April Hatchlings <3 twenty12[8 babies!!]

wantingbbbump - glad to hear you and your little girl are doing so well!! Can't believe our baby girls are here. I remember that you were on the TTC forums at the same time I was :) Seems like yesterday and at the same time like ages ago.

Congrats on all the new babies. Can't wait to see pics!

Tilly - fingers crossed that your LO is here soon!

Marlee - I hear you on the exhaustion. It took me 3 hours to get ready for the newborn picks! Between feeding and changing her, finding time for both me and my hubby to shower, plus doing my hair and make-up. After I was ready the photographer called me to see if I wanted to reschedule because it was really dark and cloudy out and I was like there is no way I am doing this again tomorrow :)
DJF~ I know right!! It really feels like it went so fast. I can't believe they are here either. I can remember ttc like it was yesterday, every moment of excitement and worry. Now here I sit with my daughter and I really feel like it all went by too fast. I love that I have her in my arms but I feel like I missed out on being pregnant in a way. I think I am having issues with my hormones today because I am very weepy and kind of sad but happy at the same time. Maybe a bit of the baby blues? Lot's of highs and lows today. Oh and Airy feels the need to nurse every 15mins for 30+ mins and it makes me worry that I am not making enough milk for her. She nursed for a hour a bit ago, maybe I should pump to see how much milk I have but I am worried about the time it will take for my breasts to feel back up. Gosh all this worry can't be good on my hormones..lol
DJF~ I know right!! It really feels like it went so fast. I can't believe they are here either. I can remember ttc like it was yesterday, every moment of excitement and worry. Now here I sit with my daughter and I really feel like it all went by too fast. I love that I have her in my arms but I feel like I missed out on being pregnant in a way. I think I am having issues with my hormones today because I am very weepy and kind of sad but happy at the same time. Maybe a bit of the baby blues? Lot's of highs and lows today. Oh and Airy feels the need to nurse every 15mins for 30+ mins and it makes me worry that I am not making enough milk for her. She nursed for a hour a bit ago, maybe I should pump to see how much milk I have but I am worried about the time it will take for my breasts to feel back up. Gosh all this worry can't be good on my hormones..lol

aw try not to worry, Im sure everything is fin! everything i have read has said that you cant judge how much milk you produce by what you pump because baby can get more milk then a pump can! My baby has wanted to nurse CONSTANTLY every evening for the past three days now. He also has only woke up once in the middle of the night these past three nights so thats a plus but it really is frusterated to have him attached to me from 6pm-9pm it seems like!
Congratulations on all the new babies!!!!

Tilly87 - I am sure you LO will be here before you know it! I know what it is like to go overdue. I was 8 days late with my dd. Hopefully your sweep will work next week:) Sending lots of positive labor signs your way!! :)

Wanting - that is great airyonna is back up to 7lbs:) I have had issues with my hormones and emotions the last couple of weeks. My doctor said it can be normal to have ups and downs for the first 3 weeks. If it lasts longer, then it might be PPD. All our hormones are going down so quickly and our boied just need time to adjust. I feel alot better the last couple of days, so I am pretty sure it was just my hormones. Don't worry about your milk too much, I am sure she is just cluster feeding. Does she fuss when she is feeding or content?

Landon had his 2 weeks check up on Thurs and he is 8lb4oz already!! He is almost 1lb up from his bith weight, 7lb6oz:) He is sleeping in 3hr stretches at night, sometimes 5!! Last night was rough though, he bascially wanted to feed for 2hrs straight and was up alot. I hear you ladies on the exhaustion, and am really tired all the time. Having 3 kids under 4 is tough, but we are adjustiing well. My hubby has been off the last 2 weeks, so that has been great. He goes back to work on Mon, and then the real fun begins for me! lol
Hi girls, just too let you know that i had my baby girl last week, 5th April, by C-section due to her being breech! She weighed 7lbs 1 ounce and is totally gorgeous, we have named her Poppy Anne! xx

Beautiful name....congratulations :)
046.jpgHi ladies, just updating to say i had my baby boy on sunday 15th, I was in labour for 4hrs and only had gas & air, he weighed 7lb9oz x
Congrats Tilly! See, you didn't have long to wait :)

Mari - I thought I for sure had PPD b/c the first week I was sooo emotional. I cried over every thing. Literally. But I'm back to myself now. I def think the lack of food and sleep added to the crazy hormones!
I had my baby boy Kit on April 11th at 39+ 6. He was 8lb 9oz. 3 hour labour, no pain relief.
Congrats Tilly! See, you didn't have long to wait :)

Mari - I thought I for sure had PPD b/c the first week I was sooo emotional. I cried over every thing. Literally. But I'm back to myself now. I def think the lack of food and sleep added to the crazy hormones!

I am doing alot better this week, so I am pretty sure it is not PPD either:) I remember with each of my kids of was pretty emotional the first couple of weeks, then it went away. Yes, lack of food and sleep will definitely make hormones go crazy!! Glad to hear you are feeling better:)
Hi Ladies,

Congrats to everyone who has had their babies. They are all so cute!

My Isaiah was born on March 29th (I can't remember if I told you all or not! LOL) via C-section, as I had a placental abruption. Isaiah has spent 12 days in the NICU. But we are finally home (the hospital was 3 hrs away, so I lived down there near him) and Isaiah is doing well. He was basically just low birth weight and needed a chance to do some growing.
congrats Dorian! so glad he is doing better! I also had a section (emergency) due to prolapsed cord. very scary!!
Hi Ladies,

Congrats to everyone who has had their babies. They are all so cute!

My Isaiah was born on March 29th (I can't remember if I told you all or not! LOL) via C-section, as I had a placental abruption. Isaiah has spent 12 days in the NICU. But we are finally home (the hospital was 3 hrs away, so I lived down there near him) and Isaiah is doing well. He was basically just low birth weight and needed a chance to do some growing.

Fantastic news! Must have been hard not being home, glad all turned out well.

I am so lucky, Niyah has fitted in so well and our the girls adore her..no jealousy so far. I am a little teary yesterday and today but I got that with the others for a couple of days too and it soon passed. Didn't help when hubby picked me up from shops and he assumed I had car seat on the buggy when I'd put carrycot on, so he had to go back home top get it and was really annoyed with me.......I burst into tears, felt so useless and was inconsolable. My mum was with me as she is visiting and wanted to have words with him for being so insensitive and I knew it would just cause trouble if she did so stopped her but felt stuck in the middle. To be fair to him, he had just finished nights and was very tired, and was much nicer when he came back for us. Felt a little sad though that for the fourth time he didn't get me flowers our anything, even though I dropped big hints before she was born...but that's just men hey! He's finally got time off to enjoy our new daughter, 14 days which is great :) . How's everyone else doing...any blues? X
Pink - I def had the blues but feel much better every day! I still sob every time I talk to my mom just because I miss her dearly and wish she were here to experience my first child with me. She's 16 hrs away so it's just impossible. My dad, sisters and in-laws haven't even seen the baby. Only my mom. It makes me sad more people haven't made an effort to see us, especially with what we went through to get to this point!
Congratulations on all the new additions!!

I haven't experienced too many blues - but I can tell when I am really exhausted because I cry pretty easily. I am definitely looking forward to when she starts sleeping through the night!

Hope everyone is well :)
No blues here either, just frustration over bfing...or rather not bfing. LOL. I am tired of pumping.

Marlee, I'm sorry your family is behaving that way. Try to just enjoy your baby and remember that it is their loss! I do know how hard it is though :hugs:

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