone else feeling?

PS - if anybody who is due around the 1st april wants to bump buddies please let me know :)
TexasRider- Thank you i have been getting bad heartburn as well and i wish it would make me stop eating so much lol Thats terrible about the water situation ow strange have you been eating tums?

Liliahs_mummy- Glad to hear your appt went so well :)

MrsRalphie - I added you congrats :) is this your first?

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