April Hatchlings <3 twenty12[8 babies!!]

Congratulations Missangie and DJF on your little babies :)

Brooke I hope little Dylan arrives soon!!

I can't believe people are having their babies! I feel like my baby is going to be the last April Hatchling to hatch! I have a feeling he's going to be early, but knowing my luck he'll be late! I might end up having him in May :(
Update- the results of the amniocentesis showed Dylan's Lungs weren't completely mature so I have to get 2 steroid shots just had the first one then in 12 hours the next one.... It takes a minimum of 24 hours for them to work so who knows when I will be having him... The doctor will be here in 1.5 hours or so they say... Hopefully I will get some answers
I just got home from my OB apt and it was great news!! I am 80% effaced and a +1 my cervix has moved forward so it can be anytime now!! He doesn't think I will be pregnant next week!!! I have been having contractions all day so I am hoping that they will pick up a little. Well I am kind of hoping for a st patty's day baby so I have my fingers crossed for a Saturday baby.

Brooke~ I am happy that this will be over for you very soon!! Maybe we will have our babies on the same day...lol I am praying for you.
I am so Beyond upset I have to go and get put to sleep to have a stint inserted in my ureter then being sent home for a while... No baby...
((((BROOKE)))) I'm sorry Sweetie. Just try and focus on baby though. And know that keeping him inside till lungs are developed, is better than the NICU ward! Been there, done that... I hope it doesn't take long for LO's lungs to develope.

Wanting, woohoo, crossing fingers you'll get a St Paddy's baby.
Wanting - good luck and keep us posted!!

Brooke - I'm so sorry for everything you are going thru - that's so frustrating. You just have to remember the pain is worth it if it's better for Dylan! Not too much longer!

Maybe TMI questions - this is my first, so not sure - have any of you had upset stomach before labor? I had a very simple breakfast today as I have not been feeling super swell the last couple of days - just toast but felt fine. That was around 9am - then around 3 at work I started feeling crampy. As I drove an hour home I was having cramps. Then when I got home I ended up going to the bathroom - not diarrhea but still kind of upset and VERY unusual for me. Has continue to be really crampy and I've gone again. Didn't know if it was completely random or if maybe my contracting uterus could be causing the bowls to be clearing...I hate all of these guessing games!
Wanting - good luck and keep us posted!!

Brooke - I'm so sorry for everything you are going thru - that's so frustrating. You just have to remember the pain is worth it if it's better for Dylan! Not too much longer!

Maybe TMI questions - this is my first, so not sure - have any of you had upset stomach before labor? I had a very simple breakfast today as I have not been feeling super swell the last couple of days - just toast but felt fine. That was around 9am - then around 3 at work I started feeling crampy. As I drove an hour home I was having cramps. Then when I got home I ended up going to the bathroom - not diarrhea but still kind of upset and VERY unusual for me. Has continue to be really crampy and I've gone again. Didn't know if it was completely random or if maybe my contracting uterus could be causing the bowls to be clearing...I hate all of these guessing games!

i was feeling crampy saturday and sunday before my water broke monday early am!
hang in there Brooke! sending lots of good baby vibes and a big hug!

wantingbbbump, thats great news! hope you get to meet her soon
Congratulations missangie and DJF! :)

Sending thoughts and prayers to you and dylan, brooke!

Drake is now 3lbs, 10.6 oz and will start learning to bottle feed in a few days. One step closer to home! :)

That's great!!! It sounds like he is doing really well :)
Brooke - I am sorry you are going through that. Your little one will be in your arms soon!

Wantingbbbump - that's exciting that you are so close!

Marlee - I didn't feel too crampy before my water broke but I was feeling nauseous. I gagged while brushing my teeth and threw up.
PARKER IS HERE! On Monday (3/12) I woke up at 3:30am to a gush in bed and I stood up and it kept gushing, I called labor and delivery and they told me to come in. Was having contractions every 3 minutes by the time we got there and by 6:30 we were settled in our room and I having contractions right after each other. Since I was only 36 weeks and 4 days my doula wasnt "on call" yet but we called her to let her know and she had some commitments she couldnt get out of but said she could come for at least an hour. She got there and updated that she could stay a little longer and then later she found out she could be there the whole time and what a blessing that was. She was amazing. I wasn't getting a break in between contractions and was trying to labor on the birthing ball, rocking against my husband, against the bed, etc.. and finally went into the tub and that helped SO much. After awhile I remember saying "I cant do this, I just cant do this" and my nurse called for the midwife to come check me so that I can have some sort of idea where we were at (I hadnt been checked at all) and when she checked me I was 9 cm and about 5 minutes later I was out of the tub and pushing. Pushed for almost 2 hours, got a 3rd degree tear and my little guy was here. For being only 36 weeks and 4 days he was pretty big, 7 lbs 4 ounces and 20 inches long and I am SO in love with him. :cloud9: I am pretty shocked at how swollen my face is though and I broke pretty much every blood vessel in my face, shoulders and eyes so I look pretty scary and cant wait to look a little more "normal" (at least everyones looking at him and not me, right? haha)

Congratulations!!! Such wonderful news:) Enjoy you new bundle of joy:)
Brooke - so sorry his lungs are not mature yet. Hopefully they will be really soon. Hang in there!

Wanting - that is great news your doc thinks she will come really soon. Keep us updated:)

AFM, I had my ultrasound and 37+4 weeks appt today. My baby is measuring 6lb7oz, fluid levels are good, flow to the placenta is great and he is still ver active:) My funday height measured 38cm. I also have NO gallstones!! Yay:) Looks like this baby is going to be a bit smaller than my other 2. My OB thinks he will weight around 7-8lbs when he is born. Not close to 10lbs like my other 2! lol I have another appt on Tues morning before my Thurs induction. She will check my cervix and decide whether I need to go into the hospital for cervadil on Wed night. My induction is in 7 days and I can hardly wait:)
Wanting - good luck and keep us posted!!

Brooke - I'm so sorry for everything you are going thru - that's so frustrating. You just have to remember the pain is worth it if it's better for Dylan! Not too much longer!

Maybe TMI questions - this is my first, so not sure - have any of you had upset stomach before labor? I had a very simple breakfast today as I have not been feeling super swell the last couple of days - just toast but felt fine. That was around 9am - then around 3 at work I started feeling crampy. As I drove an hour home I was having cramps. Then when I got home I ended up going to the bathroom - not diarrhea but still kind of upset and VERY unusual for me. Has continue to be really crampy and I've gone again. Didn't know if it was completely random or if maybe my contracting uterus could be causing the bowls to be clearing...I hate all of these guessing games!

I have been having the smae cramping issues the lat 3 days. It does not matter what I eat, my body is trying to clear it out. My stools are pretty loose and I have had diarrhea too. It can be normal the last couple weeks of pregnancy. I am hoping it is a sign that labor is soon!
Oh Brooke I'm sorry things aren't going the way you hoped at least with the steroids you know if/when he come he will be ready xx
Oh Brooke I'm so sad to see you are suffering, you must be so frustrated. I'm hoping and paying that baby Dylan is in your arms very
Oh Brooke I'm so sad to see you are suffering, you must be so frustrated. I'm hoping and paying that baby Dylan is in your arms very soon, with strong healthy lungs.

Afm, I want my baby now, very impatient so I'm dtd lots, poor hubby really wasn't too keen bless him, but going along with it! Raspberry leaf tea being drank too. I had a whole afternoon of contractions afterwards but they fizzled out but skill keep trying, lol. I know it's still early so I'm not trying anything stronger than that, but I really do think she's be fine now especially after the steroid injections. :)
Good morning Ladies,

((Hugs)) To you all. We all seem to be going thru some pain this late in our pregnancy. I did NOT feel this way with my previous three...lol, guess that's what an 'older' body will do. UGH. I had a rough night, back pain, hip pain, BH's all night. I always feel better getting out of bed, off my arthritic hips.

37 wk appt today!

Brooke, praying for you sweetie!

This sounds just like the nights I keep having....and I'm on number 4 too! Everyone I keep hoping it's the start of something but it just seems to be the way it is this time.
Ooh Yeay :) Congratulations DJf, Quite is absolutely beautiful and you look so happy with her in yoyr arms, glowing! Massive congratulations on the birth of Parker too Missangie, lovely name :) .

Hi Ilovemybabaa, welcome :-D
Pink, shame on you, you need to wait a few more weeks. LOL. I am anxious too. Every little twinge I keep wondering if this is it. I've been having a few minor cramps this morning. Hoping it will turn into something. But at the same time, trying to just enjoy these last few weeks too.

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