April Hatchlings <3 twenty12[8 babies!!]

Why am I thinking that a 5th child might be an idea, perhaps I'm just addicted to babies or feeling sad that this lovely stage didn't last long. Feels strange to think of never feeling my baby move inside me again...it's such an amazing feeling, and my children are all so amazing it makes me want another! I daren't even suggest it to hubby.....I did say that I didn't want him to jump in and get 'the op' straight away and he was not impressed! :-\ I've been so blessed with my 4 healthy, beautiful, clever girls.....maybe it is time to just count my lucky stars and stick with 4! Hmmm.....
T+8 today for me! Had a sweep yesterday but no luck. Feeling a bit crampy off and on today, but no symptoms really. Another sweep on the cards for tomorrow and induction on Saturday if no movement by then. She was forecast to be 8lb 5 at term, so is probably closer to 9lb now - Good job I didn't get any tiny baby clothes! Come on little girl!
No more babies yet?
My little Niyah is doing great, still not back at birth weight after losing 10oz, down to 6lb 3oz...but heading the right way and now 6lb 8oz. Loving her mummy milk just like tyre others did so I'm happy :)
Hi ladies how is everyone doing vinnie is fab he's nearly 8weeks actual but 4 adjusted and is 10lb 5oz he been gaining an average if 10oz a week!!!! I'm considering no4 but dh says no!! I've got the implant fitted 2 weeks ago so it won't be for a whole maybe when vinnie is 3/4 c
Hey everyone! Sorry I have not posted in a while, life with 3 kids is definitely busy! Landing had his 1 month checkup yesterday and is 10lb3oz already:) He loves to eat!!!! Lol
He is also smiling now and it is so cute:)

How is everyone else doing with their babies?
We are doing pretty good here. Isaiah was 6lbs 2oz last week, so he is doing well. It seems hes been doing nothing but eat the past few days. Very tiring!!
Drake has finally reached term and had his 2 month vaccination appointment yesterday. He's now 7lbs, 14oz and 19.75 inches long! His doctor was really pleased with his progress. Up tonight with him though because he's got some yucky vacc reaction stuff going.

Congratulations to all the ladies who have had their April babies! :)
Hi ladies!

Parker is almost 8 weeks old and all he still sleeps ALL day. He is a great sleeper at night too and I know I shouldnt complain but I really am looking forward to my baby being awake more!!!

His day typically goes like this: bed around 9:30pm and wakes up around 3:30 to eat then back to sleep and up around 6 to eat then back to sleep and up around 9 to eat and then back to sleep until 1ish and eats and awake for an hour or two and then back to sleep and wakes up around 5 to eat and then he is awake for a few hours and then eats and goes to sleep around 9:30 again.... So he is really only awake for a few hours in the afternoon and then a few more in the evening. CRAZY! But I have been getting A LOT done around the house and been able to run lots of errands which is nice :)

Hope everyones doing well! Now that it is May, who here is still prego?
Hey everyone, I hope that you all are doing great and so are the babies.

Airy is doing good. She had a bit of a cold thanks to her 2nd older sister. That was a challenge because all 5 of my kids were sick at the same time. Airy is gaining weight and at 3 wks she was 9lbs. She has been gaining a pound a week. She is my little chunky monkey. She has outgrown almost all of her newborn clothes and is in 0-3mo now and size 1 diapers. I am having to use store bought because I am waiting for the diaper service to bring out the smaller size because the other ones are just way too big and she can't lay on her back or put her legs together so she gets really mad. The kids and I have been staying with my parents waiting for my house to be ready for us to move in and that's ruff. She has cats and one of them pee'd in her baby bath so now I have to go and buy a new one, my mom said that she could wash it with bleach but that's just not good enough for me. I am also not liking the fact that I have to pick cat hair off of the baby and my boobs. They have even run over the top of us and that made Airy cry. I don't know how much longer I can take being there. I get so mad when I see hair in my daughters mouth or eyes. But the good things are that Airy only wakes up 1 time a night at about 3:30am. She goes down at about 9pm then sleeps until 3:30am back out until 6:30am (because I have to get up with my oldest so it wakes up the baby) back down after a diaper change and a feed then is out until in between 9 & 9:30 and is awake until about 1:30pm takes a 2 1/2 to 3 hour nap and then is back up until she goes to bed with a 10 min nap here and there. She is starting to roll over more and more, is now giving out smiles and loves to look around. I am betting that she is going to love the outdoors because she loves being outside or looking out the window. She doesn't like being in her car seat very much but I don't really think babies really like them anyways. As for having a 6th I would love to have another but I really think it will be best if she is my last because I am going back to school so I can get a good job and take care of 5 kids the way I want to. I am a makeup artist now and I make pretty good money but not enough to buy a house big enough for me and 5 kids. I want to give my kids a great life and so being a single mom I just have to think of how I can do that and that means going back to school and getting a office job with medical and the works. I also want to show my daughters that they don't need a man to take care of them, so I am thinking no more for me but I am not getting my tubes tied. I am thinking No man to have sex with no baby so what's the point? Well Airy was made at home with donor sperm so I guess if I stay away from that too then there will be no baby. I do have to say her bio dad is so great with her and has added his name to her B/C so she now has a legal daddy. My Ex didn't want to put his name down so really it's for the best. Anyways this is getting long so I will stop.
so good to hear from all of you ladies! Seems like my son is the party animal of the group - he's 4.5 weeks and still wakes up and wants to "party" at random times. He's just now started sleeping more at night, but not as well as I'm reading with your little ones! His longest stretch of sleep is 3 hours and I get so excited! Then he wants to eat every 1-2 hours after that...I've had to start supplementing with formula because I'm not able to feed him enough since he's eating all the time. I am pumping exclusively so I can actually see how much he's eating and it's a lot! His DR was sick yesterday so his 1 month appt got moved to next week. Interested to see how much he's gained!
Marlee, Isaiah is awake more than asleep too. And he likes to eat every 1-2 hrs also. But he has a hernia :( so I think a lot of that is comfort sucking.
Glad to hear everyone is doing well. Can't believe my little boy will be 3wks already tomorrow!!!! He has some ointment for his eye at the moment because he has a blocked tearduct and he is suffering with the snuffles, but he is such a happy content baby. He gets fed around 10.30pm at night and then wakes up in the early hrs and then again about 6.30am which is ideal for getting my girls up and ready for school! Hope everyone is doing ok and have now all had your babies x
Aira will be 8 weeks tomorrow and is doing great!!

missangie - I am the opposite of you. I wish she would sleep more :) She sleeps great at night. The first time she goes down she usually sleeps 6-7 hours and once slept 8.5 hours. Then she eats and will sleep 3.5-5 hours and then may eat again and sleep a bit more but after that she is up for most of the day. She usually takes 3-4 very short cat naps. When she is awake she wants to be held and have you walking around so can make for a long day.

I am a first time mom and I have to say I love it :)

Glad to hear everyone is doing well.
glad to hear you're all doing well. Ruby will be 7 weeks on tuesday and is just perfect!
missangie - I do put her in a carrier during the day and it is definitely the best way to get her to sleep. She used to sleep for 1-2 hours in it but lately has only been sleeping about 30 minutes. She also likes to be walked around in it when she is awake. It's definitely helped me get things done during the day with my hands free! Makes for some awkward moments trying to go to the bathroom with her in it when she does sleep long :) How is Parker?
Parker is doing great, he is 8 weeks today and he smiled for the first time yesterday (well he has been smiling in his sleep from day one and giving tiny little half smiles but we finally got a big wide-eyed grin!) My hubby even grabbed the camera and got some great pictures! I love being a mom!!
Parker is doing great, he is 8 weeks today and he smiled for the first time yesterday (well he has been smiling in his sleep from day one and giving tiny little half smiles but we finally got a big wide-eyed grin!) My hubby even grabbed the camera and got some great pictures! I love being a mom!!

Aww that's first one of the group I've heard of smiling...you should post a pic, that's lovely.
Hey everyone, I can't believe that it's almost been 6 wks sense Airy has been born. I have to say that she is a great baby!! She really never cry's unless she is wet or is hungry and I'm taking too long to pull out a boob. She eats a lot like all I do all day is feed her and pump out milk too store in the freezer. She loves to take baths with me and it's fun to watch the way she moves around while in the water, it's like I get to see how she was moving while inside of me. I put her in the water and she starts going crazy with her movements. She now wants a bath (playtime in the tub) every night before bed. I went and bought her a play mat that she is loving and will play for 15-20 mins at a time. She is rolling over and loves to smile. She has started laughing in her sleep and it's the sweetest sound to hear. I can't wait for her to laugh while awake but it's nice to know that she is so happy. I took a pic of us today, I will post it tomorrow for all of you!

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