April Hatchlings <3 twenty12[8 babies!!]

Congrats DJF Aria is beautiful!!!

Brooke I really hope that they get your labor going really soon!!!
Update- the nurse came and said the tests came back but there was too much blood so the lab couldnt determine lung maturity.... I have been crying for hours now :(
I wish my doctor would just come already to talk to me because I dont know what is next

I am so sorry your tests did not come back with an answer. :hugs: I really hope you can talk with you doctor soon.
djf congratulations she is beautiful xx

brooke im sorry your having such a hard time i hope your doctor has an answer for you soon and hope you will be holding dylan by the end of the week xx
Gosh I hope I am not annoying you guy with updates....
Thank you ladies for all your kind words it means a lot!
So the update is my doctor came in and decided to do another amnio this time he took wayyy more and there was no blood in it... It hurt beyond words because he went only 1/2" down from the place he went yesterday... I am super side now... I should get the results tomorrow morning and if they look good then he will induce me sometime tomorrow :) praying praying praying!
They are also about to send me for a renal ultrasound to check on te status of my kidney...
Marlee, sorry you are feeling poorly today.

Aria is beautiful! Congrats DJF and Daddy.

((Brooke)) I just can't believe your Dr wont let you go into labor. I mean, I understand he wants to make sure the lungs are good, but geesh! Hope the tests come back in your favor.

So glad I have some on line friends to go thru all this with too :)

37wk apt today. A bit of up and down. My BP was lower (no allergies bothering me today), I gained 2lbs since last week! MW was happy. lol. My MW was so amazed at how far up in my ribs baby was, she didnt' tell me the fundal height. So it sounds like I am measuring more than 37wks still. And baby's HB is good and strong.

But the bad news, I was tested positive for Strep B virus :cry: I never was with any of my other kids, so now I am going to be worried. I know that I'll get antibiodics and such, but it will be a worry there in the back of my head.

Next week, I can have a cervix check, so we'll see if all this BH and pressure is doing anything. Although MW told me since my last 2 were born at 40+ wks, it's a good chance this one will be too.
Brooke - We are all wishing you luck and hope that you will have your baby in your arms soon!

Dorian - that stinks to hear about the strep b - I had my test done yesterday but they didn't even tell me when I could expect results :/ . I think they forget that for first time moms, they have to explain more. I'm surprised how much info I've gotten from my books and this website and not from my DRs. For example, if my mucus plug had fallen out, I would have freaked out if I hadn't gotten info from here - not something they shared at any of my appointments.

How is it that we are all about a month or less away from our due dates but it feels like forever!
PARKER IS HERE! On Monday (3/12) I woke up at 3:30am to a gush in bed and I stood up and it kept gushing, I called labor and delivery and they told me to come in. Was having contractions every 3 minutes by the time we got there and by 6:30 we were settled in our room and I having contractions right after each other. Since I was only 36 weeks and 4 days my doula wasnt "on call" yet but we called her to let her know and she had some commitments she couldnt get out of but said she could come for at least an hour. She got there and updated that she could stay a little longer and then later she found out she could be there the whole time and what a blessing that was. She was amazing. I wasn't getting a break in between contractions and was trying to labor on the birthing ball, rocking against my husband, against the bed, etc.. and finally went into the tub and that helped SO much. After awhile I remember saying "I cant do this, I just cant do this" and my nurse called for the midwife to come check me so that I can have some sort of idea where we were at (I hadnt been checked at all) and when she checked me I was 9 cm and about 5 minutes later I was out of the tub and pushing. Pushed for almost 2 hours, got a 3rd degree tear and my little guy was here. For being only 36 weeks and 4 days he was pretty big, 7 lbs 4 ounces and 20 inches long and I am SO in love with him. :cloud9: I am pretty shocked at how swollen my face is though and I broke pretty much every blood vessel in my face, shoulders and eyes so I look pretty scary and cant wait to look a little more "normal" (at least everyones looking at him and not me, right? haha)
Baby Aria is here!!! Born at 36 weeks 5 days.

Saturday night my water broke at 9pm. At first it was a small burst of water after I coughed and I thought I might have peed myself. Went to the bathroom then started walking down the hall with no bottoms on to get a clean pair out of my room and water started trickling down my leg. We headed to the hospital and arrived there around 10:30pm. My water started gushing as soon as we got in the hospital. Who knew there was so much in there! They induced my contractions because I was only 1cm and having very mild contractions. My contractions started around 11 or 12 and she was born at 8:53am. 6lbs 7oz, 19 inches long. We are both home and doing great.

Hope everyone is doing well and those of you with pain feel better soon!

So happy that Aria is here and that you are both doing well! Now we get to enjoy our little babies :) Congrats
Yay MissAngie! Cant believe everyone is having their babies already! I feel like theres still so much i need to do! Better get to it!
Congratulations Missangie!!! I will update all the new babies as soon as I get home from the hospital or when my hubby remembers to bring my laptop to me :) so happy for you ladies with babies!!! Hopefully I have mine tomorrow!
Congrats missangie!!! You had him on my birthday!!!!

Okay I am really wanting my baby too now!!
Congratulations missangie and DJF! :)

Sending thoughts and prayers to you and dylan, brooke!

Drake is now 3lbs, 10.6 oz and will start learning to bottle feed in a few days. One step closer to home! :)
Congratulations Missangie!!! I will update all the new babies as soon as I get home from the hospital or when my hubby remembers to bring my laptop to me :) so happy for you ladies with babies!!! Hopefully I have mine tomorrow!

I hope you do too! Will be crossing my fingers that we will see a birth announcement very soon from you!
Congrats missangie!! x

So glad Drake is doing well Laura, hope he comes home soon x
Thanks Marlee. I don't like it when Drs don't explain things either. We need to ask, and make sure we are heard though. Drs are so busy I guess...I don't know.

Welcome to the board, and congrats Lovemybabaa!

Congrats Missangie!! Glad your little one and you are doing fine. Can't wait to see a picture!

Woohhoo to Drake, glad he's doing well!

Sigh~ I forgot to say yesterday in my update that my little one has decided to flip so he is back to back with me. I hope he flips back on his own!
Dorian- I hope your LO flips soon x

Brooke- Hope things are going well with you x

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