April Hatchlings <3 twenty12[8 babies!!]

Mari~ Good luck!! I hope they don't keep you waiting too long.

babyhopes2011~ I hope that she turns for you.

afm~ I started having some painful contractions again last night while cooking dinner. They got worse at about 2am but they aren't regular yet. I have a ton of snot goo coming out of me today and when the contraction hits I can feel the pain in my lady bits now so I am thinking that my cervix has to be doing something. The only bad thing is I have a cold so I feel like crap and 2 of the women that were going to be there when Airy is born are now out of town. Part of me is hoping that this is the start of labor but with having a cold I keep thinking NO not now let me get better first. I don't want to get baby sick. I wonder if they will even allow me to touch her while sick. I would cry if I had to wait to hold my baby. How is everyone feeling today?
I just talked with the hospital and there is still a chance they will get to me tonight. If not, I go and see my OB tomorrow morning.

Wanting - I really hope you go into full labor soon! Sorry you are sick.

Babyhopes - fx'd she will turn last minute for you.
Mari~ I don't know what sucks more, having a ton of contractions or having to wait for your induction to get going. At this point I'd say waiting for your induction. I have a ob apt tomorrow and I am going to beg him to at least set an induction date for me so I can look forward to a end date. I don't even care if it's a week or two away I think it would make me feel better just to have it set. I really hope that they have room for you tonight!!! :hugs:
HELLO LADIES!!!! Congrats to Brooke, MissAngie, mum_erin, mum2beagain and DJF on your babes (hopefully I got everyone in there)!! I just wanted to give an update for those of you who remember me I got a BFP on Tuesday night and am really hoping this one is a keeper---estimating my new due date the end of November. I've been popping in to check up on you all periodically and its super exciting to see babies being born--I hope I can find a great thread like this for my new due date!!
:flow: Tina :flow:
HELLO LADIES!!!! Congrats to Brooke, MissAngie, mum_erin, mum2beagain and DJF on your babes (hopefully I got everyone in there)!! I just wanted to give an update for those of you who remember me I got a BFP on Tuesday night and am really hoping this one is a keeper---estimating my new due date the end of November. I've been popping in to check up on you all periodically and its super exciting to see babies being born--I hope I can find a great thread like this for my new due date!!
:flow: Tina :flow:

Tina!! OH MY GOODNESS!! CONGRATS!!! :happydance: That is fantastic news, I will definitely be keeping you and that little babe in my thoughts, I am beyond thrilled for you! and thank you, I am LOVING being a mommy :cloud9:
HELLO LADIES!!!! Congrats to Brooke, MissAngie, mum_erin, mum2beagain and DJF on your babes (hopefully I got everyone in there)!! I just wanted to give an update for those of you who remember me I got a BFP on Tuesday night and am really hoping this one is a keeper---estimating my new due date the end of November. I've been popping in to check up on you all periodically and its super exciting to see babies being born--I hope I can find a great thread like this for my new due date!!
:flow: Tina :flow:

Congrats on your BFP Tina!! x
HELLO LADIES!!!! Congrats to Brooke, MissAngie, mum_erin, mum2beagain and DJF on your babes (hopefully I got everyone in there)!! I just wanted to give an update for those of you who remember me I got a BFP on Tuesday night and am really hoping this one is a keeper---estimating my new due date the end of November. I've been popping in to check up on you all periodically and its super exciting to see babies being born--I hope I can find a great thread like this for my new due date!!
:flow: Tina :flow:

:happydance:Tina that is GREAT NEWS!!! I am so very very happy for you!! I will be praying that this is a sticky bean for you!! I am wishing you a H&H 9 months!!!!
Good morning Ladies,

Babyhopes, hello! I hope baby turns for you. Have you tried getting on all fours for 10 or 15 minutes, 3 or 4 times a day? I hear that helps. Good luck!

Mari, darn, I was hoping the gel would work for you. Good luck today!

Wanting, so sorry you aren't feeling well!! Hope you're at the hospital having your baby right now though!! LOL, fingers crossed.

Congrats Blakesmom!! And good luck, I pray your little bean is a sticky one.
Congrats Tina!!! So very happy for you:) Fx'd you have a sticky bean:)

AFM, no induction yesterday:( My OB called me at last night to apologize they could not get me in. She told me it was the busiest day she had since she has been working at that hospital. Lol So I am going into to her office today for her to check my cervix to see if the gel did anything. Based on what she tells me I will decide if I want to try again this weekend for the induction or wait until Wednesday when she is on call again. I also do not want to force myself body if it is not quite ready on the weekend. I will definitely need another application of the gel. I am heading out now to see my OB, will update when I get back:)

I hope everyone is well today.
HELLO LADIES!!!! Congrats to Brooke, MissAngie, mum_erin, mum2beagain and DJF on your babes (hopefully I got everyone in there)!! I just wanted to give an update for those of you who remember me I got a BFP on Tuesday night and am really hoping this one is a keeper---estimating my new due date the end of November. I've been popping in to check up on you all periodically and its super exciting to see babies being born--I hope I can find a great thread like this for my new due date!!
:flow: Tina :flow:

Congratulations Blakesmom!!! :happydance:
Mari~ Good luck!!

Dorian~ This baby is never going to come out. :haha: I have my ob apt today and I am going to ask him what the heck is going on because it's like I start to go into labor and then it just stops after hrs of painful contractions. If I am dilated to a 1 then I am going to ask for a sweep to see if that will get things moving. I am also going to see if he will book an induction date for the first week of April. I don't want to mess up my kids easter by going into labor the night before or the day of. I am also worried because starting Monday my kids all have half days at school including my special needs nephew and my mom and I have nobody to watch the kids. Then the next week is spring break so no school at all :dohh: it would be easier if we could set a date so we could try and find child care. Here's hoping that she will come this weekend but as the magic 8ball say's outlook not so good :haha:
HELLO LADIES!!!! Congrats to Brooke, MissAngie, mum_erin, mum2beagain and DJF on your babes (hopefully I got everyone in there)!! I just wanted to give an update for those of you who remember me I got a BFP on Tuesday night and am really hoping this one is a keeper---estimating my new due date the end of November. I've been popping in to check up on you all periodically and its super exciting to see babies being born--I hope I can find a great thread like this for my new due date!!
:flow: Tina :flow:

Congratulations!!! I am so excited for you :)
Hey ladies. Just got back from the OB, still not dilated. The baby has dropped a bit, but my cervix is still long. I have been starting to loose my mucus plug since yesterday. My OB is sending me in for another try with the gel tomorrow. So hopefully the gel will take this time, if not, my OB said to wait a couple days and we will try again Tues, Wed next week.
Congrats Tina!!

Mari - praying it works for you this time.

I was having contractions this AM but they've warn off. It's getting harder and harder for me to work at this point and be on my feet all day! I have a lot of respect for those women that work more hours than I do!! Whew! Maybe all of this walking will get things moving!
I had 3 under 4 too Brooke, it sure took a bit of getting used to, but they are so close now, it's lovely.

Hope everyone is holding up well today and not too fed up.

I keep getting tightenings them they die right down again, and have had several bloody shows over the last couple of days, so I was wondering if I'd dilated anymore since the 3cm in hospital and checked myself (very carefully I might add, with gloves and I'm quite confident in how to check as a friend who is a midwife showed me in a previous pregnancy).....and I'm at least 5cm.but probably more, and can feel babies head in the membranes which was amazing!! Just wondering now how long I can possibly stay like that, especially when plug is gone!?
Nice to know things are heading in the right direction :)

I though I knew how to check myself because I did it with my other kids and was spot on and the dang L&D nurse told me that I am wrong and am just finding a cervical fold. I swear she is wrong!! I can feel the slimy sack and the bones in her head. I wonder if they are wrong or maybe my cervix has moved out :haha: I have pushed past her head and all I find is a dead end, I can't find this little bump she was talking about. But I guess if she is wrong then so is my OB, I am going to ask him at my next apt what it is I am finding if it's not my cervix. Then again everyone that checks me all give me different dilation's the only thing they all agree on is the 90% effaced and the +1 other than that they will either say I am closed or a finger tip. That's 1cm right? I had bloody show Friday, tons on Sat and some on Sunday. Now I only get small amounts of snot here and there. What I would give for the ob to say that I am at 5cms!!!

Hmmm...tricky, cervical fold? I've not heard of that before. I'm hoping I checked right and think I did as I found pretty much what they did at the hospital, dilated slightly more but not an awful lot...surprises me that I've just stayed dilated and with memrane intact for two weeks, even since I had bloody show a few days ago. Wonder how much longer this lil lass is gonna make me wait, lol.
Congrats on your bfp Blakesmom, praying for a lovely sticky one for you.

Great news that your baba is are here mum_erin :)

Missangie, that pic is way too cute....so broody now!
thank you all for the messages, myself and OH appreciate them very much. it has been a stressful, emotional and a whirlwind few days to say the least but we are getting there. Ruby is as perfect as perfect can be. very surreal that i now have two children! so far no date has been given for her homecoming but its looking like it'll be around her due date. she's poorly but doing well, i just can't believe shes here!
I am so excited!!!!! I just got home from my OB apt and I am now 2cms dilated 100% effaced and she is lower in there I was at a +1 but he didn't say if I have hit +2 just that she was lower. I guess these painful contractions are doing something after all. All I have left to do is dilate 8 more cms and I will have my baby. He said that I am still in early labor with the way my contractions have been and the fact that I am now having change with my cervix. So sense Wednesday I have dilated 1 and a half cm :happydance: I am getting closer!!!
Sorry it's been so long!
I really hope all of you are doing well! My laptop charger broke and I am waiting for a new one so I haven't written his birth story cause it would just take wayyy too long on my iPhone! I will go back and check to see what I have missed :)
Dylan has Lost Over a pound and is jaundiced so I have been taking him to the doctors often. The doctors Want me to supplement with formula to try and bring his weight back up and flush the jaundice faster... Breastfeeding has been rough.. He eats 3x and hour so my milk doesn't even have a chance to replenish and he gets mad.
I really can't believe he is a week today! It's going by wayyyy too fast!
I can't wait for all of you to be holding your LO's!!
Wanting- omg yay so happy you have progressed so far!!! Your labor is going to be so quick!
Hey Ladies! How's everyone feeling? No updates this weekend so I'm curious if there are any new babies??

I worked all day yesterday and did yardwork today - can't believe I'm 38 weeks pregnant and still doing normal work lol.

I have my next OB appt tomorrow - hoping for some progress!

Hoping all is well!

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