April Hatchlings <3 twenty12[8 babies!!]

pinkmummyof3 - my back pain has not eased:( It got so bad last night I could not sleep at all. I think I might take a tylenol to see if that helps

Marlee - sorry for you pain I am in agony too. Fx'd the pain will ease soon:)

Brooke - I am so sorry you are so sick an in pain. I cannot believe they gave you shots to stop your contractions?? You are basically 37 weeks and have a kideny infection. I hope you get some good news from the doc today and they help you labor along. GL and keep us updated if you can. :)

Dorian - I felt like I was up peeing all night too!! I was in agony just trying to get out of bed everytime I had to pee:( Glad you are feeling better and definitely rest if you can. Thanx, I hope my gall bladder is ok too.

AFM, had the worst night's sleep yet. My hip feels like it so stiff and painful, and back pain is just off the charts. Also, at 5pm last night, I got some strong contractions for about an hour. I think they were about 20-40 seconds long. I literally thought it was the start of labor! lol I decided to take a nice long warm bath, then they contractions eased. But for the rest of the night I got strong BH contractions. I have also been getting crazy loose stools again. I think my baby has dropped since all this back pain has come on. Good news is, my indcution is 9 days away:) Hope everyone else is well.
Ladies, I have tried to post here so many times today and they are not going through. If this works, I will rewrite my post from earlier
I'm feeling much better today, thank God!

I had my 36week appointment today and my first cervical check - 50% effaced but not dialated. She said I can start EPO now!
I'm feeling much better today, thank God!

I had my 36week appointment today and my first cervical check - 50% effaced but not dialated. She said I can start EPO now!

Glad you are feeling better:) sounds like your appt went well. That is great use can start EPO now:)
Okay quick update... The doctor finally came in at like 12:45 this afternoon and was able to pull a little fluid via amniocentesis there was blood mixed with it though so hopefully te tests don't come back inconclusive. I should be getting the results no earlier than 7pm tonight and no later than 3pm tomorrow afternoon. If the test comes back okay I will be induced tomorrow! Fingers crossed and I am praying!
Good luck brooke! Fx'd your test results mean an induction tomorrow:)
Mari30me~ I can't believe that you are 9 days away from holding your baby. I also thought I was going to go into labor last night but they stopped and my gosh did they hurt. I am sorry that you are dealing with pain!! Getting up in the middle of the night to pee is such a chore now and moving is very painful. :hugs:

Marlee~ I am so happy that you are feeling better and that you can start EPO, I am wanting to try it but I'm not sure if I should take it by mouth or stick it well we all know where it would go. 50% effaced is great!! My ob said that effacement is more important than dilation at this point.

Brooke~ I hope that the test comes back + and you can get Dylan out!! It really made me mad to read that they stopped your labor because you are so close to 37wks there is no need and my OB/birthing center would of let me have Airyonna. Can't they see that your body has had enough and can't take pregnancy anymore? Just so you know you CAN tell them that you won't be taking anthing to stop your labor anymore. It's 100% your choice!!!!

AFM~ I went shopping today and now have everything I need for Airyonna!! There is nothing left for me to buy her and in a way I am sad that I am now 100% ready for her birth. Iam happy but now all I have left to do is get her out. I even bought my breast pump today and they had a great deal. The pump was $250 (on sale from $299) and I got 3-5oz bottles & wipes to clean the pump for FREE :happydance: I bought the medela pump in style advanced on the go tote. I read great reviews so here's hoping that they are all right. I also broke down and bought 4 more mat shirts and 2 pairs of pants. I had outgrown all of my maternity clothes and really needed to pick up a few more. I can't believe that I am going to be 37 wks tomorrow!! I remember back to when my OB said that he didn't think I was going to make it to 24 and here I am full term!!!

I feel for everyone with the pain issues!! I hurt all of the time. My back, ribs, pelvic bone and hips are really hurting very bad. I was crying yesterday because of the pain. It was my birthday and I didn't go out because of how bad it is. I was so sure that she was going to be born on my birthday that I sat like a ticking time bomb just waiting and nope no baby. My daughter is now hoping that Airy will come on her birthday on Thursday. I can't believe my oldest is going to be 13!! I feel so old at 33. I hope that my next apt there is some change to my cervix and he will say that she will be here very soon. 3-4 cms would be great!! I just keep telling myself that no matter what it will be over very soon. All I have heard for days now is "Wow I bet your going to have that baby anytime because you are so LOW" This coming from people I have never even talked to before. One lady looked at me and said "I bet your in a lot of pain" I was like yes I am going to try and get her out asap. She and others even ask me how many kids I have and if I am going to have more.One woman asked me if I was getting my tubes tied and I said no then she said oh are you going on birth control and I said no she then looked at me and said well then this isn't your last baby, I looked and said yes it is, she said Not if your not doing anything to stop it. By this point I was tired and getting mad so I looked at her and said This IS my last baby because my husband has NO sperm so we have to use donors to have our family!!! The look on her face was priceless but maybe next time she drills a pregnant woman she will think first!! Anyways I hope that everyone feels better very soon!!!:hugs:
Update--- I have been denying all medication to stop contractions... The sample was delayed in transit to the lab which is like 6 hours away so we won't know the results until tomorrow... He has to pass two tests in order to be delivered!!! Praying!!!
praying for you Brooke, really hope to see god news from you later. How is everyone else today, who'll all haver our babies soon and all the worrying/pain will be so worth it I'm sure.
Good morning Ladies,

((Hugs)) To you all. We all seem to be going thru some pain this late in our pregnancy. I did NOT feel this way with my previous three...lol, guess that's what an 'older' body will do. UGH. I had a rough night, back pain, hip pain, BH's all night. I always feel better getting out of bed, off my arthritic hips.

37 wk appt today!

Brooke, praying for you sweetie!
Sorry so many of us are in pain but not much longer now and it will all be worth it once we have our babies in our arms.

Brooke- Hope you get your test results back soon with good news x
At least we are all going thru this together!

Brooke - hope you are doing ok!!

I almost feel like I have the flu - nauseated, achey, dizzy, sweating - yuck!
Sorry to hear you ladies Are all feeling so poorly I will have to re read all of this when I get home...
Well it's 6am here nd I had the roughest night ver they gave me a sleeping pill at 9pm alOng with dilaudid... Woke up at 11;50 in excrutiating so the gavel percosets and then another shot of dilaudid... Stayed up until 3am hallucenating then my hubby left for work at 5 so I have been sitting here dizzy and so tired ever since these results need to come
In !!!!
You ladies are right, at least we can all go through this pain together. It will definitely be worth it in the end.

Brooke - that is good you are standing your ground and not accepting the meds they are trying to give you. Fx'd for your test results today.

Wanting - I cannot believe I have 8 days to go either! That is great you are all ready for you baby, I still need to get a few things. I also need to finish packing my hospital bag! Happy belated birthday to you:) That would have been neat if she was born on your beautiful. My grandfather's bday,ho passed at 18 years ago, is March 25th. It would be so amazing if our little guy is born on that day. But my induction is March 22nd, so I do not think that will happen. Sorry you are in pain too.

AFM, I am the same as yesterday, but trying not to focus on the pain. I have my ultrasound and OB appt tomorrow and my mom is coming down to watch the kids for me. I hope everyone is well today::
At least we are all going thru this together!

Brooke - hope you are doing ok!!

I almost feel like I have the flu - nauseated, achey, dizzy, sweating - yuck!

Sorry you feel so sick, I hope it passes soon. :hugs:
Baby Aria is here!!! Born at 36 weeks 5 days.

Saturday night my water broke at 9pm. At first it was a small burst of water after I coughed and I thought I might have peed myself. Went to the bathroom then started walking down the hall with no bottoms on to get a clean pair out of my room and water started trickling down my leg. We headed to the hospital and arrived there around 10:30pm. My water started gushing as soon as we got in the hospital. Who knew there was so much in there! They induced my contractions because I was only 1cm and having very mild contractions. My contractions started around 11 or 12 and she was born at 8:53am. 6lbs 7oz, 19 inches long. We are both home and doing great.

Hope everyone is doing well and those of you with pain feel better soon!


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Update- the nurse came and said the tests came back but there was too much blood so the lab couldnt determine lung maturity.... I have been crying for hours now :(
I wish my doctor would just come already to talk to me because I dont know what is next
Congratulations DJF she is Adorable!! What a healthy weight and size too!!

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