April Hatchlings <3 twenty12[8 babies!!]

No baby for me yet. I had a break from contractions but they started in again today but yet again they aren't regular. They just hurt and makes me hurt in my lady bits. I try to not mind because these are the same kind that got me dilated and effaced to where I am now. I am still having snot crap coming out and it's had blood in it off and on yesterday and today. Gosh I am kicking myself for getting so excited and forgetting to ask for a sweep. I won't be forgetting on Friday if I am still pregnant then, I have a feeling I will be, I have a feeling that I am going to have to be induced and that scars the crap out of me. My ob thinks that she is going to be well over 7lbs when she is born/if she is born now so the thought of going longer...I may have to have a c section. I just can't take being pregnant anymore and even though I try everything I can everyday I can't get her out!!!

Marlee~ Congrats on being 38 weeks!! I hope that your lo comes out very very soon!! Hang in there the best you can until that point. Try to keep busy and your mind off the birth because it's causing me to become very depressed.
just updating you all on Ruby. she is not making as much progress as the doctors would have liked so has been moved to the high dependency NICU in the hospital. if anyone else has had a premature child then i completely sympathise, this has been the hardest thing ever. still haven't had the chance to hold my little girl so hoping that day comes sooner rather than later.
:hugs:Hang in there Brooke. Your milk should start to stabilze soon. Hope the jaundice goes away soon too. Glad to hear everything else is going well.

Marlee, I can't believe I'm at 10 days till due date!! I think baby is engaged now, at least he feels even lower than he did. Which hurts, lol. I'm finally seeing a bit of mucus, not a lot, just a bit, but I hope that means things are going to move along now!! I am SO ANXIOUS to meet my little one.

Oh Erin :hugs: I'm sorry Ruby isn't doing well. I do know how hard this is for you. My first was a premie. I couldn't hold him till he was 7days old and he came home at day 13. That was so hard! Keeping you all in my prayers.

Wanting. Don't be worried about induction. I would think they would use some gel on your cervix, as you are dilating/contracting. I had the gel on my last baby, and it worked within an hour or two. Had my baby 7hrs later. The contractions were a bit harsher, but that was all. I was still able to shower, walk, sit on the ball, etc.
just updating you all on Ruby. she is not making as much progress as the doctors would have liked so has been moved to the high dependency NICU in the hospital. if anyone else has had a premature child then i completely sympathise, this has been the hardest thing ever. still haven't had the chance to hold my little girl so hoping that day comes sooner rather than later.

Awww hun, I'm so sorry you are having a rough time of it so unfair. I really hope Ruby picks up soon abs that you her to hold her, you are in my prayers tonight xx
Erin~ I hope that things start going better with Ruby :hugs:!!

Dorian~ I am happy that you are getting mucus!! I hope it means things are moving along for you as well. OMG 10 days until your due date!!! I think I have the same, are you due April 4th too? I have had to have the ob break my water with 2 of my kids because of my labor starting and then stopping but I was 35+5 and 37+1 weeks. With my 35 week baby they broke it because I was dilated 4~5 cm and my first baby was only a 5hr labor so I guess they wanted control because it would take a hour for me to go home and then come back. I was only in labor for 2 hrs with her so it's a good thing they did. My 3rd daughter my water broke on it's own at 34wks and her labor was 9 hrs 40 mins long. My body wasn't ready I guess but then my son came at 39 weeks on the dot. Part of me is now hoping that she will do the same and be here Wednesday morning. :shrug:

Mari~ Did you have your baby? I have been watching for your post!!!
Morning Ladies,

Wanting, did you just have to have your waters broke? or did you have some drugs to help things along too? Yes, I am due April 4th!! :D But like you, would REALLY like to have baby this week!! lol
Wanting- sorry your little girl isn't here yet! She must be extra comfy!
Mum-Erin I am so sorry Ruby isn't doing quite as well as they would like I really really hope you can bring your little trooper home soon!
Dorian- thank you very much! I hcant wait for Breastfeeding to get easier!
Mari- hope all is well and you are holding your LO right now!

AFM- Dylans jaundice is better thank god but his weight is still low... He has a doctors appr today to re weigh him and discuss options further. He had an spot scheduled for Wednesday to have his circumcision done but I think I will cancel that until he is doing better.
My ow really AFM lol my body is so sore! My stomach muscles ache do bad I really hope you guys don't experience this I think maybe it's because he is my third I really don't know but I feel like I have been hit by a train LOL!!! So worth it though!!! I am already planning my fourth! Dylan is such a blessing and I thank god every day to gave him here with me safe and sound in my arms
Morning Ladies,

Wanting, did you just have to have your waters broke? or did you have some drugs to help things along too? Yes, I am due April 4th!! :D But like you, would REALLY like to have baby this week!! lol

Yeah all they have to do is break my waters and my body kicked into gear within 30 mins. With my first they did give me a drip after I pushed for over 2hrs but they didn't turn down the epidural and I couldn't feel anything, not even if I was breathing. So I really think if they would of turned it off/down I could of pushed better..well that and the ob had to cut me twice so her head would come out. My body wasn't giving to let her come. That's so cool that we have the same due date. Oh I hope that both our babies come this week!!!

Brooke~ I am happy that Dylan is doing better. I really hope that he has gained weight! I so wish Airyonna would just come out. I am getting really worried about her weight. I asked my ob about what he was thinking she might weigh at birth and he said that he's having a hard time guessing because from the looks of me and my bump the baby would be 5~6lbs but she has always been right on track when they measured her on the u/s so over 6lbs. They never checked her weight in a scan only the bone in her leg so I am hoping that he is wrong and she is still under 7lbs. I really don't want to have to have a c section because they didn't keep a eye on her weight. He said that it's not so much as the baby fat/weight on the baby but the bone structure. I don't know if I believe that but I keep trying to tell myself that my mom is only 5'2 and weighed 100lbs when she had me and I was 8 lbs 3oz 21 inches long so if she can do it so can I...right? After all I am 5'4 and 122lbs right now. I am a little worried that I haven't gained any weight in 2 weeks and this last apt I had lost a lb but my ob said that he's not worried. I wonder how she is gaining any weight if I'm not? IDK :shrug:
just updating you all on Ruby. she is not making as much progress as the doctors would have liked so has been moved to the high dependency NICU in the hospital. if anyone else has had a premature child then i completely sympathise, this has been the hardest thing ever. still haven't had the chance to hold my little girl so hoping that day comes sooner rather than later.

You and Ruby are in my thoughts, hope she starts doing better soon x
Wanting - try not to worry too much. I know it's easier said than done, but you would hope the doctors have done this enough they would keep you and the baby's best interest at heart and want you both to be safe!

Brooke - glad to hear dylan is doing better! Can't wait to see pics!

AFM - I have my 38 week appt today. I'm a little worried that I'm not feeling anything at all, not even feeling as pregnant as I am. So I'm thinking I'm going to go late! Lol I'm just thankful for the days I've been feeling pretty good and trying to enjoy the end of my pregnancy.
Hey ladies, no baby yet:( After talking with the on call OB on Sat, I decided to wait and get the gel Tues monring. He thought my body would react better to the gel if I was over 39 weeks. Plus, I do not want to force my body to do something that it is not quite ready for. He said I would be a higher risk for csection and also after 39 weeks, the lungs in the baby should be 100%. So here I am still pregnant!! lol I spent the weekend relaxing alot.:) I have been assured they will not let me go over due. I have the get the gel tomorrow and hopefully the induction on Wed.
I am 39 weeks now, yay!!

How is everyone? I need to go back and read everything I missed over the weekend:)
just updating you all on Ruby. she is not making as much progress as the doctors would have liked so has been moved to the high dependency NICU in the hospital. if anyone else has had a premature child then i completely sympathise, this has been the hardest thing ever. still haven't had the chance to hold my little girl so hoping that day comes sooner rather than later.

Awww..I am sorry to hear:hugs: I hope she picks up soon so you can hold her. Thinking of you and your family.
Hey ladies, no baby yet:( After talking with the on call OB on Sat, I decided to wait and get the gel Tues monring. He thought my body would react better to the gel if I was over 39 weeks. Plus, I do not want to force my body to do something that it is not quite ready for. He said I would be a higher risk for csection and also after 39 weeks, the lungs in the baby should be 100%. So here I am still pregnant!! lol I spent the weekend relaxing alot.:) I have been assured they will not let me go over due. I have the get the gel tomorrow and hopefully the induction on Wed.
I am 39 weeks now, yay!!

How is everyone? I need to go back and read everything I missed over the weekend:)

Can't believe the gel didn't work! baby obviously is quite happy at the mo lol. Good luck hope it happens soon for you x

Feeling ok here, really tired but zero labour symptoms yet x
Hey ladies, no baby yet:( After talking with the on call OB on Sat, I decided to wait and get the gel Tues monring. He thought my body would react better to the gel if I was over 39 weeks. Plus, I do not want to force my body to do something that it is not quite ready for. He said I would be a higher risk for csection and also after 39 weeks, the lungs in the baby should be 100%. So here I am still pregnant!! lol I spent the weekend relaxing alot.:) I have been assured they will not let me go over due. I have the get the gel tomorrow and hopefully the induction on Wed.
I am 39 weeks now, yay!!

How is everyone? I need to go back and read everything I missed over the weekend:)

Can't believe the gel didn't work! baby obviously is quite happy at the mo lol. Good luck hope it happens soon for you x

Feeling ok here, really tired but zero labour symptoms yet x

I know!! I was so thinking the gel would work for me on the first try! lol When I had it with my son, it put me into labor within 3hrs, but I was over 39 weeks then. I am hoping when I go in tomorrow the second attempt will be more successful:)

I am super tired too. I cannot wait to have my energy back:)
wanting - sorry your labor has not picked up yet. I really hope she decides to come soon for you:) Hang in there, I am sure it won't be much longer.

Brooke - glad to hear Dylan's jaundice is getting better. I hope he has gained weight and his appt goes well. Keep us posted.

Marlee - congrats on 38 weeks and good luck at your appt today:)
Mari~ I was thinking about you all weekend..lol I really hope that the gel works for you tomorrow!! I have totally gave up on going into labor on my own and I am now waiting for my apt on Friday so I can get a sweep and book my induction. I guess she is way too happy in there.
wanting - I really hope the gel works for me tomorrow too! I hope your doc will give you a sweep on Friday. I have a feeling that is all you will need to bring on your labor. I definitely think our babies are way to comfy inside!! lol
Well...my baby doesn't look like he has any plans of making an entrance any time soon lol. I'm not dilated AT ALL and I've been feeling way too good! I went after my appointment and got a mani and pedi I had gotten a gift card for 6 months ago and was just waiting for now to use. I was hoping the foot massage might help, but it just made me sleepy, so I took a good nap. Oh, and I enjoyed some ice cream haha. I've lost a pound and last week I didn't grow so this week I'm measuring 37cm. So hopefully baby won't be huge like my sisters! Now just more waiting...she did say at 40 weeks I can book an induction if I want, but they encourage I wait as long as possible to encourage spontaneous labor.
Mari, I've forgotten...what's the reason you are doing gel? instead of going natural? I hope it works for you tomorrow!!

Marlee, you still have time. LOL, maybe you'll start dilating and such this week. Glad you got a pedi/mini to make you feel good :)
Mari, I've forgotten...what's the reason you are doing gel? instead of going natural? I hope it works for you tomorrow!!

Marlee, you still have time. LOL, maybe you'll start dilating and such this week. Glad you got a pedi/mini to make you feel good :)

I had a very complicated birth with my dd. She had swallowed meconium and needed to be pulled out with forceps. When she was born, she did not respond right away. They respiratory team had to come in and help clear her air way. She also had to spend time in the special care nursery after. Not hearing her cry right away was so terrifying. She was also in quite a bit of shock. Her head was very large, I could not push her out on my own. She was also 9lb11oz. I had some bad hemorrhaging after she was born. The birth was very tough on me and I tore badly. My OB does not want me to go over due because there is a risk this can happen again, especially with larger babies. I was induced with my son by 40 weeks and his birth went alot better and he was still 9lb7oz! lol

I do hope the gel works tomorrow too:)

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