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April Hatchlings <3 twenty12[8 babies!!]

Hey everyone!

Glad your appointment went well Brooke x

Not much news from me, still got heavy sore bbs, got my dr appointment monday nervous but excited hopefully it won't take long to see my midwife once i have seen the dr x
Hi girls, can i join you please? My due date is 14th April 2012 but would really love to have my lo on 16th April as its my late Nana's birthdate and i was very very close to her! But my edd at the mo is the 14th....so add me in please!!! Had my first lot of hcg results yesterday at 13dpo and they were at 78, so im hoping they have at least doubled by monday. This is my 4th attempt at my 1st baby, all my others have ended in m/c at 5 weeks so this time after plenty of investigation im going down the progesterone suppositrie route which i have been taking since i got my BFP at 10dpo. Keeping fingers x'd for my sticky beanie!!! I did an ic hpt this morning and it is a lot darker than yesterday so i did my digi and it is 2-3 weeks so im on track, so far so good! [-o&lt;[-o&lt;[-o&lt;

Got a lot of reading to do to catch up with you all.....:hugs:
Brooke- No tums yet, I know a lady who was pregnant that ate tums like mad for heartburn and it gave her really bad kidney stones.. So far I have just been dealing with it... It does suck though :(
Brookettc3 - so happy your appt went well. Glad all is well :).
I have my 1st doctors appt on Mon, but I won't get my blood results until Tuesday. My m/s has kinda gone away again, so I hope my hcg levels are good.
How is everyone today?
My ''period pains'' turned out to be a bladder infection oops!Had to go to the hospital this morning with really bad pains. Phew am so relieved.
Hi girls how are you all? I wanted to ask you is that common to go to the dr to do blood work and so on straight away, this one is my 2nd one but I've always waited 8 weeks before and it's more the norm here in Ireland, of course I'll call the maternity to book a place and all. Oh and I'm due the 15 instead of 16 I think, my cb digital is already putting me at 2 to 3 weeks re the conception date...
I'm due on 4/4/12. Fingers crossed everyone. Still don't feel pregnant. Nap anyone?! Xxx
I'm due on 4/4/12. Fingers crossed everyone. Still don't feel pregnant. Nap anyone?! Xxx

I don't feel pregnant either. I should be 5+3 by lmp or 5+1 by conception date. I have been having weird dreams so maybee this is a preg symptom. And gosh i feel tired today. But thats maybe because my lo woke up 5 times for his dummy last night :wacko:
Doctors monday to check on my 3rd set of bloods. On my birthday too. Hope its good news. :pray:

Brook, glad your doctors appointment went well. Everythings looking good. :thumbup:

Hello to everyone :hi:

Yes this thread does move fast.
This thread is so hard for me to keep up with as I only get a chance to actually sit down and seriously read/comment when my DD is napping or in bed for the night. I feel really bad that I don't get to comment as much as I would like - so apologises!!

I had my 1st appointment today (at 5w6d going by when I ovulated) and although I couldn't see the baby yet I had a nice big gestation sac and everything seems to be where it should be. I am so relieved!! My next appointment is in 2 weeks and by that stage we should be able to see the heartbeat. I can't wait!!

I have been having morning sickness on and off every day for the last 3 or 4 days. I don't remember it being this bad with DD. It's really my only pregnancy symptom though so I don't mind if it stays around for a bit longer, lol!

How is everyone else feeling?

PS - if anybody who is due around the 1st april wants to bump buddies please let me know :)

My EDD is also April 1st
leilahs mummy i dont have a bump buddy yet do u want to buddy up? x
Hi girls how are you all? I wanted to ask you is that common to go to the dr to do blood work and so on straight away, this one is my 2nd one but I've always waited 8 weeks before and it's more the norm here in Ireland, of course I'll call the maternity to book a place and all. Oh and I'm due the 15 instead of 16 I think, my cb digital is already putting me at 2 to 3 weeks re the conception date...

I live in the states and this will also be baby #2 for me. It must depend on the Dr. or maybe health history to have bloods drawn early?? I didn't with my son or with this baby. Which I'm not complaining I Hate having blood drawn but it would be reassuring to know that thing are progressing. My sister in law had blood drawn with her LO but she found out via a trip to the ER with cramping/pain so I think they were verifying pregnancy/ruling out MC--also she was seeing Drs. at the hospital on base in Germany where her airforce husband is stationed.
I think I will be joining you lovely ladies :) I just want to take a few more tests before I actually believe it lol. Congratulations on everyones pregnancies :hugs:
Taylor!!! Thats Awesome!!! Glad to see someone I know.. I hope its true :)
We let our little man spread the word this evening to the in-laws...


  • blake.jpg
    29.8 KB · Views: 9
Blakesmom- Love that! Have been looking for a big sis one so that we could do the same thing with letting our friends know! Haven't had any luck finding one for a kid under 2 yet! Very cute though!
Blakesmom- Love that! Have been looking for a big sis one so that we could do the same thing with letting our friends know! Haven't had any luck finding one for a kid under 2 yet! Very cute though!

Thanks!! I made this one--I'm not normally very crafty but I think it turned out pretty cute.
Taylor!!! Thats Awesome!!! Glad to see someone I know.. I hope its true :)

Haha hello :) Yes me too... I'm really thinking it is, I'm just scared to get my hopes up. Will you go look at my thread in the TWW and tell me what you think? I posted 3 sets of pictures. Hope you're doing well :hugs: xx

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