April Hatchlings <3 twenty12[8 babies!!]

wanting- Oh gosh well hopefully things go fast for you soon!!! Maybe your water will break or something? positive thoughts!
I cant believe he would rather give you a c section than just induce you!!! Will he strip your membranes? My doctor doesnt believe in it... ughh... WHen is your next appt?
Lice is definitely gross!! Everytime my kids even touch their heads I freak out!!
This is my first time having to deal with ringworm with them.. I had it when I was like 8 years old and remember it! I am keeping my kids away from all pets from now on...

On a brighter now hub and I DTD and this time I didnt get right up to shower i laid there and have been having contractions... hopefully they are doing something... I will know on monday at my next ob appt! until then I am bouncing away on myball
Brooke~ I am hoping that my water will break. Who would of ever thought that we would want to be in pain :haha: I guess it's because we know that it's a small price to pay for getting our babies. My next apt in on Thursday. So in a week. I don't believe that he will do a sweep because he said he will do nothing to help me get her out until 40 weeks, maybe 39 if there is a medical reason.

Maybe you will get lucky and you will go into labor from doing the deed. I hope that you have change at your next apt!! I know that you have had a hard time with this pregnancy and have been in pain! Just think either way we don't have much longer...right?!?!
wanting- LOL right?! I swear I can not wait for labor pains!! lol! Better than false labor contractions all the time! You should def ask I mean its not toooo invasive... I read about girls doing it on their own but idk about that... I tried to check my cervix today cause i want to know sooo bad but I couldnt reach.... :/ yep not too much longer at all! No matter what I have an induction date scheduled for 3/21 but I am gonna try and convince my doctor to just do it earlier... Some days I feel like he will come earlier some I feel like he is never gonna come on his own.... gosh I just cant wait!!!
Does anyone else feel hungry alllll the time? I am starving 24/7 and my stomach is always growling.... I have been gaining 1.5 lbs each week minimum
Hmm I wonder how pinkmummyof3 is doing?! Hope she updates soon!
I went to my doctor friday and I'm not dilated at all but my cervix is soft and they scheduled an ultrasound for March 24th to check his size because he's measuring at 39 weeks and there is a possibility that I could be induced. So we shall see :)
Hi everyone. Well after several painful days in hospital it looks like little madam has been persuaded to stay put for now!! I know it's prob for the best as she's stool pre term but after all that pain and getting used to the idea of meeting her early, I can't help but be a bit disappointed, hubby is too. Still keep getting periods of painful tightenings but send I'm sticking at 3cm so not sure what is going on!
I hour everone is doing well and not too uncomfortable? Looking forward to having a good read through all updates soon, when I've caught up on some sleep....so tired!
Pink- So glad your LO has decided to stay put, hope you get plenty of rest now and i hope the pain eases for you x
Wanting - I had an emergency c sec 3 weeks ago and I'm already able to drive. I have to watch how much I bend over, but recovery really hasn't been as bad as I expected. Of course, I don't have 4 little ones to look after either. And my baby is still being mostly cared for by the hospital. Good luck! Hope things go the way you wish.
BW, I was measuring 3 cm's over last week too. Am curious as to what it's going to be this week.

Pink, so glad your LO decided to stay put! Sorry for the pain though. I've thought for many months that my little one might show up a few weeks early...I hope s/he does! LOL. I do understand that bit of disappointment that you are feeling right now.

I was having lots of lower back pain while laying in bed last night. Not sure what that was, probably just over did it yesterday. I feel better now that I am sitting up.
BW - I had mycervix checked at 35+3 and I was completely closed Keep us updated on you ultrasound and induction. GL :)

pinkmummyof 3 - So happy to hear you LO is staying put for now. I do hope your pains ease off. Get lot's of rest! :)

Dorian - I have been gettting terrible back pain for the last 3 days!! It just came out of nowhere. It has been been so hard to move around and sleep. I feel better when I sit up as well. Sorry you are in pain.

brooke - I am constantly hungry! lol I went to the grocery store 3x last week just to buy things I was craving. lol

wanting - That is weird he would rather c-section you instead of inducing. Fx'd your water's or your labor start on their own! GL :)

Well ladies, I hit 37 weeks yesterday!! My baby is is finally considered term:) I have 10 days until my induction. I also have an OB appt and a ultrasound on Thurs(March 15th). It will be so neat to see my little man at the ultrasound again!! I have the usual complaint: back pain, hip pain, peeing all the time, tired, heartburn. I have also been having gall bladder pain so they are checking that out at my ultrasound on Thurs too.

How is everyone else today?
I'm currently running a bath, hoping it will help. I was sweating all night and just didn't sleep much. I've been having horrible lower back pains since this AM. Mainly on one side though. It's almost as strong as the kidney stones I had a few months ago, but lower on my back. Almost makes me vomit. Hoping it passes soon. I have my 36w appt tomorrow.
I'm currently running a bath, hoping it will help. I was sweating all night and just didn't sleep much. I've been having horrible lower back pains since this AM. Mainly on one side though. It's almost as strong as the kidney stones I had a few months ago, but lower on my back. Almost makes me vomit. Hoping it passes soon. I have my 36w appt tomorrow.

Sorry you are in pain and so uncomfortable. I hope the bath helps you. I hope they can do something for you at your appointment tomorrow. GL
This has been such a long day! Not only has the pain gotten worse, but I couldn't get on the site! My pain will not let up, I even got sick a couple of times. I feel like maybe it's where the baby is positiioned. Anyways, can't sleep. Hope everyone else had a better day!
This has been such a long day! Not only has the pain gotten worse, but I couldn't get on the site! My pain will not let up, I even got sick a couple of times. I feel like maybe it's where the baby is positiioned. Anyways, can't sleep. Hope everyone else had a better day!

Oh no, sounds like you are suffering hun, hope today is a better day for you.
Dorian and Mari- How's that lower back pain now?

Wanting and Brooke- Any labour signs? I had a dream last night that you two were next to meet your babies, and on the same night!

Laura- How's baby Drake doing, great still I hope? Bet it won't be long till he is home :)
Dorian and Mari- How's that lower back pain now?

Wanting and Brooke- Any labour signs? I had a dream last night that you two were next to meet your babies, and on the same night!

Laura- How's baby Drake doing, great still I hope? Bet it won't be long till he is home :)
Dorian and Mari- How's that lower back pain now?

Wanting and Brooke- Any labour signs? I had a dream last night that you two were next to meet your babies, and on the same night!

Laura- How's baby Drake doing, great still I hope? Bet it won't be long till he is home :)
Dorian and Mari- How's that back pain now? Hope it's eased up.

Wanting and Brooke- any labour signs yet? I dreamt last night that you two were next to meet your babies, and on the same night!

Laura- How's baby Drake doing? Great still I hope, bet it won't be long until he's home xx
Well ladies wish I was coming here with a. Better update... I woke up yesterday morning feeling kind of sick to my stomach which quickly had my heart racing (144 bpm) while laying down and my kidney pain was terrible but I knew I had a doctors appt at 10:45 so I held off on calling. At 9am my mom came to my house to watch my kids while I left but she took one look at me and insisted she drove me so she did. When I walked I to the room it was so beyond packed I didn't think I would make it and almost went to the ER but instead I waited it out until I couldn't any longer so I went up p the front desk and told them I was dizzy so she sent me back to get some water. I took 2 steps and stumble into the counter so they had me sit back in the waiting room while I was crying and brought me 2 saltines and water. Finally after an hour and 15 mins of waiting my nurse came and got me and took one look at me and said uh Brooke what's going on? You are very pale. So I told her what had been going on and she grabbed my doctor who took one look at me and said okay listen we are going to send you to l&d to get all fixed up... So I walk into the hospital and they immediately admitted me to a room... I started having contractions pretty much as soon as I laid on the bed so they freaked out and said it was too early and gave me an injection to stop them... It was almost like an adrenaline shot that drove me crazy... I was mad that they even were trying to stop them
In the first place.... Anyways so to help with all my pain they gave me dilaudid and Zofran for nausea plus tons of fluids.... I have had to keep getting those troughout the day. The shot to stop the contractions failed after 20 minutes and started coming back sonny nurse got concerned and checked me... I am still 2 m but baby is -1 so pretty low down she then went and got my doctor. I started crying and told him I can't do this anymore that I feel like its slowly killing me so he grabbed an ultrasound machine to see if maybe he could find a pocket of fluid to do an amnio but he couldn't find one big enough so e said he would come back tomorrow morning to check again... I am praying with everything I have that he will be able to perform the test and the results come back good and I can be induced soon. I honestly can't imagine being sent home like this. I tried to take a sleeping pill so maybe I wouldn't have to take the pain meds but nope woke up sweating and in so much pain. Anyways it's 2:24am hopefully the doctor comes by early and I can update you guys soon!
Thanks Mari. It felt like I was up and in the bathroom every half hour last night. UGH. Good thing I dont' have anything that needs done today, I can rest. So sorry for the aches! I hope your gall bladder is ok. WOW, not much longer for you!! WOOHOO.

(Marlee) hope the bath helped! Try sleeping with a hot water bottle against your back too. or a heating pad set on warm.

(((((Brooke))))) I don't understand why they are not letting you go into labor. You are due on 4/6, right? That's almost wk 37. Baby should be fine, or maybe just need a day or two in the incubator. I'm sorry sweetie. Hope things are better for you today.

Pink, my back was hurting pretty much all night. It's better this morning though. Thank you :)

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